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identify what happened and enables pilots to learn how to overcome similar incidences in the future. For example, there were speculations that the Air France A330 accident in the Atlantic may have encountered some kind of disturbances that created a ‘jet upset’ condition. Hence, the airline industry has been looking into this phenomenon to reduce future catastrophes.

Slaying Fear For aviophobics or anxious flyers, some ‘fear of flying’ clinics are using simulators as part of their ‘recovery from flying fear’ programme. This is called ‘systematic desensitization’. They gradually expose participants to their fear so that they can learn to evaluate their situation logically rather than emotionally. However, the success of the programme depends on the participants and their willingness to overcome their fear of flying.

Training at AirAsia All pilots with AirAsia and AirAsia X have to undergo the same rigorous training and checking process in order to gain the level of proficiency and competence required to safely transport passengers to their destinations. All pilots practice the same kind of emergency manoeuvres many, many times. If the real thing were to happen, it would not come as a shock at all, as they have all been there and done that in the flight simulators.

Captain Lim Khoy Hing is a former AirAsia Airbus A320 and AirAsia X A330/A340 pilot who also used to fly the Boeing 777. He has logged more than 25,500 total flying hours and is now a Simulator Flight Instructor with AirAsia X. In his spare time, he shares his opinion on aviation issues with others. For more air travel and aviation stories, check out his website, ‘Just About Flying’ at www.askcaptainlim.com.

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