Best UPSC Coaching in Jaipur for IAS Exam Preparation 2019

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Best UPSC Coaching in Jaipur


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Best UPSC Coaching in Jaipur for IAS Exam Preparation 2019

Diffident (adjective) Meaning: modest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence. Synonyms: bashful, unconfident Antonyms: confident, conceited It must step up to the plate and find ways to pressure China on its own. If it’s claimed the Balakot strike exemplified a break with the past and emergence of a new, bold India determined to strike out in its own interests, then the same approach must apply to China. New Delhi must stop being diffident and squarely confront Beijing over aiding Pakistani terrorism.

Astounding (adjective) Meaning: surprisingly impressive or notable. Synonyms: amazing, staggering Antonyms: unsurprising We have the numbers, data and scientific studies that quantify and tell us the scale of the problem, but the indifference to press the reset button remains astounding. While 15 of the 20 cities worldwide ranked the worst on air pollution metrics are in India – these alarming air quality stories especially around our national capital region, have been making headlines for years now.

Retention (noun) Meaning: the continued possession, use, or control of something. Synonyms: withholding, ownership Antonyms: inability At its current size of $2.6 trillion, the loss equals to about $221 billion. It’s well documented how pollution costs productivity. The large losses due to related health issues may be spread out over time and geography but the cost it is inflicting on human capital cannot be overlooked. The talent retention problem on account of pollution in cities like Gurgaon is as real as it gets.

Hegemony (noun) Meaning: leadership or dominance, especially by one state or social group over others Synonyms: ascendancy, dominion Antonyms: self-government For much before it got associated with communal violence the region, from Muzaffarnagar to Baghpat, was known for producing powerful farmers’ leaders such as the late Charan Singh, briefly a prime minister of India and one of the first figures in contemporary history to challenge Congress hegemony in the late 60s. Mahendra Singh Tikait, the iconic farmer leader, too was from Muzaffarnagar and like Charan Singh before him, built a farmers movement on the back of support from both Jats and Muslims.

Pragmatic (adjective) Meaning: dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations. Synonyms: expedient, reasonable Antonyms: impractical, idealistic The Jat community apparent support for Ajit Singh could also be a pragmatic decision as the demographics of the seat do make him a strong candidate. The RLD leader’s largest potential voter bloc would be Muslims, followed by Dalits. Muslims will not be divided as in the past because of the SP-BSP alliance.

Entourage (noun) Meaning: a group of people attending or surrounding an important person. Synonyms: retinue, bodyguard Antonyms: leader The district president of SP speaks before Ajit Singh at a meeting in village Sarai Rasoolpur while the BSP representative sits on stage. In the entourage, however, it is not Muslims or Dalits, but the Jat community that is the most visible, arriving in convoys of tractors and raising loud slogans.

Consortium (adjective) Meaning: an organization of several businesses or banks joining together as a group for a shared purpose Synonyms: group, conference Antonyms: disunion, seperation The transfer of control in Jet Airways from the airline’s promoter Naresh Goyal to a consortium of lenders led by State Bank of India marks an inflection point in Indian business. The development needs to be seen in the context of two big changes. First, the introduction of a bankruptcy legislation which strengthened the hand of lenders.

Best UPSC Coaching in Jaipur for IAS Exam Preparation 2019

Oureducation have made the best Efforts to provide accurate information on Jaipur Coaching Institutes. This list of Coaching Institutes in Jaipur is compiled from various authentic sources and hence can be relied upon. Oureducation, now you can select Best IAS Coaching Institutes according your requirement at very reasonable cost. More info here - /

Quagmire (noun) Meaning: a difficult and dangerous situation Synonyms: muddle, imbroglio Antonyms: agreement, solution Third, this needs to be an ongoing programme to support the poor in perpetuity but the principle must be to top-up to an extremely frugal level. There will otherwise be strong political incentives to increase the amount every year and create a welfare state which will badly distort work incentives and productivity, exacerbating the socialist quagmire that India finds itself in.

Grandiose (adjective) Meaning: impressive and imposing in appearance or style, especially pretentiously so. Synonyms: magnificent, resplendent Antonyms: unimpressive, modest The fifth point is that majority governments universally tend to bite off more than they can chew and make a hash of execution. A more modest agenda focused on doing the smaller things right usually is more beneficial than grandiose attempts that seek to overturn the status quo.

Profligacy (noun) Meaning: reckless extravagance or wastefulness in the use of resources Synonyms: depravity, libertinage Antonyms: morality, virtue Indian parties have a consensus on cash grants to the needy. Schemes in Telangana, Odisha and Jharkhand have been followed by Modi’s PM-Kisan, costing Rs 75,000 crore per year. Achieving that without fiscal profligacy is difficult. Rahul’s NYAY will cost almost five times more, Rs 360,000 crore, or 1.8% of GDP.



Meaning: try hard to do or achieve something Synonyms: attempt, venture Antonyms: idleness By common endeavour we can raise the country to a new greatness, while a lack of unity will expose us to fresh calamities.



Meaning: excellent or valuable Synonyms: splendid, magnificent Antonyms: poor, unexceptional These pragmatic but profound remarks defined the vision and the sterling character of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the principal unifier of modern India.

Coercion (noun) Meaning: the action or practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats. Synonyms: constraint, enforcement Antonyms: persuasion However, he was also compelled to use coercion by launching ‘Operation Polo’ to liberate and integrate Hyderabad after the Nizam of Hyderabad entertained false hopes of either joining Pakistan or remaining independent.

