Roshni, April to June 2022

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April To June 2022


All IndIA Women’s ConferenCe
of Yoga 21 June
Past President and current Patron of AIWC Bangalore Branch Smt. Nalinakshi Sannappa was bestowed with an Hon. Doctorate in recognition of her selfless service to society for more than five decades through various social organizations. A proud moment for AIWC Bangalore Branch in June 2022 Smt Shevata Rai Talwar Asst. Secretary, AIWC, was presented the JMC Women Ratna Award from Journalist Media Council, New Delhi on 3rd May 2022 …and the Iconic Women award from Women Economic Forum on 11th June 2022 Smt. Geeta Sharat Tiwari was presented the Rotary Club Award in June 2022

ROSHNI Contents

Journal of the All India Women's Conference April-June 2022

Editorial Board

Editor : Smt. Chitra Sarkar

Assistant Editor : Smt. Meenakshi Kumar

Advisor : Smt. Supriya Bhalerao

Editorial Assistants : Smt. Ranjana Gupta : Smt. Sujata Shivya

President : Smt. Sheela Kakde

Secretary General : Smt. Kuljit Kaur Treasurer : Smt. Rehana Begum

Patrons : Smt. Kunti Paul

: Smt. Bina Jain : Smt. Veena Kohli : Smt. Rakesh Dhawan

AIWC has Consultative Status with UN Observer's Status with UNFCCC

Permanent Representatives : Smt. Sudha Acharya and Smt. Seema Upleker (ECOSOC) (UNICEF)

AIWC has affiliation with International Alliance of Women

Pan Pacific and S.E.A. Women's Association CONGO Global Water Partnership World Renewable Energy Network

ROSHNI Editorial and Business Office All India Womens Conference 6, Bhagwan Dass Road, New Delhi-110 001 Phone : 011-43389100, 011-43389101 E-mail : Website :

The views expressed in the articles published in Roshni are those of the authors only and not of All India Women's Conference.

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Domestic Yearly Rs. 250.00 Quarterly Rs. 70.00

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Golden Path to Success

-By Smt. Sheela Kakde

Thirty-sixth President of AIWC Dr. Aparna Basu -

A Woman of Many Splendid Parts -By Dr Manju Kak

Thirty Seventh President of AIWC-

Dr. Manorama Bawa: Love, Joy And Playfulness -By Smt. Rati Bawa


Allahabad Branch

-By Smt. Ranjana Gulati

Bihar State Branch, Patna

14 -By Smt. Kumkum Narain

Garia- Mahamayatala - Jadavpur Constituent 15 Branch, Kolkata -By Smt. Basudha Ganguly

J&K Women Society, Jammu 15 -By Smt. Nirmal Padha

Kalimpong Branch A Street Food Festival

16 -By Smt. Aruna Pradhan

Bhagini Samaj, Mangalore 18 Constituency of Karnataka Branch -By Smt. Vijayalaxmi U. Bhat

Sanjeevni Mahila Sanstha, Meerut

18 -By Smt. Beena Agarwal

Noida Branch 20 -By Smt. Upasana Singh

Suvarna, Kozhikode 20 -By Smt. Bhuvaneswari Ravindran

Fancy Fete - an exhibition-cum-sale for women 22 entrepreneurs organised by Suvarna -By Smt. Bhuvaneswari Ravindran

South West Delhi Women’s Association (SWEDWA) 26 -By Smt. Shubra Mandiratta

Sanju Women’s Welfare Association 28 -By Smt. Shanthi Socrates

Branches Celebrate World Environment Day 29

International Yoga Day 30

The AIWC Logo- An Incomplete Story 31 -By Smt. Mythily Jagannathan

From A Culture of Silence to A Culture of Celebration 37 Masika (Menstruation) and Freedom of Choice -By Smt. Shevata Rai Talwar

Hindi Section

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From the Editor's Desktop

In June this year, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the landmark 1973 legislation of Roe v/s Wade, which had granted American women the federal right of access to abortion. In Ireland, a law passed in 1861 was invoked in 2012 to deny an emergency medical abortion to a young Indian woman, Savita Halappanavar. A few days later she died of organ failure. After nation-wide outrage, Ireland had to sign a new law, which partially repealed the old law, and legalized abortions that would protect the mother’s life.

During the same timeline, the position in India was remarkably different. Fifty years ago, even before Roe v/s Wade, India passed the MTP Act 1971, which provided for the termination of certain pregnancies by registered Medical Practitioners. The MTP Act 2021 broadened the scope of the previous law. In 2022, it was amended again. All women in India now have equal right to abortion, regardless of marital status, upto 24 weeks of pregnancy. Legally, the stigma of unmarried pregnancy has been removed. Marital rape has been recognised. Confidentiality is protected. The name of a woman whose pregnancy has been terminated cannot be revealed except to a person authorised by law. But only half the battle has been won. It is now upto us, as women activists, to focus on the rest of the war…

Most Indian women are unaware that abortion is legal in India. Ignorance, social stigma and lack of access to clinics drive many women to unqualified quacks. Thousands die every year as victims of unsafe procedures– it is the third leading cause of maternal deaths.Sometimes, practitioners insist on the consent of spouses or parents. The law requires the consent of only the woman if she is over the age of 18 years.

It is imperative for us, as women’s groups, to turn our attention towards informing our younger sisters of India’s enlightened reproductive health care laws.

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Golden Path to Success

Positivethoughts created with DETERMINATION become strong and when implemented with DISCIPLINE, lead to SUCCESS. We all have a number of ideas that we would like to put into practice. Most of the time, thoughts just come and go. It is necessary to strengthen such thoughts with the power of determination, only then will we be able to make them practical.The lessons of discipline learnt at home and school prove very helpful always. We need to see why it is important for us to bring our thoughts into practice, only then can they become reality. When there is determination to overcome weaknesses, we will be free from limitations and excuses and others will not influence us.

True determination is a combination of single mindedness and flexibility. When I am determined, I am sure of what I have to achieve and I move in that direction. When I find obstacles coming my way, I am able to take them in my stride. Like a river, I can forge my route towards my destination. Take a simple thought in the morning and keep on reminding yourself throughout the day without stopping even if there are obstacles that may come your way. This will help create faith and automatically hurdles become opportunities.You will receive cooperation from others, making you successful. When hurdles are taken as opportunities, you enjoy working with them.

