World ATM Now Highlights edition

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World ATM Congress Breaks Records ❙ 10 Percent Increase ❙ ❙ ❙

in Registration 8,542 Registrants 237 Exhibitors from 136 Countries and Territories!

2018 Highlights

NOW Madrid, Spain ❙ #WorldATM

With Flying Taxis Only Five Years Away, Autonomous Operations are a Key Challenge


Klaus-Dieter Scheurle, DFS, answers questions during session two: Rising Upwards – The Growth and Challenges of Autonomous Operations in ATM.

isruptors and regulators shared the World ATM Congress stage on 6 March, discussing their different perspectives on the growth and challenges of drones and other autonomous operations on air traffic management (ATM). Moderator Nancy Graham, Graham Aerospace International, jokingly referred to the two panelists from the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) industry as disruptors, but the focus of the session was on transforming traditional air navigation service provider (ANSP) operations to accommodate the millions of semi-autonomous craft that are already in the worldwide airspace, or soon will be. One of those entrants is Uber Elevate. Dr. Tom Prevot, Director of Engineering for Uber Elevate’s Airspace Systems, showed a video of the US urban trans-

"Regulators have to be looking at a different way of learning. We’re not just ushering in the future; it’s happening now.” – Nancy Graham

port service, which is expected to be operational by 2023 in Dallas and Los Angeles. The goal is to eventually operate globally, he said. Uber Elevate’s vertical takeoff and landing aircraft look like large drones that can seat four people and a pilot. They’re designed to fly customers to and from skyports on the top of Continued on page 6

Navigating UTM from A to Z


nmanned aviation system traffic management (UTM) is a concept like the internet—it's interoperable, with many stakeholders, users, and builders—said Jonathan Evans, president of the Global UTM Association (GUTMA), during the 8 March UTM Foundations session in the FABEC OPS Theatre. “There’s no one government, no one entity, no one stakeholder that’s going to build UTM, and then we’re all going to join it,” Evans said. Instead, he believes UTM will be built like a 5G cell phone network, with the help of GUTMA, which includes members from industry, ANSPs, and regulation and standards groups. In essence, 5G will be able to connect aviation communications with mobile networks. “A lot of people hear UTM and they think rules,” Evans said. But the goal of GUTMA is to empower innovation, develop a framework for interoperable technologies, and enable a marketplace of global services where the

Carlos Hernandez Medel, everis Group, presents a talk at the Global UTM Workshop.

rules have been integrated into UTM. GUTMA is a way to empower regulators, Evans said, and offer technical solutions for regulatory problems. “Our goal is to create blueprints that industry and regulators can rely on.” Evans said GUTMA has submitted a protocol for registration to Interna-

See you in Madrid for World ATM Congress 2019

tional Civic Air Organization (ICAO), and is also working on other regula-

tory and standards issues. Carlos Hernandez Medel, everis Group, said safety and security requirements must be an inherent part of the UTM. He noted that SecRAM (Security and Risk Assessment Methodology) is currently in development within SESAR, based on ISO 27005. Also, SORA (Specific Operation Risk Assessment) is currently in development by the Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems (JARUS.) “I would rather like to be the first to say to the world that my drone system is the first to be compliant with safety and security standards,“ Medel said. Anna von Groote, EUROCAE, discussed the European UAS Standards Continued on page 9

266 partipants launched paper airplanes for the Women of Aviation Worldwide Week’s Pink Paper Plane Challenge. —Turn to page 3 for the scoop

12-14 March 2019

IFEMA, Feria de Madrid

2018 Highlights

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World ATM Congress Thanks Our Media Partners LEAD MEDIA PARTNERS



Around the Globe in Eighty Minutes An African air navigation service provider (ANSP) peer-review system. Artificial intelligence for Asia Pacific air traffic control (ATC). A burgeoning collaboration between Spanish- and English-speaking Latin and Central American ANSPs. A new spirit of ATM cooperation between two Middle Eastern states. These and other hot topics, like UTM, emerged during 20-minute speed chats with ATM experts in four global growth areas on 7 March. Session four of the World ATM Congress conference programme featured ANSP chief executives and directors general, industry suppliers, and industry commentators from Africa, Asia Pacific, Latin American and the Caribbean, and the Middle East. Each trio discussed the current and future state of aviation in their region, and the challenges and opportunities they face. In Africa, air traffic providers are looking to “reassess challenges, redefine our objectives, and come up with the right strategic grasp that will move Africa to the next level,” said Hamza Johari, Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority. Africa has 70 percent of the world’s population but less than one percent of its air traffic, said Dr. Sandile Malinga, Air Traffic and Navigation Services. The continent is expected to be home to 2.5 billion people by 2050, and Malinga says that population growth will translate into aviation growth. “We need to change how we do

things,” he said. “Training and new skills will be crucial. There are new initiatives in place to create a single African sky, but politics take a long time.” However, “harmonising systems are things we can do quickly,” Malinga said. That harmonisation includes a peerreview mechanism that allows ANSPs to work together collaboratively to learn from one another, while still protecting their autonomy. “On the continent, we tend to learn from others, but this is one thing we believe the world can learn from us,” he said. Captain Gilbert Macharia Kibe, Kenya Civil Aviation Authority, said UAVs are a challenge. In Kenya, drones are used for agricultural services, wildlife tracking, news gathering, and for the film industry. “We need to register commercial drone users, but we’re not so sure what to do with recreational users,” he said. Moving east, Asia Pacific will be home to half of all new air passengers by 2025, said Professor Vu Nguyen Duong, Nanyang Technological University’s Air Traffic Management Research Institute. “Our routes will see an extra 1.8 million passengers,” he said. “The whole region is changing. I have seen some countries achieve 15 to 18 percent growth in the last five years.” In the next five years, “I would not be surprised if China surpasses the United States as the world’s largest aviation

