The "Yasir Studio Official Pakistan" user's logo

Yasir Studio Official Pakistan

Most members will know the name Totocode. Let me tell you why muk-tu-code is important. Totocode can be issued numerous times by indiscriminate food verification companies. However, it is not possible to issue a muk-tu code. For example, if the private company you used to use was stopped for no specific reason and a problem occurred, and you send the information to us, we will issue a code to prevent secondary damage and share it with multiple members. This technology is only possessed by our Mook Thu Coat, and malicious Mook Thu sites are registered as “Mok Thu Site” by creating Mock Thu code to prevent operation. In addition, we are doing our best to prevent second damage by providing information to members. At Muktu Code, the safety of our members is our top priority.



August 15, 2020

Body Mass Claculator

August 8, 2020

Body Mass Calculator

August 7, 2020