Fiorenza Tarot Booklet

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the Renaissance his focus was as leader yet he breathed much of his artistic soul into and through his chosen prodigies - except for his own poetry. With each work of a Renaissance artist we also see a bit of Lorenzo’s soul. After completing the Medici Tarot®, Londa found a need to keep building tarot cards and related products based upon what she was deriving from her studies and findings of Florence, Italy. Thus, the Fiorenza Tarot® was an appealing additional tribute. Artist Fabio Borbottoni Scenes from life or a desired life, can be found on tarot cards. As well they generally contain encrypted messages and directions all sent through the supranatural. Artists are influenced by many things during their life. These influences can be called: a muse. Florence, Italy is Londa Marks’ muse as it was Fabio Borbottoni’s. All art work, designs, writing and product development that she does is deeply embedded with bits of Florence’s soul and her love for its magickal world of art. Fabio Borbottoni lived from 1820-1902. He was an accountant for the railway and part time painter in Florence, Italy. Scene excerpts from his paintings are shown in the Fiorenza Tarot® deck and were painted by Fabio before Florence was changed and prepared for its brief position as the capital of the Kingdom of Italy in 1865. Florence still held much of its medieval feel and look when

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