Constructing Architect Portfolio

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Construc ng Architect Por olio Stefan Plugaru


Profecessional experience January 2016 - July 2018 Construc ng Architect BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group Copenhagen office January 2015 - January 2016 Construc ng Architect intern BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group Copenhagen office References on Request:

Stefan Plugaru

Jesper Boy Andersen - Project Manager (Urban Rigger) Jakob Sand - Partner (Urban Rigger) Ole Elkjær-Larsen Partner / Project Manager - (Panada House)

Academic experience

2012 - 2016 - BA degree in Architectural Technology and Construc on Management My passion for the architectural and engineering fields started from an early age and it’s something that drives me con nuously forward into becoming a more intelligent and knowledgeable human being. I have dreams of making space habitats on Mars and beyond, but that only forces me more to look at our own world and figure out how we can improve what we have here, now. The collabora on for the last 3.5 years at BIG helped me improve my knowledge and skills. Working in mul -naonally teams and on a big range of projects helped me become a versa le and organized person. I am a dedicated individual, who wants to push the limits of the present construc on technology towards a more sustainable future where the crazy design ideas are no longer scaled down to become a reality.

Lillebælt Academy Odense, Denmark

Courses 2013 - Concrete works course 2014 - Deutsche Gesellscha für Nachhal ges Bauen (DGMB) sustainability course 2015 - Facility Management course 2016- Advanced Revit course 2017- Advanced Archicad course 2017- Advanced Archicad course

Main so ware skills

Language skills

Revit (also MEP)

Microso office tools

Romanian- Mother tongue

Russian B2



English C2

Danish A1



Rhino Born in 1993 october 1 +4524298334

Other interests: Biking, climbing, swimming, boxing, wrestling, Dota 2, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, reading, climbing, music, self-development, movies, furniture making, traveling, camping.

Professional experiences

LEGO house, Billund, Denmark

Urban Rigger, on water, Denmark, Sweeden, France

Type: Compe ton

Type: Commission

Size: 12000 m2

Size: 680 m2 /per unit

Status: Completed

Status: Version 1 completed, Version 2 in progress

Panda house, Copenhagen, Denmark

Faroe Islands Educa on Centre, Faroe Islands, Denmark

Type: Commission

Type: Compe ton

Size: 2450 m2

Size: 19200 m2

Status: In progress

Status: Under Construc on

Mari me Museum, Helsingør, Denmark

Ø4 Housing, Aarhus, Denmark

Type: Invited Compe


Type: Commission

Size: 5000 m²

Size: 26500 m²

Status: Compleated

Status: Under Construc on


experiences 5

Lego House project About the project: ``The LEGO House can be conceived as a three dimensional village of interlocking and overlapping buildings and spaces. It can be visited as a curated flow – from one building to the next – in a con nuous movement. Or it can be experienced as parallel worlds of complete autonomy. Each space can be designed and used independently. Each box can have a unique light se ng, a unique dimension and s ll be part of a flexible totality. Mul ple spaces have access to an outdoor space that can be used to expand the LEGO experience to the outside.`` (Bjarke Ingels, Founding Partner, BIG.)

My contribu ons to the project: I joined the project on a deadline for 2 weeks for some extra help, ended up spending a year and a half instead. During the me on the project, I was involved in almost every corner of the building, from the ``vault`` in the basement to the keystone skylights on the roof. The client advisor was though, there was a high-quality demand for all the works, we had weekly uploads /deadlines. I learned a lot on this project and I had an amazing team. Among other assignments, I had to update ``as-built drawings`` this includes all the auxiliary process involved, finding the right informa on, ge ng the manufacturer to send informa on in wri en form, adding input from site contractor, etc. Another common task was to coordinate contractor drawings, this involved making sure that they have the latest changes in the project, send them preliminary drawings/ 3D models, prepare appropriate sketches for explaining certain problems, making sure that our design intent is fulfilled, etc. Quality control drawing sets were commonly sent from the manufacturer, I had to make sure that their drawings fit with our geometry and our specific needs, organize everything in a coherent way for further par es to be able to add their input and understand the problem. I also had to create new drawings, this includes all the other process involved, contac ng the manufacturer for specific informa on and documenta on, coordina ng with the engineer’s drawings, implemen ng QA and uploading on cloud servers. I also par cipated in mee ngs both in the office and on-site where different par es involved. It was a stressful experience in which I managed to extend my skills and knowledge significantly. Some of the challenges I experienced and overcame on this project: Extremely ght meframes, last-minute calls from the site with assignments, high-quality demands, a lot of stressful situa ons, lack of leadership, keeping track of a complicated coordina on process. Main so ware used: Revit / Autocad/ Adobe acrobat pro / Microso office tools / Indesign 6

Urban Rigger project About the project: About the project: The idea was to develop a revolu onary and innova ve floating dwelling system that will have a posi ve impact on the housing situa on for students in Europe, as well as comple ng an a rac ve untapped and geographically independent niche in the market, “the waterways” – thousands of kilometers of unused quay’s across the harbor, canal and river intensive ci es across the world. ‘’Kim Loudrup’’

