The Technology Innovator Awards 2015

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The Technology Innovator Awards 2015 Driven to Success MSF-Vathauer is the technology leader for decentralised drive automation, Industry 4.0 solutions and for customised drive solution. We spoke to them about their 37 years of experience and how they continue to develop and innovate their services.

Call of Duty Winning ‘Best Cloud-Based Call Management Solutions 2015’ and ‘Most Innovative Telephony Platform’ are Sesui. We spoke to them about how they consistently deliver for their clients through their unique product, THE i Platform.

Fighting the Green Fight Winning this year’s award for ‘Outstanding Contribution to Environmental Technology’ as well as ‘Best Emission Reduction Technology “SX-6000”’ is Richard Chambers. He took the time out to talk to us about combating corruption in his sector, as well as telling us the story behind his innovative and energy efficient product SX-6000.

Editor’s Note Welcome to the 2015 Technology Innovator Awards! In addition to shaping our everyday lives, technology has, in recent years, propelled the business world to never before seen heights of efficiency and connectivity. What seemed unimaginable just a few decades ago is now commonplace in virtually every office throughout the world and new and exciting advances continue to give firms and their people ever more effective platforms from which to develop and sustain their success. The 2015 Technology Innovator Awards highlight the pioneering work of the teams and individuals behind these ground-breaking developments, and through our rigorous and painstaking awards process, we endeavour to ensure that we shine the spotlight only on those who, through their commitment, experience and willingness to explore and take advantage of the opportunities presented, are developing and sharing the technology that will continue to enhance and fundamentally alter the business world for the better for many years to come. So, to take a closer look at these leading lights, please read on...

Contents 4. Richard Chambers GmbH Award for Outstanding Contribution to Environmental Technology & Best Emission Reduction Technology “SX-6000” 7. Corruption in Germany - an Environmental Perspective By Richard Chambers GmbH 8. MSF-Vathauer Award for Innovation in Drive Technology 2015 & Best Decentralized Drive Control System “Field Drive System” 12. Redstone Best Real Estate Utilization Solution “OneSpace” & Award for Excellence in Efficient Technologies 14. Sesui Ltd Best Cloud-Based Call Management Solutions & Most Innovative Telephony Platform “THE i Platform” 19. 3 Leading Education Development Network - Middle East & Award for Innovation in E-Learning 20. Adgistics Best Brand Management Technology: Brand Centre® 22. Clearswift Best DLP solution (A-DLP) 24. Reinnervate ReproCELL Group Award for Innovation in Cell Technology 2015 & Most Advanced 3D Cell Technology “Alvetex” 26. NAPAfrica Best Single Peering Point - Africa “NAPAfrica Internet eXchange Point” - South Africa 28. Teraco Data Environments Recognised Leader in Vendor Neutral Data Systems 30. Abintra Limited Best Utilisation Measuring Solution “WiseNet” & Award for Innovation in New Technology Integration 31. Applied Principles ltd Award for Innovation in Paperless Data Management & Best Information Management Solution 32. Benefex Best Employee Benefit Platform “RewardHub” 33. Distributed Management Systems Ltd Best Mutual/Multi-Factor Authentication Technology “CASQUE SNR” 34. E-CO Best Indoor Air Quality Technology 35. Engeenuity LLC Best for BioPhotonics -USA & Sustained Excellence in Cross-Disciplinary & Frontier Science 36. Fastsms Best for SMS Text Messaging Technology - UK & Best Messaging Platform - UK 37. ICAB Best Emergency Alternative Accommodation Supplier & Best Digital Portal for Insurance Claims 38. Improved Apps Ltd Best for Embedded Help and Training - UK 39. In Practice Systems Ltd. Best Software in Medicine “Vision Anywhere” & Best Flexible Healthcare IT Solution “Vision” 40. Inspired Thinking Group (ITG) Limited Best Technology-Focused Marketing Services Company 2015 & Best Proprietary Marketing Software “Marketing Resource Management” 41. Morpheus Data, LLC 2015 Technology Innovator Award for Cloud Platform Services 42. Noetica Ltd. Award for Innovation in Call Centre Technology 43. Peppermint Technology Best Legal Software Supplier 2015 & Most Innovative Legal Technology “The Peppermint Platform” 44. Quickening Group Best Intelligent Business Management Software 45. RF Communications Consulting Recognised Leader in Wireless Communications Technology - USA 46. Ribose Best Cloud Collaboration Platform 2015 47. RPM Solutions Best for Bespoke Healthcare Communications Software & Best Healthcare Platform “One-Path Medical” - UK 48. Simplisys Ltd Best Service Management Platform “Citrus Service Desk” & Award for Innovation in CMMS Software 49. Sinage Design Award for Innovation in Brand-Focused Graphic Design - UK 50. SupaTools Limited Best IT Service Management Tool - Australasia & Best Configuration Management Database “SupaCMDB” 51. Sysorex Best Location-Based Services Platform “ZoneAware” 52. Technology Associates Limited Best for Microsoft Project Training - UK & Most Innovative Project Management Consultancy – UK 53. Trapets AB Award for Innovation in Financial Services Surveillance Systems & Best Securities Surveillance Platform “InstantWatch” 54. VAR Solutions UK Limited Best for IT Asset Management & Best for Data Destruction 55. Warren Creative Best Boutique Brand Agency 2015

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Company: Richard Chambers GmbH Name: Richard Chambers Email: Web Address: | Address: 85551 Heimstetten, Germany Telephone: 0049-89-9035638 Fax: 0049-89-9044541.

