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language presentation
grammar exam
Basque grammar exam Living together 13 Exam of the Spanish Language Reading Book Global exams Global exams Global exams Global exams Festive Festive MONDAY Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sunday


The Mennaisian school carries out a volunteer project known as PES (Social Education Project), whose main objective is the education of values, social commitment and solidarity. As many of you will know from secondary school on, students will be able to volunteer to help people, whether they are students from Berrio-Otxoa or other people such as immigrants, the elderly, people with disabilities... who need help outside of school. The project lasts from October to May when classes end, normally each student has certain hours and days depending on the center you have chosen to volunteer. For example: down syndrome foundation, stella maris angeles custodio home, Bakuva.

The PES can be done up to the first year of high school since those in the second year of high school have to focus completely on preparing themselves as well as possible for their access to the university. In reference to this university access, the PES gives some noun with the hours you have volunteered, this gives you some credits for certain universities.


In our school every year a party is celebrated to commemorate the foundation of the Berriootxoa center, this party is called Juan Maria in honor of the founder, and it is celebrated during the last week of November. All the students do different activities in our case (1 high school) we celebrate this party in a pintxo contest but other classes also do different activities such as the tortilla competition, basketball, board games, burned field... Juan Maria only lasts four days, since, on Friday we do not have classes.

Another interesting thing about this party is that a few weeks before the students can voluntarily make some drawings and then they vote among the students so that the drawing with the most votes is on the t-shirt that the school provides us for only 5€, in addition to the school gives you the option to put your name or any nickname you like behind your shirt. The color of the shirt varies with the year you are in, and that is something very nice because they are not all the same and it is a good memory.

The last week before having Christmas parties in December, the Berrio-otxoa school organizes a very special event that we cannot see in other centers, the berrio-olinpiadak. In the berrio-olinpiadak all the first year of high school take part. So that those who don't know, this event began to commemorate the ancient Greek Olympic Games, for that, from each class, the best 2 girls and 2 boys of each class in each sport are selected, so that they can later compete among themselves.

The students who want to dress in robes like the ancient Greeks and are in charge of presenting the event, also once the tests are over, they will name the winners of each modality giving a prize. The berrio olinpiadak are held in the gym and the following modalities are done: running, Frisbee throwing, jumping and ball shooting


As every year, the first-year high school students will go on a study trip throughout Europe for a week. The study trip will be from April 9 to April 13, and we will visit three countries that everyone has heard about, which are Belgium, the Netherlands and France.

Among all the activities that we will do, the most interesting to expand our culture and knowledge are the visit to the Anne Frank House where she wrote her experience in the Second World War hiding and various museums, and of course the Tour of Paris that all students look forward to. Just like Disneyland , after all , who does not want to take the mythical photo in the Eiffel Tower or feel the adrenaline when getting on an attraction ?

On the first day of the trip we will make the trip to Amsterdam but before that we will make a stop in Rotterdam on the way. Once we arrive at our destination (Amsterdan) we will visit some well-known museums such as the Wax Museum, or as I said before, the Anne Frank House. We will also visit the surroundings by taking an excursion to VOLENDAM, a typical Amsterdam town.

After Amsterdam we will go to the capital of Belgium (Brussels), where we will see a neighborhood well known for its beautiful architecture, the Latin Quarter.

And the last days of the trip we will spend in Paris where we will go one day to spend the day in Disneyland, where surely some student wanted to go as a child to see their favorite Disney characters, we will also do other activities like seeing the Eiffel Tower and take a little tour of paris.


Berriotxoa is another of the educational centers that tries to integrate new technologies into its programme. For this reason, in recent years, tablets, laptops, projectors, etc. have been used to develop classes.

It is essential that in the era of digitization the use of these tools be promoted among students and that they learn to use them fluently. Computers are more attractive and offer a series of indisputable advantages: They are an inexhaustible source of information, they help to share documentation between students and/or teachers, they greatly reduce paper consumption, and they facilitate teamwork. But, on the other hand, it should not be neglected that students learn to write correctly. It is usual for students to accommodate themselves to automatic grammar checkers. In addition, they can be a distraction during classes and students can access unsuitable content.


On the other hand, in this section we want to highlight the breadth of sports facilities in the center that has several gyms, basketball courts, soccer fields, etc. These facilities make it possible for students to practice various sports in the center both during school hours school as well as extracurricular activities, classes are even organized for parents or children who do not study in Berriotxoa. In this way, it encourages exercise and close relationships

In conclusion, without a doubt, the use of the computer will provide unique learning experiences to the students, but it is very important that both parents and educators are aware of how, for what and for how long they use it so that its use does not become harmful to them.


Despite the fact that many students study from children to high school in this same center, there are some students who join the Berrio-Otxoa family. An example of the new incorporations is Aisha, who we interviewed today so that she can tell us a little about her experience in this new center

What is your favorite subject?

For as long as I can remember one of my favorite subjects has been math class, although for many students math is agony because they can't understand it, for me it has always seemed a very interactive and interesting activity.

How do you feel about school?

From the first moment I arrived at Berrio-otxoa I have felt very comfortable because from the first moment I was treated well and very familiarly by both my classmates and the teachers.

What is your favorite and least favorite thing about school?

What I like the most about the school is that it is very close to home because the previous school where I studied was very far away and I had to take two buses. In addition, the colleagues have been very nice to me despite not knowing me and that helped me a lot to adapt in this center

How much time do you use for homework or studying?

The time I use to do homework depends on the amount they send me home, but normally between 45-30 minutes, although I have to say that there are times that I forget and I don't do it. As for the exams, I spent more time studying languages than science, since they are much more difficult for me.

What would your perfect teacher be like?

In my opinion, after knowing many types of teachers, I think that the best ones are the ones that try to get closer to their students, I mean the ones that are more familiar to their students, because most of the time they want to make the class more enjoyable and interesting.

How do you prefer to work (in groups, pairs or teams)?

Above all, I like to work in pairs for class work, because normally in group work there is always one person who does nothing and in the end the rest have to do their part so they don't lower our grade for the work, and When that happens to me I feel a great helplessness.


Find the words

Find the 10 differences:


This week you will do very well in school and get a very good grade in Biology.

You feel in the mood to undertake anything and this week you have the opportunity to do it. Everything that you have been putting off for days, now is the time to get down to work and start it.

This week will be one of the best of this year, since you will fulfill one of your wishes. In love, relax because a quiet week awaits you.

This week will be very important for you because you will meet a person who will become indispensable to you over time.

You have a fantastic week ahead of you, although with some small moves that you will be able to resolve with ease. You know that there are no roses without thorns, but in general it will be very positive.

This week will be hard for you as you will have many worries but you will be able to overcome them.

22/12- 20/01 21/01-19/02 20/02-20/03 22/05-21/06 21/04-21/05 21/03-20/04



Your creativity will be at its peak these days, and this can be very valuable in the professional field as well as in your studies.


You are now at the top in the professional world and you feel very happy. In the middle of the week there may arise the possibility of a business or a deal that should bring good economic benefits.


You will encounter some setbacks this week that may seem like an insurmountable mountain, but you will be able to overcome them.


This week will be full of surprises, your economy stabilizes. In love, this week is propitious to clear up doubts of all kinds.


This week brings nothing new for you so you will spend it as normal without any change.


This week brings you a bad news which will be the failure of an exam but on the other hand you will have a good news from your mother.


10 differences


→Spotted snake

→Bambi without freckles


→Fox ears

→Missing a sheet

→The Hedgehog

→The Daisy

→Owl glasses


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