revista 2004 05

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Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de la Cruz


ntérate !

“Un hombre vale por tantos hombres cuantos idiomas posee” Goethe

Nº 7

Curso 2004/2005

Índice Editorial : El Principito …………………………………………………………………..


Artículos: My experience learning English / How to do a speech …………………..


Artículos: Women’s Day / Men and women …………………………………………..


Artículos: Starvation in Argentina / The United States strategy …………………….


Artículos: Hunting as a sport / What makes a successful film ……………………..


Artículos: Choose the chains………. …………………………………………………..


Ciudades: A little of Venice / Sydney ………………..………………………………...


Ciudades: My home town (Porto Alegre) ……...…………………………..………...


Celebraciones: The third of May in Los Realejos …... ……………………………..


Historia en la calle: A. de Bethencourt / The Cid / Francisco Afonso Carrillo…….


Historia en la calle: Princesa Dácil / Juan Bautista…/ I. Luz Carpenter…….…….


Historia en la calle: Los Menceyes Guanches / The carpet maker ………………..


Historia en la calle: Sor María de Jesús / Don Quijote ……………………………..


Cine: The sea inside / Finding Neverland …………………………...………………...


Literatura: Memories of my sad whores / Das ist für meine sohn ………………….


Humor: What makes 100? / Ein Gespräch ………………...……..…………………..


Humor: Initialisms / Innacurate words / Notices / Signs ……………………………...


Humor: The rules of good writing / Strange translations ……………………………..


Horóscopos: Chinese Horoscopes………………….………………………………….


Recetas: Californian Vim and Vit salad / Tabbouleh…………...……………………..


Jornadas: X Jornadas Culturales de la EOI Puerto de la Cruz ……………………..


· Profesores colaboradores:

Hans Draws Elena Espinosa Alejandro Gárate Alberto Hernández Bibiana Hernández Carmen Melián

·Redacción y diseño:

Carmen Melián

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz




rase una vez una joven EOI de tan sólo 10 añitos. Esta EOI vivía en un minúsculo planeta con sus dos idiomas, sus siete profesores, su sonriente administrativa y sus amplias instalaciones de 4 m2. Asistía, tranquila y alegre, al paso del tiempo viendo pasar a generaciones de alumnos. Éstos, año tras año, le dedicaban nueve meses de su vida, que una vez transcurridos, como un feliz embarazo, daban a luz sabiduría. La EOI se preguntaba si todas las EEOOII vivirían en planetas como el suyo, que se podían barrer en un par de minutos y desde los que se no podían contemplar las puestas de sol ya que en las secretarías no había ventanas. Así que, un día, decidió darse una vuelta por los alrededores de su galaxia y ver cómo le iba a las demás. Primero llegó al planeta de la burocracia. Allí había una ventanilla con un señor de aspecto gris y cansino que no paraba de sellar papeles quitándolos de una pila para, tras estamparles sonora y decididamente un notable sello, amontonarlos en otra igual. - “Vengo a pedir más espacio”, dijo con voz queda y asustadiza la EOI. - “Rellene un modelo 700, adjúntele tres impresos estadísticos y complételo con una certificación de matrícula”. Respondió sin tan siquiera elevar la vista. - “Pero…yo sólo quería un poco más de espacio para mis pequeños idiomas, mis siete profesores, mi administrativa y mis alumnos”, protestó casi resignadamente la joven EOI. - “Lo siento, el procedimiento es el procedimiento: Ud. Lo solicita, yo lo registro, lo envío al departamento de espacios, ellos elaboran un informe, el informe se envía a las altas instancias y después…”, recitó el burócrata de memoria.


- “…y después que?”, inquirió la asombrada EOI. - “Quien sabe. Igual después de un par de años le solicitan que repita el procedimiento”, dijo. - “¡Ah!”, exclamó la confusa EOI, y viendo que allí no conseguiría nada alzó lentamente el vuelo hacia otro planeta. Llegó así a un mediano cuerpo celeste en el que había un estrado y encima de él un político. - “¿Vienes a votarme o solo a oír mi discurso?” le dijo a modo de bienvenida. - “Pues…yo quería un poco de espacio”, empezó argumentando la joven EOI. - “¿Así que espacio? Bien, parece una buena promesa electoral. Comencemos …. A ver…¡sí, ya lo tengo!: “Ciudadanos y ciudadanas de este planeta: me propongo lograr más espacio para esta joven EOI, para sus alumn@s, sus idiomas, sus profesores, para los niños, la paz mundial, el pacto de Kyoto y para esta nuestra gloriosa comunidad”, dijo con ademán severo, voz decidida y dedo en alto para infundir mayor credibilidad. - “Me parece muy bien, pero yo sólo quiero un poco de espacio, y además creo que yo no voto en este planeta”. Respondió algo turbada la joven EOI. - “¿Cómo que no votas aquí? ¿Y por qué me haces perder el tiempo? Anda, vete a buscar tu espacio que éste es todo mío y solo caben mis votantes.” Con los ánimos algo decaídos, la joven EOI remontó el vuelo y se proyectó en la materia interestelar hasta aterrizar en otro planetoide. Pensaba para si misma que este era el último cuerpo celeste que visitaba. Así que miró alrededor y gritó: - “¿Hay alguien ahí?” - “Hola, Ameba información gratuita le informa de que en este momento el terminal solicitado no se encuentra disponible. Pruebe a dejar su mensaje tras oír la señal. Gracias.¡¡BEEEEEP!!”. - “Bueno, verá, yo es que quería un poco más de espacio…”, comenzó diciendo la joven EOI. - “Por saturación de la línea le rogamos pruebe a marcar dentro de 10 minutos. Gracias”, le interrumpió la voz. - “Vale, siento molestar. Si eso ya 1

Curso 2004/2005 vengo otro día”. - “Para más información marque el número 11811, o el 1, y uno de nuestros comerciales le atenderá en unos instantes. Gracias”. - “De nada”, dijo secamente la joven EOI, “Ya me voy”. - “Salida del vuelo Winter Canarias 147 con destino incierto. Pasajeros por favor embarquen por la puerta número 3.” Comunicó la voz a modo de despedida. Harta, cansada de respuestas absurdas, huecas e imprecisas, voló y voló y a su pequeño planeta llegó. Y cuando lo hizo descubrió que sus pequeñas instalaciones de 4 m2 habían sufrido una transformación. En la pared del fondo, aquella a la que había mirado tantas veces con la vista perdida en el infinito, en paisajes soñados de universos con planetas de maravillosas puestas de sol, en aquella pared había una ventana. Amplia, luminosa, sin complejos, a través de la que poder ver el amanecer, las puestas de sol, las nubes, la lluvia, oír las campanas de la cercana iglesia y el primaveral piar de los pájaros. Miró, extasiada, aquella puerta al mundo y con los ojos húmedos y a la vez brillantes exclamo: “Hágase la luz”. Moraleja: el espacio no se define como el área tridimensional acotada por cuatro paredes, sino como la imaginación y las ganas de trabajar de un grupo de personas que creen en lo que hacen y que lo hacen para los que creen en ellos.