A few of my friends working together for the needy as affiliates of AIWC developed a strong desire in

our minds to go for KAILASH Yatra around 20032004.When initially we discussed about the yatra, the group was big. Over time, the discussions became deep and hardships during the yatra were realised. Many dropped out, and finally only three of us with strong determination enlisted for the yatra. I started preparing by joining the gym six months prior to travel.That helped to strengthen my leg muscles and increase my lung capacity, as long walks in snow covered mountains with less oxygen was expected. Finally, a group of twenty left Mumbai on 15th July 2005 for Kathmandu. From Day One, there were various challenges, big or small, to be faced; like flight cancellations, no toilet or open toilets and even no bath for nearly two weeks! There were erratic climatic conditions, long drives in hilly regions, glaciers, steep slopes and big boulders to be crossed on foot.I had a bad fall from a pony, banging my back on the rocks. My determination to complete the yatra was combined with faith that God was with me and whatever happened was for my good. Discipline of mind and body for exercise and pranayama helped me to achieve success and I could reach my desired goal.We reached Mansarover Lake on the auspicious date of Guru Purnima. My first glimpse of Mount Kailas, that I had endured such hardship to attain, left me with an indescribable feeling of spiritual bliss.

This experience of mine has helped me over the years to handle the unprecedented COVID 19

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Pandemic during the last two years as the head of the organisation very successfully.

Staying alone in the campus, away from my family, taking care of ahundred odd people in the Short Stay home, hostel and staff quarters was a big challenge .The dark clouds of uncertainty,

disease and death were wandering all over the country. Take the initiative to put your right foot forward first and the Almighty will hold your hand and walk with you.


 April-June 2022 4

Thirty-sixth President of AIWC

Dr. Aparna Basu - A Woman of Many Splendid Parts

All India Women’s Conference through Aparna di in 1997, so in a sense she was my mentor. She preferred to be called just Aparna, or Dr. Basu. In a way it signified just who she was, a remarkably democratic person at heart for whom neither age, wealth or degrees enhanced a person in her eyes, only merit and the inherent qualities within. She was extremely courteous to all, and friendly by disposition, be it a staff member, or anyone else. Considering her noteworthy achievements, she had not a trace of arrogance or superiority, qualities that she could have easily embraced when one notices her prestigious family background, her personal academic achievements, or her reputation as a public figure. But above all one can sum up Aparna di with the words— She was a Women who Cared! She cared deeply about everything she did, and as a result brought sincerity and honour to any post or job that she held. Rather, it can be said the post was enhanced by her personality.


Born in October, 1931, into a Gujarati family of social and political reformers, Aparna imbibed the aura of her father Shri Ganganvihari Mehta's illustrious life as a public servant. He was Member of the Constituent Assembly, Member of the First Planning Commission and esteemed Ambassador to USA. But there was an earthiness there too, for the Mehta family were community leaders and entrepreneurs, who under Gandhiji's spell had plunged into movements of Harijan Seva,

Swadeshi, and village upliftment. Social work was in a sense in Aparna's blood.

No less noteworthy was her maternal side's contribution to social reform, be it through the Prathana Samaj in Bhavnagar state where the family had been Dewans for generations, or the role model of her grandmother Smt. Vidyagauri Mehta, who became President of AIWC in 1933. Aparna's mother Saudamini too became President of AIWC Calcutta in 1947, and of Harijan Sevak Samaj of Bengal.

Coming from a lineage of enlightened administrators and liberal reformers, who campaigned for the abolition of child marriage, giving land to tillers etc., bred in Aparna a unique combination of intellect and empathy.

Aparna spoke such fluent Bengali that sometimes people mistook her for one. Her own marriage was into an upper class Bengali bhadralok family of Kolkata where her father-in-law was a prestigious ICS officer, and her husband Shri Prahlad Basu, a technocrat and economist with the Government of India.

Though she held a prestigious Ph.D. from Cambridge University, UK, for Aparna, no work was beneath her. She could be chairing a prestigious seminar one day, or editing a humble text for a fellow volunteer the next. She was a Professor and Head of Department of History, Delhi University, who had specialized in Modern Indian History

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and among other high academic posts, had been UGC Convenor for the National Subject Panel on History and Archaeology. But this did not deter her from taking on humble tasks, be it a newsletter or editing a brochure.

When I, as a Treasurer AIWC, initiated the History Panels to be put up in the AIWC foyer-corridor she took me to task over the sentence construction. "Send it to me," she said, which I promptly did and she edited the text swiftly and returned it without fuss. It was one of the last things she did for AIWC before her death in September 2018 at the age of 88.

I remember her last phone call to me quite well. Her husband Prahlad was admitted to Apollo Hospital. " I'm so worried Manju, so afraid," she said, little knowing a few weeks later she herself would breathe her last after a short illness leaving Prahlad and her two daughters Anuradha and Priya and their families behind.

Age or infirmity did not debar Aparna from an energetic routine to the very end-- writing books and articles, presenting papers, executing projects, administration of trusts. Her Chairmanship of the Gandhi Peace Foundation (2013 onwards) saw her promoting and reflecting upon Gandhian legacy and philosophy through theme based exhibitions and texts.

Education was her first love. She taught, wrote, researched Women’s Studies and Rights. Prof. Basu was on the Editorial Advisory Board of Gender and History, Indian Economic and Social History Review, Indian Journal of Gender Studies and Women’s History.

As an author her books espoused a scrutiny of feminist issues and history, education and biographies. "Women's Struggle—History of the

AIWC 1927-2016" which she co-authored with Dr. Bharati Ray to document India's feminist movement, was well received.

She was Chairperson of the AIWC Public Charitable Trust for Education, and Chairperson of All India Committee for the Eradication of Illiteracy amongst Women which she spearheaded, and which established her work not just in the elite corridors of Research and Scholarship but at the very grass roots. A large number of underprivileged women and girls were given assistance to complete their education and enter gainful employment.

This was also manifest in her work done at the All India Women’s Conference (AIWC) where she was elected President during 2002-2004 and later Patron. She was also on the governing body of Indraprastha College of the Delhi University and Trustee of Sarabhai Foundation in Ahmedabad.

Her acute mind and sharp, expert eyes were cast on every detail so that whatever responsibility she took upon herself was executed with exemplary efficiency. Her involvement in the exhibition on "The Millworkers' Strike in Ahmedabad in 1918, " hosted by the Sarabhai Foundation highlighted her socialist sensibilities.

Along with humility and efficiency, Dr Basu taught us the art of management. For Aparna delegated. She would encourage and promote talent. She cast a fair eye on all, gave opportunities, and used her managerial qualities to promote unity from her fellow members. She never sought to divide or sow discord, gossip or run people down or create lobbies. She was remarkably outspoken in her criticism if she found something wasn’t right. She'd tick you off, in an effort to groom you to be a Team Player. No place for individual aggrandizement or self promotion she'd say.

