A Magazine, Issue 91

Page 72




Hadi Hazim spent hours in culinary classes in Florence before creating Fusion Cult, a pop-up kitchen specializing in fusing different cuisines with a natural penchant for Lebanese specialties. He had spent years cooking solely in his own kitchen, working in luxury management and jewelry design before embarking on his culinary journey full time. After working with small events and food stands, Fusion Cult was invited to participate in venues such as Station Beirut, Garden State, the Beirut Street Food Festival and Goodfest. Hazim was also chosen as one of four international chefs to take part in the UNorganized Falafel Festival in London in 2016. Hazim has been focusing on pushing his experiments with different cuisines and deepening his understanding of cultures. If he could only eat one thing for the rest of his life, it’s unquestionably “zaatar halabi; breakfast, lunch and dinner.”

Why is the food item you chose so significant to you? I love sage. I have always been fascinated with herbs in general, I can’t imagine cooking without them, but sage holds a special place in my kitchen, and it has immense medicinal powers whether it’s in my food or in my tea Favorite Lebanese dish? Tajin. Growing up, my grandmother used to tuck me in and recite the recipe for tajin every night instead of a bedtime story. It still reminds me of her Something that always cheers you up A nice bowl of homemade hommos from scratch Something you’re looking forward to this fall Pumpkin and sweet potato In your opinion, which celebrity best embodies good taste? Kevin Spacey, because… Kevin Spacey!

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