J. Alberto Hernández Pérez Director de la EOI Puerto de la Cruz

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2004/2005

The first time I went to my English lessons, I thought that all the people knew the same as me: nothing! That was my first mistake. The second was to consider that my classmates were as old as me. Everybody had studied for many years at school, and poor me I hadn´t! Since I was 6 years old, I studied in a French school, so my second language was French. The first weeks I wanted to flee, but my teacher, a very patient one, convinced me and then I wanted to continue and eventually I finished and passed my first course in the English School of Languages. This year, I am in my second course and I also have a great teacher. She is a little demanding but it is normal, I am in the second year! She has made me use the dictionary even more. I have understood that it is very important, and now, I have "a lot" of vocabulary. Now, I don't insert French words in my writing any more because, the first times I did my previous teacher laughed at me when he was marking my writings. At the present time, I think that it is possible to study any other language if the teachers are professional and if they help the students, but it's necessary to study a lot and also the help of your classmates. I hope if I continue making progress next year I will be in my third course at the English School of Languages of Puerto de la Cruz.



Conchi Ferreira (2ºA)

HOW TO DO A SPEECH Preparing a speech is very difficult, but not more than doing the speech. First you have to prepare it; you must think about an interesting topic that might be funny or entertaining for the people who are going to listen to it. One day, you decide to chose one, but then you change your mind. You have thought about thousands of topics and none of them sounds interesting or funny. When finally you decide to choose the best topic, you have another problem: what to say about it! You think what kind of things you can say, but, as with the topics, all of them are disastrous. You ask your family and friends about the subject and they give you their opinions and some things that can be used. In that moment you are calm but starting to get nervous, because you don’t know how to start the speech. Then, the days pass and you think all the time about the same thing, and at last one friend or relative helps you with the speech and you write a text with their ideas. You are very happy because you are really sure that it can be very good. So you decide to tell the teacher that you are ready to do it and the teacher gives you the date. Now, happily, you start preparing the speech. Every day until this important event, you read the text you have written and when you are alone in your room you say and explain your speech for yourself and you get nervous because sometimes you do it very well and other times you do it quite badly and you argue with yourself. Another thing you probably do to learn the speech is going to the bathroom, stand in front of the mirror, and practise the speech with the mirror. In this action, you feel very embarrassed because you are watching your face and the movements you do with it, and you smile and laugh at yourself. Or maybe you say to your family: “COME TO THE LIVING ROOM AND SIT ON THE SOFA!” and you recite the speech to your family and you make a fool of yourself among known people.

Sooner or later, the most interesting day of your life arrives and you have to do the speech inevitably. You eat your lunch and do some exercises of yoga to relax your body and your mind, drink a “tila” or take some pills of “valeriana” to calm down before going to school, but you keep getting nervous and terrified. Finally, in the middle of the class, the teacher asks you: “ARE YOU READY? COME ON! DO IT! You are with a lot of tension although you’ve taken some “valerianas”. You get up from your chair and think: “OK, THE MOMENT HAS COME!” And you wait for something to happen, like an earthquake, a big fire or a storm, but nothing happens and you have to start the speech. Probably you start speaking neither slow nor loud and somebody or the teacher asks you if you could speak more slowly and louder and you get more nervous. Then, when you are talking and you are sure of yourself, you can forget some important words and your mind gets blank and you don’t know how to go on, but the teacher and the rest of the class know what happens and help you to go on, because they are good classmates. You haven’t finished yet and you continue speaking but the bell rings and you have to stop again. The minutes are too long. Maybe, if you use a machine, like a computer or OHP, probably it won’t work and you won’t be able to use it, it’s always a big trouble. Finally, all good things finish, and this one too. So you finish speaking and when you are going to get back to your seat, somebody asks you a question. You feel your face blushing and your hands trembling and you have no idea what to answer, and you think: “OH, MY GOD!”. But later you answer and get back to your seat while the classmates applaud you. And you are surprised, because you have only spent ten minutes talking and you feel it has taken you more than an hour. You feel better but you are sweating like Camacho after a football match. But what is really important in this moment, is that you have succeeded: you have done the speech! Mario González (4º B) 2

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz



Curso 2004/2005


Many women always do the same. They meet the same friends in the same places. This is usually the case when they are mothers and housewives and all their lives are around their children, their husbands and homes. When they run into their friends opposite the school they talk and talk about the same dirty trousers, the meal that they have to cook, the people that they were watching on TV the night before and other things. Several of them are young mothers. However, they are old women doing monotonous routines. Every day they go to the school with their children wearing very different clothes to those they wore when they tried to seduce their husbands and were in live with them. Today, they don’t think as they did a long time ago. Dreams, plans, ideas for the future… Where did they go? Sometimes you can see one of them wearing a pretty dress. She wants to invite her friends for a coffee while her children are at school. ‘What’s the matter?’, her best friend asks. ‘Oh, nothing much. It’s our wedding anniversary’. In the meantime, he was driving when the view took his breath away. ‘She is a cracker’. ‘She is the best thing after a sliced bread. I wonder how I can get her love’. Then, he stopped the car and went to the woman who was laughing. Suddenly, his face changed and shouted: ‘I can’t stand it! It’s a bit over the top! I’m working and you are wearing flashy clothes! ‘What have I done?’ she said.


Why men don´t share the housework? Well, personally I think the differences between men and women are mainly the result of traditional social conditionings; in other words, the way we have been brought up. In fact, for some decades , the roles of the sexes were clearly defined: the man was the “breadwinner”, while the woman had to do the housework and bring up the children. To be precise, women were supposed to be feminine and they were educated to be good wives as well as good mothers. Consequently, a woman who didn´t get married was considered as a “poor person” because she depended on his father instead of on his husband. But neither the single woman nor the married one were independent financially. For instance, in Spain until 1975 when a woman wanted to sign a contract she needed her husband´s permission. At any rate, in the Arabic world women´s situation has always been much worse. On the other hand, according to recent scientific research men´s and women´s brains work completely differently, and their biological differences mean that they can never think or behave in the same way. For example, in a crisis women usually want to discuss the situation expressing what they feel (it´s due to the fact that the two sides of a woman´s brain are better connected), while men don´t normally like discussing their problems or asking for advice. However, it has been proved that men have great spatial skills (e.g. in prehistoric times men hunted for food, so they needed to be able to find and kill animals and then find their way home again). Finally, another factor to take into account is that women considered themselves inferior to men. It was absolutely necessary a feminist movement in the 1960s which campaigned for equal rights and opportunities at work for women. I must recognize that according to the law we almost have the same rights at the moment, but the real situation is very different, and doing the same job doesn´t mean earning the same salary. Moreover, when a woman finishes work and gets home she can´t rest for a long time. She must do the housework. Fortunately, nowadays things are changing and there are some “new men” who do their share of the housework and children care, but despite improvements we still live in a macho society where sexism is very common. In conclusion, we can´t change history, but we won´t be so far from archieving equality if we educate our children not discriminating between boys and girls, and in this way they will be able to live in a much better world where talking about “men and women” won´t be necessary.

