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40th anniversary RE IND RE BUILD VOL 40 AIS J UKH OZ IH IG H SCH OO L 2022202 3

16. academics 50. arts 110. athletics

service learning who we are 248. mugshots

Where did our Journey lead us in the 2022-2023 school year? What were the major milestones along the way, the triumphs and celebrations, as well as the pitfalls and challenges? What happened at AISJ, and how did you learn and grow? What path did you follow, and how did you find your way?

A journey is a metaphor for the life of our school, and it is also the literal name of our new Strategic Direction that we launched at the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year. The AISJ Journey is a compass that shows us where we need to go, provides direction and clarity, and helps us move forward with unity. The AISJ Journey articulates the priorities of our organization and describes our process for getting there. At AISJ, as students, staff and parents, we walk together on this journey. There are times of celebration and harmony, viewing serene vistas and enjoying beautiful moments. There are also stormy days and rocky roads, and we have to support each other through hard times along the path. In all of these situations we strive to “see” each other, embracing the philosophy of Ubuntu, and we try to live out our Community Principles.

Our theme for the school year was “Rewind and Rebuild” as we commemorated the 40th anniversary of AISJ. We found ways to honor the journeys of those who walked before us at AISJ, and we moved full speed ahead in the wake of the pandemic. One of the notable aspects of our year was the absence of COVID; we gathered and celebrated unfettered by the acute anxiety of imminent disease, and we began to rebuild some of the programs and special traditions that makes AISJ an exceptional place. We are fortunate to be a part of a wonderful school that is strong, resilient and committed to inspiring learning and building our better world.

At an international school where mobility is ever present, there are special people who walk with us for a while and then

they need to go on to other adventures. We keep going and we are grateful they were with us for a while as they play an integral role in helping us improve and move farther down our path. Each person brings unique talents as they join in our purpose and help us shape our way. We depend on each other, we are better when we act together, and we share a common bond as we continuously join in community. Who did you walk with? Who did you share your journey with? Who is special to you and who will you remember?

To our graduating seniors, you have worked incredibly hard to get to this point, and I am immensely proud of each and every one of you. As you move on to the next trail ahead, I have no doubt that you will continue to make us proud and achieve great things. Each of you leave behind a piece of you that has influenced AISJ in some way. How has AISJ shaped your journey?

Going on a journey is exhilarating, especially when we travel with those who we care about and we meet new people along the trail, and it can also be exhausting when we fall down or lose our way. I hope you enjoy these pages, reflect on the journey, and treasure the memories.


The High School at the American International School of Johannesburg has so much to celebrate as we look back on all that we have achieved during the 2022-2023 school year.

Thank goodness that we have been able to return to in-person community celebrations. We have been reconnected to each other through our genuine smiles. Opening up our campus has reminded us of the importance of face to face community building and something that we do not take for granted.

Inviting our families back to campus for coffee mornings and events has enabled us all to re-establish this important partnershiip. Our teachers and students have committed to leading and facilitating many events so that our teenagers can be their authentic selves beyond the classroom. Thank you for the leaders at AISJ!

For the first time in years, we took our Grade 9 & 10 students out on Classroom Without Walls and had a blast as we took risks, played games, laughed and even put up our tents successfully! Our Student Council hosted a Homecoming dance and our House Captains organized many fun house events - one of the highlights was when our teachers competed in a lip sync battle. Who knew there was so much talent among out staff - and how awesome it was to see our teachers modelling moving beyond their comfort zones and perform.

We also hosted the ISSEA Band & Choir showcase which was truly amazing. Over those few days, students from the ISSEA schools collaborated together and the final performance was truly fantastic and a great testament to how music can bring everyone together and bring joy to a community.

We also sent out students off to other communities to showcase our service learning, debate UN resolutions, compete in sports and collaborate with actors and artists. Interacting with students in our region and from other schools is such an important part of being an AISJ Eagle and we are thankful to have these opportunities back.

We all have voices in the High School. Each one of them matters and we have seen this through student council, the JEDI group and our numerous service learning projects. Every voice counts. Every voice matters. Our educators and students work alongside each other both in the classroom and beyond. Our international mother tongue day assembly and our Earth Day celebrations remind us of the power of collaboration. We are better when we act together. We hosted the first ever SENIA conference on the continent and our student voice on the panel was the best example of how our learning differences make the AISJ community stronger. Our differences make us stronger. And it’s because we have unique individuals, who bring so much to our team that we can make magic happen in the High School. Every team needs individuals. Every individual needs a team.

Our teenagers have worked hard alongside their teachers and parents to cultivate an inclusive community and we are proud to be Eagles. We are committed to working together to continue to make this the best High School ever.

Thank you EAGLES!

Bony Selassie

“Science is important because it opens the minds of people who neglect the life they live in. It allows us to discover new things and be more aware of our environment.”

Hyun Doyoung

“Science is important because it opens the gates to more creativity and knowledge.”

Thomas Garneau

“Science is the backbone of everything and can be used to aid people, animals, societies, countries and the world as a whole.”

Peter Wright

“Science is important because it allows us to understand the fundamentals of the planet we live on and beyond.”

Celina Thompson

“Science is important because, out of any other subject, it provides us with the highest amount of knowledge and resources that we need to solve problems in our daily lives as well as on a larger, more global scale.”

Troy Marks

“Science is important because it leads to the innovation of new knowledge and technology that betters our world.”

Lesedi Mahlangu

“Science is important because It helps us to learn about how as humans, we can improve.”

Kaishu Yokoo

“Science is important because it allows us to understand the natural world, make informed decisions, and improve our lives. Through scientific research, we can develop new technologies, medicines, and materials that can solve problems, save lives, and advance our society.”

Tinoda Semu

“Science is important because it is all of mankind’s accumulated knowledge, and it is our method of understanding and interacting with our universe.”

Alp Sengul

“Science is essential because it increases our fundamental knowledge while creating new technology and applications.”

Luke Day

“Science is useful because it is a way of collecting and finding information to make a more efficient and pleasant planet.”

Runhao Chen

“Science is important because it is a tool to understand humans interacting with their environment.”

Mischa Frljak

“Science is important because it enhances our understanding of the world and connects people from different fields of science together. Additionally, science allows us to develop new technology in which would create a more sustainable environment for human civilization.”

Leon Francis

“Science is important because it helps us understand even the smallest of things in our life better.”


Celina Thompson

“Science is important because, out of any other subject, it provides us with the highest amount of knowledge and resources that we need to solve problems in our daily lives as well as on a larger, more global scale.”

Troy Marks

“Science is important because it leads to the innovation of new knowledge and technology that betters our

Lesedi Mahlangu

“Science is important because It helps us to learn about how as humans, we can improve.”

Kaishu Yokoo


“Science is important because it allows us to understand the natural world, make informed decisions, and improve our lives. Through scientific research, we can develop new technologies, medicines, and materials that can solve problems, save lives, and advance our society.”

Exemplar 1

Working collaboratively in a team requires a lot of communication and trust among the team members. It also requires a certain amount of independence. If you are dependent on the entire group, or if the entire group is dependent on you, things will not work out. This great opportunity provided by the school gave me a chance to find out my weak points when collaborating, work on them, and improve on my skills as a part of a fantastic group.

Exemplar 2

Tinoda Semu

“Science is important because it is all of mankind’s accumulated knowledge, and it is our method of understanding and interacting with our universe.”

Alp Sengul

I thoroughly enjoyed this year’s collaborative science project. It was a lot of fun to be able to create our own experiments using our interests. There was a struggle with figuring out the dynamic of the group, what everyone was interested in, who was best suited for the roles and working with people I would not usually. The experiment was a challenge due to my general lack of creativity. I struggled with developing my own guide and ideas because I work better with step-by-step instructions. However, it gave me the opportunity to expand my horizons and work on bettering myself.

Exemplar 3

“Science is essential because it increases our fundamental knowledge while creating new technology and applications.”

Luke Day

“Science is useful because it is a way of collecting and finding information to make a more efficient and pleasant planet.”

Through this project, I discovered that people would learn and do their work differently, and you must be able to learn how to collaborate despite differences. I learned that some people might really want to take the lead, some might need to take more brain breaks, and some might be able to work more quickly. All of these aspects are things that one will find in real life after school, and being able to learn how to collaborate with each of the characteristics is crucial outside of the classroom.

Exemplar 4

Runhao Chen

Science is important because it is a tool to understand humans interacting with their environment.

Mischa Frljak

Science is important because it enhances our understanding of the world and connects people from different fields of science together. Additionally, science allows us to develop new technology in which would create a more sustainable environment for human civilization.

Leon Francis

The collaborative sciences project was a very enriching experience. While there were some moments where members of the group disagreed with each other, this made us stronger overall as we listened to each other to come to a final agreement. The freedom to choose our own experiments was nice as we all collaboratively split up roles to work on a topic that we were all interested in. Personally, this project helped me overcome obstacles, as our original method did not quite work out, and effectively communicated with my group members as we listened and elaborated on each other’s ideas.

“Science is important because it helps us understand even the smallest of things in our life better.”

Exemplar 7

A significant takeaway was the fact that, as a group, we worked well together and helped bounce off each other’s ideas. Although the people in our groups weren’t people we were familiar with, we were able to collaborate fully and create excellent experiments that we could later share with our peers. As for me and the participation; I contributed, and I think I was engaged and took on more of a leadership role as people in my group came to me to clarify what they needed to do. Overall this was an excellent experience to experience science in different lenses.


Exemplar 8

As a result of this Collaborative Science Project, getting the chance to work with people with different studies (Bio, Chemistry, ESS, Physics) I haven’t worked with. I found it a great opportunity to see different people’s ideas on how they could fix the world or come up with ways to prevent bad things from happening to our environment and planet. Working with people who think differently tha you is a great experience when it comes to collaborating because each individual will have different knowledge and ideas to bring to the table.

