Marcos introdução e comentário série cultura bíblica dewey m mulholland

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BIBLIOGRAFIA SELECIONADA ACHTEMEIER, Paul J. Invitation to Mark. Doubleday & Co. 1978. ____Mark. Fortress Press. 1986 ALTER, Robert. The Art of Biblical Narrative. Basic Books. 1981. ANDERSON, Hugh. The Gospel of Mark. Oliphants. 1976. BAILEY, Kenneth. As Parábolas de Lucas. Edições Vida Nova. 1995 BARCLAY, William. New Testament Words. Westminster Press. 1974 __. The Gospel of Mark. Westminster Press, 1975 BEASLEY-MURRAY, G. R. Jesus and the Kingdom of God. Eerdmans. 1986 BEST, ERNEST. Clark. 1986

Disciples and Discipleship:




Gospel according to Mark. T & T

__ Fellowing Jesus: Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark. JSOT Press. 1981. ___. Mark: the Gospel as Story. T&T Clark, 1983 BONHOEFFER, Dietrich. The Cost os Discipleship. 1963. BRATCHER, Robert G., e Nida, Eugene A. A Translator s Handbook on the Gospel of Mark. 1961. BROWN, Colin. Dicionário Internacional de Teologia do Novo Testamento (3 volumes). Vida Nova. 1989. COLE, R. A. Gospel according to Mark. Tyndale Press. 1961 ( CRANFIELD, C. E. B. Gospel according to St. Mark. Cambridge University Press. 1977 DOOHAN, Leonard. Mark: Visionary of Eartly Christianity. Bear & Co. 1986 ELLER, Vernard. Christian Anarchy: Jesus s primacy over the powers. Eerdmans. 1987. FOWLER, Robert M. Loaves and Fishes: The Function of the Feeding Stories in the Gospel of Mark. Scholars Press. 1981 GOURGUES, Michel. Os Salmos e Jesus, Jesus e os Salmos. Edicões Paulinas, 1984 HOOKER, Morna D. The Message os Mark. Epworth Press. 1983 HURTADO, Larry W. Mark. Harper & Row. 1983 1T10KA, Neusa. Os deuses de Umbanda. ABU Editora, 1987 JEREMIAS, Joachim. Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus. Fortress Press. 1977.

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