The night before was the last time that they had slept together. Antonio Javier González Pérez (3º A)

ción García


ConcepRodríguez (4ºA)

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2004/2005

After the economic crisis that hit this South American country, nine million children live in absolute poverty. The news freeze the heart. It’s a puzzling situation, because Argentina is the 3rd exporting country of cereals in the world. In other words, Argentina produces food that satisfies the needs of 300 million people, but has children who are dying of starvation. It’s a reality that is getting worse: eleven thousand children die every year due to malnutrition of illness associated to starvation. In Argentina starvation happens every day. The economic crisis has left this South American nation adrift, without hope for the future. In the 70s only 5% of the population lived below the poverty threshold. After the military dictatorship of 19761983, poverty increased to 12%. From 1998, after the neo-liberal government sold all the public industries and some corrupt people made multimillionaire profits, the percentage went over 30%. Now the estimation is that 51% of the population is poor – they are really poor people who look into the rubbish for something to eat. There are 260.000 children in Argentina who suffer from malnutrition. A great part of the problem is due to the enormous corruption of the political class and public administration. There are many people who would deserve to be in jail for the rest of their lives. Marta Afonso Fernández (1ºB)

THE UNITED STATES’ STRATEGY The United States acts straight in those territories with natural resources (oil, water, gas, coal, minerals) that have an important economic value, with the purpose of getting a strategic position in the world. Its main aim is to keep its power with its presence and control over those regions that have some interest for them, for instance Iran and Syria. The war of Iraq is one of its strategic movements, on the one hand to fight against radical Islamism and on the other hand to place themselves in the middle of two regions with a big growth, which are the countries of the European Union and China. After the Second World War, the United States became the big power in the world and while European countries were at war they got out to create an important army which permits the USA to become a power with economic and political influence. September 11th meant a new movement for the United States’ strategy, the army intervention in Afghanistan and later Iraq invasion (with the excuse of having weapons of mass destruction) came to prove the true interest about the USA’s decision and, what is more important, its consequences. As a result, the rejection of the war of Iraq in the rest of the countries was clear, but Bush, who was elected democratically by the people, has all the power to wage war and invade Iraq. In conclusion, in that possible next war we will all be losers and above all innocent victims that live in those territories. The future will tell us the truth.

Sonia Hernández Expósito (3º A)




Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2004/2005


SHOULD HUNTING AS A SPORT BE MADE ILLEGAL? Nowadays there are many people who enjoy hunting all kinds of animals. Sometimes they go to safaris where they can hunt exotic species as lions, zebras or elephants, but most of them prefer local animals (fauna) as rabbits or partridges. They enjoy doing that very much you think hunting is a sport? Firstly, hunting can´t be called a sport. If an animal kills another it is because it needs to eat and not because it enjoys doing it. Our natural instinct is very important, specially if we are starving, that is the reason why there are some animals stronger than others. Secondly, if we talk about sports, we are thinking about activities which can improve our health, I mean our body and mind. I consider that hunting is not a good mental exercise. Don´t try to tell me that killing animals can be a sport. Sport people fight against themselves and then with others, but hey never kill adversaries. Finally we must think that we are animals too, and we aren´t so different. If you take the decision to kill an animal think if it is absolutely necessary. If you need food do it, but if you are trying to have fun, play games not lives. To sum up, nature gives us all we need to understand what a correct behaviour is. If we don´t understand this point we will be the most dangerous animals in the world. Juan Josué Padron Yanes (4º A)

What makes a successful film? Why is it so difficult to make a good film? This is an essential question that obviously has not a simple response since many factors are involved. Thus very often imagination, plot, In short, good films must show an accurate mixture of all screenplay, technical resources, the stars and a good direction are the factors mentioned above . I would emphasize specially the not enough to provide an adequate climax to a film. capability of making us dream and interact as two basic ingredients in a successful film. On my view what really reaches a wide audience in a film is just its capability to change our mind, of offering another I will never forget those children letting out Tarzan’s point of view about different topics such us life, death, yell leaving the cinema after watching Tarzan . friendship, justice, love, and so on… Above all something to reflect on in order to feel alive. We usually identify with some character of a film because we have suffered the same experience or because we have taken the same decision in a daily conflict. AlGenerally speaking, the spectators need to believe in a story, they berto Medineed to feel that it can be true, so usually unreal stories are quite naveitia far away from people’s expectations. For instance introducing a Martín gag in a terror film turns it into something completely unreal. (5ºA) However films based on real events, for example “The Sea Inside”, a Spanish masterpiece which was recently awarded with an Oscar, are usually unforgettable. Another factor to take into account is the educational role, that in certain films tend to eitia dinav interact more deeply with us just because of the message that to Me Alber those films are trying to transmit to society. Many cartoon films such as “Finding Nemo”, “Toy Story”, “Shrek”, and the recently released “The Incredibles” are in my opinion genuine masterpieces not only due to its extraordinary screenplay but for their high content in values. In addition, certain types of films such as science fiction films need a great deal of fantasy and imagination, and for this reason this genre is, in my opinion, the most difficult to perform. In fact, only a few Science fiction films are able to leave an indelible mark in the spectator, movies such as “Alien” and “Blade Runner” are excellent examples in this sense.



Curso 2004/2005

Choose the chain, it is all up to you. Imagine the real world, and imagine yourself in it. Obviously, everyone has a dream, a material dream, for me it is a house but for you it could be a motorbike; it doesn´t a matter too much what it is, but now imagine that you get it. After working as hard as you could, you get it. Your dream has come true. One day, you go out for a while and when you come back your dream has been broken. You don´t know who has been, but you have to take revenge because it is unfair. You didn´t do any harm to anyone to get your dream. Then, you think it is fair to take revenge and break somebody else´s dreams. Shortly afterwards, you meet the person who broke your dream by coincedence. First of all, you think of the best way to hurt him. On the other hand, you are worried because he doesn´t look like a vandal or a thief, he looks like me. `I wonder why, why you broke my dream, please tell me, I need to know´- I shouted`Just for revenge, it wasn´t your fault´- he answered- `somebody had broken my dream before too. It is like a chain´. And now, image a fantastic world where people say “I love you” instead of “hello” when they meet somebody in the street, where people prefer to smile rather than insult, where people are supportive when you need them. Imagine a world in which you can leave your dreams where you want, because they are safe. People respect your possessions as you do the same, just like a chain. I think being friendly doesn´t cost too much and you can earn a lot, for example, a smile. If you let me tell you what kind of chain I would like to build, I will say that I prefer the same as you. But if this is true, why do we always do otherwise?. I will tell you too, because we don´t really believe that the “friendly chain” could be possible. In a way, I understand it is hard but it’s all up to us. You can decide between living as someone who shares their sorrows and happiness with their hand extended to everyone, or living as someone who is always fighting inside and outside of them, who has fallen out with everyone, who doesn´t believe in dreams. In more or less three hundred words, I have tried to change the minds of people who think it is impossible. You can make my dream come true, which is to live in a wonderful world as Louis Armstrong predicted in an old song. I want the best world for my children. Would you like to help me? It could be nice, don´t you think so?