Award for Outstanding Contribution to Environmental Technology & Best Emission Reduction Technology “SX-6000”

Richard Chambers was born in 1937, and from an early age he helped to maintain old-timers. One big Chambers limousine, built in Belfast in 1927, is still in a cousin’s posession and regularly driven. At the age of 24 he registered a car he had designed and built himself. We got in touch with Richard about this revolutionary product, about his fight to promote energy efficient products and over-come the corruption in his region.

With a very mixed career dealing with industrial efficiency till then, about 27 years ago he took up energy-saving technologies, leading to the establishment of SX-6000, a friction-reducing product based uniquely on PTFE with high density, which produces a durable low-friction coating on the friction surfaces throughout any oil system. This technology was implemented long before people began to think about saving energy and protecting the environment. We got in touch with Richard about this revolutionary product, about his fight to promote energy efficient products and over-come the corruption in his region. Our revolutionary product SX-6000 is basically a formula that reduces friction, and so also fuel consumption in vehicles. SX-6000 is added to the oil, and the low-friction coating in motors and gears builds up as the vehicle is driven. The 0.3µm particles of high-density PTFE, transported by the oil, progresively attach themselves to the friction surfaces, and with the heat and pressure form a full coating of 1-1.5 µm Compared with oil lubrication alone, as scientifically solid tests prove, the SX-6000 treatment reduces fuel consumption and wear, and also, while on the road, 50% less oil is burned, which contributes significantly to the reduction of air polution. Less friction also means, with a certified reduction of wear of up to 88%, a reduction of maintenance, repairs and breakdowns My concern for the environment can be considered in-born, as, at the time of my birth, I was next in line

after my father to take over our family farm, and at 3 - 4 years old my indoctrination had already started. But Mr Hitler caused this to change, and my father then followed his engineer-brother to work for Harry Ferguson. Already from 9 years old I too got involved. Ferguson himself was not just a great inventor, (also of ABS), he also preached environmental matters. I also had access to his engineers, including Alex Senkowski, whose engines for the bombers which hit Dresden went straight into series production off the drawing-board. What with this, and the work on the old-timers my uncle had, by the time I was 17 I knew enough to be able, when the opportunity presented itself during National Service, to build my own car. We strongly believe that long-term, environmental friendliness is, for the world, essential. Our company motto, “Saving with more performance”, which is the factor common to our 6 technologies, is vital, as unfortunately the majority is more motivated by short-term economic than by moral factors. Therefore, not one of our products gives less than a 700% ROI, or it would not have gained a place in our programme. As for the company, the name “QMI” was that of our original suppliers of what we call “SX-6000”. Previously we had sold a product based on PTFE with low density, “Slick 50”, supplied through its international distribution based in Monaco. We had gone from the start in 1989 to early 1992, when the owner of that company sold out for health reasons to the USA distributor, from zero to a retail value of over 20 million DM.

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These new owners cancelled my contract and then tried to run our business in Germany themselves, but in a way, aided by attacks from Castrol, resulted in a market collapse. Luckily, my established contact with the USA commercial liaison office gave me contact with QMI, who had just launched their new product, based on PTFE with high density, and giving wear reduction of up to 88% instead of up to 42%. To protect the market from a similar action as with Slick 50, we registered “QMI” for Europe as our trademark. Our Japanese colleague, who experienced the same with Slick 50, also did this for Japan with QMI. For us both it was justified, as QMI went bankrupt and was taken over by a firm with very questionable ethics. Luckily we retained contact with the inventor of what we sell as “SX-6000”, and in spite of the up-set we can still get his product in concentrate form. Because of the unlimited speeds on the Autobahns, we have never sold the product with carrier-oils from the USA, but take what I consider the best oils here in Germany, from a German oil firm, not from any multinational. So we can say that SX-6000 is “Made in Germany”. While we retain “QMI Deutschland” for some areas of the national market, this only applies to SX-6000, not to the other 5 technologies. The SX-6000 technology is now over 20 years old, and up till now no other supplier has been able to crack how this product is made. We know of one competitor who bought a full pallet of the product in an attempt to copy it. We also are approached, because of our repu-

tation, with offers of other products, but so far nothing has met our performance requirements, beyond what has grown to be six technologies. Our sixth technology, which joined only last year, does not provide a better version of any competitive product, as its functions in air-conditioning and cold systems are simply not provided in any form by any other product. This product presents an extreme case of opposition generation from the specialist maintenance companies for such systems, as they (correctly) see its effect as practically killing their maintenance business, and unfortunately the system-owners tend to believe their tales so far. Because of the continuous opposition, it has been for over 20 years, and continues to be, a fight. Only in the last 3 – 4 years has here been any growth in sales, as finally word-of-mouth of satisfied customers has started to have a multiplier effect, and this has also produced export connections. It would have been easy to simply give up, but my conviction that my products are world-best, in performance and for the environment, kept me fighting. Our clients are all those who really want to enjoy, as our slogan says, “Saving with more performance” in industry, private or in sport. Racing motor-cyclists “complain” that after treating their machines they initially have difficulty, when accelerating out of a curve, to deal with the increased power. A major breakthrough for our company was in October 2014, when the Chinese government took up SX-6000 as a weapon in the “War against environmental contamination”. Unlike here in Germany, the government is very concerned by environmental matters, to repair the situation that the rapid economic growth caused. They charged a number of internationally operating companies to search for products and technologies beneficial to the environment. The associate of our now partner-company in Beijing, living near Munich, tried out other products claiming to work similarly to SX-6000, and found that they did not perform as claimed, which is not an infrequent thing. He finally tried SX-6000, but some initial tests in China failed to convince. Eventually, we established that they had not stuck to the letter of our instructions for treatment.

