Akrapovič Magazine vol. 21

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DOUCHEBAG(S) by Gaber Keržišnik photography Bor Dobrin, Red Bull, Head

We were persistent and determined to do the

videos that he records, edits and publishes daily on

interview in our usual manner for this magazine.

YouTube. This is how he keeps his fans and followers

Live. In Monte Carlo, where Jon Olsson lives.

up to date with his life. Even when he’s not skiing or

Lives? Well, sometimes stays the night might be

chasing snowstorms in supercars.

more accurate. We were treated to some more

It required a lot of time to set up the interview. Quite a few emails and a lot of coordination was needed. Olsson’s first reply went along the lines of: “Let’s do the interview over the phone or by email. It would be fastest that way. You see, I live life quite differently from others. I only sleep a few hours every night. My biggest regret is that a day only has 24 hours. Though it is true that even if it had 48, I’d manage to fill it up. I work, ski or travel to a new skiing destination. I really don’t know where life or travels will take me tomorrow. I just got back from Los Angeles. We bought our tickets just a few hours before departure. We usually try to catch the most recent snowfall or monitor snowstorms and then decide at the last moment to go where we think the snowfall will be the heaviest. We look for places where skiing conditions are at their wildest.”

juicy travel stories before managing to start with

Jon Olsson is a ski legend, a skiing innovator, author

the interview proper. “We were recently deciding

of numerous freestyle flips and spins, adrenaline

between a snowstorm in Japan and heavy snow

junky, extreme skier, nine-time medallist at the X

in Canada. We didn’t know where to fly to, even

Games, aficionado and collector of fast cars, blogger,

a few hours before departure. But then a friend

vlogger, internet star, playboy and teen idol. And all

from Japan informed me that snow forecasts

that at 34! Olsson is very well read and is an excellent

were exaggerated and that snowfall would not be

interlocutor and not in any way a “Douchebag”, as

as heavy as promised. So we changed our mind

we jokingly labelled him in the title of this interview.

at the last minute and opted for Canada instead.

The term was rather taken after the increasingly

On my return, I also stopped in Los Angeles to

popular brand of travelling bags, manufactured in

say hello to a few friends, but now I’m here and

Scandinavia. Olsson is a co-owner in the company

ready for the interview.”

that he set up together with friends and the brand has already reached worldwide renown. Jon Olsson also

With the compulsory cap brandishing a famous

chose the company’s name: “Douchebags”.

sponsor’s logo that gives him “wings”, and with camera in hand, the blonde Swede arrived at

We ordered coffee and sat down on a sunny terrace

the agreed upon time. He recorded everything

at a Monaco seaside café, not too far from the tunnel

with his beat-up camera, whose broken-off

and directly below the building where he stays. “It

microphone was attached with rubber bands and

was difficult to get you in front of a microphone,” I

sticky tape. Before we started talking for real,

said, while he apologised and explained: “This must

he also placed a GoPro camera on the table.

be my first face-to-face interview in at least a year.

He wanted to film our meeting from at least two

And it mainly happened because of your persis-

vantage points, so that he could later publish

tence.” Straightforward. There is no time to waste.

the footage on his video blog amongst other


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