Mobile Application Development Trends for 2020

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Mobile Application Development Trends for 2020

Mobile Application Development Trends for 2020

Launching a mobile app is an ideal way to improve your business accessibility and strengthen customer engagement. According to ComScore, around 87% of mobile users spend their time on apps while only 13% on the web. However, you can take the maximum benefit out of a mobile application only when it is built as per your customers’ needs. If you’re planning to launch a mobile app, make sure your mobile application development partner is keeping the following mobile app development trends in mind when designing it.

Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Over the past few years, different industries have started to combine human intelligence with artificial intelligence. According to a prediction, by 2024, the global market for artificial intelligence (AI) will be around $71 billion. We can already see the use of AI and Machine learning in apps and services like Siri, Alexa, Google Assistants, and more.

The integration of AI technology in mobile app development can be helpful in a variety of ways. The technology can help the app learn from previous data, identify issues, and resolve them in real-time. Some examples of AI features, which can be implemented into a mobile app, include speed recognition, image recognition, sentiment recognition, predictive maintenance, and more. You can ask your developer to use the AI technology that can benefit your business type. For instance, if you’re into the security business, image recognition technology might be helpful.

Internet of Things (IoT) The use of the Internet of Things in a mobile app enables you to control smart gadgets remotely through your smart device. Suppose you’re outside your home and you just forgot to switch off your AC. Rather than going back to your house, you can use an app on your smartphone to switch the AC off. It can all happen with (IoT). Besides this, mobile applications powered by IoT are capable of connecting wristwatches, bands, and other wearables to smartphones.

Cloud-based Mobile Applications Cloud technology enables us to store massive data and access it from anywhere. This technology can be used in mobile applications to enhance their storage capabilities and increase productivities. Some popular mobile applications with bigger databases are already using cloud technology. These include LinkedIn, Boomerang, Asana, etc.

5G Wireless Technology 65% of the World’s population will be using 5G internet by the end of 2025, predicts Ericsson. Therefore, you can’t ignore these mobile application development trends for 2020. Undoubtedly, the speed of the 5G network will be many times faster than the 4G network, but it will also serve functionalities like augmented reality, data security, and 3D gaming.

5G technology is going to offer a wide range of opportunities. Therefore, your mobile application developer must be capable of developing the compatible app so that users can enjoy the faster network. Mobile Commerce

The mobile application trend has been continuously dominating since 2018 and will continue to flourish in 2020 and the coming years. Today, every business is taking advantage of mobile apps to improve their revenue. If you too want to focus on increasing revenue, mobile ecommerce functionality must be your top priority when developing the app.

So these are some of the mobile application development trends for 2020 you should keep in mind when getting your app developed.

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