As a result of this deal, the demand for our product has exploded. The big challenge, now becoming very evident, is how to deal with what is becoming exponential demand expansion, both technically and financially, but this also offers great opportunities, as increasingly large big-vehicle fleets come into question. Because of the general scepticism already mentioned, we rely on two things. Firstly, that we give only factual advice (which has sometimes resulted in comments that we were “guilty” of understatement), and secondly on the product performance itself. Both these give us word-of-mouth publicity, and the word of a friend can have much more weight than a press advert, or greatly add to its credibility. We frequently get technical questions from strangers, on the advice of a friend, not all of which are related to our own products. Since the impact of corruptive resistance became very evident, we regularly distribute with our products information on this topic. We have found that this unique source of information has not only won us sympathy and respect, but also more credibility for our product claims, and also we occasionally get feed-back from the trade which adds yet more instances to our collection of corruption examples. Otherwise, the fact that our product claims are solidly based, and so not available for legal attack, forces would-be competitors to make exaggerated claims, which then re-bound to our advantage. In a country with so much industry, the potential for growth in our region is enormous. However, as our products apply in industry mostly to maintenance, we frequently are hindered by the much-praised German apprentice training. This is rigorous, but massively one-sided. There is a right way to do things, just one way, and this is so taught that 30 years after completing the apprenticeship this way remains the only way for many. The fact that about 25% of the German population has reading difficulties, and the apprenticeships applicable to future maintenance people are heavily hands-on, not with any academic component, means here is considerable resistance to printed information about new technologies, and that they are not capable to make comparative assessments.

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In our region we are also often confronted with company buyers who enjoy authority over the decisions of the technically involved. Our ultrasonic fault-searching device, rated by NASA as three times more sensitive than any other on the market (three of them are on the ISS), is confirmed by professional leak-searchers who have made the change to find 50% more compressed-air leaks than with the next best device. However, all too often a buyer will go onto the Internet and find another device which is one or two thousand cheaper, refuses to buy ours, and more or less claims he deserves a medal for saving the company the price difference. He has also saved the company the work to close up the extra 50%, which in even relatively small factories can mean thereafter an annual avoidable cost in five figures. Other buyers are frequently “influenced” by their oil suppliers, for example with a “turnover-related” Christmas-box. Looking towards the future, we are looking at how best to exploit internationally our success in China, though if it continues to develop as it now looks, it certainly is in itself an enormous challenge, and we will have little time to do other things. Because of this, a new company structure is now being considered, as already some other countries have got wind of what we are doing in China. My “fight” is not just motivated by these factors, but also by the question what sort of world our grandchildren will grow up into, if things are allowed to continue, with escalating corruption, on the “Turnover has precedence over environment” basis of today. This recognition is great, and will undoubtedly help to further product recognition, and so lead to more emission reduction. Friction reduction, with PTFE with high density having a coefficient of friction of only 0.02, plays a big role, being by far the best. Deservedly, there exists great scepticism to the claims for energy saving, as the band-wagon is seriously over-loaded with cowboys. Such publicised recognition must bring some of those who see it to reconsider their total dismissal of such matters. An award here in Germany last year brought a noticeable jump, and now I can expect further internationalisation.

UBM slashes relocation costs with Redstone’s OneSpace The client UBM is a global events-led marketing and communications services business helping organisations in more than 30 countries worldwide to make connections and communicate propositions through all media at their disposal.

The challenge Relocation was essential because UBM’s London office was expiring and planned for redevelopment. So, the company had an opportunity to find a new location to support their 550 employees with adequate workspace to accommodate future requirements. Like many businesses, UBM experiences fluctuating workforces due, in part, to a strong history of acquisition and disposal so the design had to allow for easy expansion and contraction. However, with London property prices being the third most expensive in the world a decision on a new location was of paramount importance to be carefully considered. UBM identified that the relationship between business needs and workspace required further examination to provide employees with a long-term working environment with facilities and support they required. For more information or to speak to a team leader: t: 0845 201 0000 w:

The solution “We carried out a utilisation study and found that desk occupancy was as low as 50%,” says Tom Holden, Senior Project Manager at UBM. “That meant we had a lot of space tied up on desks even when not in use. We calculated that we could achieve a 1 to 1.4 desk sharing ratio instead of the 1 per person we were currently employing.”

The results OneSpace allowed UBM to provide workspace geared to individual needs so end users liked it, adopting the system quickly. After the successful trial, UBM could make informed decisions for their new office facility, such as considerations for additional floor, desk space and cabling provisions, directly impacting the volume of real estate required.

The client

“The most important reason to have a desk-booking system is to have desk utilisation data. Short term, is wea need the data to support any specific UBM global events-led marketing and communications services business helping organisations in more management concerns. Ongoing, FM use the data and communicate propositions through all media at their than 30 countries worldwide to make connections to successfully manage team moves, expansions, disposal. acquisitions and disposals. Long term, they need it to predict floor expansion or release opportunities.”

The challenge The study also identified needs such as:

n Wayfinding - ‘find mybecause colleague’ function; Relocation was essential UBM’s London office was expiring and planned

for nredevelopment. Real time visual information; Power saving/energy efficiencies; to find a new location to support So,nthe company had an opportunity

their 550 employees with adequate workspace to accommodate n Simplicity and straight forward functionality; future requirements. n

Flexibility of set up.

