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The OCTOBER meeting will be at the home of: (SUN, 6 OCT 1985)

Paul Genteman 535 S. Alexandria, #325 Los Angeles, CA


From the Santa Monica Freeway (Interstate 10), exit at Vermont Avenue, and go north to 6th St. From the Hollywood Freeway (US 101), exit at Vermont Avenue, and go south to 6th St. Go west on 6th 4 blocks to Alexandria, and turn right. 535 is the first apartment building on the west side of the street. Ring #325 and someone will come down to let you in. ----------------------------------------------------------------------The NOVEMBER meeting will be at the home of: (SUN, 3 NOV 1985)


Maureen Genteman 524 Raymond Avenue, #12 Santa Monica, CA

Take the Santa Monica Freeway (Interstate 10) to Santa Monica and get off at the 4th Street exit. Turn south (left) on 4th. Go south on 4th to Ocean Park Ave. (4-way flashing stop). Go left on Ocean Park, down ramp to stop and up to 6th St. on Ocean Park. Turn right on 6th. Raymond is the second street. Turn right on Raymond. 524 is on the left. #12 is on the second floor.

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