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Her leadership was not insecure in style. She encouraged and promoted all alike, and sent members to attend national and international conferences freely. If you gave her an idea that she liked, she would support you to the hilt. It was under her Presidentship that I could undertake the prestigious project, " Whose Media—a Women's Space."

There was much to learn from Aparna, much she was able to share. Though she never lectured, you had to observe her and learn by the example she set. If there was a fault it was that she was too kindhearted.As a stalwart of theWomen’s' Movement of her time, Aparna di created a legacy and passed it on. May she live in our memories as a teacher, mentor, guide, social worker and author.

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Dr. Aparna Basu Dr. Basu with Smt. Sheila Dikshit, Chief Minister, Delhi Dr. Basu with Dr. Sushma Swaraj at the launch of her book “Women’s Struggle” in 2002 Roshni
April-June 2022
Dr. Aparna Basu and Dr. Manorama Bawa with Dr. Ravi Shankar Prasad in 2002 Dr. Basu with Smt. Bina Jain at the Shahdara creche in 2002 Dr. Basu inaugurating a workshop organised by Ujjawal Women’s Association, East Delhi; July 2003 At PEPSEWA, Singapore May 2004, with Smt. Sheela Kakde Dr. Basu with her husband and family

Thirty Seventh President of AIWCDr. Manorama Bawa: Love, Joy And Playfulness

“Listen with ears of tolerance…See through the eyes of compassion…Speak with the language of love. “- Rumi

This poem by Rumi embodies to me what Dr. Manorama Bawa was. As her daughter I have always been lovingly taught by her, to listen with tolerance, to have compassion and love for everyone. I have always seen her joyously encompassing all those who came into her world, with love. Every single person I have met in my life, who knew her, had their own personal stories of how her love impacted their lives in so many ways.

She was a liberated woman in not so liberated times and a heart that was like an ocean – free spirited and feisty and very, very deep. She devoted the major part of her life to illuminating the lives of everyone she met. Never did I feel that her professional and humanitarian work ever meant that she wasn’t always there for me, with her open loving arms and enveloping hug. She spent almost 70 years of her life caring and working for those who needed it most.

Mom was always ready to help others selflessly. She spent a lifetime traveling across India and the world in her social work endeavours, to give help to countless women and children, who needed it. She was ambitious and driven, completing her

Master’s at the age of 45,while teaching Home Science at a renowned Women’s College in Patna and then going on to do her Ph.D. at the age of 52 with her thesis focusing on Women and Child Development in rural India. Her work took her away from us for months at a time as she travelled through the villages to collect data for her thesis. She was also a very active member of AIWC (All India Women’s Conference) since I was a small child, working tirelessly for the betterment of the lives of women and children on an all India and global level. Mom also acted in plays on All India Radio and NFDC films to spread social awareness messages. I have the fondest memories of mom and me acting in several of the radio plays together. I of course was a child artist to her heroine roles! I also remember her organizing cultural events for that purpose and sports tournaments for women of all ages, to raise funds for various grass roots level projects.She even played badminton and tennis in those tournaments as a competitor and won! She was also the Bihar State Commissioner for Girl Guides and initiated many programmes for girls and young women of the state on a national level, which I was proud to be a participant. I was and am so proud of her…what an amazing woman!

Once we all moved to Delhi, mom continued working for All India Women’s Conference (AIWC) in the Headquarters at Delhi, in a

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voluntary capacity. She fought elections for the positions of Secretary General, Vice President and then finally the President, and was elected each time with a comfortable majority. She eventually became a Patron and was still unstoppable. Mom was an inspirational speaker and exceptional organizer, who implemented countless national and international programmes for the rights and upliftment of women and children – making this world a much better place for many, many people. She was also part of UN Committees working for women’s welfare globally. She was a Governing Body Member of her Alma Mater, Lady Irwin College under AIWEFA. I, as her daughter, am endeavouring to carry on her legacy of humanitarian work both at AIWC and AIWEFA and hope I can make a difference too. I often wondered where she found the time to do all that she accomplished and yet always be there for her husband and three children as well as her extended family – but she wholeheartedly and lovingly was! Ma…such a tiny word, but she holds the universe in herself for her child. Mama, you have always been my whole universe…You have been my best friend, given me strength and given me wisdom… All that I am is because of you.

“In your light I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my chest where no-one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art.” - Rumi

This poem is what my mother is to me. My memories with her are of happy, sunny childhood days filled with fun experiences – she made even the small things so much fun – whether it was catching butterflies or glow worms or watching the

stars or dancing in the first rains of summer. Every experience was a teaching with utmost love.

I knew what I wanted to become in life as early as the age of 6, when mom taught me how to paint. She got me colours and a brush and gave me old newspapers to paint on till I was confident enough to use blank sheets! I have a vivid memory of telling her then that I wanted to be an artist! She gave me free rein to explore every artistic side of me that I wanted – whether it was to take classical music lessons or to learn Bharat Natyam and Kathak or to act in stage or radio plays or design and paint on clothes or write stories or even just to climb trees and read a book on the highest branch! These are just some of the things she enabled me to do. Eventually I chose to be a graphic designer in my professional life and much more in my personal life. There were so many completely different things that my two brothers were encouraged by her to try and then eventually found their groove in. The sky was the limit! Such was her support and love for us.

As a young adult, she guided me as a mom and heard my confidences as a best friend – I always needed to share every little thing that happened in my day, every day. In fact, I remember my younger brother and fighting to be the first one to tell her about our day. I used to argue a lot with her as a young woman, but her patience was incredible. Now when I think back, as I went through different stages in life, I remember things we had discussed and realized at every point that she was right! The wisdom she gave me has really helped me navigate life with so much strength.

Another beautiful memory I have with her is of

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the time when mom came with me to Ahmedabad for a college interview and we jumped onto a train to Bombay on a whim – and poor Papa had no idea where his wife and daughter were! I also remember Papa exclaiming so often that we were the cause of all his grey hair! Her spontaneity instilled such a joy for life in me that I was able to laugh at every cloud that came over me in life. Such wonderful moments with mom made up my growing years.

Even in the next phases of my adult life, my mom stood by me and my every decision, like a rock. Her feisty spirit and unconditional love were the pillars of my life always. I loved our regular mother – daughter outings for coffee to her favourite coffee shop, Machaan, where we would spend hours talking about anything and everything under the sun – like the best friends we were. In fact, I don’t think anyone has ever been such an amazing and true friend, other than her. Don’t get me wrong, I have some truly wonderful friends who are and will always be there for me, always, and I am truly blessed – but mom was an entirely different universe for me. She taught me how to

be discerning and choose friends who vibrated on a higher plane as human beings – who would keep teaching me about life and love.