Carlos Miguel Cáceres Hernández (3ºA)



Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz A LITTLE OF VENICE


Curso 2004/2005

The train stopped end the passengers went off. When I left the station behind me and looked around I thought I was part of a film.My body shook and I couldn´t believe I was there,looking at the Grand Canal with the gondolas floating on the water.I said to my boyfriend:’Hurry up!we can´t waste any more time.’On our way to the hotel I looked at everything around me.All that I could see seemed new and different to me,although I had seen it somewhere else. Venice air seems different to that in other cities,indeed,Venice is different.

Home today to four million people, Sydney was founded as a far-flung penal colony for the British Empire on January 26th 1788, when the first fleet of convict ships landed at what is now Botany Bay. During the following twenty years, Sydney was only a camp of tents and huts. But in 1810 Lachlan Macquarie arrived and the colony became a thriving large city. A roughand-tumble part for much of its story, Sydney has been transformed in the past two decades into one of the world’s most alluring cities. Sydney is an amazingly diversified place, a truly global city. Almost a third of the population was born in another country. Everywhere in Sydney these last years, change and progress are the watch-words. The Olympic Park, the most famous place in September 2000, is a good example. The industrial wasteland was transformed into a beautiful green environmental design. The innovations created the greenest Olympic Games in modern history. For all Sydney’s other virtues, it is the harbour (Port Jackson), without question, that makes the city what it is. Sydney’s harbour is renowned for natural deepwater channels. The governor Arthur Phillip (18th c.) said about Port Jackson: ‘It’s the best port I have ever seen. A thousand military ships can sail without risk.’ Scattered parcels, encompassing islands, headlands and beaches compose the Sydney Harbour National Park, enjoyed by thousands of tourists. The Sydney Harbour Bridge, called ‘the coat hanger’ for its slope-shouldered design, opened in 1932, goes across the harbour, from Dawer Point to Milsons Point. Its arch has peaks of 442 feet above the water. There are fantastic views of the city. Sydney Opera House, in Bennelong Point, near the bridge, has a controversial design (similar to shells). It was opened in 1973 and it cost the astronomical figure of 102 million dollars. Jorn Utzan designed this jewel, a constant presence for Sydney citizens. Also, Sydney has a spectacular collection of native and exotic animals in Taranga zoo: kangaroos, koalas, dingoes, platy puses, etc. The Royal Botanic Gardens, covering 74 acres, have 7,000 species of plants. And we can’t forget Darling Harbour, where 15 million people a year come to shop, stroll, eat or visit the Aquarium and the National Maritime Museum. The weather is pretty nice, around 22º C in February, the hottest month, and 12º C in July, the coolest one. I am sure you will enjoy your stay in Sydney and I hope you listen to the didgeridoo.

We stayed in a hotel built in the 17th century.It was wonderful. You could eat very well in Venice but the best you could try ,as in other Italian cities,is excellent ice cream.This is one of the reasons qhy I`d go back to Italy:ice cream. The interior is very old and it may disappoint you.I began my adventure through narrow streets,it seemed they didn´t take you anywhere,because they are small and nobody walks around there;but you are wrong,you can appear in Rialto Bridge or in San Marcos Square.We realised that you don´t need a map.At first we used one but we lost more times using the map that without it.It´s difficult to believe!And you can´t ask someone because everybody is foreign like you. It`s a city stuck in time.I wondered every day how people could live in a place like that. Rialto is a beautiful bridge above the Grand Canal where you can find a lot of shops.A very interesting church is Santa Maria de la Salute,built after an epidemic.From here in the distance you con see San Marcos Square.It`s impressive to be there,where a lot of films have been.The Cathedral is also marvellous with different styles.When you go inside,you can notice the floor has potholes because of the water,it impresses you andyou think that it can fall down any moment. Another curious thing in this city(I`m sure I`m forgetting mention lots of things) is the traffic.You can´t see a car anywhere.Everybody travels by boat:buses,the police,firefighters,ambulances,taxis…It´s very funny.You can get the bus and see all around the islands,because Venice consists of little islands.You can visit Lido,where there is a famous casino and where film stars went on holiday in the 30s and 40s Burano and Murano,where there are a lot of glass factories and you can buy marvellous pieces of glass. Shopping is very entertaining,shops are small and very cosy.The most interesting shop was one with masks,called ‘Il gato matto’.We bought two handmade masks with Murano glass. I don´t know if Venice is the most beautiful city that I`ve ever seen but I know this is where I`ve had more different feelings. Natalia Bravo Rodríguez (3º A)

7 Jorge Borges González ( 4º B)



Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz



My home town If you are looking for culture, nature and night life come to my home town: Porto Alegre in Brasil. The name Porto Alegre comes from the Portuguese migration, because by 1900 “just married ” couples arrived. Today Porto Alegre has a combination of a big metropoly and countryside. It has big industries and the city is famous for its art, theatres, writers, local films and musicians. It´s the biggest city in the south of Brazil, near Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. Porto Alegre is also famous for its beautiful girls, maybe for the mixed race groups. It has a wide range of nightlife offer. Restaurants from different countries, discos and live music. The “Portoalegrense” loves the night. They go out from Tuesday to Friday. At the weekend they normally go to the beaches which are 100 Km far from the city. Inside the city you can find the Guaiba lake. Fifty years ago the port was used to transport everything, because the Guaiba is connected to the Atlantic Ocean. Now it is only a part in the tourist route. Inside the Guaiba lake there are many small islands. Porto Alegre has had a “popular budget” for 15 years. It´s a dynamic process that adjusts to the local necessities, with periodically debates between the Municipal Government and the civil society. This process is a reference for the world. Every year representatives of Brazilian and foreign city halls, from all over the world, arrive in the Capital to know the “popular budget”. Many of these city halls had adopted this popular participation, such is the case of Saint Denis (France), Rosary (Argentina), Montevideo (Uruguay), Barcelona (Spain), Toronto (Canada), Brussels (Belgium), Belo Horizonte (Brazil) etc. So, come to Porto Alegre, you´ll enjoy it.

Augusto Bisio (2º A)


Curso 2004/2005


Curso 2004/2005

When men get to the limit we can see one of the most moving moments and less known of the celebration, I am refering to the handing over of the Cross to the members from the other street who are waiting in the limit shouting and cheering, the guys from “El Sol” don’t want to hand over the Cross so they start to move like a dance a few steps forward an a few back , so they turn the Cross to look at he last fireworks.

The third of May in Los Realejos: Day of Fireworks and Crosses .


he day of the Cross was basically a religious celebration called “Invention of The Cross”. Saint Helen, The Emperor Constantine’s mother, discovered in the year 326 the place where Jesus’ tomb was in Jerusalem, then near there she found the Calvary and Jesus’ Cross. This celebration became popular in the Christianism and very approved in Canary Islands due to the Franciscan priests, being Los Realejos the greatest expression of this celebration.


Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz

At last when “El Medio” takes the Cross you can hear best wishes to the other street which is going to start, but you can also hear jokes and phrases like: Have you bought the suntan lotion? And the vaseline? Be careful, you are going to get burnt! Then the members of “El Medio” carry the Cross, the bells from their Chapel start ringing and when they get to the beginning of the road to Icod El Alto, their show starts. First the guys from the street and then the Big Castle of fireworks, finally they carry the Cross to the Church. After the fireworks have finished there is a popular dance in El Sol street and there both streets share conversations and experiences about this day. At the end of the day, the most important thing is that there wasn’t any injury or damage.

With the years this celebration has progressed until the party we know now and somehow it has gone on and has survived thanks to the competition (or like we colloquially call it in Los Realejos “El Pique” ) between two streets: “El Sol” and “El Medio”. Some historians think that the origin of “El Pique” was in 1770 and due to the fact that there were two different social classes, the owners of the lands who belonged to “El Medio” street, in the past called “Los Marqueses” and the farmers who lived in “El Sol”, called “La Lagaña”. For this reason “El Pique” between both streets historically started like a pretended conflict between the two social classes, it consisted of when the cross went along the street in procession , each street lit fires, coloured smokes and made a lot of noise so the street with the biggest fires, the biggest smoke columns and the noisiest won. After that, with the pyrotechnics they threw firecrackers and skyrockets to the enemy street an all kinds of gunpowder devices.

One very interesting question is the amount of money that both streets spend in fireworks, this is a sort of secret, but you can imagine the sum of money with this fact: in 1982 “El Medio” street built a square near the Chapel and spent all the money collected, when the neighbours knew the situation they started collecting money again and they got more than three million pesetas in 1982, so you can imagine now 23 years later. The members of the streets are collecting money all the year, with lottery, organizing trips, popular dinners, the “hartanga” at Christmas and more, and above all asking for “La Perra de la Cruz”, this was an old Spanish coin like our unforgettable “duro” which people in the past gave for the party, an it is the way they call to asking for money house by house, men collect money for fireworks and women ask for money to decorate the Cross with flowers .Even this day both streets stop cars to ask for money when they pass in front of each Chapel, except if it is a neighbour from the other street.

Nowadays this religious celebration is in a second place, and it has become a competition not only about the fireworks but also about which street has the best decorated Cross and the best decorated Street but not only this day, but also the rest of the year. In the past the procession with the Cross was at midday, but fireworks have obtained so much importance that it was put off until night, in fact there are two processions: one at midday, that is less well known, and the most important one at night. Before the night procession there is a mass in “Santiago Apostol” Church. After that, people from “El Sol” carry the Cross from the church to their street, where they do the first stop, the bells from the Chapel start to ring announcing that the Cross is coming, so they put the cross in a specific place looking at the fireworks and they quickly go up to the flat roofs of the houses, (even the Priest goes up to a house), then the show of fireworks starts bursting in the air, all kinds of them: Palm trees, Chrysanthemum, Rounds, Rings, Maroons…, it starts with the less powerful fireworks which are burnt by the people from the street, these fireworks are over the flat roofs of the houses, then goes on with the big Castle of Fireworks, which are burnt by the Pyrotechnics Technicians.

Another part of the celebration are the Crosses, there are about 300 hundred crosses in Los Realejos, inside Chapels, on the walls, inside houses, even in the sea, and these days they are decorated with all sorts of flowers, in some cases very expensive flowers, the main chapels are in “El Sol” and in “El Medio” street, however the majority of the Crosses are in “La Cruz Santa” where there is a big devotion to the Cross. Most of them are inside houses and their owners decorate them and open their houses to show them. To conclude, Los Realejos is a town of fireworks, because we can see them not only the day of the Cross but also during the whole year in different parties, in fact we are so used to hearing fireworks that we normally don’t stop what we are doing to look at them and we usually wonder when we hear them: what are we celebrating today?

Traditionally each street had its own pyrotechnics, both from Los Realejos: “Hermanos Tostes” in “El Medio” and “Santa Barbara” in “El Sol” street, but this last one disappeared after a tragic accident in 1990. Nowadays things have changed and “Hermanos Tostes” works for “El Sol” and another pyrotechnics from Icod de Los Vinos called “Canarias” works for “El Medio”. When “El Sol” has finished the exhibition, the procession keeps on, it leaves this street and walks along the next street which is the imaginary limit between both streets, this is called “La Pila”, half street belongs to one street and the rest to the other.

Montserrat Quintero Bencomo (4ºA) 9

Historia en la calle

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2004/2005

THE STATUE OF THE CID The statue of The Cid in Burgos. His name is Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar. He was born in Navarra in 1043. He was a historic nobleman of the Middle Ages. He fought in the war in Spain and his adventures were written in a book. The name of this book is “El destierro AGUSTÍN DE BETHENCOURT

del Mio Cid”. He lived in Navarra, Burgos and Valencia. Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar died in Valencia in

He was born in Puerto de la Cruz in


1758. Supporter of the philosophical currents of his period. He liked Rousseau and Voltaire’s ideas and was very interested in arts and technical arts. He moved to Madrid in 1788. He studied at the “Reales Estudios de San Isidro” and in the academy of San Fernando. He also studied geometry, underground architecture, physics, engineering and metallurgy in Paris. He proposed to create a school like in Spain. He was renowned by Carlos IV director of the mentioned office. At 1802 he was the first school’s director.

Sandra Orta Fuentes ( 1ºC )

He constructed a loom, a machine of steam and an optical telegraph among other things. He moved to Paris in 1807 during the war. He died in San Petersburg in 1824.

María del Carmen Alfonso Hernández (Marina) 1ºD

The statue of Francisco Afonso Carri llo in Puerto de la Cruz. He was born in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, in 1948. He studied commerce in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and he was a travel agent’s manager until he decided to devote himself to politics. From 1979 to 1983 he was mayor in the town hall in Puerto de la Cruz. On 27th


July 1984 he was named civil governor and he died in a tragic accident in Gomera Island in September 1984. Candy de León (1ºC ) 10


Curso 2004/2005

Princess Dácil. History or legend?

