The Soul Trap Problem - A Critique of the current State of the Research

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On the danger of the Soul Trap Research becoming an Ideology or Religion itself A brief definition of what any religion, ideology, cult, any metaphysical believe system embedded in a social context and operating with dogmas does: 1. It recognizes a need a person has as valid, which is not recognized elsewhere, and molds that recognition with a set of answers. The need for metaphysical meaning and social belonging usually. 2. On the social level, it lays out, implicitly or explicitly, a spectrum of expectations on how to engage with those given answers and the range of criticism which is accepted. 3. It establishes some core dogmas, which can only be challenged for the prize of loosing the belong to the group. This can range from just not being listened to, to being ridiculed, to being excluded from the group to even persecution. 4. These core dogmas have to have some inconsistencies so huge and obvious (what in the political field is called the „Big Lie“ - we are witnessing one at the moment worlwide), that non of the followers dare to question them. For the religions that would be that God has the triad of qualities which are that he is all loving, omniscient and omnipotent – which is incompatible with God being the creator of this, our world. For New Age “Life as a school”, the dismissal of suffering as only “contrast” necessary for spiritual growth and so on. This Big Lie-Dogmas have the effect to stifle independent thought (because they don't make sense, aka on can't build upon them with own critical thoughts), hence making the followers intellectually dependent of a group leader or priestly caste. And since the core problems are never addressed, nothing gains traction. People reaffirm the same ideas over and over, without actually getting anywhere (feels familiar for the soul trap research situation already?). This is why Sigmund Freud (not endorsing his work) said something to the extent that faith in a religion would prerequisite an enormous intellectual intimidation. 5. All Religions in one way or another recognize the discomfort humans have with this realm and its blatant injustice (otherwise religions would not be needed), and then mold that discomfort into justification of this realm, pacifying the resistance against this realm (in New Age circles “Resistance” is tellingly the most disapproved mindset). And by this practical definition of how any religion, ideology or cult functions, there sadly seems to be this tendency, that exactly that is happening with the Matrix Soul Trap Question. And the point on which this can be probably illustrated the best, is the idea, the dogma of “Consent”.

So what happens when we first encounter the Soul Trap Question: We are validated. For the first time we are not gaslighted anymore by the absurdities of materialism (that this realm is a big accident with no intelligence behind it), Religion (that this realm is just) and New Age with all the “Life School” and suffering as “Expansion” nonsense. It is affirmed for the first time that the NDEs doesn't make sense as coming from a “loving” place, that amnesia doesn't make sense, that it is as cruel and ethically wrong as the idea of karma, all of this is validated and most of us probably felt a big sense of relief. Finally having found an explanation for this realm which matches the actual reality in which we live. We are in a state of trauma, because this insight, as freeing as it is, is traumatic, and at the same time we feel relief of having found the truth. Therefore, we are in a state of emotional and intellectual openness, in a state of high suggestibility. And at this point most major voices in the field as much as most of the people interested in the question will present to us the core believe of the movement: That we have free will and that we have consented to this. And this short text claims, that this is the the “Big Lie” which turns all truth on its head, the contrafactual, poisonous believe, where the minds of people are broken and where the soul trap question, by the means of the mechanics of how cults works described above, turns into a cult, an ideology, a form of religion. And where the same soul crushing, pacifying notion is offered, which all religions offer is offered yet again: “You brought this upon yourself!” Karma and the caste system: It was you (your actions in a former life). Original Sin of Christianity: It was you (or the collective “you”, the sinful state of humanity) New Age: It was you, your law of attraction attracted it, everything that happens to you is a vibrational match and for learning, it is nobody else's fault. It is you interacting with you by means of an energetic law. The Soul Trap consensus: It is your life plan, it was your free will, your consent. Reintroducing all the lies formerly refused in other believe systems yet again under a new mutation. Why a life plan, if the idea of “life as a school” is (rightfully so) rejected? Why calling something “Consent” - the amnesia, the being trapped in a body which can be tortured - which is a crime against spirit beings? When Mister Wayne Bush mentioned in the first part of this series, that there are NDE testimonies where people are brought back to earth against their will it was brushed of with the explanation that the part where they could have consented could be have been memory wiped. It was not integrated, because it didn't fit the dogma. Confirmation bias on full display. Not mentioning even all the torturous experiences in the void people describe on Waynes hompeage As another researcher on the Soul Trap topic (Dan from the “Overwatch Project”) has pointed out, if you wanna go for truth without getting tricked by your cognitive biases, you have to take care, that your conclusions fit the totality of the information. That you don't exclude data, just because it doesn't suit preconceived notions. But sadly exactly this is disregarded most of the time when people take on questions regarding the soul trap matrix.