Alan Corner, Director Middle East, Helios, shares a laugh with Ryyan Tarabzoni, CEO, Saudi Air Navigation Services (SANS), and Ahmed Ibrahim Al Jallaf, Assistant Director General ANS, General Civil Aviation Authority, United Arab Emirates, during the Middle East Speed Chat.

market,” said Simon Li, Civil Aviation Department (CAD Hong Kong). Expanding airports and ATC systems takes time, but a multimodal air traffic flow management (ATFM) system is an immediate solution, said Kevin Shum, Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore. This system has already reduced delays and emissions and has increased fuel savings, he said. “Volume growth is stressful, but there’s also growth in the complexity of the networks,” Shin added. “A lot of secondary and tertiary airports are

growing and having to fit into main air routes in Asia Pacific.” This means that an Asia Pacific seamless sky is actually route restructuring, Shin said, entailing common, open standards. However, only about half of Asia Pacific states are able to achieve the standards in the ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit Program, he said. As in other growth regions, manpower is a key issue in Asia Pacific. Artificial intelligence (AI) may be an opContinued on page 5

2018 Highlights

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World ATM Congress Celebrates Women Of Aviation Worldwide Week with Pink Paper Plane Challenge Launch On 8 March, at precisely 10.00, hundreds of participants successfully launched 266 paper airplanes into the rafters of the World ATM Congress Exhibition Hall as part of the Women Of Aviation Worldwide Week’s (WOAW) Pink Paper Plane Challenge. The effort contributed to a Guinness World Record attempt to launch the most paper airplanes at the same time across multiple time zones (the record to beat was 12,673). World ATM Congress was one of 179 events in 33 countries around the globe to honor women’s many contributions to aviation. The eighth annual paper plane challenge was more popular than ever and saw an approximately 15 percent increase in participation from last year. In fact, World ATM Congress’ par-ticipation went so well that Director of Communications Abigail Glenn-Chase won an Activity Organizer Fly It For-ward® Award. In preparation for Thurs-day’s launch, World ATM Congress at-tendees folded pink paper planes all week at the ATCA, CANSO, and World ATM Congress stands. Results will be announced soon! Interested in learning more about the Institute for Women Of Aviation World-wide (iWOAW)? Visit

Participants attempt to break a Guinness World Record flying paper airplanes at the WOAW Pink Paper Plane Challenge.


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14/02/2018 01:13

2018 Highlights

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ICAO, EUROCONTROL Leaders Predict the Future Air transport is a key catalyst of worldwide socioeconomic development, but according to the conference keynote speakers on 6 March, the next 20 years will present unprecedented challenges. Dr. Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu, President of the ICAO Council, said his organisation is just a few years away from a second revolution in airspace design and management. The first revolution was at the end of World War II, when ICAO was ratified at the Chicago Convention. The second revolution will focus on accommodating more technologically advanced, efficient aircraft and drones. “ICAO needs to anticipate, enable, and guide this evolution,” Aliu said. “It’s an incredible force for peace, economic growth, and stability in the world.” Much of ICAO’s current focus is on effective air traffic flow management (ATFM), including aviation system block upgrades, performance-based navigation, system-wide aviation management, and other aspects of 21st century ATM. “Every member state should be preparing themselves to adjust to this new environment,” Aliu said. However, he noted, competition for airspace is accelerating, and artificial intelligence requires new professional skills and cybersecurity plans. “It would be more than disappointing

to work so hard to establish the world’s safest, most efficient network only to find we don’t have enough pilots, controllers,” and other personnel for future generations, Aliu said. Other challenges include a lack of global automatic dependent surveillance (ADS-B) across ICAO member states, but Aliu expects that a number of regions will participate by 2020. “ICAO is working very hard to ensure that no country is left behind,” and wider adoption of space-based ADS-B will help, he said. Safe air navigation services in Africa are also a key priority for ICAO in the upcoming years, Aliu added. In Europe, air traffic is expected to increase substantially by 2035, said Eamonn Brennan, Director General of EUROCONTROL. In 1999, there were 27,100 flights on a busy traffic day throughout Europe, Brennan said. In 2017, there were 37,200 flights. In 2035, the prediction is 58,000 flights a day. Already, European air traffic has exceeded its traffic forecast of 2.8 percent growth in 2018. In January, growth was 4.7 percent, and it hit 3.5 percent in February, Brennan said. “If we keep managing traffic and organising European airspace the way we are now, most of the current airports

