Natural Treatment to Get Strong Bones and Muscles in Human Body, Food

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Natural Treatment To Get Strong Bones

As we become older, our bones tend to become brittle and the muscles become weak. But a nutritious diet and some natural supplements can help preserve our bones and muscle health. Let

us see what the natural treatments for strong bones are.

Reasons Of Low Bone Density The bone loses its density because the body loses more bone than is formed by the body. This could have several causes, such as: ➢ Menopause ➢ Low intake of calcium ➢ Smoking

➢ Lack of exercise ➢ Medications such as those for arthritis, asthma, lupus and

inflammatory bowel disease.

Natural Treatment To Get Strong Bones

Food for strong muscles and bones in human body

The two main ingredients that help to keep our bones strong are calcium and vitamin D. Calcium is absorbed by the bones and

teeth to stay healthy and strong and vitamin D helps the bones to absorb the calcium.

Food For Strong Muscles And Bones Although supplements are available to strengthen our bones, there are natural treatments for strong bones, such as:

➢ Yoghurt ➢ Milk

➢ Salmon and Tuna ➢ Fortified foods like orange juice and some cereals ➢ Spinach

Natural Treatment To Get Strong Bones

Muscles can be strengthened with the help of strength-training exercises at the gym. But, at the same time the body also needs

proteins to build muscle mass.

Food For Strong Muscles And Bones Some of the best sources of proteins are given below. Here’s how to get strong muscles.

➢ Lean meats like chicken, pork and lean cuts of red meat. ➢ Salmon fish.

➢ Greek yoghurt which is amazingly rich in protein. ➢ Peanut and almond butter. ➢ Eggs, especially, the whites.

Tips For Strong Muscles And Bones Some more points to get strong muscles and prevent osteoporosis problem are: ➢ Plan a regular exercise regime. You could lift dumbbells and weights, and perform exercises like overhead extensions, squats, lunges, shoulder presses and bench presses.

➢ Cardiovascular exercises like rope jumping, swimming, running and cycling.

➢ Eat a healthy and balanced diet.

Tips For Strong Muscles And Bones ➢ Eat good amount of proteins in the form of tofu, quinoa, cheese, sprouts, spirulina, nuts, soy milk, egg whites, lean

meats, poultry, fish, beans and legumes. ➢ Avoid sugary foods and drinks.

➢ Avoid processed foods. ➢ Avoid tea, coffee and alcohol, which hamper the body’s process of calcium absorption.

Herbs For Strong Muscles And Bones Herbs can also be used for natural treatment for strong bones. The list of following herbs is beneficial for the health and strength of human bones. ➢ Nettles ➢ Red Clover

➢ Alfalfa ➢ Horsetail

➢ Oat Straw.

Freeflex Capsules

Freeflex capsules are one of the most sought after

herbal supplements for strong bones. These capsules contain herbs like Ashwagandha, Guggul,

Godantihadtal bhasma, Asthisanghar, Rasna Extract and Suranjan.

Freeflex Capsules The perfect combination of these herbs help to make the bones dense and strong, improve joint stability, reduce the effects of

aging on bones, increase bone flexibility, repair bone damage, reverse the ill effects of poor diet and lifestyle, protect against

arthritis and provide calcium, vitamin D and other minerals to strengthen the bones. It is a natural treatment for strong bones with no side effects.

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