Even when I was going through the lowest phase of my life, my mom, dad, my brothers and these amazing friends held me together. Mom always told me, “Bittia, this too shall pass.” And it did, every single time. Her strength was my strength.

She loved life in all its forms, shapes and experiences. But one thing she liked more than anything else was meeting other people, whether it was family, friends, colleagues from AIWC, or even my friends. While she gave tirelessly, she also lived life and was always smiling and laughing. To me, mom was and always will be the epitome of love and joy. Her passing was a tragedy for us, but it is blessing for her, because she is finally free of the trappings of her body. And I know she is really missed by all those who knew her and us, her family.

“Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.” - Rumi

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AIWC Project on land mines Bhagini Samaj, Mangalore

Bawa Family

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Rashtrapati Bhavan with President Pratibha Patil

Branch Activities

Allahabad Branch

On 7th April, the Branch celebrated World Health Day.All the members cycled to Chandra Shekhar Azad Park.An Eye Camp was organised in Sharp Sight Hospital on 24th April. Mother's Day was celebrated on 7th May at Hotel Ajay International along with Constituent Branch Vandana Child Care Trust.In the same month,we helped two girls in their marriage requirements as their home caught fire one week prior to

their wedding. On 31st May, Tuesday, known as "Jeth ka Bada Mangal" at Hanuman Mandir we served the poor by distributing Frooti, lassi, Rooh Afza, Rasna, fruits and biscuit packets to beat the scorching heat. Menstrual Hygiene Day was celebrated in Nari Gurukul, Prayagraj, on 3rd June.

International Yoga Day was celebrated at Dhyan Kendra.

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Bihar State Branch, Patna

20-05-2022 The AIWC Mohiddinagar Branch, conducted the second camp of anemia detection and found much improvement among the anemic beneficiaries after three months of medication.

08-06-2022 The AIWC Bariatu Branch, Ranchi celebrated Plantation Day with the children of Maharaja Ranjit Singh Public School, Ranchi.

12-6-2022 AIWC Bariatu Branch, Ranchi celebrated Plantation Day by planting saplings in DAV School and next day in Mount Olympus School. They visited the old age home associated with the School.

16-03-2022 On the eve of Holi the Branch visited the Old Age Home. They sang Holi songs with them, distributed sweets and hosted a sumptuous lunch for the senior inmates.

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27-03-2022 We celebrated local sarhul festival with the villagers and distributed clothes to the poor. Now all the branches are preparing to help the flood victims of North Bihar, as the floods occur every year from July onwards.

Garia- Mahamayatala - Jadavpur Constituent Branch, Kolkata

On 5th June, World Environment Day, Campaign “Only One Earth” called for collective, transformative action on a global scale to celebrate, protect and restore our planet. AIWC GMJ Branch members celebrated the day

area wise. GMJ Branch tried to remind all people to refuse plastic. Some members visited Kasba Market, Kolkata, and some members visited Garia Market, Kolkata to implement projects funded from GMJ account.

J&K Women Society, Jammu

1. J&K Women Society celebrated International Yoga Day on 21-6-22 at the office in Gandhi Nagar, Jammu and gave an awareness talk

about the benefits of Yoga to the women and children who attended.

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2. Financial help was provided to Smt. Shakti Devi for the education of her son who is facing some difficulty in continuing his studies.

3. Financial help was provided to Smt. Radha Devi for her daughter's education.

4. Vaishnavi Women Society (Constituent

Branch, AIWC Jammu) celebrated International Yoga day on 21-6-22 at Village Kamala, Distt. Samba.

5. Vaishnavi Women Society (Constituent Branch, AIWC Jammu) made crafted baskets from waste material at Village Kamala, Distt. Samba.

Kalimpong Branch

A Street Food Festival

Ahandful of ladies, members of AIWC Kalimpong who share their love for cooking and feeding people got together and registered

themselves for the Kalimpong Street Food Festival, May 2022.

It was a first of its kind experience to stand amidst

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the rows of stalls selling your freshly cooked local snacks in their most authentic form. The ladies did not compromise on the quality of the product that they presented at the stall. Every day the snacks got sold out quickly. Every next day the quantity was increased and yet it got sold out before the time to close the stall. The energy and the dedication of the ladies was promising. The Street Food Festival 2022 saw an unending crowd of foodies. There were choicest of delicacies in each of 139 stalls on the Main Road of Kalimpong. The food lovers varied from teenagers to senior citizens. Nothing would dampen their spirit, not even the rains. Despite the heavy rains the crowd hung around and the stalls still did well. The motive of the Street Food Festival was to encourage the locals to come forward and display their culinary art whether trained or just interested in cooking.

The Street Food Festival saw a range of culinary experts showcasing their specialities. The object behind the festival was to create awareness about a plastic-free society maintaining hygiene and cleanliness in the town. People were briefed to carry their take away boxes from home. No plastic carry bags were allowed. Food was served in ecofriendly organic leaf plates. No plastic bottled water was allowed. Every evening once the stalls were lifted it was the responsibility of the stall owners to clean the area and leave it garbage free. This was followed sincerely by all stall owners without fail. Our excitement increased with the increase in the number of visitors to our stall. To add to the charm of the festival we were visited by many prominent faces of the town. Among them was the daughter of Kalimpong, the celebrity chef Doma Wang.

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Bhagini Samaj, Mangalore Constituency of Karnataka Branch

Celebrating World Health Day, Bhagini Samaj conducted an Eye Donation Pledge Camp in association with Sakshama Karnataka Zone and Mahila Sabha, Mangaluru. The camp was held at Bhagini Samaj in the month of April. Inaugurating the camp, Shri Jayadeva Kamath, Trustee of Sakshama informed about the activities of Sakshama. Shri Umesh Nayak, Member of Sakshama gave a talk on the significance of the noble act of Eye Donation which can give vision

to four corneal blind people. Certificates were distributed to more than sixty people, both men and women, who pledged donation of their eyes. Smt.Vajra Rao, past President of Mahila Sabha and Bhagini Samaj and Smt. Raji Bhat, President of Mahila Sabha, expressed their views. Smt. Vijayalaxmi Bhat, President of Bhagini Samaj welcomed the gathering. Smt. Sowmya rendered the Vote of Thanks

Sanjeevni Mahila Sanstha, Meerut

Oath Ceremony (Sthapna Divas)

The New Team of Sanjeevni Mahila Sanstha, Meerut took Oath, and the old members were greeted on 1st April 2022 at Bhagwan Palace, Meerut Cantt.