Dr. Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu, ICAO

will not be able to cope by 2035,” he said. “This presents a very, very significant challenge.” Brennan said this growth is fueled by a 65 percent reduction in airfares over the last 20 years, the rise of lowcost airlines, more point-to-point city pairs, low fuel costs, domination of A320 and B737 aircraft, and a burgeoning middle class in the Asia-Pacific region and other growing economies. “There will be an unstoppable demand for aviation travel over the next 20 years,” he said. “Emerging economies

Eamonn Brennan, EUROCONTROL

will be the powerhouse of economic consumption,” including international air travel and tourism. While European travel is at a mature level and North American travel is decreasing, Brennan said Asia-Pacific travel will fuel this growth. The current European ATM framework and approaches are not equipped to meet these future capacity, safety, and environmental demands, Brennan said. Key challenges will include investing in airport infrastructure, managing cybersecurity, and integrating drones into the airspace.

New Partnerships and Rapidly Changing Skies Alliances and collaborations are becoming so pervasive they will change the nature of ATM in the next decade, said David McMillan during session three on 7 March entitled New Collaborations in ATM. McMillan, Chairman of the ATM Policy Institute and Non-Executive Director of Gatwick Airport Ltd., moderated the session, which included panelists from various ATM alliances, NATO, and industry. Martin Rolfe, NATS and Borealis Alliance, kicked off the session with a discussion of Borealis, which he called a “coalition of the willing.” Borealis includes the ANSPs of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Rolfe said the alliance has saved the equivalent of 25 trips to the moon in track miles, 50,000 tons of carbon dioxide, and 1 million minutes of time. By 2022, Rolfe said there will be free route airspace across all nine member states. Overall, it’s easy to start an alliance, Rolfe said, especially for people with a history of government cooperation. But it’s more difficult to know when to say no to a potential partner, or to disband when an alliance has achieved its goals. While sovereignty is often used as an excuse for not forming an alliance, Rolfe said 95 percent of the issues Borealis faces don’t have any bearing on sovereignty. For instance, he said col-

Martin Rolfe, NATS and Borealis Alliance, said the alliance has saved the equivalent of 25 trips to the moon in track miles, 50,000 tons of carbon dioxide, and 1 million minutes of time. By 2022, Rolfe said there will be free route airspace across all nine member states. lecting overflight fees is a businesscase question rather than a sovereignty issue, but sovereignty is an easier excuse for alliance members who don’t want to participate in a certain initiative. In fact, Rolfe envisions an increasing emergence of traffic-based partnerships that have nothing to do with regions or sovereignty. The COOPANS-Alliance of five ANSPs in Austria, Croatia, Denmark, Ireland, and Sweden was started over 10 years ago to save costs, said Thomas Hoffman, COOPANS Board Chairman. But the alliance has resulted in much more. “We have stabilisation and harmonisation, and it’s a lot of fun to work together,” he said. “We’re like a family.” With seven ATM centres across its five member countries, COOPANS can deploy the same software system-wide within two weeks, and joint procurement results in a cost savings of 30 per-

Georgio Cioni, answers questions during New Collaborations in ATM? The Changing Face of Partnerships and Alliances in ATM.

cent, Hoffman said. One ANSP launches the new software and does all of the testing and the safety case. “It’s a very efficient working scenario,” he said. Hoffman said another advantage of COOPANS is that it gives smaller ANSPs voices in SESAR and other alliances. “It helps us to be heard like the big guys.” Unlike ANSP alliances, SESAR began as a “forced marriage” because it was established by regulation, said Florian Guillermet, Executive Director of SESAR JU. “But 10 years later, the objective is the glue of the partnership.” A

decade ago, SESAR operated with airspace blocks, but Guillermet said now sub-alliances are forming within the SESAR partnership. Guillermet believes the shift from physical assets to more digital assets create fluidity and potential for ANSPs to pair up, because they could deliver air traffic services anywhere in the world. “This can transform the industry,” he said. The NATO Alliance is also creating new partnerships, said Georgio Cioni, Continued on page 12

2018 Highlights Speed Chats

teracted only with Spanish-speaking countries—highlighting the English/ Continued from page 2 Spanish divide throughout Latin Amertion to “leapfrog years of experience” ican and the Caribbean. But two years that’s missing in young controllers, ago, COCESNA forged an alliance with Shum said. “But an ATM system driven Jamaica, Vargas Araya said. In the future, Vargas Araya predicts by AI is science fiction.” In Latin America and the Caribbe- more ANSP partnerships will form in an, climate change and other factors the region. He also envisions ANSPs make it imperative that all states de- partnering with industry. “I see ANSPs velop ATM systems together, said Carl as a business case,” he said. In the Middle East, Alan Corner, HeGaynair, Jamaica Civil Aviation Authority. Last fall’s hurricanes are not likely to lios, said there’s a “fairly positive and upbe isolated incidents, and the growing beat story about a transition that’s been number of drones pose issues. “A small happening over the last five years.” Acknowledging that everyone’s state can’t do UTM on its own,” he said. In 2012, Jamaica began modernising heard about a new spirit of collaboraits airspace. Gaynair said complete in- tion before, Corner said Middle Eastern terconnectivity with seven area states ATM is genuinely transforming this time. Much of this transformation is due should begin after the end of the certito air traffic growth that has resulted in fication phase next week. Central America is home to one of the a new cooperation between two of the oldest collaborative ANSPs in the world. region’s busiest airspaces—Saudi AraFounded in 1960, COCESNA includes bia and United Arab Emirates. “We’re looking at traffic growth as Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Belize. However, an opportunity to modernise,” said “it’s almost impossible for us to imple- Ahmed Ibrahim Al Jallaf, General Civil ment any ATM flow management be- Aviation Authority, UAE. The current cause it would go across our main goal major airspace restructuring in the UAE of efficiency,” said Jorge Antonio Vargas is expected to enhance capacity by 25 Araya, Executive President of COCESNA. to 30 percent. And future technologiEven though COCESNA is a collab- cal changes could potentially double orative effort, it has traditionally in- capacity, he said.