Exemplar 9

One of the problems I faced was effective communication and decision-making when choosing a research question. One of my strategies was to understand others’ preferences and do more research to understand their thinking. The groups of people I’ve worked with were different from my friend’s group, but I learnt to enjoy time with colleagues I don’t usually collaborate with. One of the problems was time management; I need to improve my work efficiency and not be off-topic when researching nuanced topics. Overall, I’ve been really engaged throughout the two-day endeavour and will carry forward the skillset I’ve gained to my IB work.

Exemplar 10

In the duration of brainstorming and creating our group’s presentation, I participated in numerous ways. In the brainstorming aspect of the project, our group as a whole communicated effectively and equally. I ensured the effectiveness of sharing ideas within the group by encouraging others to share their thoughts whilst also giving constructive feedback. I assisted in allocating roles to each group member and ensuring that the work to be done was distributed equally. Moreover, a comfortable environment was created which allowed for each group member to be vocal if there was a concern or question that arose. Thus resulting in a strong support system within our group.

Exemplar 11

Working collaboratively within a team involving the aspects included in this project was interesting, to say the least. Coming up with a research question and planning the subject itself was an experience that took a lot of time. Once that was done, it was easier to go through the motions of collecting data and finishing the presentationin preparation for presenting to the rest of our group. There were a couple of hiccups here and there. However, in the end, the project was well done, and everyone did their part. This was an interesting community-building project.

Exemplar 12

In the project, I collaborated with new people while learning and brainstorming ways to help improve an SDG. Communication and collaboration for us were not difficult as we understood how respect and listening to each other is essential in a group. When we hit a conflict, they were easy to overcome through talking and compromising. In terms of motivation and perseverance, since the project was short, I didn’t lack motivation or perseverance. Lastly, we only had to adapt once when we changed our independent variable in our experiment. I helped with the actual experiment by setting up and managing materials between trails and by contributing to the slideshow and discussions.



“Economics is an exciting class that gives me the opportunity to learn about the ways in which the world works around me.”


“Psychology class helped gain a deeper understanding of why exactly we do the things we do.”


“I think Contemporary issues has helped me learn about South Africa, New Zealand, and the world as a whole.”


“EI is different from the normal curriculum as it is more practical and interactive and I look forward to coming to class.”


“I loved studying history IBDP this year! Although there were lots of reading assignments, discovering that a lot of our case studies were linked together with one event (The Cold War!) was really cool as it helped to make links between events that happened in different parts of the world then and now regarding the relationship that many countries have. Another really nice side note about this class is that Mr. Greer is always happy to (if we deserve it) feed us chocolate!.”


“In 9th and 10th grade, when adults talked about the economy, I always felt lost as I understood so little about such fundamental concepts to society. After taking Economics, it was as if this fog of mystery slowly began to dissipate. By the end of this course, micro, macro, and trade concepts became second nature to me as I realized how these areas of knowledge affect my daily life. If money makes the world go round, Economics explains why.”


“Geography is a great class for many reasons. Not only is it interesting to learn about the many lay ers to societal issues, such as poverty or climate change, but it develops your critical thinking skills by considering management strategies taken by governments.”

“Vouloir, c’est pouvoir.”

“Dans la classe de français, tu peux être toi-même.”

“J’ai appris beaucoup de nouvelles choses et j’ai travaillé avec des gens sympas.”

“Je fais mieux dans ma 3ème langue que dans ma 1ère.”

“English is not our identity, but English is a common language that we speak.”

“It was really interesting to share about our different cultures.”

“ Learn today because it will lead tomorrow’s future.”

“Talk English! Fun English! Learn English!”


“After 2 years online, it was great to be back to normal! I didn’t think I would miss dressing up but I did!”

“I thought it was a slow start because of how many people were new to MUN, but once we started debate, it was

really fun.”

“The final lightening alarm ended up being great as we convened into the General Assembly.”

(from a visiting director) “The conference was well organized and the students performed professionally. We will be back!”

“Our chair made sure we had a lot of fun, but we all so had to be serious. Although I did not visit the other committees, from what I hear they also had serious fun.”

Pablo Picasso

“Every child is an artist; the problem is staying an artist when you grow up.”

Henri Matisse

“Creativity takes courage.”

Pablo Picasso

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”

Edgar Degas

“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.”

Salvador Dali

“Have no fear of perfection, you’ll never reach it.”

Yo-Yo Ma

“Passion is one great force that unleashes creativity, because if you’re passionate about something, then you’re more willing to take risks.”

Thomas Merton

“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.”

Dana Gioia

“The purpose of arts education is not to produce more artists, though that is a byproduct. The real purpose of arts education is to create complete human beings capable of leading successful and productive lives in a free society.”

Albert Einstein

“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”



Maia Elizabeth

“Every person has potential for a masterpiece.”

Miyawaki, Teppei

“Art helps to inspireing to people.”

Aidan Kyalo

“Art is a way to express what can’t be verbally expressed.”

Phiwokuhle Ayabonga

“Art is a nice way to relax and gather your thoughts. Also a nice way to get to know yourself a bit more.”

Marina Lara

“Art helps people escape from reality it’s a way to express yourself without any judging.”

Keamogetse Kagiso

“Art is like a leap of faith because creativity takes courage.”

Bhavishya Ukti

“Art is a method of self- recognition.”

Nidia Isabel

“Art is an escape or a form of expression, there are endless possibilities when it comes to art.”

Sharma, Samiksha

“In art everything you can imagine is real, creativity allows you to make mistakes art knows which one’s to keep.”

Dylan Cox Warnecke

“The only limit to art is the limit of one’s imagination.”

Barybov, Annabelle

“Creativity takes courage, The worst enemy to creativity is self - doubt.”

Faku, Melokuhle Phumla

“Sometimes you need to say, the thoughts left unspo ken, without speaking.”



What do you like about this class?

“Science is important because, out of any other subject, it provides us with the highest amount of knowledge and resources that we need to solve problems in our daily lives as well as on a larger, more global scale.”

“Science is important because it leads to the innovation of new knowledge and technology that betters our

Lesedi Mahlangu

“Science is important because It helps us to learn about how as humans, we can improve.”

Kaishu Yokoo

“Science is important because it allows us to understand the natural world, make informed decisions, and improve our lives. Through scientific research, we can develop new technologies, medicines, and materials that can solve problems, save lives, and advance our society.”

Tinoda Semu

Being able to sing along with people who have a similar like for music.

“Science is important because it is all of mankind’s accumulated knowledge, and it is our method of understanding and interacting with our universe.”

What is a memory you have of this class?

None (so far).

Alp Sengul

What non-musical benefit do you get from this class?

Stretching before we start.


What do you like about this class?

“Science is essential because it increases our fundamental knowledge while creating new technology and applications.”

Luke Day

“Science is useful because it is a way of collecting and finding information to make a more efficient and pleasant planet.”

I love learning our parts together as sections and then sounding amazing as a whole choir..

Runhao Chen

What is a memory you have of this class?

Fighting for biscuit brownies before the choir concert.

Science is important because it is a tool to understand humans interacting with their environment.

What non-musical benefit do you get from this class?

Mischa Frljak

Connecting with people who have a passion for singing like me.


What do you like about this class?

I enjoy the people around me. The songs, and the voices when we sing together as one.

Science is important because it enhances our understanding of the world and connects people from different fields of science together. Additionally, science allows us to develop new technology in which would create a more sustainable environment for human civilization.

What is a memory you have of this class?

Leon Francis

My first performance in high school was singing songs that were challenging yet exciting.

“Science is important because it helps us understand even the smallest of things in our life better.”


What non-musical benefit do you get from this class? Socializing with more people and becoming more of a leader than I was before.


What do you like about this class? The singing part. I like singing, and this class is all about singing.

What is a memory you have of this class? The karaoke Fridays.


What do you like about this class? I like singing so singing.

What is a memory you have of this class? Not much because this is my first year.

What non-musical benefit do you get from this class? I can interact with people.


What do you like about this class? I like being able to improve and the experience of singing in a group.

What is a memory you have of this class? I have fond memories of laughing with the friends I made in choir during Friday karaoke.

What non-musical benefit do you get from this class? Collaboration.



What do you like about this class?

“Science is important because, out of any other subject, it provides us with the highest amount of knowledge and resources that we need to solve problems in our daily lives as well as on a larger, more global scale.”

“Science is important because it leads to the innovation of new knowledge and technology that betters our

Lesedi Mahlangu

“Science is important because It helps us to learn about how as humans, we can improve.”

Kaishu Yokoo

“Science is important because it allows us to understand the natural world, make informed decisions, and improve our lives. Through scientific research, we can develop new technologies, medicines, and materials that can solve problems, save lives, and advance our society.”

Tinoda Semu

Learning new instruments and getting to play them.

“Science is important because it is all of mankind’s accumulated knowledge, and it is our method of understanding and interacting with our universe.”

What is a memory you have of this class?

Alp Sengul

One memory is when we played the kahoot shark game I found that pretty fun.

What non-musical benefit do you get from this class?

“Science is essential because it increases our fundamental knowledge while creating new technology and applications.”

I can count better and I get stronger wrists.


What do you like about this class?

Luke Day

“Science is useful because it is a way of collecting and finding information to make a more efficient and pleasant planet.”

I have always liked music, and musical expression is one of the many important parts of my culture. Furthermore the music in the class is interesting and the constant challenge pushes us to adapt and learn quickly, enhancing our musical understanding. I have especially enjoyed the Bach pieces and the more classical/formal ones we have done recently.

Runhao Chen

Science is important because it is a tool to understand humans interacting with their environment.

What is a memory you have of this class?

Mischa Frljak

The best memories from this class are always the concerts because you get to finally show what you have done in the semester to your family and perform with your friends. They are always memorable experiences.

What non-musical benefit do you get from this class?

Learning how to play an instrument has many advantages in other subjects. Learning how to play an instrument increases memory, coordination, organization. It also gives you skills for teamwork as in a band you must cooperate with your peers otherwise the music will always be a mess.