Like many businesses, UBM experiences fluctuating workforces due, in part, to a strong history of acquisition and disposal so the design had

Holden knew that to achieve this sharing ratio along with other goals, they would to allowa for require neweasy wayexpansion to manageand theircontraction. office space. He researched solutions, spoke to Redstone aboutLondon OneSpace and initiated a pilotthe involving 20 desks over sixinmonths: However, with property prices being third most expensive the world a decision on a new

location of paramount importance beeffectiveness carefully considered. “I wantedwas to prove the system’s reliabilityto and within the UBM UBM identified working that the relationship environment and a live testand wasworkspace the best way to achieve this.examination A key part ofto the between business needs required further provide employees with a longmessage we gave to the management team wassupport that thisthey would reduce the daily term working environment with facilities and required. anxiety of desk selection for their staff and an internal communication strategy was also put into place that focused on the benefits of helping teams work together with OneSpace being an easy method for finding people.”

The deployment of OneSpace at UBM provided potential savings for both the initial capital costs and operational expenditure for the building life cycle. With average desk space in London costing £15k per annum, the capital saving represented approximately £3m. Average fit out costs in London of £70 per sq. ft. meant a further potential capital saving of circa £1.5m. By allowing staff to work more flexibly, the need for supported desk moves (with adds and changes by the FM and IT teams) was reduced to near zero. Plus the reduction in desks allowed for more meeting rooms (which were in high demand) and nimble working spaces, while wasted space was reduced. Another benefit is that through intelligent powering-off of desks when not in use will help UBM meet its environmental objectives, plus the data from Gensler’s original utilisation study and the dynamic analytics OneSpace provides has enabled UBM to make an informed business decision to sub-lease its 14th floor. This represents a significant saving of approximately £1.5m per annum over the 25 year lease. Holden concludes: “OneSpace is changing how we work at UBM. We have been able to configure our workplace for greater employee satisfaction whilst demonstrating that we are open to innovation. We can now offer a solution where employees can interact, while meeting our needs for intelligent data to make future business decisions for enhanced employee involvement.”

Corruption in Germany an Environmental Perspective By Richard Chambers GmbH

My business over more than 25 years has been concentrated on products which, as well as offering the customer “Saving with more performance“, through the savings offer significant environmental benefits too. This is exactly why we are now exporting to China, with the support of their Ministry of the Environment.

“Saving“ means, inevitably, that customers will use – and so buy – less. This has not been accepted by many affected suppliers, so we have been faced with opposition on many fronts, and, through our own experience with lies, innuendo and corruption, we have been sensitised to its existence in other areas too. The problem starts in Germany in the schools. Unlike in northern European countries, here there is no teaching aimed to produce adults with a moral backbone. Religious instruction is limited to bible history, and the extreme in taught moral values is “Love your neighbour“. Clearly, the politicians, who, through the states‘ education ministries control the syllabi, don’t want the education system to produce actively critical adults, they prefer “voting cattle”. Further, neither of the two main churches is prepared to criticise the government on any moral ground, still apparently being “bought“, as in Hitler’s days, by the church tax, its main source of income. Even many of those currently leaving their church consider it to be corrupt. While the majority of Germans, on being asked about corruption, confirm that it is rampant, including throughout the government, they react, because of lack of schooling, with shoulder shrugging and “What can I do about it ?“. There is no public political discussion on the subject, also not in the daily press, but a number of books covering the topic have appeared in the last few years. There is also discussion at academic level as to whether Germany is in fact a democracy, and certainly there are several aspects which put this seriously to question. For instance: there are about 610 seats in parliament, but less than 300 electoral constituencies.

The remaining seats are allocated on the basis of a form of proportional representation from “party lists“, into which, so it is rumoured, people often come through “sponsorship“ from industrial quarters, who then of course expect their support. Senior politicians can issue “hands off“ instructions to the public prosecutors, which can happen when their intervention would cause a problem for a big commercial organisation or a party member. To quote The Economist, commenting on Russia’s behaviour in the edtion of 27 June 2015, “In a country governed by law the state does not dictate what the courts do“. And it can also work the other way round, with politicians instructing the legal system do get something done, as the case of Gustl Mollath proved. He started to publicise a situation where money was being smuggled out of the country, for tax evasion, to Switzerland, and with political help he ended up by being put, through a court judgement, into a mental home, where he was kept for over 5 years before the case became public. Those involved included senior Bavarian politicians. But even then no heads rolled, and the press coverage was minimal. Lobbyism is rampant and no subject to any control. Draft legislation has been traced back to such sources, with even typing mistakes having been carried over from the lobbyists‘ drafts. Asked, by a competitor, how they make decisions in the Ministry of the Environment, a senior official answered cynically “We take advice from the industry“. Just “advice”? Who, in the way described in USA, can be expected to give objective, honest advice, when his turnover is being threatened? Turkeys don’t vote for Thanksgiving.