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Meanwhile, Saudi Arabian ATC has been corporatised, and there’s a major recent investment in infrastructure and a new ATM system, said Ryyan Tarabzoni, Saudi Air Navigation Services. The country is also investing in its workforce. The Saudi Academy of Air Control has accepted its first female students. Corner said because both Saudi Arabia and UAE have acquired new ATM systems, there has been some collabo-

ration between the systems in terms of flow management and system pairing. And there has been talk about centralising ATM among members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, which includes all Persian Gulf states except Iraq. Nevertheless, Jallaf points out that there are “big blocks of airspace in the region that are not available for navigation. That makes regional development not very efficient, and there is no participation at all from some states.”

A DFS Aviation Services representative demonstrates their latest products during the opening reception on 6 March.

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World ATM Congress Shatters Attendance Records

At 8,542 registrants, World ATM Congress 2018 saw a 10 percent increase in registration!

Autonomous Continued from page 1 skyscrapers, at a total distance of 25 to 35 kilometers. Prevot said the aircraft, which will hopefully be autonomous after the next decade, use electric propulsion with single rotors for elevated takeoff and landing, which makes them quieter. “They’re not intended to be a niche thing, or rich-people’s transport. Pricewise they would be about the same as an uberX [car] today,” Prevot said. Even before Uber Elevate hits the skies, there will be 2.5 to 3 million drones in operation in the US by 2020, Graham said, meaning that “regulators have to be looking at a different way of learning. We’re not just ushering in the future; it’s happening now.” According to Graham and the other panelists, the key is to establish a pathway to air service providers (ASPs). ASPs are very different than ANSPs, said Jason Hartfield, Airservices Australia. ANSPs are all about control, whereas ASPs have a non-monopolistic focus. “If we bring the ANSP mindset to the ASP, this is not going to work,” he said. Hartfield said Australia has the most autonomous vehicles in the world, due to a fully-automated mining industry. Shark spotting and lifesaving along beaches are also tasks drones perform regularly. And in Queensland, a regional air drone is sequenced with civil aircraft. “Drones are affecting the way the whole society is operating,” he said. Graham said regulators are working

in partnership with industry on autonomous operations “in a way that we’ve not seen before. Words we need to remember are ‘industry-led innovation.’” Teri Bristol, COO of the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Air Traffic Organization, said the FAA is already working with five private industry service providers to create automated maps for where UAVs can operate safely in areas around airports. The maps are expected to be nationwide by the end of this year. “If we continue to manage and think in a traditional manner, there’s no way we could adapt to the needs of private industry, and we would be seen as ineffectual,” Teri Bristol said. Graham said another thing to consider is that autonomous operations span the entire spectrum of airspace up to the Karman Line, or outerspace. Floating cell towers, commercial space launches, and solar unmanned aircraft are already operating in the upper airspace. “We’re all learning a new language— what exactly are autonomous operations and how will they be managed in the airspace?” she continued. “How does UTM (UAS traffic management) work with ATM, and do we need one or the other or both? There’s enough known about UTM at lower to apply to UTM at upper, but we must harmonise or we could be looking at three different ATM services.” Reinaldo Negron, Project Wing @ X (formerly Google X), said UTM is key for his company’s drone package-delivery service. Project Wing has a “nest” where

Can’t-Miss Event “[World ATM Congress] is a fantastic show because it really helps us get together with everyone from the industry … It’s well-centered on the business side of the equation. Other [shows] have become more of a marketing tool. I’m delighted at how ATM has developed over the years.” —Giaime Porcu, Media Relations Civil Aerospace,


