香港国际艺术展art hk 10 catalogue lo res

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Welcome to ART HK 10


We are delighted to welcome you to the third edition of ART HK. The Fair returns this year with the strongest line-up of galleries to date. In addition to the very best galleries from the Asia Pacific region, many of the most prestigious and exciting galleries from the United States and Europe will exhibit at ART HK for the first time. With over 150 participants from 29 countries, ART HK builds on its two core values of quality and geographical diversity to become an important fixture on the global art calendar.

我們熱烈歡迎閣下參與第三屆香港國際藝術展。本屆藝術展蒐羅了有史以來最龐大的畫廊隊 伍,參展單位不但囊括了亞太地區的頂尖畫廊,更羅致了來自歐美首次參展的著名畫廊,可謂 盛況空前。今年展會邀請了來自29個國家逾150個單位聯袂參與,充分體現了香港國際藝術展 的兩大核心理念─推崇優質作品,追求地域多元─使之成為環球藝壇的殿堂級盛事之一。

Following the success of its inaugural outing in 2009, SCMP | ART FUTURES returns this year to present 16 young galleries showcasing one- or two-artist booths which offer visitors the opportunity to discover something new, fresh and exciting. Over the past two years ART HK has not only become a key marketplace for the trade of art in Asia, but also a significant platform for networking and cultural debate. As our Education Partner, Asia Art Archive will again present an extensive programme of talks, film screenings and panel discussions by leading figures from the international art world. Para/Site Art Space will conduct introductory guided tours of the Fair in English, Cantonese and Mandarin. We are grateful to our lead sponsor, Deutsche Bank, for their support, and indeed to all our partners for their significant involvement in the Fair’s development. We would also like to extend our sincerest thanks to our Honorary Patron, Sir David Tang, our Fair Chairman, Mr Thomas Shao, our Advisory Group, and to the Selection Committee who reviewed over 300 applications to ensure a world class line-up of the best galleries showing the best artists. An art fair would not be an art fair without its exhibiting galleries and we are particularly grateful for the continued support of our exhibitors, their passionate belief in the artists whose work they show, and their spirit of collaboration in developing the art market in Asia for the long term.

2009年首次舉辦的「南華早報|藝術世界之未來」取得空前成功,今年亦將載譽重臨,設有16間 新晉畫廊的展位,每間畫廊均會展示一至兩位藝術家的作品,讓來賓能親自感受藝壇新秀的 精彩動力,絕對令人耳目一新。 在過去兩年,香港國際藝術展已躍升為亞洲藝術市場的重要基地,此外,展會更成為建立交流 網絡及文化辯論的關鍵平台。展會教育夥伴亞洲藝術文獻庫今年亦將繼續舉辦各式各樣的講 座、電影播放及專題討論活動,邀請國際藝壇的巨頭參加。而Para/Site Art Space更會於藝術 展內提供英語、廣東話及普通話導賞服務,讓各地來賓能充分發掘展會的豐富內涵。 我們非常感激首席贊助商德意志銀行的鼎力支持,同時感謝其他合作夥伴作出的莫大貢獻, 令香港國際藝術展得以不斷發展。除此以外,我們亦希望藉此機會向藝術展榮譽贊助人鄧永 鏘爵士、主席邵忠先生及諮詢委員會成員表達謝忱。展會的遴選委員會更協助評審超過300個 參展申請,確保世界級的頂尖畫廊參與展覽,對展會的成功同樣功不可沒。我們特別感激參展 畫廊的持續支持,以使此藝術展能圓滿舉辦。他們對參展藝術家的信任,各畫廊同心發展亞 洲藝術市場的專業精神,都令我們非常鼓舞。 衷心祝願閣下能盡情享受香港國際藝術展10。

We hope you enjoy ART HK 10.

Magnus Renfrew Fair Director

Magnus Renfrew 展覽總監

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