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This could also be the reason why, as a possible way to save energy and emissions, the words “friction reduction” appear to be banned. Neither the Ministry nor the environmental consultancies supported by taxpayers‘ money seem to be allowed to recommend this, and even industrial consultants of TÜV Nord have been recorded as taking the same view as the ADAC, saying that claimed methods do not work. The lack of this term is so widespread, and we have in some quarters experienced aggressive defence of its lack, that it would seem to be based on an edict from on high. The law on corruption is so formulated, that the public prosecutors cannot even start invesigations until someone gives them solid evidence of bribery, prior to the event. In fact, “Korruption“ can only be used, according to Merkel’s office, through the formulation of the law, for situations which can be judged as such in court. To say, as would in other countries be accepted, that someone’s behaviour was corrupt, without the evidence necessary to achieve a judgement, could lead to a charge for damages, though in most of the cases here described most people asked do say “clearly corruption“. The law was of course passed by parliament, and it is suggested that it was so formulated also to keep MPs safe. What is normal in the political arena is that, after performance, a big donation to the party’s funds is made. When such becomes public, it is generally assumed to be post-facto bribery, but against such nothing can then be undertaken. While one can be locked up for murder without the corpse ever being found, until the fat-filled envelope is presented to the public prosecutor, he cannot proceed. Even massive suspicion, as in its slightest it leads to suspension of Chinese civil servants, gets nothing going.

Name: Marc Vathauer Email: Web Address: Address: Am Hessentuch 6-8 Telephone: +49 (0)5231-63030

Award for Innovation in Drive Technology 2015 & Best Decentralised Drive Control System “Field Drive System”

MSF-Vathauer is the technology leader for decentralised drive automation, Industry 4.0 solutions and for customised drive solution. For 37 years, MSF-Vathauer have developed, produced and sold drive solutions for a wide range of industrial applications. They also provide geared motors, electronic motor starter and frequency inverter in combination with innovative decentralisation systems for field- and energy bus systems for a wide range of industrial applications. Furthermore, MSF-Vathauer provides customised frequency inverter, servo drives and geared motors due to the long experience in drive technology. We got in touch with them to learn more about the unique services they provide.

Over the past few decades, MSF-Vathauer has followed the open innovation approach and cooperates with several R&D facilities, universities and companies to provide Industry 4.0 solutions. Furthermore MSF-Vathauer is an active company in the technology cluster “it’s OWL” (short form of Industrial Technical Systems Ost Westfalia Lippe). It is a technology cluster in the region where MSF-Vathauer is located with the focus of collaborating with companies and R&D facilities to develop smart solution on the Industry 4.0 environment.

MSF-Vathauer provides energy saving and resource saving solutions to their clients. Due to the open innovation approach which they follow, MSF-Vathauer are in a close contact with the clients as well as the end user where MSF-Vathauer share ideas and technology approaches with them.

As a result, MSF-Vathauer participate in many collaborative projects. Some projects have been launched to envision what the latest trends in technology will be. Therefore MSF-Vathauer is able to anticipate the future technology trends in their field and in focused applications. In the last number of years, MSF-Vathauer optimised the open innovation approach for itself and launched an internal innovation management system. Looking ahead, they will also establish a holistic innovation management culture and reliable processes in the future.

As for the culture in the company, MSF-Vathauer follows an “open door” policy which means as a traditional SME the owner and the management team are always in close contact with the staff. Everybody is in close relations with the next management level and they share ideas with each other several times a year. The philosophy is also technology based, so the management team and the staff share ideas for further product development and improvement. Furthermore, the management team and the staff share ideas for process innovation and process improvement. Moreover, the sales team meets once a year in an international sales meeting where MSF-Vathauer invites its sales representatives and partner to share market developments and customer feedback to get an insight to the foreign markets.

In terms of the business philosophy, MSF-Vathauer focuses on particular industrial applications such as the conveying industry (standard conveyor, warehouse logistic, airport logistic, Power & Free conveyor, etc.). Due to the long term experience in drive technology, in frequency inverter, in power stack development and in customized solution, MSF-Vathauer identify additional industrial applications. In combination with these,

What separates MSF-Vathauer from our competitors is the 37 years of experience. Since the inception, MSF-Vathauer has been able to provide a technology mix from both sides of drive technology and measurement systems, by means they develop and sell special drives to measure physical values and convert them into electrical signals to control particular drives. Furthermore MSF-Vathauer recognises the trend of

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decentralized drives in 1998. MSF-Vathauer follows such trend and develops that former technology approach further and combine it with energy distribution networks and communication networks. The roots of MSF-Vathauer are in the field of electronic and electric drive technology and in the field of customized solution development. All of the competitors from MSF-Vathauer started their business in the field of mechanical drive technology. MSF-Vathauer came from “the others side” and stated the business by the development and production of electronic drive technology solutions. Therefore, MSF-Vathauer is deeply involved in this field for years, but they provide also the mechanical drive solutions. Another separating factor is that MSF-Vathauer focus on particular applications and provide particular solutions or an industrial niche. Furthermore MSF reacts more precisely and faster to the customers need and requirements, especially if they talk about product adjustments or niche-solutions with their customer. Another advantage of the services is that they provide technical support and they have sales offices in 15 different countries in Europe. For years, we have cooperated with the company TEXAM Ltd. in Lisburne close to Belfast. TEXAM is responsible for the technical support and sales activities for the UK market. In the last year, the region in Ost Westfalia Lippe (Nord Rhine Westfalia), where MSF-Vathauer is located, have been improved much in case of R&D facilities