“When you show that the system can work, suddenly UTM doesn’t just become a one-letter change to ATM; it becomes a mindset change.” – Alex Bristol drones “live,” he said. “They go to a merchant, then to a home, then back to the nest. We use UTM to manage this.” For the last five months, Project Wing has been practicing this service in a rural area of Australia, and is now ready to move to a suburban test spot. One pilot manages a fleet of drones, and UTM allows trajectory-based operations. Negron said Project Wing’s basic UTM will be free for all drone users, just like Google Maps. “We think this is important for learning, for the industry to share.” Klaus-Dieter Scheurle, DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH, said his ANSP is partnering with Deutsche Telecom to develop UTM systems. Deutsche Telecom can track UAVs with LTE technology mounted directly on the aircraft. The data is transmitted to ATM systems via Deutsche Telecom’s mobile network, which provides complete coverage throughout the country. A remote pilot registers in the UTM and files a route, and the UTM checks the airspace and makes sure it isn’t occupied. It then approves the mission and transmits data to ASPs. Alex Bristol, skyguide, said there are

tremendous opportunities today for UAV manufacturers and users, along with traditional ANSPs. “We can be scared and react defensively, or we can embrace the opportunity and act in a very proactive way. The challenge is not to overregulate, to enable as much as possible, and not to solve all problems with the same regulations.” It’s important to build public confidence by demonstrating that an autonomous operations system can work well, Alex Bristol said. “When you show that the system can work, suddenly UTM doesn’t just become a one-letter change to ATM; it becomes a mindset change.” Todd Donovan, Thales Air Traffic Management, cited a forecast of the commercial UAV package delivery market, which is projected to rise from zero packages in 2017 to 10,000 in 2032. “In reality, automation and autonomy for unmanned operations is going to take a decade or multiple decades,” he said. Road traffic can serve as an autonomous operations analogy, Donovan said. If a man is driving a truck on a dirt road on a farm, he can go where he wants, with no regulations. But if he’s driving on high-density, high-risk operations like highways, there are controls and enforcement. “The key is, take these concepts, where people have a lot of autonomy to drive the way they want—but safely and securely—and apply them to drones,” Donovan said. “As density and risk increase, so does the need for structure and controls.”

2018 Highlights

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FREQUENTIS and DFS Sign Joint Venture Agreement to Deliver Turnkey Remote Tower Solutions at World ATM Congress 2018 Frequentis AG and the German ANSP DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH, through its wholly-owned subsidiary DFS Aviation Services GmbH, have agreed to jointly deliver turnkey remote tower solutions worldwide. Based on the companies’ proven expertise with remote tower projects, their collaboration strengthens this shared solution. This joint venture was signed into agreement at World ATM Congress. Remote tower control is a key topic in the air traffic domain. Carrying out ATC from any location and the ability to monitor several airports from a central location creates an exciting opportunity to change the way air traffic is monitored and managed. This solution offers enormous potential for process optimisation, utilisation of resources, and functional synergies across multiple airport locations. Frequentis and DFS have developed the best-in-class remote tower solution and will now jointly market this innovative and powerful solution worldwide. This venture combines Frequentis’ remote tower system with the DFS operational and regulatory concept for customers globally. The joint venture operations of FREQUENTIS DFS AEROSENSE will be based in Austria and the management of the

From left: Klaus-Dieter Scheurle, CEO of DFS, Hannes Bardach, CEO of Frequentis, Norbert Haslacher, Chief Sales Officer and Member of the Executive Board at Frequentis, and Dirk Mahns, Managing Director of DFS Aviation Services.

joint venture will include representatives from both companies. Frequentis will contribute the technologies needed for state-of-art airport control, as well as its expertise in developing customised remote tower systems. It will also provide its worldwide network of subsidiaries and local representatives that are able to implement remote towers around the globe. DFS Aviation Services will contrib-

ute its operational experience in ATM consulting, validation, transition, and training. The DFS subsidiary works hand in hand with its parent company and, through this, brings in the deep operational experience DFS gained through the development of its own remote tower solution. DFS and Frequentis have been working on the implementation of a remote tower centre at Leipzig Airport, Germany, where Saarbrücken Inter-

national Airport’s central control will be complete by the end of 2018, followed by Erfurt and Dresden. “We are looking forward to this new way of working together with DFS on one of the fastest developing topics to digitalise air traffic control solutions,” said Hannes Bardach, CEO Frequentis AG. “Significant cost savings and increased efficiency for ANSPs are driving forces for implementation. We are excited to be partnering with DFS Aviation Services, strengthening our potential and sharing our joint knowledge in order to promote the technical, operational, and economic potential to global customers.” “Remote tower control means a change of paradigm in the provision of aerodrome control services. It offers the same safe and professional air navigation services our customers are used to,” said Klaus-Dieter Scheurle, Chairman and CEO of DFS. “We are pleased to be working together on such a key technology for air navigation service providers. Both companies are leaders in their areas of expertise. Only the combination of the technical expertise with the individual requirements of an ANSP enables a successful remote tower project. We are confident that our joint venture will succeed and become a leading market player in remote tower control solutions.”