The statue of princess Dácil, together with a Tara -the “guanche” fertility goddess- is princess Dácil is also called Arautava, Arotava Cuscoy and Juan Bethencourt Afonso it is brave King Bencomo of Taoro. Her husband cavalry. He was a Castilian officer. He was minor injuries in the battle, then princess love. After that, they got married.

group of little statues to symbolize located in Orotava Town. The or Arartabo. According to Diego historical fact. She was daughter of the was Gonzalo del Castillo, Castillo Captain of taken as a prisoner and he suffered Dácil looked after him and they fell in

Segundo Milián Chávez (1º C)

Historia en la calle

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


The statue of Isidoro Luz Cárpenter

He was born in Tenerife in 1824 and he died in Murcia in 1890. He was an Admiral of the Navy and a hero of the Campaign in the Pacific Ocean. Juan Bautista was the first to rotate around the world by warship, concretely in a destructor, being in command of the frigate Numancia. He took part in the War of Africa being in charge of the corvette Villa de Bilbao. He was also in charge of the frigate Numancia during the combat of El Callao when Méndez Núñez was injured. He was a Minister of Navy in 1876, and Senator by the Canary Islands. Afterwards, he assumed the master of the Command of the Apostadero in Filipinas. This monument is placed in Avenue Anaga in Santa Cruz, and it was built by the newspaper EL DÍA in November 1977. Laura Hernández Expósito (1ºC)

This statue is in Avenida Colon in Puerto de la Cruz. The sculptor was Fernando Garciarramos. Isidoro Luz Cárpenter was born in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, in 1897. He was a mayor three times, two in the dictatorship and another in the Republic. He was a doctor and he studied in Madrid. There, he met a lot of famous people, such as Dalí, Lorca, Machado... He was a mayor when Puerto de la Cruz was famous because many tourists visited the town. He died in 1980 when he was 83 years old. Dolores Afonso Giménez (1ºD)


Historia en la calle

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2004/2005

Los Menceyes Guanches de Candelaria On August 13, 1993, the Tenerife sculptor Jose Abad unveiled his great tribute to the Canarian people: "The Nine Guanche Menceyes." Financed by the Island Government of Tenerife, these 9 bronze sculptures overlook the plaza of the Town of Candelaria on the Island of Tenerife. The origins of the Guanche people of Tenerife are still unsettled. Exotic theories abound, but the most accepted is that the people of the Canaries are related to the Berbers of North Africa. The Guanche men were described as tall, with clear, rosy skins; fair hair…. and blue eyes. In tribute to my people, and in honor of the supreme efforts of the Mencey to save us from the invaders, I bow my head in tribute and list their names:

Acaymo (Mencey of Tacoronte) Adjona (Mencey of Abona) Anaterve (Mencey of Guimar)

Bencomo (Mencey of Taoro)

Pelinor (Mencey of Adeje)

Beneharo (Mencey of Anaga)

Romen (Mencey of Daute)

Pelicar (Mencey of Icod)

Tegueste (Mencey of Tequeste

We have inherited from the Guanches our cultural pride, honor and a zest for freedom. Lydia Alonso Bello 1º D English


The statue “Honour of the carpet maker” is in La Orotava, very near La Concepcion church. In this year, 2005, the Village of the Orotava celebrates “the first carpet” of flowers that was made in the Square of the Council. If we are locating in history, it was in 1905, 1905 when a first carpet of flowers in the Square of the Council was made because of the visit of the Spanish Armada to Tenerife Island. One hundred years of soil, flowers, colour and fantasy. This tradition is very united to the Corpus Christi Celebration. It is very important to mention Mr. Felipe Machado y Benitez de Lugo, the most rare natural ingredients, Lugo who worked the carpets from several colours of soils, dates, eucalyptus fruit, straw pieces, pulses. His grandson, Mr. Tomás Machado y Menéndez Fernández, was the one who made in 1940 the biggest carpet. It took up all the area that it takes up nowadays. After that, natural ingredients were eliminated from the Square of the Council carpets, making them from Cañadas del Teide soils. It is also important to say that Mrs. Leonor del Castillo de Monteverde y Bethancourt and her family made a flower carpet opposite her house in 1847. She wanted to make it to enhance the Corpus Celebration. Other ladies continued and imitated this initiative. All the processions path was covered soon. The Carpet Art of the Village of the Orotava in its famous Corpus Christi Celebration is a great occasion in Tenerife Island. 12

Cecilia Martinelli Quispe. Grupo D.

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2004/2005

Historia en la calle

THE STATUE OF SOR MARIA DE JESÚS IN EL SAUZAL Sor María de Jesús “ La Siervita” – her popular name- was born in El Sauzal in 1643 but she lived in La Laguna since she was young. When she was a young girl she came in the Santa Catalina de Sena convent. She dedicated her life to help other people. Sor María died in 1731. When she died, strange events happened. For example her eyes shone, her blood smelled like jasmine and her body stayed incorrupted until the day of today. IT’S TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTYFOUR YEARS! She’s famous for doing many miracles. A lot of people come to the convent to pray to her for their health and their families. Beatriz Arvelo García (1ºC)

DON QUIJOTE AND SANCHO PANZA The statues of Don Quijote and Sancho Panza are in Ciudad Real, inside the Quijote’s Museum. I like them because they are a representation of my community. They weren’t real people. They are the protagonists of a very important book. This book has been translated into many languages. The writer of the book is Miguel de Cervantes, a famous writer in the world. The title of the book is: Don Quijote de la Mancha. Mª José Romero Valero (1º E)


Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2004/2005


THE SEA INSIDE The film is about the life of a paraplegic man, who tries to achieve a legal authorization to kill himself by means of euthanasia. The director is Alejandro Amenábar and the film is being a great success. In fact, it has won 13 Goyas and the prestigious Oscar for the best foreign film. The Sea Inside is based on the life of Ramón Sanpedro, a paraplegic man from Galicia who lived 30 years trying to have a just and legal death. The main actor is Javier Bardem and the other characters are important Spanish actors and actresses like Belén Rueda. The plot is the true reality of a society where the moral prejudices don´t let a man, who doesn´t want to continue living, kill himself. The film has reopened the dialogue about euthanasia , if it should be legal or not. Anyway, I think that it´s a great film which has the power to convey a lot of feelings. I recommend it to everybody because it´s very good.

FINDING NEVERLAND ‘Finding Neverland’ is based on a real-life event. This film is about a character creation called Peter Pan. J.M. Barrie created this book thanks to group of brothers that one day he meets in the park, with their widow mother, Sylvia Davies. The children are called Jack, George, Michael and Peter, the most special. Barrie’s character is performed by Johnny Depp and Sylvia’s character is played by Kate Winslet. While a strong friendship develops among the characters, the brothers become the epitome of Peter Pan and Neverland’s orphans. Sylvia, of course, becomes Wendy. The children -who eventually have lost their father and their mother is seriously ill- have to grow because of these events. Barrie creates Neverland, a place where the children can escape and forget about growing up. Finally, their mother dies and Barrie acquires the tutelage of the children. The film is directed by Marc Foster. In my opinion, it is a lovely film which invites us to imagine and fly with our own thoughts and enjoy using our imagination. Karlota Egaña Uzcudun (4º B) 14

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2004/2005

Gabriel García Márquez’s latest book,´Historias de mis Putas Tristes´, is a short novel that narrates the touching story of an old journalist who decides to give himself a night of pleasure with a virgin girl as a present on his 90th birthday, and, without he realizing it, he falls in love for the first time in his life. She is called her memory of a

fourteen and he ‘Delgadina’ in traditional Spanish

Night after night, the journalist visits the brothel where he spends a long time beside her and sings, talks, reads to her... while she is sleeping. This novel is nice reading. It surprises us with a lot of meaningful sentences and makes us think about love, sexuality and old age. Moreover, it is one of the best opportunities to enjoy good literature. If you have read some other novel by García Márquez, you can be sure you´ll like this book. If you have never done it, this is a good occasion to begin.