My contribu ons to the project: I asked to join the Urban Rigger team because I always had some kind of an a rac on towards modular buildings. I also wrote my BA thesis about container housing. I was working on the project for a total of 10 months, during which we had to survey the prototype and deliver an improved and new model of the project, with a full set of new drawings and a detailed 3D Model. Throughout the survey, we found a lot of good things but also a lot of things to improve. Among other things we had to improve the heat pump, which had nothing near the efficiency it was supposed to be. Also, the big sliding windows had some problems a er a few months of use. Furthermore, I was involved in all the project mee ngs where I managed to learn a lot about the legal process. I got to interact more with the client and learn about the project from the source. I was also involved in every corner of the project, from client talks and argument development for extra fees to detail drawings development. I had to organize the interns with daily tasks, and guide them with so ware related advice and help them bring the drawings to the desired quality level. Close to the end, I volunteered to switch from the architectural works to develop the 3D model of the MEP project, the MEP was in a different so ware so tes ng and making it work was more of a test at that point but I managed to make it work. Under the guidance of the MEP engineer at BIG we managed to deliver a high detailed MEP model and MEP drawings. Some of the challenges I experienced and overcame on this project: Transi on process between Archicad and Revit at daily intervals. Model coordina on, MEP modeling, developing MEP base drawings, organizing other team members work, constantly bombarded with ques ons from all the people invovled, quality controlling Main so ware used: Archicad / Adobe acrobat pro / Microso office tools / REVIT / REVIT MEP / Indesign 7

Panda house project About the project: “Architecture is like portraiture. To design a home for someone is like capturing their essence, their character and personality in built form. In the case of the two great Pandas, their unique solitary nature requires two similar but separate habitats - one for her and one for him. The habitat is formed like a giant yin and yang symbol, two halves: the male and the female, complete each other to form a single circular whole. The curvy lines are undula ng in sec on to create the necessary separaon between him and her - as well as between them and us. Located at the heart of the park, we have made the en re enclosure accessible from 360 degrees, turning the two pandas into the new rota on point for Copenhagen Zoo.” Bjarke Ingels, Founding Partner, BIG.

My contribu ons to the project: I joined the Panda team for a period of 4 months, I worked on several different parts of the building. However, my main focus was the facade details. During the development of the details, I reached out to several glass facade companies for making sure that I have the right type of profiles which comply with the Danish building regula on (BR18). Because of the complicated geometry and loca on, we had to consider things like how would it be placed inside, would they be able to fit a crane somewhere around since the building is surrounded by the other ZOO enclosures. Addi onally, we had to consider the tolerances involved in crea ng double-curved concrete slabs as well as the deflec on involved once the roof terrain is in place. Another task was to develop the details for the curved handrail going around the roof edge. It was a short stay full of small and interes ng challenges. Some of the challenges I experienced and overcame on this project: The project had a complex geometry. Tight meframe. Finding a way to bring in the electrical cable into the glass handrail with minimal aesthe c impact. Main so ware used: Archicad / Adobe acrobat pro / Microso office tools 8

* Render from BIG

Faroe Islands Educa on Centre project About the project: ‘‘The project is designed as a vortex radia ng out towards its surroundings while also crea ng an inner landscape for communal learning a func onal sculpture formed by various needs of all users.’’

My contribu ons to the project: This was the first project I worked on during my professional career. I was working on the project for about a month, part of a team of 2. I was involved in a number of different tasks. One of the main tasks was to con nue developing the 3D Revit model from 2D Autocad drawings. I was also engaged in developing the entrance ramp drawings and implemen ng different adjustments throughout the project. I was an overwhelming first experience. Some of the challenges I experienced and overcame on this project: Since it was my first project ge ng used to the folder structures was a bit complicated. Also at the me, I was not so confident in my skills with the Revit and Autocad. Main so ware used: Revit / Autocad / Microso office tools 9

* Render from BIG

Mari me Museum project

About the project: ‘‘The Danish Mari me Museum is located in a unique historic and spa al context: between one of Denmark’s most important and famous buildings the Kronborg Castle and the Culture Yard - a new, ambi ous cultural center. BIG proposed to place the museum underground, just outside the wall of the dock in order to preserve the dock as an open, outdoor display, maintaining the powerful structure as the center of the Mari me Museum. By placing the museum this way, it appears as part of the cultural environment associated with the Kronborg castle and the neighboring Culture Yard, while at the same me manifesting itself as an independent ins tu on. The dock creates a museum space as a cohesive floor plan which discreetly becomes lower and lower across the en re museum length. Simple accessibility ramps and bridges are added, cu ng through the dock in a structural and sculptural way.’’


My contribu ons to the project: The project was finished and open for public in October 2013, however, since then several problems arose. The aluminum cover on the Zig Zag bridge started to unglue, the bitumen based membrane used behind the aluminum facade started to melt in the summer due to the high temperatures, the bridge water was siping in. Those were the main problems we had to find a solu on. During my stay, I worked on the developing the refurbishment project, this involved making a demoli on project and a new construc on project with all the solu on all the problems men oned above. It was an amazing experience since this was the first refurbishment project I worked on during my career. Some of the challenges I experienced and overcame on this project: Unknown process, different approach towards finding solu ons for the problems. Exis ng construc on constraints. Main tools: Autocad / Adobe acrobat pro / Microso office tools

Ø4 Housing project About the project: ‘‘AARhus is located at the p of the manmade island Ø4, in the new urban development of Aarhus Ø. The development sits at the intersec on between bay and harbor, city and nature – offering spectacular views of both.’’

My contribu ons to the project: During the one month stay on the project I worked on the development of terraces building drawings, at the same me coordina ng them with the engineer’s input on the load-bearing systems and drainage system. Main tools used: Archicad / Adobe acrobat pro / Microso office tools

* Render from BIG 11

Stefan Plugaru 2018

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