Breaking down barriers – uniting aviation stakeholders With more than 70 years ATM experience and well known as market leader in the industry Frequentis presented these highlights: - VoIP voice communication systems: Driving change while setting standards - Be prepared for changing market dynamics: Rethinking airport towers - New data, new services, new players: Changing digital aviation - New concepts of operations: Pushing boundaries in ATC |

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FAA’s Performance Based Navigation Success NextGen is delivering benefits across the US National Airspace System (NAS) today by reducing taxi and flying time, cutting fuel burn and emissions, and improving the efficiency and predictability of departures and arrivals Performance Based Navigation (PBN) is one of the keys to NextGen success. PBN is guiding aircraft on thousands of new 3D departure, en route, arrival, and approach procedures. PBN enhances safety while improving access and efficiency. More than 9,300 PBN routes and procedures are now in use. Here are some of the areas in which airlines, passengers, and other aircraft operators are enjoying PBN benefits: • Metroplexes: The FAA has published hundreds of PBN departure, arrival, and approach procedures at seven metroplexes — metropolitan areas serviced by multiple airports — and is working to complete four more metroplex projects to provide navigation solutions on a regional scale. • RNAV Standard Instrument Departures (SID): RNAV SIDs provide fixed, precise, and repeatable paths for aircraft from takeoff to en route airspace with a minimum of level-offs

More than 9,300 Performance Based Navigation routes are now in use in the US National Airspace System.

to lower fuel consumption. • Area Navigation (RNAV) Standard Terminal Arrivals with Optimized Profile Descents (OPD): These are used at hundreds of airports, many located in metroplexes. An OPD enables pilots to conserve fuel by flying closer to the airport before descent and keeping the engine power near idle during descent by avoiding fuelguzzling level-offs. • Required Navigation Performance (RNP) with Authorization Required (AR) approaches: These highly ac-

curate procedures enable qualified aircraft and approved operators to fly safely and with great precision on the same flight path every time near high terrain or in congested airspace. The FAA has published nearly 400 RNP ARs. • RNP approaches: The FAA has published more than 6,500 of these procedures, formerly identified as RNAV (GPS) but now called RNP by the FAA and ICAO. In the NAS these are for aircraft equipped with either GPS or GPS enhanced by a Wide Area

Augmentation System (WAAS). RNP approaches permit aircraft with the required navigation performance to operate on any desired course within the coverage of the navigation signals in use. • WAAS Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance (LPV) approaches: There are 3,800 of these procedures available at nearly 1,900 airports, the majority of which do not have an Instrument Landing System (ILS). LPV minimums can be as low as 200 feet, the same as a Category 1 ILS. The FAA is working toward a PBNcentric NAS and is conducting outreach to encourage use of PBN. The FAA also is working closely with ICAO and complies with its recommended practices. ICAO member states follow the same general plan, but there are differences in choices of PBN.

World ATM Congress is the Place to Do Business HENSOLDT and Raytheon to Deliver Enhanced Airport Surveillance Radar

ALYTS Technologies was one of the 237 exhibitors to showcase their products and services at World ATM Congress 2018.

ALTYS to Lead Clean Sky 2 Program Research and Development ALTYS Technologies, together with COMET consortium members Airtel ATN, Frequentis, Siemens France, and the University of Bradford, were recently selected by the Clean Sky 2 (CS2) Joint Undertaking to carry out future cockpit network communications infrastructure work under the program’s Systems Integrated Technology Demonstrator, led by THALES. With an €8 million budget, the COMET project will design, develop, and test novel dual ACARS - IPS cockpit and ground network infrastructures operat-

ing in a multi-link environment (VDL2, Swiftbroadband SATCOM, AeroMACS, and LDACS) to enable seamless airto-ground connectivity in support of trajectory-based ATC operations and future airline services. For more information, visit Clean Sky 2 is the European Commission’s programme, in partnership with the European aeronautical industry, to develop breakthrough technologies that significantly increase aviation’s environmental performance. For more on Clean Sky 2, visit

HENSOLDT and Raytheon Company are teaming up to jointly develop and market new ATC radars. The two leading air traffic radar innovators signed a strategic cooperation agreement at World ATM Congress 2018. HENSOLDT and Raytheon will provide commercial airports a fully integrated air surveillance radar to enhance air traffic safety and efficiency. Their cooperation will create the optimum solution for their customers by combining HENSOLDT’s primary radar airport surveillance radar and monopulse secondary surveillance radar and Raytheon’s Mode S monopulse secondary surveillance radar. This new offering brings together HENSOLDT and Raytheon’s ATC and sensor portfolios to grow their market presence worldwide and deliver new capabilities to benefit their customers. “Our companies have decades of experience developing air traffic control systems,” said Bob Delorge, Vice President of Transportation and Support Services at Raytheon Intelligence, Information and Ser-

vices. “The system we’re developing brings together our marketleading products to create an advanced, proven airport surveillance radar.” “Working with Raytheon, we will jointly improve flight safety for our citizens,” said Erwin Paulus, member of the HENSOLDT Executive Board, head of Radar/IFF/Data Link. “Our complementary products will enable us to better serve our customers’ needs.” HENSOLDT has been active in the ATC surveillance market for decades with dedicated primary and secondary surveillance radars, especially for military ATC and IFF requirements. The company supplies customers all over the world with ATC and identification systems for military and civilian applications. Raytheon has more than 65 years of experience providing global ATM technology, products, and services to civil and military customers. Raytheon's ATM solutions operate in more than 60 countries and monitor more than 60 percent of the world's airspace.

