ACA Conservation Magazine Fall/Winter 2021

Page 16

"I knew a fish of this size needed time, and time is what I gave her." ► article by Lisa Roper photos by Andrew Zugec As an avid angler, I’ve spent countless hours dropping lines and trading hooks for a chance to land that ultimate big fish. Each time I hit the snow-covered ice, I gain more experience and continue to grow and challenge myself. There is a self-competitiveness that surfaces each time out: will this be the day everything aligns, and I catch the fish of a lifetime? The day I received a call from my good friend, Andrew, to go fishing, I had no idea it would be a day I would remember forever. Andrew is a passionate angler and talented digital creator. I was looking forward to our time together and to trading fishing secrets. Early that morning, we loaded our tackle in the truck, grabbed a coffee to go and made our way to the lake. Our conversation teemed with talk of our favourite lures, techniques, and fishing memories. When we arrived at our destination, we drove onto the ice while discussing our plans for the pike we were hoping to hook.




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