The “Hindu Nav Varsh” and “Navratri” were celebrated by presenting different ways of Durga Puja celebration in different states.

On 21st June 2022, on the occasion of International Yoga Day, Sanjeevni Mahila Sanstha, Meerut organised programs at two different places.

1) At Kanohar Lal School, Saket, Meerut for Sanstha Members from 6am to 7am where Yoga Guru Shri Shubham Sharma demonstrated different Yoga poses.

2) At Zila Jail, Meerut for Female prisoners from 10am to 11am where Zonal Organiser Smt. Nishi Jain carried out Yoga poses and Aerobics with music.

The Sanstha also distributed T-shirts to all female prisoners.

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Yoga Day

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Oath ceremony of new team 2022-2023 on 1stApril 2022

Noida Branch

International Yoga Day was celebrated at AIWC Literacy Centre in Alpha II, Greater Noida with children. Everyone actively participated under

the supervision of Kriti Naren, Rajeshwari Mitra, Sahil Sharma and Aman Srivastava.

Suvarna, Kozhikode

SUVARNA, Kozhikode branch of AIWC has embarked on a Pilot Project “Safe Veggies –a Capacity Building initiative in organic farming for Women”, with funding support from AIWC Headquarters under the Environment and Climate Change Project (GUCCI).The aim of the Pilot Project is capacity building of the beneficiaries in the field of growing organic vegetables in a scientific manner under close supervision and expert guidance, equipping them to take up bigger projects and also spread the knowledge.

This project which is being implemented over a six-month period, was launched on April 15, 2022. Preparatory to this, 225 Grow Bags filled with all required material like solarised soil, lime powder, immunity builders and base manure required for the growth of the saplings and plants for the initial days were prepared. 15 such Grow Bags each were distributed to 15 selected women beneficiaries at their respective locations.The beneficiaries were also provided with a kit containing essential tools required; bio-pesticides as advised under Organic

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farming; and 15 saplings of different vegetables, viz., 3 Saplings each of Ladies finger; Tomato; Brinjal; Broad beans; and two Chilli and one Pudina plant.

In order to monitor the activities and progress achieved, following steps were taken:

• WhatsApp group was created to interact with the beneficiaries on a day-to-day basis to address their problems promptly. Smt. Kalyani Raj, MIC and Smt. Usha Nair, Zonal Organiser are also a part of this Group.

• A 5-member Core Group was constituted to monitor the progress and assist the beneficiaries individually. Each member is allotted 2-3 beneficiaries with whom they keep in touch to help them follow the schedules and also help them to find quick solutions to problems encountered in consultation with the Project Coordinator. The Monitors take the lead to collect information in the prescribed format and also help some of the beneficiaries who are not comfortable with filling the format.

• A Calendar is drawn up on a monthly basis and circulated, indicating schedule of activities for each day, making it easy for the beneficiaries to follow the schedule in a systematic way.

• Monthly Webinars were conducted with group members to assess the progress, as also problems, if any.

• A format was designed to monitor the progress in terms of growth of plants, yield, activities undertaken, issues if any etc. Beneficiaries are also encouraged to post pictures of plants and produce at regular intervals for assessment.

The data collected through this format and photographs are used to prepare monthly reports to Headquarters.

Within this short period, three webinars have already been organised. Through the first one, the Project Coordinator familiarised the beneficiaries with the items given to them and also explained various procedures to be followed while planting the saplings. In the second webinar, a guest Resource Person from the Kerala Agricultural University explained all about organic farming and cleared several doubts raised by the beneficiaries. In the third webinar, the Project Coordinator explained the contents of the second kit which was distributed, their usage and also how to prepare the liquid manure using ingredients provided etc.

With the cooperation of the beneficiaries and supporting Monitoring Committee members, the project is progressing well and running smoothly. Going by the enthusiasm in the WhatsApp group, we can see that the beneficiaries are excited about the learning process and to see their plants starting to flower and yield vegetables in a short time. As the Project Coordinator, it is quite gratifying to note that we are able to make a small beginning and be a part of the global climate change initiatives. That the beneficiaries are getting familiar with various methods used, is a step towards achieving the objective of the project, which is capacity building.

Now, the main anxiety is about the current rainy season, which can be quite heavy and windy in Kerala. All of us are keeping our fingers crossed, taking precautions and praying, to minimise damages.

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Fancy Fete - an exhibition-cum-sale for women entrepreneurs organised by Suvarna

ForSuvarna, AIWC Kozhikode Branch members, Fancy Fete is another festival which they celebrate together. Fancy Fetes have been on the calendar of SUVARNA since the year 2004 and members keenly look forward to it every year. Since we know that this is one event enjoyed by all members and all are eagerly awaiting to have a get together after a gap of two years, we decided to begin our offline programmes with the FANCY FETE – 2022 - an Exhibition-cum-Sale for Women entrepreneurs. This was organised on Friday, the 27th of May 2022 at Hotel Alakapuri, Kozhikode. Incidentally, Suvarna members got together last on February 8th, 2020, for the Fancy Fete 2020, whereafter the COVID 19 pandemic struck and everything became online. The objective of organising this event is motivating and encouraging women entrepreneurs to show case their products, giving them an opportunity to enhance their reach and increase sales. This is also an event to raise funds for our activities for the year. Very reasonable rent is charged from the entrepreneurs, which is used for undertaking charity works and providing financial assistance to other social and charitable organisations through

the year. The entire profit from sales is taken by the entrepreneurs themselves.

This year’s event was inaugurated by a very special person who is one of the oldest AIWC members in Kerala. Present on that morning was Smt. Malini Achuthan, who joined the AIWC Palghat Branch in 1951 while studying in college and was actively involved with the Branch activities as Secretary and then as President. Smt. Malini, who inaugurated the Fancy Fete had come to Kozhikode, visiting her daughter, Smt. Suja who is Suvarna’s Treasurer. Smt. Malini’s other daughter, who stays in Cochin, has been regularly participating in the Suvarna Fancy Fete for the last many years keeping stalls for textile items. Incidentally, Smt. Usha Menon, the present Secretary of Palghat Branch also participated in the inaugural session.

There were 26 stalls displaying different products – Textile items, Herbal products, Art materials, Jewellery, Cosmetics, Toys, soaps and detergents, umbrellas, Paintings, Food items etc. in this year’s exhibition. Over the past so many years, we have been providing rent free stalls to social and charitable organisations, including those working in the field of differently abled persons.