Unscrupulous (adjective) Meaning: having no moral principles Synonyms: amoral, reprobate Antonyms: ethical, honest Writing about Patel’s decisiveness in the Christian Science Monitor, W. Gordon Graham observed: “Hyderabad, a State covering 80,000 square miles in the heart of peninsular India, was at that time in the grip of an unscrupulous minority which aimed at secession from India.

Balkanise (verb) Meaning: divide (a region or body) into smaller mutually hostile states or groups Synonyms: divide, separate Antonyms: join, unite Displaying statesmanship of the highest order, Sardar Patel prevented the attempts to not only Balkanise India but internationalise the issue as well.

Dexterity (noun) Meaning: skill in performing task Synonyms: efficiency, adroitness Antonyms: clumsiness, insensitivity The complicated case of Junagarh, Gujarat, was also handled with dexterity by Patel.



Meaning: deprive of freedom of action Synonyms: restrain, constrain Antonyms: help, assist It will be relevant to recall his famous address to the civil service probationers in 1947 when Patel told them that the service will have to adopt its true role of national service without being trammelled upon by traditions and habits of the past.

Magnanimity (noun) Meaning: the fact or condition of being magnanimous Synonyms: generosity, benevolence Antonyms: selfishness Another aspect of the Sardar that needs to be highlighted is his graciousness and magnanimity in readily abiding by Mahatma Gandhi’s advice to withdraw his candidacy for the post of Congress President in favour of Pandit Nehru in 1946, although a majority of State Congress committees supported his candidature.

Jeopardy(noun) Meaning: danger of loss, harm or failure Synonyms: peril, vulnerability Antonyms: safety, security Indeed at the most critical time when the country’s political unity was in jeopardy, India found the man of the moment in Sardar Patel, who displayed amazing patience, tact and a steely determination in dealing with an intransigent ruler, who refused to see the writing on the wall and even wanted to take the issue to the United Nations.



Meaning: a large amount or supply of something Synonyms: abundance Antonyms: deficiency The verdict is a cornucopia of textual analysis, ancient and modern history, India’s political history, philosophical reasoning, and doctrinal application. It deserves a rich tribute for its transformative constitutionalism

Contemporaneous (adjective) Meaning: existing at or occurring in the same period of time Synonyms: concurrent Antonyms: asynchronous Former Chief Justice Misra and colleagues made numerous references to contemporaneous decisions of constitutional courts in considering the validity of homosexual offences in India. Their written reasons contain important analyses describing the emerging constitutional jurisprudence of the U.S., Canada, South Africa, the U.K., and the European Court of Human Rights.

Grandeur (noun) Meaning: splendour and impressiveness, especially of appearance or style Synonyms: magnificence Antonyms: dullness First, to be considered a sporting powerhouse, India must leave a mark at the 2020 Olympic Games to convince the world that it takes sports seriously. Second, India has hosted only a handful of multisport events, with none really matching up to the grandeur and scale of the Olympic Games. Hosting multisport events in the coming years may prove to be key in cementing its prowess to pull off the mighty event.

Accruing (verb) Meaning: accumulate or receive (payments or benefits) Over time. Synonyms: collect, gather Antonyms: disperse, dissipate With the general election only a few months away, the government needs to avoid the temptation to open the spigot with an eye on the political benefits that it may see accruing. Some of the expenditure plans it has committed to recently have either been factored in or will at most impact the margins — be it public sector bank recapitalisation or an increase in the quantum of incentives for the export of onions to reverse the slide in prices

Hagiography (noun) Meaning: biography of saints or venerated persons Synonyms: slobbering Antonyms: ingenuous Sadly, balance and fairness elude the fate of the Indian icon who sways between hagiography and hysterical downsizing, both of which reduce Indian history to a comic strip of exaggerations.



Meaning: lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time Synonyms: eternal, abiding Antonyms: antiquated Nehru is a perennial icon, whose ability to survive has made a mockery of his critics. Instead of hyperbolic attacks and hysterical critiques, one senses that a quieter nuanced assessment would have been more devastating and effective.

Emulate (verb) Meaning: match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation Synonyms: imitate, mimic Antonyms: neglect As we pay our tributes to the great statesman on his birth anniversary today, on October 31, let us try to emulate his qualities and work towards realising his dream of providing ‘Suraaj’ in a new and prosperous India.



Meaning: a quality of mystery, glamour, or power associated with someone or something. Synonyms: glamour, fascination Antonyms: simplicity Bose’s mystique derived from two sources: from the Azad Hind Fauj which was a counter to Gandhi’s satyagraha imagination, and from the mystery of his disappearance. The fact that there is a mystery around his death created a literal industry of inquiries by every opportunistic politician.

Mnemonic (noun,adjective) Meaning: aiding or designed to aid the memory. Synonyms: evocative, redolent Antonyms: oblivious From one of the great monuments of the era, he became a memorial and was soon reduced to mnemonic commemorations on birthdays through official clichés. In 2019, it’ll be 150 years since his birth, and one realises he is being stripmined for official slogans and programmes, where his great quotations become clerical clichés.

Hysteria (noun) Meaning: exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion or excitement Synonyms: frenzy, wildness Antonyms: calmness If folklore has a sense of joy, mass culture brings to its icons a sense of frenzy, hysteria, what one can call a modern sense of idolatry. The narrative possesses an official character which creates a grid of uniformity.

Iconography (noun) Meaning: the visual images and symbols used in a work of art or the study or interpretation of these. Synonyms: emblem, folklore Classical iconography was, in fact, the study of religious icons, an exploration of symbols and their meaning. While iconography has a sense of tradition, modern society looks at its icons differently.


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