Das ist für meinen Sohn


Von Hippokrates und Galen Hast du das Wissen und die Wissenschaft. Auch von Hiob die Geduld. Um aus dem Kranken das Gute zu machen. Wenn ich krank bin und leide Setze ich auf dich meine Hoffnung Und fühle mich besser Mit Gottes Segen Gratuliere ich dir zu deinem Tag. M.P.Medel (3° A Alemán) 15


`Memories of my Sad Whores´

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz




Curso 2004/2005


What makes 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about achieving 103%? What makes up 100% in life? Here’s a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions: If:

A B C D E F G, etc...

is represented as:


1 2 3 4 5 6, etc...


H-A-R-D-W-O-R-K 8 + 1 + 18 + 4 +23+15+18+11 =

K-N-O-W-L-E-D-G-E 98%

11+ 14 +15 +23+12+5 + 4+ 7+ 5 =




A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E 2 +21 +12+12+19+8 +9 +20 =

B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T 103%

1 +20 +20+9+20+21+4 +5 =


and look how far ass kissing will take you!!

A-S-S-K-I-S-S-I-N-G 1+ 19+19+ 11+9+ 19+19+ 9+ 14+7 =


So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that: while HARD WORK and KNOWLEDGE will get you close, and ATTITUDE will get you there, it’s the BULLSHIT and ASS KISSING that will put you over the top !

Ein Gespräch Herr Wruck: Grüβ Gott, Frau Fischer. Mein Name ist Alexander Wruck. Ich bin ihr Nachbar. Frau Fischer: Guten Morgen, Herr Wruck, was möchten Sie? Herr Wruck: Es ist Sonntag, und ich bitte Sie mit dem Krach aufzuhören. Frau Fischer: Entschuldigen Sie bitte, aber ich habe nicht gewusst dass heute Sonntag ist, es tut mir sehr leid. Ich muss leider noch ein bisschen bohren. Herr Wruck: Das geht nicht, weil ich ganze Woche arbeite und Sonntag brauche ich meine Ruhe. Frau Fischer: Aber es dauert nur noch fünf Minuten. Herr Wruck: Also gut, aber nicht länger, einverstanden. Frau Fischer: In Ordnung. Herr Wruck: Auf Wiedersehen. Frau Fischer: Auf Wiedersehen. Raquel Paola Fischer Padrón (3ºA) 16

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2004/2005

Beautiful People BYOB Bring your own beer ( at a party) DDD Decisions, decisions, decisions F&C Fish and Chips



Not in my back yard Single income, two children, oppressive mortgage Married but available Pretty damn quick


An initialism is an abbreviation containing initial letters that are pronounced sepa rately, e.g. USA or BBC. Their use is widespread nowadays. These are some of the initialisms currently used in English:

Four highly inaccurate words: 1. boxing ring – the playing area is square, not round. ‘Free puppies…part German shepherd, part dog.’

2. hot dog – there is no dog (one hopes) in this frankfurter sausage inserted in a bread roll. 3. pineapple – there is neither apple nor pine in pine apple.

‘Toaster: a gift that every member of the family appreciates. Automatically burns toast.’

4. English muffins – these are not invented in England.

‘Free: farm kittens. Ready to eat.’ ‘Phillips washer $100. Owned by clean bachelor who seldom washed.’ ‘For sale. Antique desk suitable for lady with thick legs and large drawers.’








Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2004/2005



· Do not use, unnecessary, commas. · Do not use a foreign word when there is an adequate English quid pro quo. · Do not use exaggeration; exaggeration is a million times worse than understatement. · Don’t repeat yourself, or say again what you have said before and avoid being repetitive. · Don’t use no double negatives. The double negative is a no-no. · Don’t be redundant; don’t use more words than necessary; it’s highly superfluous. · Don’t indulge in sesquipedalian lexicological constructions. · Don’t overuse exclamation marks!!! · Eschew obfuscation. · It is wrong to ever split an infinitive. · It behoves you to avoid archaic expressions. · Go around the barn at high noon to avoid colloquialisms. · Be more or less specific.


G’. Nathaniel H



Spanish Covers (Tapas): Octopus to the party (pulpo a feira) Courageous potatoes (papas bravas) Huge hairspray with grelos (lacón con grelos) Canes and little ones (cañas y chiquitos) Drink from the boot and the big joint (beba en bota y en porrón) Thin Uncle Joseph (Fino Tío Pepe) They will pash (pacharán) Wine from the river Ha and the Valley of Rocks ( Vino de Rioja y Valdepeñas) Today’s Menu : Female jews with thief (judías con chorizo) Pretty to the iron (bonito a la plancha) Special opening promotion: One mug of bleeding if you buy a little Joseph of veal (una jarra de sangria al pedir un pepito de ternera)


Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2004/2005



1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996.

1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997

1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998

Charismatic, sociable, intelligent, affable, quick-witted, popular.

Honest, loyal, popular, sincere, steadfast, reliable.

Enthusiastic, optimistic, courageous, bold, sociable, energetic.

Health:You may have to suffer from headache; instead of filling yourself with drugs, control your life hygiene.

Health: No great health problems in view, but beware of possible intestinal troubles.

Love: You'll be vulnerable to love at first sight.

Love: Your relationships with your partner will not be quite harmonious for you may often react too strongly.

Health: Stress, irritation, fatigue. Love: You may find a new lover, or new ways of living your partner. Work: Important changes; but for once, you'll be delighted . Money: Your financial projects will prove utterly satisfying and you can achieve them without much difficulty. Make a good distinction between what's achievable and what's inaccessible.


Work: You'll have the will to succeed but you'll probably lack prudence and proper judgment . Money: Vigilance in the street so as

to avoid a robbery.


Work: This lunar climate may bring about problems in your business. There'll also be tensions in your professional relationships. Money: . Don't throw your money by the windows.


Horse 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002

1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000

1941, 1953, 1965,1977, 1989, 2001

Resourceful, selfAssured, adaptable, original, brave, enthusiastic.

Friendly, vivacious, Insightful, shrewd, discreet, wise, compassionate, subtle. enduring, witty, cheerful, refined, independent

Health: If you want to stop smoking, today will be the time to begin doing it for you'll have necessary willpower. !

Health: Try to sleep more.

Love: This astral climate will bring you moments which are pleasant, romantic and warm.

Love: If you're living a stable relation, this astral climate will be favourable to a tightening of your ties. If you're single, you'll meet a person who may stay in your life for very long

Health: It is advisable to eat healthy food. Your body is asking for it!

Rabbit 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 Astute, thoughtful, refined, docile, wise. Health: How difficult it is to follow the diet you've decided to adopt! You'll be very much tempted to let you go! Love: If you haven't met your sister soul, this will probably be done this time. Work: Trips and contacts in general will be favoured. Money: You must above all resist the impulse to spend.