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Individual members of Suvarna sponsor each of these stalls and pay up the stall rent. This year also we provided rent free stalls to the following six social and charitable organisations:

1. Suman Research and Rehabilitation Centre working with mentally challenged women.

2. Samadrushti Charitable Trust of SAKSHAMA, working for the welfare of differently-abled brethren

3. Sukritam Girls Home, dedicated to the welfare of homeless girls

4. Pain and Palliative Care, Kozhikode

5. Prashanti School For Special children;and

6. Asha Bhavan (Govt.) for Women, Mayanad, a rehabilitation Centre for cured and partially cured mentally ill women

Anticipating lesser footfalls, on account of the uncertainties posed by the pandemic, there were fewer food stalls this year. That gave Suvarna

members an opportunity to come up with a Food stall instead of the usual Games stall. Some members volunteered to prepare and bring homemade food items for selling at very reasonable rates. This brought in some extra income for the organisation and was also useful for those manning the stalls and the visitors. As an entertainment, we organised Housie games in the morning and afternoon, which were participated and enjoyed by even those manning the stalls.

There was a steady flow of visitors throughout the day and as per the feedback received personally and in WhatsApp groups, the stall owners have had good sales despite the unfavourable rainy season and fear of Covid. The responses in the feedback form were encouraging.

On the whole, it was a very gratifying day for all those who participated. All members and participants enjoyed the day-long festivities after being confined to their homes for a couple of years without any social activities.

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April-June 2022

South West Delhi Women’s Association (SWEDWA)

SWEDWA organized an Aadhaar card camp where 83 women and children were assisted for new Aadhaar cards, address change, mobile number linkage and Aadhaar card update. Due to updated Aadhaar cards, many beneficiaries got their pension and bank account. SWEDWA got 57 women and children PAN card. SWEDWA also applied for Labour cards for 5 labourers. Two of them (one woman and one man) have received their Labour cards and also got benefits from Delhi Government.

The Organization also taught women how to open their bank accounts.Four women opened their bank accounts of which three women have got financial help from Government schemes.19 people were successfully helped to process their e-shram cards. Widow pension was applied for by the NGO for 2 widows, who are now receiving their widow pensions.After the death of her husband, an online application was moved under the financial assistance scheme of Delhi Government, for a woman who then received an amount of `20,000/-.

Under EWS Scheme of Delhi Government, applications were processed for 11 children from EWS category for free admission in private schools.

16 children were helped to gain admission in the Government school. The necessary documents were prepared for their admission. Now all 16 children are going to school.

On 06/04/2022 SWEDWA organised an Awareness Program on “Menstrual Hygiene” in association with DLSA Central Dist. The President Smt. Shubra Mendiratta welcomed the guests, and a short introduction was given about the topic.

The Chief Guest of the program was Shri Kanwaljeet Arora, District Sessions Judge, Member Secretary, DLSA, Patiala House and DCP North, Shri S.S. Kalsi along with Smt. Namrita Agarwal, Judge and Smt. Neeti Suri Mishra, Judge DLSA Central Distt. Shri Dharmendra Kumar Mishra (Advocate) and Smt. Divya, Radio Jockey 98.4 FM, at A - 57 G Hathi Park, Majnu ka Tilla, Aruna Nagar, Delhi. The Chief Guest spoke about the problems and taboos of period and also stressed that it was important to raise your voice against any type of violence and to take help from DLSA Helpline No: 1516. The DCP (North) Shri S. S. Kalsi spoke about the topic and also about problems of drugs prevalent in the area. He said it was important to avoid drugs: "Bottle Todo, Nasha Chodho, Ghar jodo" and also informed that Delhi Police is organizing "Yuva" programs for youth for skill development. Shri. Dharmender kumar Mishra, Advocate Supreme Court gave a speech and asked people to wake up and take help as much as possible from DLSA / Govt. A Nukkad Natak was presented on the topic. Sanitary Napkins were distributed along with food packets. The beneficiaries were about 200 persons.

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World Menstrual Hygiene day was organized by SWEDWA on 28th May 2022 in which all the women and girls present were made aware of cleanliness during their menstrual days and sanitary napkins were distributed to all the women present.

On 05.06.22, the eve of Environment Day, SWEDWA organized a drawing competition in which 49 children participated. 9 children got prizes for making beautiful pictures on Environment Day. They also took a pledge not to

use polyethylene bags. A rally was organized to create awareness among the local people. A tree was planted. ln the end refreshments were given to all the children.

From 18 June 2022 to 23 June 2022, 250 women and children of Majnu Ka Tila area were given yoga sessions. International Yoga Day was also celebrated. The importance of yoga was informed to all participants. LMEN WERE MADE ARE OF LTER HOME AND THE ASSISTANCE PROVIDED BY DLSA

 April-June

Sanju Women’s Welfare Association

In 2015 Sanju Women’s Welfare Association took up a tree plantation project in Bharat Nagar, Trichy, in memory of former President Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. This was followed by other tree plantations projects in various parts of

Tamil Nadu. The pictures below show the first tree planted under this project, as a sapling, and now as a tall, full-grown tree. The Panchayat President of Bharat Nagar is shown in the picture on the right.

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Branches Celebrate World Environment Day

 April-June 2022 29
AIWC Kakinada Branch, in collaboration with Kakinada Seaports Limited, took up Kakinada Beach cleaning on "World Environment Day" on 5th June, at NTR Beach. Sri Y.D. Ramarao, Chairman, Redcross Kakinada, and staff members of different voluntary organisations participated. Distribution of cloth bags and plants through Kakinada Mayor, KUDA Chairperson, MHO and corporators on World Environment Day by Maitreyi Women's Organization, Kakinada Human Touch Foundation, Noida celebrated World Environment day with beneficiary children On World Environment Day, the members of Jagriti Women's Conference, Haridwar, took oath not to use tissue paper and toilet paper to save the trees.

Dahod Bhagini Samaj gave information of "Sahaj Yoga" to the sisters who are undergoing sewing training in the institute by the sisters of Sahaj Yoga Kendra

AIWC Komaragiri celebrated Yoga day with nonformal education school children in State Bank Colony, Ashoknagar. Komaragiri President Smt. M. Bhanuseshu participated in this programme

AIWC Kakinada organised a program in Red Cross Old Age Home.Dr.Radhakumari explained about yoga and taught simple Pranayam techniques to the ladies present.

 April-June 2022 30
East Rajasthan Branch, Jaipur, celebrated International Yoga Day at Beauty Culture Training Centre (UDAAN project) varjk"Vªh; ;ksx fnol ij AIWC nkSlk 'kk[kk }kjk lapkfyr Day Care Centre eaMkojh xkao esa cqtqZx efgykvksa dks ;ksx djok;k

The AIWC Logo- An Incomplete Story

Who created the logo of AIWC ? What does it signify ?Finding answers to these questions takes us back to the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, to Europe and India, at a time of great spiritual leaders, philosophers, scientists, poets, writers and artists.

and intellectuals became theosophists, and took up its cause of service to humanity, without barriers of race, gender, or religion. The theosophists became a great force for religious tolerance, and social service. In her final years, Madam Blavatsky settled down in the Theosophist colony in Madras.