This is probably the central point, where all the conclusions drawn so far from the NDE testimonies and other sources like pre-birth memories buckle sideways and even turn into concepts formerly refused and the thing as a whole into a sort of twisted religion: Original sin becomes our initial consent before birth, which is derived from scripture (the testimonies from NDEs and pre-birth memories). It is never discussed, that if we assume that deception happens normally AFTER VERY SINGLE DEATH (the „guides“, the light trap etc.), if we think the deception is that systematical, that this whole realm is one big deception, that it then is equally conceivable that EVERY memory from ALL pre birth memories, all NDEs, and all predictive programming that supports it is equally misleading. Maybe implanted memory. Maybe in cases of the NDEs that the body of the deceased persons are possessed by spirits which want to give misleading hints about the afterlife. These are serious possibilities. But we turned the assumptions derived from the Testimonies into a mythology, treated as quasi facts. Instead of asking, and maybe first finding, the correct questions. But this is only the more technical aspect of it. What is much worse, because it is not probably wrong, but definitely wrong, is the ethical aspect, the orwellian inversion of the meaning of words. When the famous quote from Orwell books 1984 was.... “War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength;” ….aren't we doing exactly this for the matrix questions, by Inverting the meaning of words? By claiming our slavery to be here is “consensual”, our mind wipe based on “free will”? As Dan from the Overwatch Project pointed out, on the aspect of amnesia alone that is impossible: When I have amnesia, I can't consent to that backwards in time. I can't be of sane, informed mind and consent to torture. There shouldn't be a more obvious thing in the world. And quite a few people feel that. But, and this is the religious aspect, an atmosphere has developed around the soul trap question, where critical thought is only by lip service encouraged, but when people actually point out this inconsistencies, actually wanna have meaningful discussions, they are either met with indifference or outright rejection. To quote somebody from Forever Conscious server: „This whole notion of "consent" is like saying a child "consented" to rape because it got tricked into it by the perverted uncle [lets even additionally assume the child would have at the end even verbally demanded such an horrendous act. That would make it zero percent less rape]. Being tricked into an atrocity (if that trick even ever took place) is not consent. Saying on the one hand that this realm is a crime by following it always up with the ideological statement that we consented is like saying "of course rape is never justified, under no circumstances ever, of course it is always a crime... but that girl dressed like a whore, though, she had it coming". Yes, there seems some rules to this realm which are not solely based on power. The same is the case for the mafia. That doesn't make mafiosi “honorable man” nor what happens here “consent”. This is what the whole free will/consent idea is amounting to: Blaming the victim (all humans incarnated) and, in an underhanded, slick way, manufacturing somewhat consent for whatever is behind this matrix. For identification with the aggressor. For a weird, subtextual Stockholm Syndrome to the mechanics of this realm. So: The exact opposite of what the soul trap researchers

overtly claim to strive towards. No sane being would consent to be incarnated here. Not under normal circumstances, which are always traumatic (the memory wipe alone would be), but especially not for ending up in satanic ritual abuse, in the hand of the spanish inquisition or anything of that flavor. Insert the worst form of physical torture you have been heard about and say honestly, that somebody “consented” to that. For example slow dismemberment by horses which pull extremities in all four directions? Really, someone consented to that? Isn't it obvious how atrocious and intellectually insulting the implications of the idea of consent to such a “life plan” are? That if “consent is the name of the game” is not an open question, but as a general principle which would apply to every incarnation as impossible as a loving, omnipotent God is for this world? There are only two options with this: Either our assumed „higher self“ is careless or insane, than it is no less our enemy than the assumed archontic forces. Or if there really should have been a feeling of agreement before getting here, we have not been aware of the horrors. Than it is not informed consent either, and calling it that is a very dark form of alignment with the forces behind this matrix. Even worst, accusing the victims of being their own perpetrators. And if the listeners realize that or not, their subconsciousness will register the message, and if they accept that, than a profound spiritual wounding is archived. This is the same dark guilt tripping that abusive parents and religions use. The same pattern of breaking the spirit of the victim by insinuating, that it has brought it all upon himself, that some behavior of the victim was the cause. And not the malevolence of the perpetrator. And we are back in the same abusive patterns religions use in other aspects too: Scripture as dogma, guilt as dogma (the original sin and the karma is converted and re-packaged into consent, life plans and free will), the use of “Big Lies” (in Christianity the imaginary victory of achieved salvation and a loving just God in a world which proves the opposite every second). In case of the soul trap the idea of free will and consent which one has to believe as an axiom in the face of a world which is the exact opposite. Which comes close to demanding a psychotic state, if such a state is defined by a break with objective reality. And that is, and I am not saying that anybody making such statements is doing so out of ill intent (a majority of the people in the comments share those views) metaphysical gaslighting of already traumatized and disoriented people. Removing them further from the truth. If we do that, we are becoming enablers of this realm. People experiencing trauma are in a very suggestible state. As we all would probably grant, the discovery about the whole soul trap problem is by its very nature deeply traumatic. So what do all people talking about this topic in this crypto-apologetic manner achieve,when they tell humans trapped in this nightmare here, based on scripture, the testimonies, that they have chosen that for themselves by “consent”? That they are the abusers? Have we learned so few from our own critique of religion and new age and other rigid or misleading believes, that we are so un-immune to repeating their patterns? In the first Matrix movie Morpheus says to Neo, that he offers the truth, “nothing more”. Maybe the factor why it is possible to mentally enslave humans is that we have a brain, which has a hard time separating three things: 1. What we hope for.

2. What we fear. 3. What is the case. The permanent confusion of those three things is what constitutes cognitive dissonance, the mind virus of mankind all religions have preyed upon. We should hope for to have free will some day, that some day we are in a realm which is based on consent. If we confuse that hope with painting it over the horrors of this realm in which this is clearly not the case, we start with a lie, and make ever finding the truth so much harder, because we placed our starting point for every further inquiry even deeper in the dark. We have done, what all religions and believe systems have done before: Covered up our psychological and spiritual yearning for truth and liberation with false, sedating narratives. Instead of starting with the truth, no matter what.

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