AISB ES Passport to Learning

Page 5


HUNGARIAN CULTURE WELCOME! The aim of Hungarian Culture is to provide exposure to the host country’s culture as well as to aid in the utilization of Hungary’s diverse resources. It is our firm belief that experiencing and appreciating other cultures facilitates a heightened awareness of one’s own, as well as respect for the culture of others. In Hungarian Culture students discover and practice the traditions of their host country. In the early years they learn folk songs, folk tales, and children’s games, and practice basic vocabulary. First and Second Graders focus on Hungary’s geography, history, and Budapest, while in Third

Culture makes people understand each other better…

Grade the overriding theme is various aspects of traditional folklife such as folk dress

But first they have

and folk music. In the Fourth Grade Hungarian Culture is integrated into the Social

to understand that

Studies curriculum, as it is in Grade 5, when students explore the various forms of

their neighbor is, in

government. Each grade level participates on a Hungarian Culture related field trip.

the end, just like them, with the


same problems,

Grades 1-3 have two 40 minute

the same

lessons per week


Host Country’s culture (history, literature, geography, music, folk life

~ Paulo Coelho ~

studies) and language


Collaborate and integrate with the core Units of Study

Special Note: please visit our website throughout the year for updates and pictures of classroom activities and field trips.

place sticker here

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