Science is important because it enhances our understanding of the world and connects people from different fields of science together. Additionally, science allows us to develop new technology in which would create a more sustainable environment for human civilization.

Leon Francis

“Science is important because it helps us understand even the smallest of things in our life better.”



What do you like about this class? Playing music together and blending with other instruments.

What is a memory you have of this class? Trying to figure out how to play the kahoot song.

What non-musical benefit do you get from this class? Teamwork, problem solving.


What do you like about this class? its a skill to learn a song but it totally different to lean and play a song

What is a memory you have of this class? Band performance and struggling to get the counting wright for 7/8!.

What non-musical benefit do you get from this class? Saying in time/tempo and lots of hand coordination.


What do you like about this class?

I really like playing with others in music and I like learning how to sight read.

What is a memory you have of this class?

When we did our first performance we sounded so good. We are a small group, so it was like chamber music in a way but I could hear myself, and I usually can’t because of the acoustics in the band room.

What non-musical benefit do you get from this class? I get to meet new people who are also very into music.


Austin Eilskov

“The best part was waiting backstage for the show to start because pening night iss so much fun since we are all so excited.”

Dylan Warnecke

“It was such a fun time and when we finished a performance we would always hug each other, shout, and laugh. I was so happy.”

Sivu Mthezo

“I learned that having trust in your teammates/the cast is essential because there are some scenes where you will need to have full trust in them. For Example in the musical, one of the cast members had a flying scene and the cast had to help her fly so she basically had to trust them to not drop her.”

Tamica Mendes

“I made so many new connections through the musical with people I wouldn’t have talked to otherwise.”

David Leoncio

“A few hours before a performance, we as a cast went around and gave each other sincere compliments. Never in my life would I imagine myself hearing the same amount of respect, praise, and wholesomeness I received that day.”


Leonor Castro, Grade 12

“Digital arts has been by far the most entertaining class in my high school experience. It has opened up my creativity and my eyes to different perspectives of the world. Digital arts has also taught me to better perceive myself and others. Overall, it has been an amazing experience that I would recommend to any high school student.”

Mischa Frljak, Grade 11

“I have taken Digital Arts for 1 semester and throughout the entirety of the course it has been an extremely positive experience. I have learnt and uncovered numerous aspects upon my creative outlook through projects that have pushed me to think out the box.”

Sifa Otieno, Grade 11

“In Digital Arts I’ve learned how to express myself and learn, in an unconventional way, and become an independent student. This class is like a nice glass of ice cold Coke on a hot summer day. It is refreshing and makes me excited to come everyday. If I could take this class forever I could.”

Aarrush Gupta, Grade 10

“Digital arts is really fun because you have the choice to express yourself through the mediums of the techniques that you are taught.”

Zander van Wyk, Grade 10

“I have gained the power and skills to create and design meaningful artwork which I will use in real life.”

Meeka Stone, Grade 10

“Digital Arts shows many different perspectives and allows you to express yourself in whichever way you choose. I like how diverse the subject is and how useful the skills are for everyday life.”


Ekaterina Yakovchuk, Grade 10

“Digital art has not only been an inspiring class but it has also taught me many useful tools such as working with Photoshop an Illustrator.”

Patricia Aparicio Hinojar, Grade 11

“This class has taught me to appreciate art through different creative lenses and to try to see the world through other people’s eyes.”

Sade John, Grade 12

“My experience with digital arts started in my 11th year of high school. This class has allowed me to create art in ways that I feel confident and has has helped me develop skills to believe I can make whatever I want a reality.”

Olivia Slack, Grade 12

“I have enjoyed digital arts because I love the way I can express myself. Digital arts provides a creative outlet for those who aren’t good with their hands. Digital art skills can be applied in many aspects of life.”

Jason Whaley, Grade 10

“It’s been incredibly fun to be able to unleash my creativity in a way that actually benefits my academic life. I’ve even gotten addicted to updating and creating my Google Sites, I can’t stop.”


Tina Oduol, Grade 9 - HS Workshop

“I learnt how to embody different characters that would’ve been the opposite of me.”

Austin Eilskov, Grade 9 - HS Workshop

“Trust in your fellow actors, and know they will help and support you.”

Dylan Warnecke, Grade 9 - HS Theatrical Production & Design

“Learning how to control lights in tech theater. It was so fun to learn how to make lighting ques, plan them and execute them for a show while also getting help from my classmates.”

Samiksha Sharma, Grade 9 - HS Theatrical Production & Design

“I enjoyed costume designing. We created costumes on silhouettes, also known as croquis. It was really fun. I enjoyed it. I also loved playing theatre games. Those are very fun!”

David Leoncio, Grade 12 - HS Studio Theatre

“We have the best seats to our performances because we are privileged to see everything, from where we started to where we ended.”





“AISA GISS was an experience of a lifetime. We met many like-minded and optimistic student leaders who are ready and already making changes to the world ahead of us and our future. Nonetheless, it was amusing to meet, interact with people, and travel with friends to the beautiful town of Arusha.”

“I’ve done AISA GISS 3 times now, but this year was by far the best. Travelling and meeting (in person!) other students who are just as passionate about service as me was such a memorable experience, I am very excited for next year!”

“AISA GISS was so amazing, collaborating and meeting such amazing people was nothing but the best!”

“AISA GISS 2023 was truly an eye-opening experience when it came to learning about Sustainability and networking with other schools and students all around Africa. I had a great time educating my fellow peers on the values of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. I hope to participate next year!”

“It was a privilege to be part of this year’s AISA GISS conference and to be able to teach others about the importance of Gender-based violence awareness with my partner, Shanzeh. We led a workshop that focused on Gender-based violence, what we are doing, and what we plan to do in and around our community. At the end of our workshop, we led a “Start the conversation” bracelet-making activity where everyone made a GBV bracelet and took it home with them. The idea would be for people to inquire about GBV, thus “starting the conversation.” As the topic of this year’s conference was “The future is now,” many workshops and issues focused on sustainability. It was interesting to learn about other students’ passions, their initiatives, and how I can be more sustainable in my daily life. My favorite part of AISA GISS was learning from fellow students and keynote speakers, meeting new people, and making new friends. I can’t wait to share this year’s accomplishments at the next conference.”



“FFW teaches us how to help give animals a better life.”


“FFW is a safe place where you can be yourself and celebrate things with other members and learn how to take care of animals.”


“FFW allows us to learn something new about the environment species we around us every day.”


“I really enjoyed being able to make a difference in the lives of the people at FFW just by helping out around the place.”


“No matter how many times you visit FFW you never know what you’ll be doing when you get there. The service opens us up to new experiences that enable us to learn new skills.”


“FFW is a service which allows individuals to physically and mentally engage with the activities that we do, enabling us to be present with our projects.”


“FFW is a service that has helped me gain a betterunderstanding of why service is important in helping give back to the community.”


“FFW showed me what it was to really give back to a community.”


Jake the Dog

“It’s not easy, but you have to be persistent.”

“Stay calm I’m gay.”

“The greatest gift you can give someone is the freedom to choose to be themself.”


“Do you ever stop and listen to the trees?”

“Our time in SOGIE and seeing the challenges we overcame was worth the effort, considering the safe environment we endorsed for all people of AISJ.”


Maura Salmismaki

“The new different projects have been fun this year like the teddy bears and my socks, or even the different patterns for squares.”

Mya Machacek

“The atmosphere that Yarn Club creates is very comforting; people are nice, and we are all here to help others through something we


Taylor Lowrence Bellot

“I love relaxing and spending time with my friends while I crochet.”

Celina Thompson

“I’ve lost my needle in the couch.”

Sivuyile Mthezo

“Many people say yarn jokes are too cheesy. My response? No they’re knot.”

“Many people say yarn jokes


Blessing - Cooking For a Cause

“This service has made me see the struggles of a leader. I don’t regret it because it looks good on my resume :) Being part of Cooking for Cause helped me grow as a person and made me equipped to be a future dietician.”

Zella - Cooking For a Cause

“Cooking is fun, but Cooking for a Cause is more fun.”

Ashley - Cooking For a Cause

“Cooking for a cause has given us a chance to learn how to think for people we don’t usually think about, and create something bigger than us all.”

Vanessa - Cooking For a Cause

“Being able to learn to be more aware of social issues when it comes to food is very important in our community. There is a huge issue of waste in our lives in relation to food so Cooking For a Cause was a great eye opener to, not just issues of poverty, but issues of health that leads me to be more careful when cooking for friends and family.”

Riya Deoghare - Bienvenue Club

“The Bienvenue club has taught me to be grateful for all i have and make a difference.”


“Ecobricks can help the world recycle its non-biodegradable materials and provide infrastructure for underprivileged societies. Also, the main point of Ecobricks is to give the world a better environment. In this service group, we work on making Ecobricks and building infrastructure for the Diepsloot community. We are working with the Khesanei collection center, which is currently building a community center for Diepsloot.”

Sustainability Club

“A better tomorrow requires action today.”


Mother Teresa

“I only feel angry when I see waste. When I see people throwing away things we could use.”

Wendell Berry

“The Earth is what we all have in common.”

George Bernard Shaw

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”


“Time spent among trees is never time wasted.”

Leo Tolstoy

“One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken.”

John Ruskin

“Nature is painting for us, day after day, pictures of infinite beauty.”

Gaylord Nelson

“The ultimate test of man’s conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt

“A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people.”

Emmanuel Tshimankinda Kalemba

“Project Makeover was a great outlet for my creativity.”

Carla Jacobs

“Life is like Project Makeover. You get messy but it’s fun.” “Project makeover has been a great way to relax and have fun while making the school a prettier place.”

Evelyn Rolfson

“Project makeover is a wonderful service which I’ve had the delight to be a part of and help with.”

Hazel Furuholm

“I’ve made many great memories, and I think it’s a really cool service which deserves a lot of recognition for all the amazing work which has been done around the languages courtyard.”