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such as ‘Fraunhofer Gesellschaft’ which is a German research organization. MSF-Vathauer are also in contact with many universities, lots of networks and cluster activities as well. As a result, there are many opportunities for cooperation with other companies and for networking. In contrast to these opportunities, MSF-Vathauer as a traditional SME also faces many obstacles to compete with the direct competitor in the region. In the drive technology environment there are many competitors located around 80km from MSF-Vathauer and MSF-Vatahuer have to compete directly with them in the same industrial sector. However, MSF-Vathauer manages this situation well because of the different technology they can provide to the customer. In the industry, the most prevalent trends have been the development of the Industry 4.0 solutions. In the last 12 months, MSF-Vathauer launched several projects to meet the Industry 4.0 requirements in our focused technology field. Furthermore they combine such new developed technology with energy saving solutions to bring the standard Industry 4.0 technology to the next level. All such new products have been developed in collaboration with R&D facilities during the last 3 years and the products will be on the market within 2015. Currently, the biggest changes and developments have been the Industry 4.0 (r)evolution. This is a great opportunity and chance for MSF-Vathauer to develop not only new products but also to find new business models. In the last years MSF-Vathauer developed the decentralized drive automation system Field Drive System® further and provided additional modules for their customers. With the focus on particular applications for such system, MSF-Vathauer will be perceived as a specialist in the decentralized drive automation field. As for the awards, “receiving the ‘Award for Innovation in Drive Technology 2015’ shows that MSF-Vathauer is on the right track in the innovation management. Also it shows that MSF-Vathauer actually provides the right drive solution for Industry 4.0 solution and gives us a proper feedback that our customers asking for such technology. Additionally it motivates the management team and the also the entire staff, especially the R&D member, to carry on in these areas.” Moreover, it is always difficult to provide the right industrial solution, especially for a traditional SME. This is primarily because the Industry 4.0 topic is a broad field which is very difficult to define as a result of there being various definitions available. The Field Drive System® is a modular based drive system for a particular application in the field of conveying systems such as Intralogistic, Airport-logistic and Warehouse-logistic. MSF-Vathauer is focusing on different application, but the Field Drive System® is mostly using in the conveying industry.

ment team, the R&D team and for the whole staff to carry on in this technology field. “I also have to point out, that winning such award is always a team result. The result is the outcome of the entire MSF-Vathauer team and its associate partners since years.” Generally awards are always important for companies. But it is more important for traditional SMEs, like MSF-Vathauer. This is because SMEs have many obstacles to set up an innovation management system and providing the proper technology by different innovation approaches.. Such Innovation Award provides a good feeling and gives a very good feedback that the company is on the right track. Furthermore such Awards motivate the entire company and its associate partners.

Winning ‘Best Decentralised Drive Control System Field Drive System’ is a very good feeling. It is realty good feedback that MSF-Vathauer provides such an innovative decentralised drive solution. MSF-Vathauer is focussing on the Industry 4.0 solutions and therefore it is a motivation for the management team, the R&D team and for the whole staff to carry on in this technology field. I also have to point out, that winning such award is always a team result. The result is the outcome of the entire MSF-Vathauer team and its associate partners since years.

Similarly, winning ‘Best Decentralized Drive Control System Field Drive System’ is also a very good feeling. It is realty good feedback that MSF-Vathauer provides such an innovative decentralized drive solution. MSF-Vathauer is focussing on the Industry 4.0 solutions and therefore it is a motivation for the manage-

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Company: Redstone Name: Matt Salter Email: Web Address: Address: 40 Holborn Viaduct London EC1N 2PB Telephone: 0845 201 0000

Best Real Estate Utilisation Solution “OneSpace” & Award for Excellence in Efficient Technologies

Redstone Converged Solutions Ltd is a leader in IT infrastructure, Smart Buildings and IT support services. Founded in 1986 Redstone has over 300 employees and is the trusted partner of choice for some of the most prestigious organisations and financial services companies in the UK. OneSpace, our award winning idea, is a customer-led solution which gives dynamic data insight into office space utilisation and offers accurate, real-time information on how commercial real estate is used in reality. From there Onespace provides utilisation analytics never available before.

One of the key challenges we face when talking about OneSpace is helping our customers to understand that we are not just selling IT services to IT companies, which historically is what has happened. Many companies and organisations believe that by purchasing and utilising an IT solution they will solve an entire business problem. What we have learned is that we have to understand our customers business, where it is and where it needs to go, and we need to help them get there. That’s a strategy, not just a solution. When you work in partnership with your customers to develop the strategy then you can move on to creating the right solutions. It gives us great satisfaction that our OneSpace solution has been recognised in the real estate industry, especially as we consider the growing interest in the development and continual increase of real estate costs in London. We created OneSpace as an internal tool to solve our own real estate challenges and help us decide the right requirements for our future office space in London City. Since the launch of OneSpace in March 2014, we have worked closely with customers to listen to and understand their challenges. This enabled us to develop OneSpace to become a key solution to a genuine problem rather than just another plug-in solution in the market place. At the heart of the system is utilisation data. Organisations can genuinely understand how their offices are being used and, when choosing future space, intelligent decisions can be made to ensure that the new office is fit for purpose and costs are minimised.

Winning this award is not only crucial to our success but also to the success of our potential clients. It acknowledges the importance and effectiveness of our product and provides credibility which, as a customer, you want to be assured of. In this fast changing industry it gives us great pride to know that we are one of the few things of which you can be certain. We adapt to deliver what the customer requires and we firmly believe this helps us provide the best possible service and enables us to constantly develop a better product. We also believe that it is very important to recognise what is new, current and dynamic in our field. It helps us stay competitive and it’s attractive to other partners who want to work with us to keep delivering cutting-edge solutions. Being identified as leaders in real estate utilisation helps our customers to sell OneSpace internally to their stakeholders; which is a real boost for us as a company. We knew that we had a good idea that was also a solution to our problems. To see that our solution is required and sought after by others – and now be recognised in the industry as the best in its class is very exciting. Frequently our customers lack a comprehensive view of the challenges they face or areas that can be improved. Organisations lack insight into their real estate usage, making it hard for them to make strategic informed decisions such as realising if their facilities are appropriate for their level of use and if it is really cost effective.

