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SIAMSIAM is a group of solar powered robot band. The initial concept was inspired and originated from the 2011 earthquake off the coast of Tōhoku, Japan. The earthquake severely damaged the nuclear power plant and the tsunami destroyed the villages near the coast. This tragic event struck me and made me wonder: if there was a day when we ran out of power, will the art we designed to inspire remain? Will the galleries and concerts remain? or will we be forced back to primordial age? That is when I decided to use my artwork to answer these questions. The two vocalists, AKIBOYS, first came to mind, which are both equipped with solar panels, lighting and sound systems. They generate power during the day, and in the night, they invite audiences to enjoy their energetic show. The female robot AKINANA and the six background singers, AKIDIDI, came shortly after, which formed a whole band to expand in to a large-scale performance. The SIAMSIAM attempts to bring a new form of art into the unsettled times, and try to remind us not to forget to protect or one and only Earth when we are enjoying our wonderful adventures.

AKIBOYS : 210cm×250cm×180cm AKINANA : 330cm×255cm×300cm Metal, FRP, LED Modules, Audio System, Solar System




AKIDIDI : 120cm×95cm×119cm


Akibo is the creator behind many memorable and celebrated designs for the pop music industry in Taiwan. Akibo has worked with many legendary recording artists in Taiwan, with his works spurring lasting impacts on the market. Akibo is also an interdisciplinary artist. His recent robot creations have allowed his art to diversify into different realms, from pure art to commercial branding, performing art, public art and others, which creates an attractive and unique art style, by combining future sci-fi, Taiwanese culture followed by a mixture of simplicity and diversity.

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