Irene Sung

“Project Makeover is a service and experience like no other.”

Hailey Sung

“Project Makeover was a service that helped to understand our school’s culture and made me proud when I am walking in the language courtyard.”



“If I can adopt, you can too.”


“It’s fun playing with the animals.”


“Walking the dog is good exercise. Better than going to the gym.”


“Walking the dogs is like your own gym.”

Jill + Zeyad

“Cats [heart emoji].”


“Dogs are a man’s best friend. Who wouldn’t want to help their best friend.”


art. music.




“Participating in Simunye this year has been a true learning experience for me! We discovered what it was like to be a teacher and everything that it comprised of: how to plan lessons, teach concepts and much more. We also discovered how tiring it was to spend more than one hour with students, learning with them how to play an instrument and teaching them music theory. But that meant that we also got to feel the satisfaction of seeing them grow as musicians!”


“The most gratifying part of being part of Simunye was definitely seeing the immense growth all the students made both on the recorder and in terms of music theory. Everybody learned so much this year, and I’m proud to have been part of a service group that achieved so much learning all around the board!”


“Being a part of the Simunye service this year has been a very insightful experience. We got to both learn along with the peers from Africa Tikkun while also becoming teachers of sorts. With being a new service group this year I am sure that even if we did a brilliant job this year, the group will continue to flourish in coming years.”


“Working with Africa Tikkun students throughout Simunye service this year has been a beneficial experience for everyone involved. I have learned so much throughout the year while planning for our service meetings and teaching the students what we know. The students have made clear progress on music theory which they express through improvements in playing the recorder. Seeing their growth throughout the year has been a truly rewarding experience.”


“Being a part of the Simunye music group and working with talented people our age and younger, has been extremely rewarding. Teaching them music theory and how to play the recorder has been a lot of fun. To be able to watch as they overcome their challenges and progress in their learning as musicians is something I am extremely grateful for. I am sure in the coming years they will continue growing into amazing musicians.”


Troy - Tech

“This service has taught me how hard a teacher’s job really is.”


“Afrika tikkun brings a whole new great perspective to teaching children.”


“I now understand what it’s like to be a teacher, specifically what kind of skills you need and how it feels.”


“If you can hear me, clap twice. If you can hear me, clap 100 times.”

Aarush - Tech

“Afrikan Tikkun has taught me the struggles and the benefits of teaching.”

Abigail Alemseged, Sofia Jaouani, Thabo Mulonga

“Seeing the children’s faces of joy from achieving something is the reason why we’re here.”

Abigail Kalayu

“Education is the key to a bright future.”

Kea (12th grade, AT Art leader)

“Being part of this service has allowed me to meet new and interesting people who reminded me of the importance of community.”

Tama (12th grade, AT Art member)

“Teaching kids art has been a fulfilling experience because we get to see them smiling while learning new skills.”

Wellbeing - Service Unit

This unit of lessons aims to support students in gaining a foundational understanding of the concepts necessary for authentic community engagement and meeting the AISJ elements of our learner portrait-globally connected, mindfulness, resilience, contributor, curious, and thinker. We want students to act with more humility, empathy, and openness when planning and/or participating in service learning. These skills are transferable across all subjects and disciplines. With these lessons, our students will learn life skills that will be useful as they move beyond AISJ. This year our grade went to visit our service partner, Friends of Free Wildlife where we learned the process for feeding the animals in care, cleaning, planting and meeting some of the residents.

Friends of Free Wildlife

This is a community-based, public-funded volun2015 by passionate and qualified wildlife rehabil-

This is a community-based, public-funded volunteer organisation. It was founded in December 2015 by passionate and qualified wildlife rehabilitators with the best interest of our urban wildlife as a founding mandate.


To create a well-respected, ethical wildlife re-

To create a well-respected, ethical wildlife rehabilitation centre that provides for the care of urban wildlife: that is, the rescue, rehabilitation and release of the animals that share our space.


“Friends of Free Wildlife was really fun, we all

“Friends of Free Wildlife was really fun, we all got mini jobs to do around the area. I enjoyed it. I even got to hold a baby turtle in my hands.”


“I loved gardening, as it allowed me to understand how agriculture works.”


“I enjoyed the weeding, as it was satisfying to pull them out.”


“I enjoyed organizing clothes for others to buy.”


“I enjoyed planting and organizing books and I learned the importance of volunteering how I can help other people.”


“I enjoyed folding clothes and helping the community.”


“I enjoyed organizing books.”


“Distributing clothes based on their sale opportunity.”


“I learned how to maximize efficiency and learn the importance of triage.”


“I learned how to work as a team, and a result, the work was easier and quicker.”

Witkoppen Clinic:

“Helping out with individuals.”

“Being able to take an opportunity and use it.”

“Working with the pediatric department.”

“Learning to take vitals.”


Max de Castro

“This year I learned how to be a leader, alongside the ups and downs that come with it.”

Jonah Gutmann

“There is nothing more satisfying than making great, real, lasting impact on the community we desire to thrive in.”

Noah Nyembo

“Being part of Stuco was a very fun experience.”

Jabulani Mawodzeka

“STUCO is the place where small ideas can inspire great change.”

Olivier Slack

“I have loved working as a part of the StuCo team and have enjoyed learning how events run and what leadership looks like behind the scenes. I have learned the importance of coordination and how to work better with people I would not usually work with. I think StuCo is a great opportunity and would highly suggest it to anyone thinking about joining!”

have learned the importance of coordination and how to work better with people I would not usually work with. I think StuCo is a great opportunity and

Irene Sung

“STUCO is a meaningful place to contribute to and

“STUCO is a meaningful place to contribute to and better our community.”


“Being in STUCO has been so much fun to bring back the AISJ spirit with an amazing group of people. So happy about the things we achieved this year!”

Ms Cobb

“It has been such a pleasure working with our brilliant StuCo students. Their impact is inspiring and to see the collaboration and work for the greater good of the school community is so fun to watch and be a part of.”

to see the collaboration and work for the greater

Ms Nicole

“StuCo was my favorite part of the week! Working with young people, watching them make decisions and probem solve was fabulous. And we are proud of their JEDI work.”



Our dear son Adom, It is with great pride in you and gratitude to God that we write this note. Congratulations on your graduation from High School. It is not only about what you have achieved but the challenges you overcame to make this day a reality. You are such a hardworking and tenacious person, and we are confident that you will continue to work hard to acheive your dreams. You will still have many rivers to cross in this journey called life. It does not matter how many times you fail but how often and quickly you rise above those challenges. May God continue to give you strength and wisdom as you pursue your goals. Adom, you are an overcomer and we look forward to seeing you at the Top. May the peace and favour of God be with you always.

Lovingly, Mom and Dad.


Our one and only lovely daughter, You are about to start a new and very important chapter of your life. You have come a long way to get to this stage despite so many difficulties. I would like to remind you of the strong and smart genius you are and have always been. You can achieve anything you put your mind into. Choices are yours and mistakes will happen, it’s part of life experience but I know you will always bounce back.

We love you deeply no matter what. You got this!


Thank you, Ashley, for choosing to follow the footsteps of your elder sisters and brother by committing to your studies. We have witnessed your sacrifices, perseverance and determination to succeed in school. During tough winters in Chicago, hot summer in South Africa, your determination to attend classes has highlighted your positive attitude towards education. Even the COVID-19 pandemic did not alter your determination to pursue a college education. We were delighted to see you take additional responsibilities, dedicating a lot of your time in volleyball, rugby teams and helping your schools win tournaments and trophies. We urge you to continue engaging in activities that help you excel. As you plan to move away from the family, our wish is that you focus all your energy on your studies and do not let distractions get in your way. Push hard to achieve your goals, we stand ready to support you. Tsoungui family.




Congratulations Asser! We are immensely proud of the IB Graduate and the person that you have become! Hard-working, dedicated, thoughtful, ambitious, strong and disciplined. But also fun, considerate, goofy, smiling, loving, social and an engaged human being in tune with the greater world beyond the privileges that life has bestowed on you. We want you to enjoy life to the fullest. We wish that you will pursue the great opportunities that your academic talents, work ethics and social awareness will grant you. And we hope that you will share your love, laughter and compassion with everyone that has the good fortune of walking the same path as you towards a bright future full of opportunities, success and happiness! We love you and will always be in your corner!

Congratulations on your achievement, Benhur. As a family, we just want to tell you how super proud we are of you. We are thankful to God for your successful graduation which is the result of your sincerity, hard work and commitment. This is the beginning of yet another journey of your life. Continue to think big and aim high to succeed and make us prouder. We wish you to succeed in every aspect of life.

“Mary: I always knew my son would make me extremely proud one day, and you have done it, my boy. Congrats and best wishes”.

“Kalayu: You are my pride, dear son. Dad loves you a lot. Be proud of this moment, you deserve it. You are off to great places. Keep your eyes, hearts and ears open. May God bless you and help you reach all of your future goals. I will always love you.”

Blessing, Congratulations, Makorokoto on completing your high school. Tinoti Ebenezer thus far the Lord has brought us. From the day you came into this world, you have been our source of joy and hope and today you have made us proud. It has been a joy and a blessing watching you grow into this amazing woman, we just thank the Lord and pray that He continues to help you become a good citizen for this world and the world to come. Now as you begin a new and challenging phase of your life’s journey, always remember the precepts and teachings we gave you. Be strong, courageous and face the future with confidence, and with God as your shepherd you shall not want. Never forget the Lord your God who has brought you this far. Wishing you the Lord’s blessings in this new journey. (Proverbs 3:5-6). “Higher still Higher.”



To our daughter, Carla. Congratulations! You’ve achieved success by working hard, keeping your focus and recommitted when there were challenging times. We are proud of you! There were times of frustration and disappointment, but we as a family believe God has our lives in the palm of His hand. He cares about you – ons Engelkind! It’s been a blessing seeing you become independent and gaining more and more confidence and today we celebrate YOU!