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We provide a framework of questions, acting as an internal audit which helps them understand and clarify their issues, challenges, and business needs so we can provide the best solution for them. During the development of OneSpace, we wanted to ensure that we could adapt data and analysis so that it was useful to the customer, rather than deliver a static solution based on what we thought would solve their building management challenges. When we delivered OneSpace to UBM, the facilities management team wanted additional and different views of data. The beauty of OneSpace is that we could easily adapt the analysis and data to meet their individual needs. Essentially we know that we need stay ahead of what future IT capabilities can deliver for our customers. To accomplish this we are constantly working with customers and partners to bring new innovations and top quality solutions to the market and meet consumer needs. OneSpace has an open API which allows us to carry out bi-directional integration with other tools using SNMP, BACnet or BACnet/IP protocols. Redstone works as a collaborative team with various expertise, not just IT infrastructure and IT products. We have consultants in real estate and facilities management and we also partner with leading specialists in these fields. Our Smart Building products are an exciting next level of converged solutions. Because of this, our team are motivated to use their expertise and entrepreneurial skills to develop future ideas, resulting in a tangible end product. This provides a really exciting working environment which constantly challenges

and empowers our employees and partners because we want to stay ahead in our industry. We are proud to offer our customers a team of experts rather than just an account or sales manager – this is what makes us stand out from the others. We work in a fast-paced and growing area where mistakes can be costly, so a critical thing we do is trial and error on behalf of our customers. We are not afraid to try something and fail, or admit that it’s not necessary or relevant. We make the mistakes so that our clients can reap the benefits. The savings you can make using OneSpace are very relevant right now. London is a constantly developing city with a finite amount of space yet still attracts an amazingly talented workforce; it offers great opportunities for employees and great real estate challenges for employers! Buildings and workspaces need to keep up with this fast growing and ever-changing environment and that is where we come in. A dynamic city like London has trends, for example Canary Wharf was among the most-sought after business addresses whereas now it is the West End.

Iconic new buildings drive up real estate prices and employers now have to consider the demands of new technology in their business strategies in order to stay competitive. Building Information Modelling (BIM) is also beginning to play a greater role. BIM is the holistic process of managing building data to design, construct and operate a building during its lifecycle and will be applicable throughout the build delivery process. The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) is also very relevant right now. The Government established ESOS to implement Article 8 (4-6) of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU). It is a mandatory energy assessment scheme for organisations in the UK that meet the qualification criteria. These assessments are audits of the energy used by their buildings, industrial processes and transport to identify cost-effective energy saving measures. It affects 10,000 businesses in the UK and if a building falls below a certain rating landlords will not be allowed to let the building. Compliance comes into force 05th Dec 2015. Keeping abreast of these changing initiatives is challenging but necessary to thrive in this fast changing industry.

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Looking ahead, one of our biggest challenges is helping our customers to consider the long-term challenges and management of their buildings and workspaces. With the speed and robustness of the delivery of IT comes the capability to envisage and predict the trends and requirements a business will encounter over the entire lifecycle of their real estate. When we look at the difference between the construction and appearance of buildings 30 years ago to those of today, and as we look forward to the way in which buildings will be built and how they will appear in 30 years’ time, we foresee that the challenges will be huge but opportunities larger still. The integrated Smart Building has to be the way forward. Working on projects which are exciting and innovative makes work our work enjoyable; moreover to be recognised with this award really is the icing on the cake for the whole team!

Company: Sesui Ltd Email: Web Address: Address: Magdalen Centre, The Oxford Science Park, Oxford, United Kingdom, OX4 4GA Telephone: 03445 600 600

Best Cloud-Based Call Management Solutions Most Innovative Telephony Platform “THE i Platform”

Sesui is a cloud contact centre pioneer with more than 12 years of experience in delivering innovative call management solutions, focusing on the virtual contact centre. We spoke to them about the major trends in their industry and exactly what it is that makes them a unique service.

Customisation, agility, scalability, quality and customer service are the watchwords for Sesui. These dictate our approach in working with customers and are applied to both the technology and the manner in which we define and deliver our virtual contact centre and call management solutions. Fundamentally, the telephone is the main communication channel, and often a critical method of interaction, between our customers and their marketplace. They vary in size, from small businesses to large corporates, and come from a diverse set of industry sectors, including those that have specific and regulated needs around call management, such as Emergency and Urgent healthcare providers in the UK. Without fail, all of our customers have chosen to work with Sesui as we can deliver much more than just a telephony solution. The type of organisations we typically work with are those with a distributed workforce who want to gain economies of scale through deploying multiple contact centres on the same platform, scale the solution as needs dictate and require a rapid response to requests, as well as a resilient network to ensure service continuity. This enables organisations to…. -