Lamb 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 Intelligent, artistic, gentle, kind, cultured, sensitive. Health: You could decide to undertake a weight-reducing diet program successfully.

Love: Conjugal relationships will evolve under the sign of tenderness and gentleness.

Love:There might be a stormy turn to your life as a couple because of your stubbornness; the only possible solution will be tolerance.

Work: Beware of overwork as of bubonic plague!

Work: Your initiatives taken today may have interesting consequences during many coming years.

Work: By trying to do two things at once, you'll do neither. You'll run the risk of taking pleasure in illusion

Work: You'll have to beware of fabulous proposals which may lead you to nothing.

Money: Some difficulties but courage and perseverance will prove very paying .

Money:. Take all necessary precautions against robbery.

Money: You must beware of certain euphoria and optimism.

Money: Great carefulness will be necessary in investments.

Monkey 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 Monkeys are optimistic, active and happy people. Health: You will be relaxed and quiet and you will sleep better. You will be full of energy. Love: this is your year. In this year you meet your true love. Money: Your job gives you a lot of money and you will live like a king. (This year you can buy your dream house). Work: You get promoted. You can be the boss!



1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005

1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

If you were born in 1969 or 1981, you are a Rooster. Roosters are intelligent, hard-working, creative, smiling and patient.

A person born a Dog is funny, happy, a very good friend of his/her friends, responsible and intelligent.

Health: Your health is excellent, but you must be careful with your heart.

Health: This month you must take care of yourself, because you can have a cold.

Pig 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 Pigs are positive, funny. In conclusion, you are a very good person! Health: You have health problems, but you have to eat healthy food and do exercise; for example: going to the gym, running, walking…

Love: If you don’t have a partner, you can find a good friend soon; and if you have a partner, maybe you are going to have a baby.

Love: Love is difficult for you, because your partner can leave you. Buy him/her a present.

Work: If you have a problem with your job, this can change soon.

Work: In this month you have an excellent job offer.

Money: At this moment, you have financial problems. Be careful with your credit card!

Money: You get a lot of money from Money: The progress in your job your new job. You can travel to other gives you a lot of money. countries.


Love: you find a nice person in your life, but he/she isn’t the love of you life. But you’re living the crazy life! Work: this year is good for you. If you want to get good answers, you need to pay attention.



Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2004/2005



Full of vitality and vitamins, this is a light healthy salad for sunny days, when you feel full of energy or when you need an extra boost. Serves 4:

Ingredients 1 small crisp lettuce, in pieces 150 gr of young spinach leaves 2 carrots, grated 100 gr of cherry tomatoes, halved 2 celery stalks, thinly sliced ½ cup raisins ½ cup peeled unsalted almonds or unsalted cashew nuts, halved 2 tablespoons of sunflower seeds 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds, lightly toasted

For the dressing: 3 tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons of cider (apple) vinegar 2 tablespoons of honey juice of 1 small orange salt and freshly ground black pepper

1. Put the salad vegetables, raisins, almonds and seeds into a large bowl. 2. Put all the dressing ingredients into a jar, shake them up well and pour over the salad. 3. Toss the salad thoroughly and divide it between four small salad bowls. Season and serve lightly chilled.

TABBOULEH This well-known Lebanese dish is made with couscous and vegetables. Couscous is a staple of North African cooking, either as a dish on its own or as an accompaniment to a main dish. You can add all sorts of ingredients, such as chopped black or green olives, herbs, halved cherry tomatoes, raisins, and even chopped prunes. It is very easy to prepare and very tasty too. Try this recipe and enjoy an easy and exotic lunch! Serves 6:

Ingredients 250 gr couscous or bulgur (wheat). You can find it in Health Food Stores or “herbolarios” 50 gr of rasins 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons of fresh coriander 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice ¼ teaspoon of salt 2 tablespoons of chopped cucumber chopped black olives 1. 2. 3.

Measure the couscous with the help of a glass. Pour twice the amount of water in a pan and bring to the boil. When the water is boiling, add the couscous, cover the pan with a lid and turn off the hob. Leave for 5 minutes for the couscous to absorb all the liquid. After this time, uncover and leave it to cool down a little bit. Add the lemon juice, salt, coriander and olive oil and stir well. Then add the rest of the ingredients and season with chopped fresh coriander. Serve with some heated pita bread. … and enjoy your meal!


Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2004/2005


a EOI PUERTO DE LA CRUZ acaba de clausurar sus décimas Jornadas Culturales. Al coincidir con el décimo aniversario de la creación de esta escuela se ha organizado una exposición de fotos con recuerdos de los distintos cursos escolares y también se ha convocado un concurso de logotipos que conmemoren este acontecimiento.



Durante tres días (26,27, y 28 de abril) la comunidad escolar de este centro y amigos han disfrutado de una serie de actos: actuación de cuentacuentos y bailes en inglés, charlas en inglés y alemán en el horario de tarde-noche. Los alumnos de la mañana han visitado la biblioteca inglesa en el Parque Taoro. Como colofón final esta serie de actividades se han clausurado con el proyecto IDIOMATIKA LEE. En esta ocasión se ha leído El Principito de Saint Exupéry en los siguientes idiomas: castellano, inglés, alemán, francés, italiano, persa, griego moderno, holandés, sueco, checo, árabe, eusquera, catalán y portugués. En el descanso de este acto se sortearon lotes de libros en inglés, alemán y francés entre los lectores (gentileza de Librería Shiddartha ) y se entregaron los premios de colaboración en la revista (dos billetes de ida y vuelta a Madrid , gentileza de Halcón viajes) , el del concurso de logotipos ( estancia de fin de semana para dos personas en el Parque Vacacional Edén) y de lector más animado de la Escuela. En la EOI del Puerto de la Cruz estudian unos 800 alumnos entre los dos idiomas de inglés y alemán. Durante estos diez años ha prestado un servicio a la comunidad desde sus dos sedes (dentro del IES Agustín de Bethencourt y del CEIP Tomás de Iriarte) preparando varias generaciones de alumnos (jóvenes y adultos) para afrontar con más posibilidades su futuro laboral o perfeccionar sus conocimientos de idiomas. El claustro lo componen siete profesores que atienden a 22 grupos en horarios de mañana, tarde y noche. Los seis cursos duran 9 meses repartidos en cinco horas semanales (2/3 sesiones) y tienen carácter oficial, obteniéndose un título al superar 2º, 4º y 6º. Dichos títulos tienen validez en todo el Estado Español y reconocimiento al acompañar a CV o al opositar tanto a administraciones locales, autonómicas como nacionales. La EOI PUERTO DE LA CRUZ les recuerda que el plazo de matrícula tanto libre como oficial en inglés y alemán ya ha comenzado. Nuestro teléfono es 922 374656 . Para más información consulten nuestra página web:

Bibiana Hernández Cabrera, jefa de estudios de esta EOI.


10ยบ Aniversario de la EOI Puerto de la Cruz



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