You have always been a fighter - ’n klein botteltjie met groot gif! - Your determination and dedication have brought you this far and we are in awe of your success! May God bless your future: Jer 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good… to give you a future and a hope.” Enjoy your well-deserved holiday.

Ons is lief vir jou! Pappa, Mamma, Alexandra & Erick


“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”

- Maya Angelou.

Charlie, you have overcome so very much to get here! We could not be more proud of your perseverance, resilience, and the exceptional human you are today. We’ve watched in amazement as you’ve grown, and we’re waiting with anticipation to see what great things the future holds for you. You have everything you need inside of you already, but always remember how loved you are, and how proud we are to call you ours.

Love always, Mom, Dad, and Ben


The day finally came. You will be at the last stage of one of your most beautiful phases of your life and we are proud that you graduated. You are an exceptional and wonderful son and the future will be very exciting and full of adventures for you and you will soon find your place in this beautiful world. You are a remarkable young man and you will bring a lot of joy and hope to any one you will meet. You have that potential and you have already achieved far greater things than any one can imagine. Your talent, empathy and amazing mind are going to carry you through college and beyond. Continue what you are doing best; we are and we will always be proud of you. We are right behind you and will forever be your cheerleaders. Go get ‘em, David.


Our dear Diego, Congratulations on graduating! We are very proud of you because we’ve seen how hard you’ve worked to get where you are. As you go into the next stage of your life always remember to continue to be that kind, humble, funny, and a responsible young man. Those traits will get you far. We wish that the road ahead of you is filled with success, adventure, and happiness. Thank you for giving us so many satisfactions and so many happy moments. We love you and we will miss you.

Mom, Dad, Cami, Marti and Alexia



Eloïse-Michelle, La force tranquille, Mich Mich you have mastered the IB and you are now on your way to University, new step to a fruitful and blessed life covered by the blood of Jesus Christ! Bravo chérie! Tu es la troisième des 4 étoiles que Dieu a envoyé dans notre famille. Dès ta naissance, tu as commencé à illuminer nos vies et tu n’as cessé depuis lors d’être un “role model” autour de toi que ce soit tes actions caritatives que ton leadership dans différents évènements sportifs, intellectuels caritatives. Vas et brille davantage aussi bien dans ta vie estudiantine, professionnelle que personnelle pour la gloire du Seigneur! Go, be the head and not the tail said the Lord, Deuteronomy: 28. We love you and we will always be there for you!

Princess, Jojo, Estelle, Mum & Dad.


To our sweetest son. It’s been a pleasure watching you grow and develop. You’ve surprised us with beautiful talent on your self discovery. I’m hopeful that there’s still beautiful layers of YOU, you’ll still share with us. ‘Love you, Mom & Papa Emmanuel, you’re finally done with grade school. Well done on completing with excellent grades. I’m so proud of you! I wish you all the best in university. You’ll do well if you put your mind to it. Rose - Linda Well done Mani. Wishing you all the best as you explore the World. Enjoy, have fun, take care and remain being YOU. Mami, Congrats on finishing a 12 year chapter, I wish all the best on the new chapter that you’ll encounter as you go into adulthood. Agi, I know, you gonna ace your tests! Don’t know what to say. Khaya.



My dear Ethan, when you were 3 years old and I thought you were retarded, I couldn’t have been more wrong. Beyond proud of the smart, loving and wise young man that you have become. Can’t wait to follow your journey. Continue reaching for the stars! Love you, always, Mom. From the hide and seek at the BTS station to smashing golf clubs at the driving range, having open showers in Bali, and of course driving everyone batty with your love for video games, look where you have come and become an example of the perfect son. Not once have we had to tell you to balance work and life and the excellent achievements that you have had at school on and off the field and also at home makes us proud. This is just the start, life will take many twists and turns and there is no doubt in our minds that you will excel and make us proud. Go get them Ethan. We love you. How’s this: Ethan, my son, I’m so proud of you. You earned this and now the whole world is open for you. Love you bud, Dad.


Evelyn, We couldn’t be more proud of you. Congratulations! We are thrilled for all that the future holds for you. We often reflect on the amazing person you have become: your excitement to learn, your compassion for others, your commitment to make things better–all of these will help you throughout your life. We’ve enjoyed seeing how you have channeled your natural curiosity and developed a drive to learn. Your face lights up at the prospect of new adventure and the wonder of the world’s beauty. We know this will continue to lead the way for you as you move forward. As excited as we are for you to embark on adventures awaiting you in college and beyond, we know that our home will not feel the same without you. We love you and we can hardly wait to see where you go from here.

Love, Dad and Mom


Dear Ella, You did it! Congratulations on your high school graduation! What a journey it has been – from China to Italy, the US, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Italy again, South Africa, and soon back to the US. Wasn’t it just yesterday when we were getting settled in South Africa and you were deciding which line of study to pursue? Now you are graduating with top grades, focusing on a career in ecology, and getting ready to leave the proverbial nest. We will miss you like crazy and yes, we’re still in denial. We love you to the moon and back and we couldn’t be prouder of you. Please continue to be true to yourself and follow the road less traveled. Best of luck in university and in your many other adventures to follow.

Love always, Mom, Layla, Luca, and your most loyal companion, Midnight.


Congratulations, Guthrie! We are so incredibly proud of you. You are a lovely human who possesses a quiet confidence, tremendous patience, genuine kindness, and distinctive creativity. These traits will serve you well in life. Your passion for building worlds through storytelling, analyzing and discussing situations, empathizing with others, and advocating for what’s right is inspirational. We know you will continue to accomplish great things. Continue to be brilliant, unique, authentic, and kind. Be brave, be bold, and embrace all the good that life has to offer. After living in six countries on three different continents - we wish you all the best in your next chapter of life - university in yet another country, Canada. We are thrilled to see where this new adventure takes you.

We love you dearly, Mom, Dad, and Ella (plus Zoey and Lola)


Darling Harrison, how quickly this moment has arrived! Our hearts are full of cherished memories of your childhood and a love for you that knows no boundaries! You are a multifaceted and intricate gift of precision and art, just like “ORIGAMI”. “O” observant, open-minded; “R” revered as a son, brother and friend, resilient, reliable; “I” impressive, inclusive, innovative; “G” a global citizen, genuine; “A” artistic, adored, awesome; “M” mindful, meticulous, modest, mellow; “I” insightful, inspiring, intuitive. We are extremely proud of you and all that you have accomplished. Your hard work, perseverance, thoughtful patience, and kindness have served you well, and will continue to guide you in your future endeavors as you embark on each new life adventure. Always know that no matter what, your family is there to support you, to help or listen, and that we love you! Congratulations Class of 2023! Love, Mom, Dad, Sydney and Henry


Älskade barn! CONGRATULATIONS! Finally, school is over. Äntligen! Class of 2023. Graduation. Studentfirande. You have worked so hard and you have conquered both school and the tough journey to search for yourself. An interesting and educational journey. For all of us. We are so proud of you! We love you unconditionally. Follow your dreams, believe in yourself. Love. Laugh. Live. As you grow older you will face many more challenges in life - just do your best. Every day may not be a good day but try to find something good in every day. A life full of experiences is in front of you and us parents wish you all the best ahead. Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass; it is about learning how to dance in the rain. We will be there - always - for you, just like today when you graduate from AISJ. GRATTIS!


Dearest Isabella, It has literally been the pleasure of our lives to be your parents! Before you even hit 16, you left home to pursue your dreams and it was a signal of the confident, bold decisions and audacious passion that we have come to expect. While we are beyond proud of your zeal and your accomplishments, we are most proud of the person you are! You have taken on every new challenge and every new goal with a spirit of learning, focus, commitment, and determination. At the same time, you have taken the bumps along the way with humility, thoughtfulness, and perseverance. The world is literally yours for the taking, and we know that you are just getting started on what will be a fantastic adventure. We can’t wait to accompany you on your big future and could not love you more!!

Love, Papa, Mum, Lucas, Sprout, and Dixie

Congrats, Jaeihn! I’m happy that you reached graduation in good health :) I pray you to have a lot of fun experiences in your college years. Love you!


Jamie, I have always been impressed with your ability to repeat any showtoon after only hearing it once; your ability to memorize anything you want permanently is amazing. I’m positive you will find a venue for these talents. Your ability to analyze a problem to find the solution is definitely your strong suit. If only you could figure out how to slow that big brain down enough to tell the rest of us mortals the answers to the universe. I’m so proud of you and what you have been able to accomplish. I have no doubt that once you figure out what menial task (rocket scientist?) you decide you want to focus on, you will far exceed your own (and your mom’s and my) wildest dreams, and succeed in making this planet or another a better place for all to come. I love you son.


Jasmine, As we celebrate your high school graduation, we watch in amazement at the inspiring, compassionate, resilient young woman you have become. Keep developing your passion and igniting your dreams. Set the world on fire!!

We love you always and are so very proud of you!

Mom and Dad



July - Congratulations on this milestone! You have encountered many challenges in the last eighteen years, but you have always forged your own path and have grown into an amazing person. Your resilience in the face of adversity is a testament to your strength and determination, and your capacity for acceptance is an inspiration. Your caring and empathetic nature, coupled with a powerful sense of fairness and justice, gives hope to those around you. We love your sense of humor and insightful nature, your creativity and commitment. As you move forward from here, may you always stay true to yourself and continue to be an inclusive force in the world. We are so proud of all that you have accomplished and cannot wait to see all the amazing things you will achieve in the future.


Dear Kalo, it seems just yesterday we dropped you off at the first grade of the school in Bucharest. You were happy and smiling. Now you are a young woman, still happy and smiling, and you just graduated. After Bucharest, Johannesburg, Tunis and again Johannesburg, the destination of your school trip has now been reached. You have done that very well. Take the knowledge and friendships you made in school with you to your next journey through the universities. We wish you a lot of joy, happiness and success!