2018 Highlights

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UTM Operations and Applications

Global UTM Continued from page 1

Coordination Group (EUSCG), which is a joint advisory group designed to coordinate the standards for UAS across Europe. EUSCG brings together all of the main standardisation bodies, plus industry and regulators, to harmonise and streamline implementation of regulations, support performance-based regulations, and avoid overlapping regulations and standards. “Involving the right people is essential,” von Groote said. Anyone can join EUSCG, and the process is transparent, open, and consensus-driven. “It’s really by the industry, for the industry.” Christian Struwe, DJI, discussed regulation from the drone manufacturer’s perspective. DJI’s new Aeroscope system takes a command-and-control link built into the drone and transmits it to handheld devices and servers via radio frequency (RF). Users can track speed, direction, pilot location, altitude, as well as a drone’s position, make, and model. Aeroscope’s RF currently identifies about 70 percent of the drones flying today.

Anna von Groote, EUROCAE, discussed the European UAS Standards Coordination Group (EUSCG).

users we want to bring into the market.” Sage said NATS has made a commitment to deliver a core UTM service by 2019, including a national drone registry, online training for drone users, and digital publication and enforcement of no-fly zones. NATS is working in partnership with Altitude Angel, a UTM solution provider, to accomplish this. The role of ANSPs in UTM Marc Kegelaers, Unifly, proposed The UTM Foundations session was four levels of applications within the followed by “The Role of ANSPs in UAV space: national UTMs, regional UTMs.” Ralf Heidger, DFS, kicked off the UTMs, drone operations control censecond session with a look at UTM in tres, and mission planner/drone conGermany. trol software. DFS’s U:CON ANSPs are natuses LTE and G5 ural administra“We’re advocating for the connectivity to tors for national idea of a UTM service make drone acUTMs, said Kegeframework that supports tivity visible on laers. While drone all users. We would go so smartphones, users are not far as to say UTM doesn’t tablets, and air always aviation stand for unmanned traftraffic controllers’ savvy, they have fic management. For us, screens. It works a high societal through a deit stands for unified traffic impact, which vice attached to a necessitates remanagement.” drone, and can be gional UTMs that — Andrew Sage, NATS traced using mocan track how bile telecom techand where UAVs nology. Height limits are about 150 fly. These regional UTMs would require metres. The technology was tested last investments in infrastructure and proyear. cedures. U:CON can change the paradigm of Under Kegelaers’ proposal, national ATC, Heidger said. It includes airspace UTMs would interface and coordinate usage and booking, airspace mapping, with ATM, and would also handle airand weather data. space flow management, capacity Andrew Sage, NATS, said everyone planning, and safety coordination with fits into “nice boxes” within ATM today, manned aviation. National and rebut 60 years ago, no one knew what gional UTMs would oversee low-level their roles were and how they worked airspace management, including geotogether. It’s the same today with UTM. fences, flight authorisation, and user “We’re just trying to cram this uncer- registration. Drone operations control tainty into a number of boxes. UTM is a centres would approve flight plans, broad traffic management system, and and the mission planner could coorwe may be forgetting that.” dinate with the national, regional, and “We’re advocating for the idea of a drone operations control centres. UTM service framework that supports “With a vision like this, we are not all users. We would go so far as to say competing against each other,” KegUTM doesn’t stand for unmanned traf- elaers said. “This helps us understand fic management. For us, it stands for where we are in the food chain, and unified traffic management,” he said. where we can supply good service and “We need something that’s going to value.” work with general aviation, military, Neil Kidd, Altitude Angel, said his and the plethora of unmanned aircraft company’s Drone Assist application

for operators includes geofencing data and alerts for weather, regulations, and airspace. The app was launched in December 2016 and has 55,000 users in the United Kingdom. The next step is going beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS), Kidd said. “Up to 80 percent of the future benefits from drones come from BVLOS.” This includes separation, Class G segregated airspace, and controlled airspace.

The final session, UTM Operations and Applications, began with a discussion of UTM operations in Hungary. Pavol Serbín, R-Sys, said Hungary’s IXO System includes an inspector, authority, and airspace management cell (AMC). ANSP tools include display of airspaces, drone zone management, geofencing, and user registration management. HungaroControl also has a userfriendly mobile and web application called MyDrone Space. It includes a real-time, 3D display of all airspaces and drone zones. There is also a threequestion registration and licensing test. A simple red or green button alerts drone users if they’re allowed to fly in a certain zone. Tim McCarthy, Maynooth University, discussed U-Flyte drone research being conducted in Ireland. The goal is to “future-proof” UTM from a research stance, including wide-area mapping, search and tracking, logistics, U-space modeling, UTM direction, and protocols. UTM spaces need to be viewed in consort with smart cities, vehicles, and other entities, McCarthy said. “We don’t see U-space as discrete layers of data,” Continued on page 13

The Global Alliance At World ATM Congress 2018 The Global Alliance is a coalition of labour unions representing aviation safety professionals from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The Alliance member unions proudly represent safety professionals on the frontline of the global ATC system. Alliance member unions are the voices of the professionals they represent and advocate on their behalf on safety, industrial, professional, and technical matters. Recognising that ATM is a global industry, the Alliance’s member unions work together to meet individual and shared challenges and raise important issues to a global audience. The Alliance communicates with each other in a spirit of solidarity and unity. The aviation safety professionals represented by the Alliance are highly skilled, dedicated professionals who are fully committed to ensuring the safety of each and every flight they are responsible for. Safety is the litmus test against which all decisions must be based. These professionals safely guide tens of millions of flights per year and ensure more than a billion passengers annually reach their destinations safely in a global air traffic control system that is in its safest period in history.

