Sea animals let's know about them

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Research on sea animals and how they are affected by pollution

School N. 1 D. 21 Concejal Salvatori

Buenos Aires Argentina

DOLPHINS by Daniel, Angel and Lautaro HABITAT: Dolphins live in all oceans except the cold waters of the poles. Also inhabit the seas and gulfs of California and Mexico. FOOD: Dolphins are mammals, ie in their first months of life are fed only breast milk, rich in protein and fat. Once they leave breast milk, dolphins eat a variety of fish found in the seas and oceans they inhabit. Dolphins also eat significant amounts of squid and crustaceans like the prawns- those who can crush them with protection jaws. POPULATION: There are 222.900 HOW THEY REPRODUCE: the male begins a courtship ritual in order to win the female to mate and thus safeguard the species. Courtship techniques depend on the dolphin species. Some use a very gallant technique in which males "sing" love poems to woo the female. Once he gets a positive response from the female, the coupling phase between the two members begins. These matings are carried out at certain times of the year depending on the habitat of living species. Those in colder areas limit to the time of the spring while species living in areas of warm or temperate waters are played throughout the year.


Dolphin populations throughout the world face significant threats because of both chemical pollution and marine debris. Toxins that reach the ocean from industrial waste, sewage, marine accidents and spills, poison dolphins directly and indirectly, causing damage to their immune and reproductive systems and destroying marine habitats that provide food. These chemicals, called Persistent Organic Pollutants ( POPs), are resistant to environmental decay and can take years to degrade safely

SEA TURTLES by LucĂ­a, Lourdes, Gaby and RocĂ­o

Freshwater turtles are carnivorous and omnivorous, feeding on sponges, mollusks, crustaceans, algae, seaweed, fish and coral that gives them calcium to strengthen the shell. The

most carnivorous eat octopus or small vertebrates like jellyfish.

Reproduction of sea turtles Every year, the sea turtle gather in certain places of the ocean to mate. Shortly after, females leave the sea turtles on the beaches where they dig their nests and lay their eggs. It is believed that females of some species nest on the same beaches where they were born. After leaving the water, female sea turtle crawls up the beach to find a suitable place to spawn. (If they are disturbed by light or noise on the beach, the females of most species will return to the water without having put their eggs.) Once the female has found a suitable place to nest, dig with their fins a hole the size of their body. Then, with the rear wings, makes a deeper and shaped elongated hole vessel; will carefully remove the sand with their fins and

Marine birds By Fernanda, Jhessica, Karez Cruz and Micaela How pollution affects marine birds Plastics at sea: plastic pollution is a well-known threat -but not very studied- in ocean ecosystems worldwide. Accidental ingestion of plastics is a global problem affecting species as different latitudes as the Laysan albatrosses (Laysan Albatross), in the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean.

All pollutants which are not destroyed on the ground eventually reach the sea over time. Although the levels of control of the manufacture and transport of plastics on an industrial scale have improved, a greater control of the discharge of plastics should be established and also no toleration of ships throwing garbage into the sea should be applied.

Penguins suffer at the hands of humans because they are hunted indiscriminately. They are also caught in large fishing nets. Penguins do not care cold since they have several layers of fat in their bodies that protect them from this. However overheat, due to global warming has become a major concern, for they often have to spread their wings so as to be cooler or also spend more time in the water when it's too hot for them ashore. There are many types of penguins around the world, some of them are around extinction, while others are considered very vulnerable species at present. Few seem to survive because they are able to constantly adapt to the environment as they need it. When we allow the destruction of their natural habitat, we are making survival of these magnificent birds harder, this includes water pollution where penguins swim and hunt for food when chemicals, petroleum, and even garbage is found in its waters, penguins often die because of this.

Humboldt Penguin This is an average sized penguin with an adult weight of no more than 13 pounds. When mature a black band will develop in the chest.

Macaroni penguin You will be able to distinguish the macaroni penguins from other species due to the colors of the feathers on the top of their heads, yellow and black, and very intense colors.

The Puffin

The Atlantic puffin has a black crown and back, pale gray cheeks and white "pants". It is wide, with a red and black beak visibly marked and orange legs that contrast with their plumage. It is the only native Atlantic Puffin; two related species, the Tufted Puffin and Horned Puffin, are located in the northwest diving into water using their wings for propulsion.

Frailecillos del Noreste del PacĂ­fico (Northwest Pacific Puffin)

Sea Gulls Adult gulls have the head, neck, tail and lower body of a pure white, while the back and the back of the wings are pale gray, which gives the Spanish name herring gull . In Catalunya is known as "Gavia argentat", "gavotte" in Galicia or "kaio" in Euskadi. In English it is known as "herring gull".

Habitat Gulls are typically coastal marine species and coastal lakes and lagoons, and fly great distances.

Feeding Gulls feed of everything edible minimally any kind of marine animals, plants, insects, carrion, small birds (at attacking in flight), bird eggs (both from other species as their own), chickens, rats, etc. If their prey is still alive, they usually catch them with the pick and drop them from the top until they die. It is often possible to see the gulls in inland towns, distant from the coast, where they arrived following the course of rivers. Their varied diet has shifted coastal populations to areas where they had never seen before. These new tenants alter and even eradicate local populations of birds that rarely compete with a bird of this greed. The widespread global presence of POPs is discussed in terms of


Coral Reefs Habitat: Coral reefs are usually found in clear tropical oceans. A coral reef is an underwater structure made from calcium carbonate secreted by corals. It is a type of biotic reef formed by colonies of stony corals, which generally live in marine waters that contain few nutrients. Stony corals are marine animals that consist of polyps, grouped in various ways depending on the species, and that look like sea anemones, with which they are related.

How they reproduce: Reproduce asexually by budding, producing new polyps allowing the growth of the colony. In sexual reproduction most corals release gametes (eggs and sperm) in the water therefore fertilization is external. In other cases the egg is kept within the gatrovascular cavity where they are fertilized by sperm. Several days after fertilization, a larva known as the planula is formed. This is dispersed by the currents, and then looked at the ocean floor, forming a colony through asexual reproduction.

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