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patchy but then again it is 52 this month! Once we started taking Macy to all the shows , we had very few weekends at home all year. We kept cutting, waxing and using the car everyday, it became clean and very reliable. After seeing some of the DTA guys down at Air-cooled engineering (ACE-VW.COM), we got a little advice and made the essential “ fix her up “ road side spares and tools carry kit, everything they suggested for road side fixes was perfect for when we ferried all our camping gear up and down the country to all the shows, so massive props for the spare beam, for us to narrow, and the advice. I have a unit that’s full of my family’s projects and I’m building a bug panned Jetta coupe that I drove daily on air ride for years. It’s educating me in what’s what under the bug’s

skin. I wanted to narrow and lower the beetle myself there, but my friend Kirsty Greatrex had had her beetle lowered by Seann Hodson. I had seen his brown bug at bug jam the year before and knew he had a firm spanner hand and a quick turn around on any work he does, so I left my standard car there with the spare beam, lime bug dropped spindles and low/thin front tyres. We chatted back n forth and decided on a rather conservative (for Seann) 6” narrower on the beam and a tank raise. Seann welded the beam back up with the towers, so I can run short shocks and turned the back spring plate’s three splines. Before my drive home Seann said it’ll settle a lot just like everything you lower, but on the drive home it settled a few inches and turned into a road muncher with the beam being wound all the way up the wings skimmed the floor, chuffed ain’t the word!

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