Helena P. Blavatsky, Russian spiritualist-(31.7.1983-8.5.1891)

The story begins with Helena P.Blavatsky in the late nineteenth century. Born in Ukraine, she had a thirst for spiritual knowledge, and as a teenager embarked on travels to China, India, and Tibet, spending years seeking spiritual knowledge. In the 1870’s she settled in the US, and co-founded the Theosophist movement, which was a synthesis of several ancient world religions, combined with contacts with spirit mediums who were called “Suprahuman Masters of Wisdom”. Many thinkers

Sister Nivedita (29.10.1877-13.10.1911)

Margaret Noble, (who later became Sister Nivedita), was born in Ireland in a deeply religious family. When she was a school-teacher in London, she joined the Sesame Club, where she met elite intellectuals like Bernard Shaw, and Aldous Huxley, and joined discussions on religion and philosophy. She met Swami Vivekananda, in London, both when he was on his way to the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893, and also on his return. She attended his Gyana yoga

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lectures and after many discussions, accepted him as her guru. In 1898, she went to Calcutta, and attended the inauguration of Ramakrishna Mission in Star Theatre. Swamiji wanted her to work for the upliftment of women.She was consecrated on 25th March, and given the name Nivedita, “The dedicated one”. Sister Nivedita’s closest friends were the distinguished scientist Dr J.C. Bose and his wife Abala, to whom she offered generous help. Many writers, poets and artists of the time were inspired by her. She died in Darjeeling, after a life of dedication to the education and upliftment of women.

Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose, CSI, CIE, FRS, IPA (30.11.1858- 23.11.1937) &

Lady Abala Bose

Starting as a physicist, he branched into biology, botany, medicine, and electronics. His work brought him closer to the Upanishadic principles of unity of all nature. Founder of modern science in India, he set up the Bose Institute in Calcutta

in 1917. Friendship of Sir Jagdish and his wife Abala with Sister Nivedita brought them into the circle of the Theosophist movement. Nivedita’s ashes are kept in the Bose Institute, Calcutta. Abanindanath Tagore (7.8.1871-5.12.1951)

Nephew of Rabindranath Tagore, he started the Indian Society of Oriental Art, and Calcutta School

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Abanindranath Tagore

“Tapasvini”, inspired by Sister Nivedita of Art, and started a revival of ancient and folk art and heritage of Ajanta, Rajasthan, Mughal and other art forms and themes from mythology. His description of Sister Nivedita, when he met her was “Dressed in a white gown covering her from neck to feet, a rudraksha mala around her neck, she was the image of a Tapasvini carved in white marble”. His depiction of scenes from mythology and religious/ritual symbols had a powerful and far- reaching influence on development of Asian art and crafts.

Nandalal Bose

A student of Abanindranath Tagore, he became Principal of Kala Bhawan, Shantiniketan in 1922. Reviving Indian classical tradition in art, and Indian styles of painting, he was also a pioneer of

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Nandalal Bose Sketch of Sister Niivedita by Nandlal Bose

Indra’s thunderbolt, in a flag for the freedom movement

modern Indian art. His painting of Sister Nivedita as “Tapasvini”, is now in the Bose Institute Art Gallery.

Vinayak Pandurang Karmarkar, artist & sculptor (1891-1967)

Vinayak Pandurang Karmarkar, a sculptor, artist hailing from Sasawane, Alibagh, Maharashtra, sculpted a marble bas relief of a lady with a lamp, based on the portrait of Sister Nivedita by Nandalal Bose.


A feminist, social activist, and orator, she met Madam Blavatsky in London in the 1890’s. Theosophy with its broad Upanishadic base of universal truths,unity of all creation, and absence of any discrimination of race, creed or gender in service to humanity, appealed to her. She came to India in 1898 and started

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Besant 1.10.1847-20.9.1933

Education Foundations, and schools for girls in many places. She became president of the Theosophical Society of India,(established in 1882), in Madras. In 1907, she became President of the International Theosophical Society. The society became a starting point for the growth of women’s education, entry into crafts, and profession.Along with education, the Society took up removal of discriminatory customs and practices against women. Institutions like the Women’s Indian Association were started for grass-roots work among women. She joined the freedom movement and became Congress President in 1917.

When was the logo created?

The answer to the question was given at the webinar on “The Legacy of Dr J.C.Bose”,

organized by Smt. Usha Nair in December 2020. It was the result of an inhouse research team including S/Smt. Sheela Satyanarayana, Asst. Secretary, AIWC, and Ranjana Gupta, MCM Library, AIWC. The logo was found printed for the first time on the cover of AIWC’s 1933-34 Annual Report, which was of the 8th AIWC session held in Calcutta. The Report mentions that during the session, a group of members including Sarojini Naidu went to see the Bose Institute. On seeing a small lotus pond with a marble pergola on which was carved a woman with a lamp, Sarojini Naidu exclaimed “What a noble symbol for a women’s organization like ours”. Although the logo may have been initiated earlier, most likely, the concept took shape and symbols were selected in 1931-32.Within a few months it took its final form, getting printed in the 1933 Annual Report (printed in 1934).

What is the meaning of the components of the logo, and who was the creator?

Of the components whose origin can be identified, the central figure of a lady wearing a sari over the right shoulder, in the Bengali style, can be traced to Sister Nivedita inspired paintings and sculptures of the Calcutta School of Art, in the 1920’s, with a woman in a sari instead of the robes of a Tapaswini. Her standing, facing the sun, would be a variation of the sculpture of the Lady with a Lamp, by Vinayak Pandurang Kamarkar, which captivated Sarojini Naidu and others when they saw it in the Bose Institute, but instead of carrying a lamp, she is facing the sun.

Historian Dr Aparna Basu, with whom I discussed the origin of the AIWC logo, about six years back,

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AIWC Logo, 1933-1934 and the Symbol of the Theosophical Society, 1875

interpreted the logo thus: “Certainly the symbol of lady was adapted from the paintings of Sister Nivedita. But her going towards the radiant sun, the source of illumination and spiritual awakening (which is also the theme of the Sanskrit quotation), the lotus blooms depicting purity of the soul, the sea which is eternal and the source of all creation, and the overall shape of the logo, are likely to have their origin in Theosophy , with its synthesis of old religions, found in all its teachings, writings, paintings, and symbols”. From this perspective, the final logo may have emerged from the artists in the Theosophical Society, at Adyar, Chennai, in consultation with Vedic scholars, who would have interpreted symbols like the sun and sea. It was a time when there was a strong influence on

AIWC, of eminent theosophists like Annie Besant, Margaret Cousins and others. Mr. James Cousins, husband of Ms. Margaret Cousins, a noted art connoisseur,and authority on Asian art, could also have given finishing touches.

