How Does the MagniWork Magnetic Generator Work

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Numerous homeowners and hobbyists alike, who are interested in alternative energy, have recently taken an interest in the MagniWork magnetic energy generator. The main question on everyone's mind is, "Is it a scam or does it actually work?" So many scams exist today that it has become difficult to tell fact from fiction. In order to restore faith magnetic energy generation, Magnetic Energy Source has created a free video, which contains step-by-step instructions as well as proof of functionality for the magnetic generator concept. Free Video Instructions and Proof of Functionality Since the main thing holding people back from building a magnetic energy generator is time and money, the video provided is based on a small scale model, which can be built from ordinary items regular people may have around the house already. Actual cost to build is comparable to the cost of a single DVD movie. How does it Actually Work? (Construction) The concept is very simple. As a child, most have at one time or another used one magnet to push another across a table or another smooth surface. The same concept still applies. Here's the sought-after answer to "How does a magnetic generator work?" You will need a plastic lid from a container of cream cheese or butter. (Approximately 4" in diameter) This lid will serve as your rotor. Next, you will also need a DC motor from a small handheld fan or a small toy car etc. Remember, just like electricity can turn an electric motor's shaft, turning the shaft of an electric motor can create electricity. (This is how your car's alternator keeps the battery charged.) You will have to mount this motor on straws, matches, or anything that can serve as a tripod to hold the motor at a height and angle comparable to a fan. (Remember to glue the tripod legs to a piece of cardboard or something you can move from place to place to show your friends.) Krazy Glue will serve as an excellent adhesive for this experiment. Building the Magnetic Rotor Now that you have the motor mounted, you will need to construct your rotor. The rotor will have 12 strong, yet small, magnets (Just like you can find in Magnetix kids toys) equally spaced and glued to its perimeter. You will have to cut out sections of the lid (rotor) to properly mount the magnets firmly. The next step is very important. Put the 12 magnets together end to end. Note that the polarity of these magnets is in the same direction when they are stuck together. You will have to keep them pointed in the same direction, creating a perimeter of magnets around the outer edge of the lid (rotor) Glue them into place and make sure that they all maintain the same orientation as

you had when you put them together. Now you have a rotor with consistent polarity around its perimeter. Take the lid (rotor) and cut a small hole in its center with a utility or exacto knife. Remember the DC motor, which is currently on a tripod? Mount the lid (rotor) on the dc motor as if it were a fan blade on the motor. Glue the lid (rotor) to the gear or drive shaft on the DC motor and make sure that the rotor can spin freely. Start Up You are almost done. You are going to have to prove this works, so you are going to need two pieces of wire and a light bulb. Wire the light bulb to the motor as if it were a battery. Do not solder the wiring so that you can just twist the connections together to make easy corrections later if you have incorrect polarity. Believe it or not the generator is ready. In order to operate the generator, you will need a couple more magnets. These additional magnets will serve as the driving force. Put the two magnets together and hold them so that they are aiming directly at one of the magnets on the bottom edge of the rotor. You will notice the rotor starting to spin. Move your hand closer or farther away to determine the optimum distance for maximum speed. If the rotor is turning and the light is not lighting yet check your wiring to the light bulb. A good suggestion is to purchase a light bulb or electricity hobby kit from RadioShack for this experiment.

To watch the magnetic generator video and finally get the answer to, "How does a magnetic generator work?" Visit the Magnetic Energy Source and watch the free video at the bottom of the page.

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==== ==== Create Free Energy, In Your Home Today and Get Free Video Reverals the crazy Secret Over 900 Homeowners Use To Produce Their Own Electricity! Check This Out: ==== ====

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