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Partnerships Continued from page 4

NATO Head of Airspace Capabilities. Since 2014, NATO has emphasised more airspace interopability and security, and at its last summit, recognised cyber as an operational domain in addition to air, land, and maritime. This requires cooperation between military and civil aviation, Cioni said, along with an emphasis on security in the UAV space. Panelists also answered audience and moderator questions, including: Is there any added value of the functional airspace blocks (FABs), or should they be discontinued? Rolfe said his “politically incorrect opinion” is based on the time that NATS was part of a FAB with Ireland. “It produced an enormous amount of bureaucracy. Once you put something into a legal framework, it turns operational partnerships among airspace into political constructs. FABS are supposed to reduce costs and generate ideas for users, but there are a lot of ways to do that.” Given the security issues with airground voice and ADS-B, do you see an investment in a new ATM system to meet future security challenges? Guillermet said the communications, navigation, and surveillance

(CNS) domain presents challenges. “Today it’s open because of how it’s been built. We have to collectively address how to secure this system and who’s going to pay for it. It’s not just an ATM problem; it’s an aviation problem.” Haslacher and Hoffman looked at the question from a financial angle, noting that suppliers have to invest quite a bit of money to keep up with rapidly changing cybersecurity regulatory environments, and it’s complicated because every country has different standards. “We have to spend millions on new technology to make sure we’re compliant with Florian and his master plan, but we also have to reduce our costs,” Hoffman said. “That’s the biggest issue we have right now.” Rolfe said NATS and Borealis are devoting a lot of time to recognising a cyberattack and deciding how to respond in terms of things like playbooks and rehearsed scenarios. Where do you see alliances and partnerships in 10 years’ time? “We have a lot of work to do, but Europe and SESAR are an excellent resource for EANA,” Grellet said. Florian believes there’s a need to start enabling regulations that allow partnerships to flourish, and Hoffman pointed out there’s a “tendency for overregulation and overkill, but I hope that will change.”

Gender Equality Takes Center Stage

Ana Gomez Pineda, head of the Economic and Air Navigation Department, Agencia de Seguridad Aerea (AESA), presented the Spanish “Ellas Vuelan Alto/Women Fly High,” motto, which urges women to “stop dreaming, start doing.” The 6 March session – organized by SESAR in close collaboration with the European Commission – highlighted gender equality in ATM and what industry stakeholders are doing about it.


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2018 Highlights

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trolled airspace in certain areas. “We will be developed and deployed as a be about €20 million over 10 years. By took what was a 90-day airspace down public-private partnership (PPP) and 2028, ENAV forecasts €50-60 million Continued from page 9 to seconds,” he said. LAANC went live in spun off as a separate company with in operating costs, with revenues of the fall of 2017 in 46 airports and is ex- a temporary working name of NewCo. about €70-75 million. “The business case is built on the but instead look at areas like schools pected to be deployed nationwide by The industrial partner will act as the main technological supplier, but ENAV assumption that the market growth and car parks to create an efficient, the end of this year. estimations will be confirmed and the In Japan, Rakuten AirMap, which in- will maintain control of the PPP. three-dimensional data structure, McBaldoni said ENAV expects a return rule-making process will confirm the Carthy said. The planned result is a cludes national drone rules and landreal-world model with risk and human marks and deploys a UTM, is being on investment for NewCo between the current setting, as recently representactivity taken into account. All of this tested. Airways New Zealand, which third and fifth year. Total investment ed in EASA (European Aviation Safety includes digital in the Italian U-space is expected to Agency) opinion,” Baldoni said. could potentially authorisations and be built into a UTM facilitates airspace system, he said. approvals, is curBrandon Brown, “In areas where we’ve rently available AirMap, gave an rolled out a UTM at three airports, overview of his system, we have seen with plans to excompany’s current an 11-time increase in pand further this initiatives. flights. We’re trying to year. AirMap’s 2017 “In areas where Geneva U-space provide the tools to allow we’ve rolled out demo was a live drone users to see cleara UTM system, test that included ly what they need to do, we have seen an e-registration, tacand also allow regulators 11-time increase tical geofencing, to enforce the rules.” in flights,” Brown integration with —Brandon Brown, said. “We’re tryATC, and flight AirMap ing to provide management. “The the tools to allow key takeaway is drone users to see we’re ready to declearly what they ploy our U1 and U2 systems today so that operators can need to do, and also allow regulators to enforce the rules.” actually use them,” Brown said. Cristiano Baldoni, ENAV, closed the In the United States, AirMap is session with a discussion of the busilaunching Low Altitude Authorization Bob Delorge, Raytheon, talks about “Changes in the Global Airspace and Notification Capability (LAANC) ness model and financing for Italy’s Driving Innovation” at the Frequentis Aviation Arena. with the FAA. Brown said LAANC gives UTM. Baldoni said ENAV’s D-Flight instant authorisation to fly in conATCA-TechSypsosium Ad-2018-3.qxp_Layout 1 2/19/18 8:50 AMUTM Page 1

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