Thus the AIWC logo has had a long journey, across over two centuries, and many countries. It has emerged from the contributions of world spiritual leaders, philosophers, philanthropists, social and political leaders, and artists. But the story of the logo remains incomplete, until the last step in its journey, the artist who made the final logo is traced. This step will require a search into sources like writings of theosophists of the last century, and archives of the Theosophical Society of India, in Chennai.

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“Women belong in all places where decisions are being made… It shouldn’t be that women are the exception.”
Ruth Bader Ginsburg

From A Culture of Silence to A Culture of Celebration Masika (Menstruation) and Freedom of Choice

800million women world-wide are into their monthly cycles at any given time. 355 Million women in India are in the reproductive age group. They are using all kinds of materials to check the flow with pads, clothes, leaves, straw etc. However less than twenty percent of women in India are using sanitary pads but this too makes it a staggering 12.3 billion pads used and disposed every year.

The waste generated is astounding. Responsible women go into "A Culture of Silence, “bowed with shame and become quiet, addressing "Menstruation" a natural and wondrous fact of nature and womanhood. She unfortunately passes this on to her daughters. Mother Earth weeps, her fertility questioned, so do her daughters, blessed with the privilege of procreation.Traditionally many states in India “celebrated” the coming of age of a young girl and her attaining puberty with much pomp and show. It was an event marking great celebration,feasting, and joy.Sometimes even with her horoscope and birth stars being scrutinized for a prosperous future.

An average sanitary disposable pad takes about 500 to 800 years to decompose and is made up of a top permeable layer of polypropylene weighing 12 -18 gms, the main absorbent pad constitutes

bleached wood pulp mixed with acrylic based super absorbent polymers, and a non-permeable bottom layer of polyethylene.Disposal of these pads can be hazardous. It causes blockages and pollution when flushing through the sewage system into the sea. When thrown into the garbage they sit in landfills leaching blood, human excreta and bacteria along with heavy metals, dioxins contaminating the earth and water. When burnt they cause air pollution including dioxins from incinerators. The chlorine used to bleach them is dangerous.

Proper and systemic disposal of sanitary pads like hospital waste has to be done. Newer types of electric incinerators assure environmentally friendly alternatives. Recycling and recovering plastics and fibers has also started for feminine hygiene products.

Out of 36 crore women in India in the age group of 14 to 49 years, about 32 Crores are still using cloth to check their monthly flow.However, reusable options like cloth made sanitary napkins which are a good and viable option have to be washed properly and dried in the sun to be disinfected to avoid the seventy percent of reproductive diseases in women including Human Papilloma virus (a major cause of cervical cancer) in India caused by lack of menstrual hygiene.

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Small scale industries are making biodegradable sanitary pads with wood pulp, banana fiber and cotton. These are better and more eco-friendly than the commercially made products and if lined by a plastic sheet, it should be removed before disposal.

Menstrual or “She” cups made of silicon and tampons (toxic syndrome caused by a tampon used for a longer period has been minimized due to newer manufacturing protocols) cause minimal waste and should be considered.

Let us have the courage to come out into the open about our monthly cycles and the "moon blood” and be proud of being Women, the universal creators and nurturers. To awaken from our reverie of a 'Swacch Bharat' which meant just picking up brooms and sweeping areas. It is not only about

landfills and municipal corporations - it’s about YOU and ME, the environment and the planet Earth.“Mera Bharat Mahaan” inculcates the purifying of our thoughts and deeds and staying away from giving / accepting bribes and adding to corruption. Smart cities are not necessarily cemented cities which add to the woes of the depleting underground water levels, overburdened and vastly polluted water bodies and soil and the perils of severe pollution and climate change. Let us try to leave this mystical planet a greener, healthier place for the future generations balancing ecology, economy and esotericism.

Credits :

SWMRT Bangalore, The Indian Textile Journal, Auroville and other sources from the internet.

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Roshni  April-June 2022 38


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Roshni  April-June 2022 39

ll hindi section ll

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Roshni  April-June 2022 40

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Roshni  April-June 2022 41

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fdlh dwM+k churs cPps dks lgstdj ,d isafly idM+k;k rks geus ljLorh dh oanuk dhA fdlh o`) chekj rd M‚DVj dks igqapk;k rks geus [kqnk dh bcknr dhA

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Roshni  April-June 2022 42
The Zonal Conference began with Lamp Lighting and Vandana Roshni  April-June 2022
Dr. Yuthika Mishra, President, UWA, presents a memento to Smt. Bina Jain, Patron AIWC Smt. Kiran Sinha, Secretary, UWA, presenting a memento to Smt. Sheela Kakde, President AIWC A memento for Smt. Kuljit Kaur, Secretary General, AIWC Roshni
April-June 2022
A visit by the Hulladek team to Bardoli Branch was organised by Dr. Laxmi Gandhi. The team gave a talk on E-waste management AIWC Pathankot Branch Office celebrated the opening of a free dispensary for needy women and children on 1st June, in an area of Bhadroya where many BPL families live.Free diagnosis and free medicines will be given on the spot. Any patient who needs intensive treatment will be guided to the hospital. Dr. Bhavna Joshipura, President, Rajkot Branch, with Dr. Kiran Bedi, India’s first lady IPS officer and former Lt. Governor of Puducheri, at the Ramakrishna Mission in Rajkot. Salt Lake Constituent Branch started a Part Time Medical Dispensary with funding from Head Office. Smt. Shikha Mitra, MIC Resolutions and Executive Member, AIWC New Delhi inaugurated the project.
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Three Matajis from our Tarash Mandir Old Age Home, Vrindavan had the opportunity to meet President of India, Shri Ramnath Kovind on his visit to Krishna Kutir, Vrindavan. Mataji from Tarash Mandir with Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak, founder of Sulabh International
A lunch get together was organised
by Smt. Jalaja Kumari,
beneficiaries of Old Age Welfare Centre Asraya under AIWC Trivandrum. Delhi Women’s League distributed 18 bed sheets to AIWC staff Smt. L.Seshakumari Garu, VicePresident, Kakinada Branch, left for her heavenly abode. A memorial meeting was held on 5th June in Vivekananda Park.

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