Annkathrin, Mama und Papa



Let us start by acknowledging your presence in our life. You’ve been an Angel sent from God ever since the first day we held you in our hands and watched you emerge into this pretty, responsible and humble young lady you’ve become. You’ve brought joy and brightness in our lives and made parenthood so enjoyable. We would like to appreciate the respect caring, generosity you’ve shown us even after 18 years. It gives us joy to let you embark to tertiary level because we know that you are a strong and responsible young lady.


From all of us to you Keatlegile A big sister to Agi and Moso, maMaby to Kea, BFF to Mom, Mfanaka to Dad


Lauren, pedacito de cielo que Dios y la vida nos regaló. We wish that the path ahead becomes all that you want it to be. May your dreams stay big and your worries stay insignificant. Be afraid of nothing, as everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. Remember that success is no accident but rather the result of hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love for what you are doing. Live the wonderful life that is in you, and may God bless you and lighten your way!

Your number one fans:

Mom, Dad, and Luis.


Congratulation Leah & Well done to you for your High School accomplishment. We wish you all the best of success at the University & future adventures. Love Dad & Mom


Congratulations on your graduation.


Dear Lil, You have been fabulously independent since you were the tiniest thing. Ready to join the world with your sisters and play by your own rules even when you were little. “Little girls can not ride backwards down the driveway on their tricycles!” I once told you as you hit the ground. “But I am not a little girl!” you said without even missing a beat. You have never been little. You have always been wild and fierce and strong and passionate. None of these things are little. You have always loved old cars; homeless dogs; festive music; weird clothes; strange hairstyles; bright colours; interesting people and anything that moves at speed. You have always loved horses. Watching you ride has been one of our greatest joys. When I think about you, I am reminded of this quote: “A girl should be two things, Who and What she wants.” Coco Chanel. As you finish school and venture out on a new path, I would just like to say: Keep Being You Lil. Everything you will need to know on the subject is right there inside you (Also it never hurts to remember the things your momma told you!). We love you madly, always have always will, Mom and Dad.


Today marks a key milestone in your life and we are super proud of your achievements so far. Your brilliance, self-reliance, discipline, determination, curiosity, conscientiousness, courage, adept reading habit, gracefulness, poise, decency, God fearing, self-learning, elegance and humility endears you to many people who connect with you. Your pet names: Kuku-love, my honey loppy pop, kuks, kukuwor expresses the depth of our love for you. Continue to make us proud as you step into adulthood and University with boldness and determination. Have no limitation as you explore and make a difference in the world. Dearest Kukuwa, keep soaring through collage and eventually your career choice. We have no doubt that you will be exceptional either on the bench, in the bar or corporate world. We pray you become a maestro in the legal profession. Accelerate where Daddy left off and make him proud wherever he is.

Congratulations!!! Mummy and Fiifi



Matthew, Our hearts are filled with pride as we write this tribute for you. We cannot believe how quickly time has flown by and how much you have accomplished throughout your school journey. From your very first day of school to this moment, you have grown into an extraordinary young man who we are immensely proud of. Your dedication to your studies, commitment to your passions and kindness to others has been truly inspiring. You have overcome obstacles with grace and perseverance, and you have always demonstrated a positive attitude and growth mindset. As you embark on a new chapter in your life, always remember that we love you and support you in everything you do. We know that you will continue to achieve great things and make a positive impact in the world. Congratulations Matthew, we are honored to be your parents. With love Mom and Dad


Matt, as you embark on the next chapter of your life, we want you to know that we are incredibly proud of you. We have no doubt that you will go on to achieve great things and make a difference in the world. Remember always to follow your dreams, stay true to yourself, and never forget the values that have brought you this far. We love you.


David Foster Wallace – “This is Water”

Learning how to think really means learning how to exercise some control over how and what you think. It means being conscious and aware enough to choose what to pay attention to and to choose how you construct meaning from experience. It is unimaginably hard to do this, to stay conscious and alive in the adult world day in and day out. Which means yet another grand cliché turns out to be true: your education really IS the job of a lifetime. And it commences: now.


Dear Max, Congratulations and all your hard work. Someday you’ll look back at these pages and think about the people and events that have impacted you and shaped who you are today. You are compassionate, kind, and thoughtful. Your path has not always been easy, and the road ahead may be bumpy, but we are confident that you have the skills to be successful. Above all, we want you to be happy.

We are excited about what you will accomplish in the future and very proud of you.

All our love, Mom and Dad


Congratulations genius! You are kind, loving and caring. Your smile says it all. Together with your intellect, these will take you far in life. We are very proud of your achievement. Let the word of God guard your heart as you start the next phase of your life. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you.

May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you. We love you always.

The Opagis


사랑하는 우리 민경아! 졸업을 진심으로 축 하해. 우리 가족는 널 진심으로 사랑하고 자 랑스러워한단다. 늘 자신에게 최선을 다하 는 네 모습을 보면서 아빠, 엄마, 민정이는 얼마나 자랑스러운지 모를거야. 우리 가족 이 항상 늘 같이 지내다가 이제 홀로 첫발 을 내딛는 너에게 무한한 지지와 격려를 보 내며, 주님이 늘 널 인도하시고 지켜주시리 라 기도한다. 우리 가족에게 지금까지 기쁨 과 사랑을 더 많이 전해준 민경아! 넓은 세 상에서 너의 꿈을 펼치며 맘껏 날아오르길 우린 항상 기도할께. 너의 곁엔 널 믿고 사 랑하는 우리가 있다는 걸 언제나 잊지마. We love you so much!



Dear Mohapi Jnr. It has been mostly a smooth ride with some rough ride decorations here and there. You delayed or postponed your coming into this world by about 11 days as the doctor told us that you will come on the 21 July. We started missing you from that day till you finally on the 2nd of August. When we finally met you for the first time at Carstenhof hospital we saw a beautiful sweet not so little newborn boy. Starting preschool in Olievenhoutbos was not easy as you didn’t like it. You hated it so much that you ended getting sick. Coming to AISJ as 4 years old, was a big relief to us as you immediately liked it. AISJ gave you quality education and life skills. We are so grateful of your accomplishments, reliable young man you are becoming and more still expected from you.

All the best Mbedzi


To our dearest Neil boy, Praise God and Congratulations - For He has enabled you to complete Grade 12…. You are stepping into a new phase of life. With Prayer and Perseverance - Pursue ( PPP ) your dreams. In the world you have the choice to choose Good/Bad. Be bold in choosing the Good, without coming under pressure. Be humble and thankful to Jesus, when you reach your dream. Always look back in life and be thankful to God for what He has done. We are very happy to be your parents. Don’t give up at any point of time as the world has a lot to offer. Close your eyes. Pray, imagine and work hard in faith for what you want to be in life. You’ll be there if you believe. Our prayers and wishes for you to have THE BEST IN LIFE - according to God’s plan.

Your Loving Parents, Davidson and Esther


Dear Neo, the gift, the gift that makes us all proud to be a part of your life, to learn from you and share experiences with you. Throughout your journey you have taught us to appreciate the simplest things in life, giving more than demanding, accomplishing rather than announcing. This is you, our gift. We sincerely believe you will accomplish your lifelong academic dream of becoming a vet. For us, we feel you are already a vet from all the lessons you have taught us since you were three years old; teaching adults the differences between leopards and cheetahs and identifying a two-inch shark amongst many other fish in an aquarium. Your first words as a baby were “cão” (dog in Portuguese). Going forward enjoy life, experiment, make your own decisions and know that you will always have the love and support of your parents, family and friends.


BRAVOOO Noé tu l’as fait !!!! A force de persévérance et de volonté, tu es parvenu au bout de cet IB dont tu peux être très fier aujourd’hui, et qui constitue un excellent point de départ pour tes études supérieures. Nous savons que c’était un vrai challenge et que tu as dû travailler dur pour cela mais le résultat est là, bravo. Nous espérons que tu garderas un bon souvenir de ces 3 dernières années à Johannesbourg et que les amis que tu t’y es fait t’accompagneront encore pour un moment, même à distance. Nous sommes très fiers de toi et te souhaitons beaucoup de succès dans tes études. N’oublie pas que nous t’aimons et serons toujours là pour toi !

Papa, Maman, Thomas, Arthur… et Eko !



Congratulations on graduating Priscah! We are all so proud of what you have achieved here. It has been great to see you evolve into the thoughtful, kind and respectful woman you have become. We are so excited for you to finish this chapter and embark on your new one and continue to grow. We have so much love for you and are grateful to have you in our lives.

Can’t wait to see what the future holds for you!

- Ouma family

Ao nosso caçula, que chegou em nossas vidas pra trazer alegria e orgulho! Filho o que temos a dizer a você neste breve texto é: Muito obrigado por existir em nossas vidas. Você merece parabéns da primeira série escolar até o grade 12. Muito responsável e amante do conhecimento. Tua sempre ENORME responsabilidade com as atividades escolar. E não tem como não lembrar de todos os dias a resposta a pergunta: “Como foi a escola Rapha? -Muito legal!“. Filho Deus te honrou com inteligência e as mais valorosas virtudes. Parabéns! Parabéns! Parabéns! Nosso coração está de pé aplaudindo você pois sua jornada não foi fácil, nós sabemos e reconhecemos todo seu esforço com muita gratidão. Deus é sua força Raphael, faça dele sua fortaleza e tudo acabará bem. Te amamos pra sempre! Angela, Claudio, Gabrielle & Matheus



Roebel, to the wonderful boy who has grown into a strong young man, we love you dearly and are blessed to have you as our son. You have had many blessings in your life thus far but the one that has molded you into a fine young man is the love and support of your large extended family.

Congratulations on completing this amazing milestone and we continue to pray for you as you pursue your various life endeavors.

Love, Mom, Dad, Redda and Buna.


Shout out to our one and only: Self-taught Guru, Crochet Maven, Grumpy Cat Lover, Sleep Champion, Comeback Queen, Big Hearted, Funny as can be. Your facial expressions don’t know how to use their inside voices! You crack us up! Always remember to give FAITH a fighting chance. Always choose truth and peace between what you know and what you feel. And a smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks, your heart or someone else’s day.

“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” - Nelson Mandela

Love you! Always! S. & J.


We still remeber your first day of school, holding your small hand and giving that hand to your teacher, we were nervous for you to be away from us. It has been an amaizing treat to watch your journey growing from a little boy to the young man you are today. Kind, loving, calming, showing patience and intelligence in every thing u do. May Allah swt guide you to the straight path, may you always succeed, may you always remember to be kind and help others rise while always soaring high. We shall stand by your side always, be your biggest cheerleaders, fiercest protector and be proud of you each and every day.

Mama n Baba


You have been our greatest inspiration and, looking back today, we can proudly see the wonderful path you traveled to reach your goal. Always be sure of yourself, of your values and principles and with a clear goal in your head and in your heart, honoring your words and respecting everyone on the journey. Now, you start a new stage of your life in which we are sure you will be very successful. Most importantly, is that you must also be happy! You got to love, dance, sing, take risks, laugh, cry, feel, scream, make mistakes and get up, dream and live your life to the fullest. Sarita, you are a princess of God and all of us who love you will be behind you, giving you our hand whenever you need us. May your steps always remain firm.

Eres una berraca!!!!

We love you, Your family.



To our favorite gem, As you stand at the pinnacle of the last 12 years of your life, take a deep breath and marvel at how far your hard work has gotten you. We are immensely proud of the fine young lady you have become and very excited to see what you will make of the years ahead. So go confidently in the direction of your dreams and live the life you’ve imagined. Remember, whenever life feels like too much, seek home for rest, for home is best.


Yet another milestone in the bag! We cannot believe how fast this day has come, but we cannot be more proud of the way you have grown into such an exceptional young man. May you always be the kind, considerate and affable person you are. And may you never forget that the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dream so go out there and be amazing!

All Our Love Always Mom, Dad, Tanya and Tadiwa



Tama, congratulations for reaching this important milestone of your life. We know you have persevered a lot to get here. We are very proud of your achievement. Over the years, we have seen you grow into the young man you are now. We are amazed at your incredible art skills. We are sure that this has been your dream and that it remains your aspiration to become an artist one day. We know you are capable of achieving anything you put your mind to. As such we have no doubt that you will become an acclaimed artist one day. Keep up the hard work! Dali, Bester, your mum and myself love you and wish you all the best. We are extremely thrilled that you have already been offered a place and a scholarship at SAIC. You are going to go there with our full blessings and support.

May God always bless you Tama!


Thandi. Grown from love. How special that South Africa was so important at the beginning and at the end of your childhood. We should not be surprised though, because everything about you is special and ‘out of the ordinary’. You have so many talents: communication, dedication, music just to name a few. And one big challenge. You are the only one in the world who seems oblivious to how wonderful and special you are. You are stepping into the world as a young woman with a magnitude of tools and talents to make life a success. Believe in them, and in yourself and you will go further than you ever imagined. No, we cannot promise the road will be easy. But it will be interesting, often fun and definitely rewarding. Go little one. Fly. Soar! And remember above all you are loved.

Papa en Mama


Tiffany ! You have done it!! . We are so proud of you. We saw your resilience and tenacity! We saw your abundant trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. May you continue. We can’t wait to see the great things the Lord has in store for you. Well done.! You are amazing our girl, and You have all our love and support always. As the meaning of your name-Tiffany, You are a manifestation of His Glory indeed!

Congratulations our Girl!

Mom, Dad and Chris!!


Made in Thailand! Overjoyed at the sight of ‘pohon’s and loved playing on the sand and soaking in the seas of Bali-Lombok; always love being close to nature, a perfect fit for a family of nature-lovers! Your love for animals - as you wanted to bring a dog home by tugging at its tail and holding a cat gave you so much pleasure as, said the spark in your eye when you did. The ice capped Mt. Fuji peeking from behind the cherry blossom on the canvas on your wall – when you so wanted to go to Nippon - says you surely can use art one day to communicate your passion to the world. Now as you graduate high school, we congratulate you on your outstanding efforts to do your best wherever you are!

Be the authentic, compassionate and brave individual that you are always!

We all love you :)


Thank you, Vanessa, for choosing to follow the footsteps of your elder sisters and brother by committing to your studies. We have witnessed your sacrifices, perseverance and determination to succeed in school. During tough winters in Chicago, hot summer in South Africa, your determination to attend classes has highlighted your positive attitude towards education. Even the COVID-19 pandemic did not alter your determination to pursuit college education. We were delighted to see you take additional responsibilities, dedicating a lot of your time in volleyball, rugby teams and helping your schools win tournaments and trophies. We urge you to continue engaging in activities that help you excel. As you plan to move away from the family, our wish is that you focus all your energy on your studies and do not let distractions get on your way.

Push hard to achieve your goals, we stand ready to support you.

Tsoungui family.


To our son, Watching you grow up to the man you are today is one of the highlights of our lives. We are blessed to see a sensitive, understanding, yet steadfast soul before us. You have learned the best from both of us and have truly become a better human being than either of us can claim to be. We are so incredibly proud of you and cannot wait to see the man you will further become.

We love you and are always at your back.

Love Mom and Dad



Congratulations on graduating High school, dear daughter! This is just the beginning; you are a star in the making. We are very proud of you and your achievements and we wish you continue to shine on. Keep this momentum going and break all the records. Always remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think. No matter what obstacles you face, know that we have always believed in your ability to succeed. We love you a lot and are extremely proud of you.


CONGRATULATIONS ZANELE! You did it! You finally made it to the end of this challenging journey. We are so proud of you, and we’re not just saying that because you’re family.You’ve worked hard, persevered, and proven that you have what it takes to succeed. You’re a superstar, and we can’t wait to see all the amazing things you’ll achieve in the future. Now that you’re done with school, it’s time for you to spread your wings and soar. But don’t forget to pack your sunscreen because we know you’ll shine so bright that you’ll need it! As you embark on this next chapter of your journey, remember that you have God on your side. With His help, there’s nothing you can’t accomplish. We love you and believe in you, and we can’t wait to see all the fantastic things you’ll do. Makorokoto!!

Love Mum, Dad, Anesu, Tawanda, Gogo & Ziggy


Oluwaseyi Ajo

Michelle Amankwah

Annabelle Barybov

Redda Brigety

Noée Brühl

Yihui Chen

Liam Chetty

Gabriel Dantas Leite

Jase DeBose

Rougy Diallo

Austin Eilskov

Akhil Elagala

Donnacha Fahy

Melokuhle Faku

Liam Greer

Micah Gutmann

Simon Hines-Schmidt

João Hosken Wernek

Sangyoon Hyun

Hyungik Jeong

Nunez Kabila

Aaralyn Kelly

Hanri Kriel

SoHee Kwak

Zella Ladenson

Taoana Lediga

Jaekyoung Lee

Jaehyuk Lee

Minseo Lee

Raphael Leoncio

Taylor Lowrance Bellot

Eli Macharia

Zeyad Mahmoud Sayed Mahmoud Mohamed

Rendani Makhesha

Anthony Martin

Luke Mason

Jay Mbeng Azoh-mbi

Tamica Mendes

Maia Merritt

Teppei Miyawaki

Lyla Morgan

Donell Muyanja


Leonardo Neri

Aidan Ngala

Phiwokuhle Ngema

Ruth Tina Oduol

Arjuna Olierhoek

Joshua Olivier

Yamani Pakade

Marina Pietracci

Emmanouil Politis

Keamogetse Pooe

Kyle Quist

Ryan Raglin

Bhavishya Ukti Rajasekar

Alexandre Scagliarini Jardim Baes De Faria

Ines Scotti

Samiksha Sharma

Iman Alexandra Tchala

Korn Tudsanaumpai

Paloma Vargas-Kasambira

Dylan Warnecke

Henry Winter

Peyton Wood

Matias Wyper

Anton Yakovchuk

Abigail Eskendir Alemseged

Eric Amankwah

Ethan Anderson

Arvid Aronsson

Maia Babraff

Valentina Barybov

Lakshyadeep Bedi

Etienne Boroli

Kavi Brown

Gillian Catella

Helena Christensen

Mariana Cortes Pires Moreira

Zie Coulibaly

Elijah Cuyamendous

Zac de Castro

Maximo Elias

Evianna Ellington

Gabriela Fourie

Nicolas Ganges

Hadi Ghozayel

Aarrush Gupta

Alexia Gutierrez Lunstedt

Zara Horn

Christopher Howard

Rina Iso

Romain Jacquard

Sofia Jaouani

Abigail Kalayu

Aitana Kamulegeya

Oliver Kasongo

Seoyun Kim

Hannes Knapp

JeongHyeok Kwak

Stan Lens

Jabulani Mawodzeka

Maya McCabe

Rory Merritt

Naledi Mofokeng

Thandolwethu Mokoena

Jedediah Morgan

Thatohatsi Moseme

Thabo Mulonga


Noah Nyembo Ilunga

Victor Opagi

Sigrid Priester

Honey Proudfoot

Nidia Rios

Lily Rolfson

Olivia Saarinen

Maura Salmismäki

Bhaskar Sikri

Isabella Slack

Meeka Stone

Minjeong Hailey Sung

MaKayla Tenny

Milda Tunaityte

Melisa van Velzen

Zander van Wyk

Migle Wallner

Jason Whaley

Ekaterina Yakovchuk


Paula Afeseh Azoh-mbi

Kate Hiewon Ahn

Malak Aly

Patricia Aparicio Hinojar

Sofia Aparicio Hinojar

Sune Aronsson

Norah Bendiksen

Selassie Bony

Runhao Chen

Arin Chetty

Luke Day

Aurore de Thomasson

Riya Deoghare

Fatima Diop

Gareth Edwards

Cadhla Fahy

Paula Ferreira Pelaez

Leon Francis

Mischa Frljak

Riko Fukuoka

Thomas Garneau

Mukundan Gopalakrishnan Jayapriya

Jonah Gutmann

Shanzeh Haider

Henry Hines-Schmidt

Mzwandile Honde

Doyoung Hyun

Sod Ider

Madele Jaouani

Aamna KamranSabina Kenessy

Euihyun Kim

Jasmine Kirkpatrick

Lilian Klaus

Dawda Koma

Lua Kurtenbach

Lucas Land

Mya Machacek

Lesedi Mahlangu

Troy Marks

Kagiso Mashigo

Zoe Mason


Tristan Matto

Mathias Mecuria

Lesego Mhlambi

Bereng Molapo

Faith Muriuki

Ipyana Mwasambili

Mira Narsai

Elizabeth Odiogo

Sifa Otieno

Josephine Politi

Elizabeth Sanga

Keletso Selwe

Tinoda Semu

Alp Sengul

Schweizer Setyawan

Nozomi Shimada

Olivia Slack

Juri Soiri

Mia Spera

Paule-Audrey Tchala

Devya Thapa

Celina Thompson

Sarem Tamiru Tilahun

Vilde Tobiassen

Jasper van der Liet

Nokutenda Wamwanduka

Kaishu Yokoo

Riku Yokoo

Neil Abraham

Lauren Adriana Alvarado Diez

Adom Amaning

Lily Berry

Neo Bilale

Thandi Bosmans

Roebel Brigety

Matthew Bull

Sara Cardona

Tiffany Chikwanda

Max de Castro

Leah Deacon

Kalofé Dix

Alexandra Emanga Ayoung

Gabriella Favorito

Marian Forson

Hazel Furuholm

Benhur Gebreselassie

Jamie Gerst

Unnabh Ghosh

Diego Gutierrez Lunstedt

Guthrie Hopp

Carla Jacobs

Sade John

Sameer Kamran

Noe Langlois

July Chadderton Layton

David Leoncio

Yiyang (Helen) Liu

Isabella Luick-Martins

Raphael Macedo

Max Machacek

Zanele Marumahoko

William McCabe

Ethan Miller

Keatlegile Mothwa

Sivuyile Mthezo

Takunda Nekati

Eloise-Michelle Nkamla Nziki

Michael Opagi

Priscah Purity Achieng Ouma

Emmanuel Tshimankinda Kalemba

Jaeihn Park

Matthew Porteous

Mohapi Ralethe

Asser Rehfeld

Evelyn Rolfson

Lena Saffiedine

Blessing Sithole

Minkyung Sung

Jasmine Taylor

Tamandani Tchale

Ashley Tsoungui

Vanessa Tsoungui

Charlie Everest Vachowski

Harrison Winter


Johan Alberts

Brian Alexander

Herculine Alexander

Elsa Almenara De La Cruz

Jo Arnott

Jill Atkinson

Joshua Babcock

Nonkululeko Balarana

Richard Baldwin

Cathrine Baloyi

Paul Balthazor

Lorena Barnard

Heather Battjes

Elnett Bergh

Cathy Berghahn

Kristen Bezuidenhout

Celine Bisiaux

Jennifer Bombard

Jacqueline Booth

Johannes Botha

Lisa Botha

Jordan Bowman

Chris Bronkhorst

Lucia Bruni

Samantha Bryant

Trishana Budhoo

Jenn Bull

Rebeca Casas Ortiz

Lee Chadderton

Amanda Charles

Mmatudu Choeu

Ellen Claessens

Nina Clark

Taylor Cobb

Barbara Combrink

Alejandro Corredor Parra

Laura Cox

Colin Crumpton

Katlego Bogosi NOT

Colette Cupid

Francisco Curet

David Cuyamendous


Jennifer D’acunto

Stephanie Dalle

Maxine Damons

Yolandi De Jager

Nkosikhona Deyi

Maria Diaz Rodriguez

Marchelle Dickinson

Mmachukudu Dikgale

Bella Ditsele

Heidi-Lee Dobson

Sihle Dumakude

Eunine Durrheim

Nina Katatina Espinosa

Miriam Esterhuizen

Sarah Ewell

Susana Fairlie Castaneda

Kate Farrell

Emily Feher

Adrienne Frohlich

John Gaston

Lyle Greer

Tiffany Greer

Kelly Groenewald

Pamela Gutmann

Lucia Haarhoff

Scott Hahn

Charlotte Haines

Robyn Hall

Renee Hamer

Meghan Hardy

Emily Hardy

Nadia Hattingh

Christa Haycock

Andrea Heunis

Joseph Hlongwane

Dylan Holtkamp

Jay Hopp

Jennifer Hopp

Srinivansan Kandaswamy

Caroline Kasambira

Alexander Kennedy

Mmaphefo Kgwadi


Suraya Khan

Cleopas Khumalo

Nombuso Khumalo

Bongani Khumalo

Steven King

Luke Kissack

Teighler Koekemoer

Johan Kriel

Rita Kriel

Sekwape Kudumela

John Kurtenbach

Kevin Kuzel

Russell Layton

Julien Le Sourd

Molefe Lefakane

Priscilla Lekgau

Sou Cheng Leong

Heidi Lesetedi

Donnelle Lockwood

Maponye Maake

Diboneng Mabelane

Francina Maboea

Angie Machacek

Dan Machacek

Molaiwa MachakaHerold Maepa

Patrick Magagula

Maletitidi Magolego

Avishkar Maharaj

Ishmael Mahlangu

Elizabeth Mahlangu

Bulelani Mahlasela

Seanego Makgotho

Hlayani Makhubele

Herbert Makhudu

Douglas Makolometja

Mapheto Mamabolo

Ace Mampuru

Promise Manale

Mpho Mandiwana

Kabelo Mangane

Christos Manganyi

Terrence Maphumulo


Naomi March

Desiree Maree

Paloma Martinez Carbajo

Heather Marufu

Amanda Masehela

Harry Masekoameng

Lydia Mashiane

Masego Mashiane

Manako Mashiane

Msindo Masombuka

Zolani Masombuka

Nthabiseng Mathamela

Sibusiso Mathe

Handswell Mathebula

Elizabeth Mathibe

Machoene Matlhare

Thulaganyo Matlhoko

Rudzani Matodzi

Eva Matshiane

Valerie Manga

Bongeka Mbungele

Lisa McDermid

Refilwe Mdwara

Carla Mendes Guedes

Tiwana Merritt

Melinda Mertz

Tebogo Mgidi

Nkosinathi Mhlongo

Ali Mkhabela

Clement Mkhabele

Sipho Mkhondo

Phumzile Mkwanazi

Thabile Mmola

Vusumuzi Mmtima

William Mmusa

Samuel Mngomezulu

Thakabanna Mochaoa

Maria Moema

Hilda Moeng

Karabo Mofokeng

Phumulile Mogale

Tebatso Mogale


Thabang Mojapelo

Mogaladi Mojapelo

David Mojela

Mmamotlhalefo Mokgomo

Thabo Mokumo

Thabo Mokwana

Lina Molepo

Maropeng Moleya

Megan Momberg

Georgina Monakisi

Jeremy Moore

Jessie Moore

Nkgabane Moreba

Thaloki Moselakgomo

Thabiso Mosupeng

Chris Motau

Phetedi Motseo

Majane Motseo

Sizeni Motsepe

Jane Motsi

Yolanda Mpilo

Carnel Mtiba

Britz Mtsweni

Nditsheni Mulaudzi

Rebecca Munyai

Memory Mupanemunda

Cosmas Musasa

Nompumelelo Mwale

Mary Myburgh

Phumelele Mzimela

Thamini Naicker

Athini Ncayo

Khumbulani Ncube

Thandi Ndhlozi

Gladman Ndlovu

Nzumbululo Nethengwe

Lucky Ngema

Nakedi Ngoepe

Thabang Nkgodi

Patrick Nkhumise

Wilson Nkomo

Zevile Nkosi


Ramaredi Ntlhane

Fiona Nyanguru

Innocent Nyirenda

Robert Nyirenda

Sophia Oduol

Louise Olivier-Breugem

Tamara Palmer

Melissa Paolini

Amy Parish

Kimera Paul

Stewart Pienaar

Kristen Pienaar

Lire Pietersen

Gill Porteous

Sharnè Prinsloo

Mpho Pule

Soazig Purenne

Funky Ralethe

Johannes Ramalepe

Kholofelo Ramatjie

Moshe Raphulu

Christopher Rea

Ana Rivera-Cuyamendous

Megan Roberts

Tamara Rodrigues

Dennis Ross

Alex Rule

Allana Rumble

Regina Rumford

Amina Saber

Zodwa Sangweni

Fi Santos

Pumla Sathula

Nicole Schmidt

Allison Schmidtke

Elizabeth Scholtz

Kelly Scotti

Sophie Seabi

Mpho Segage

Derrick Seibert

Portia Setati

Sandile Shabangu


Michael Sibanda

Eunice Sibiya

Simon Skhosana

Sidney Skosana

Dorothy Smit

Sweetness Soko

Nicola Speirs

Vishal Srivastava

Malinda Swanson

Karolo Tabudi

Nathaniel Taylor Ilona Tee

Maria Thipe

Phethedi Thobejane

Meena Thomas

Stephen Thomas

Alba Tirado

Aaron Tlhapane

Mosima Tlhoka

Oscar Tshifhumulo

Thomas Tshitari

Ngakoane Tsita

Ngoako Tsita

Liesl van Dalen

Theo van Der Westhuizen

Lauren van Heerden

Adele van Jaarsveld

Narina van Niekerk

Andre van Wyk

Saleha Verachia

Wilmien Vermeulen

Velaphi Vilakazi

Chris Warnecke

Roz Whaley

David White

Zandre Williams

Melanie Wolmarans

Olivia Wong

Lauren Zimmerman

Samkeliso Zondi

Keatlegile Zwide

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