Bring together and connect resources that are spread out across different locations, territories or countries Provide employees with flexible home and mobile working options to operate from their chosen location, giving the added value of opening up the recruitment pool for our customers Establish a collaborative and productive environ-





ment, where resources can easily be reallocated and shared between their contact centres to manage capacity and reduce headcount and operational costs Proactively monitor productivity and improve performance, establishing threshold alerts to manage SLA targets and address issues before the target is missed, for both internal SLA’s and external SLA’s for outsourced contact centre clients Scale the solution up and down appropriately, and immediately, as call volumes rise and fall, ensuring that no matter the volume of calls, each person receives the same calling experience, and our customers are paying only for the capacity they need and use Utilise real-time insight into the calling environment to accurately manage capacity, predict and plan resourcing requirements, monitor and address performance levels, report call metrics efficiently and provide financial and staffing models Operate across an established cloud-based network with multiple data centres for resilience, ensuring service continuity that is not reliant on outside providers such as line carriers

All of our flagship products and unique services are made possible by THE i Platform. This platform is owned and developed by Sesui and therefore the functionality and its development is under our control. Other cloud contact centre providers typically utilise third party telephony platforms, which means they are restricted in the technology changes and developments that can be made for their clients and the speed at which they can be integrated and/ or deployed.

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With our own platform, we are able to quickly react to customers’ needs and be proactive in the functionality delivered and the development of the product roadmap. It is through working on this single platform that really differentiates us from the competition. The platform is rapidly scalable, end-user configurable and provides powerful call management functionality and real-time reporting on all call statistics and metrics. Furthermore, THE Sesui i App, which delivers contact centre functionality to a mobile phone has been developed from THE i Platform to add to the working options available. Moreover, THE i Platform has a great deal of functionality that can be configured and customised in any manner of ways. We build the foundation of the solution on the compliance, market initiatives and commercial needs of our customers, which can then be customised and configured exactly to their requirements. From the technical perspective, Sesui’s solution will work across all types of phone line (analogue, IP, digital and mobile), making it technology agnostic. This means that the existing infrastructure can remain in place, if required, and the most appropriate connectivity provided, as there is no need to standardise on a particular type of phone line as is necessary with other cloud-based contact centre providers. Maintaining this agnostic approach is a challenge but one that is fiercely protected by Sesui as it equates to a significant differentiation point and cost saving for our customers in the ability to keep legacy systems, equipment and infrastructure in place.

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The cloud-based nature of the solution and our agnostic approach to the technology also enables us to deliver hi-spec solutions for low scale deployments, which typically would not be cost effective with on-premise contact centre solutions, or even cloud contact centre solutions tied to their own vendor networks for connectivity. As a cloud-based provider, our solutions are deployed independent of location which delivers service continuity in the event of a disaster recovery incident, they enable speed of deployment and reduced upfront capital expenditure via the licence-based pricing model. This coupled with our agnostic approach means it is the most operationally cost effective way to deploy a contact centre, no matter the size of the business, the number of call agents you have, your geographic location or the telephony functionality required. Throughout Sesui, customer service and support underpins our approach. This isn’t just lip service, it’s the mantra under which we operate. At Sesui we are focused on treating each customer as an individual. From our experience, listening to the customer’s requirements is key. Sesui takes a consultative approach, by applying its technical expertise, its industry knowledge and guidance to ensure the customer gets the solution they need. Furthermore, focusing on what is right for the customer is imperative, rather than jumping on the latest technology bandwagon. Each member of the team has an expert understanding of the call management and compliance eco-system, and works consultatively with customers to guide them through the planning and implementation phase to ensure the customer’s call management, customer service and commercial goals are met. We ‘hold our customers hands’ pre- and post-implementation, and provide a three-month fine tuning timeframe to let the

solution embed with the organisation and its users, where any adjustments made are delivered as part of the service. For many of our customers, the telephone is a critical channel and a large part of Sesui’s partner-based approach is to provide a personalised service which ensures a rapid response to questions, issues, updates and development requests. Much of the innovative direction and changes come from working closely with our customers to understand the solution in their business and commercial environment. It’s about a solution that supports our customers now and into the future, and who better to pave the way than the organisations’ that are using the solution. Along with our heritage in the call management space, it is this partner-based approach that adds to us delivering such a unique service. For Sesui, working in a sector like cloud computing is exciting. It’s an environment where technology can be developed quickly and is changing the way organisations work and the manner in which companies and their employees operate. In the last few years we’ve seen the emergence of initiatives such as IT consumerism and Bring Your Own Device being introduced in the workplace and witnessed the challenges these bring. Currently, the mobility of the workforce is a major issue and something that many organisations are wrestling with. Companies need to consider flexible working options and collaboration to drive productivity, as well as the ability to recruit the right calibre of staff. Homeworking is now a viable option for organisations with cloud-based contact centres wishing to expand their business or bring reserve agents in to handle peaks in demand, without investing in costly new premises.

One of the main trends we see occurring in our industry is seamless integration with core systems, such as CRM, and the growing need to deliver a comprehensive, end-to-end process that can improve operational efficiency. We’re seeing companies utilise Sesui as the driver and instigator in this process due to the flexibility and control we have over our telephony platform and environment. Looking ahead, the biggest challenge for us will be staying focused on ‘voice’, which is by far the largest part of the market, even though there is a lot of talk about omni-channel interaction throughout the contact centre channels – how to do it properly and deliver the experience the customer expects. The concept of the ‘engagement centre’ has been touted, although research continues to indicate that the traditional contact channels of the telephone and email are by far the most used and trusted, and will continue to be for some time to come. As for the awards, it is great to be recognised externally for our commitment to the industry and our customers. We have grown and expanded within our customer base, which is evidence that we are meeting our customers’ needs and continue to deliver innovation through the process. Winning awards such as these is extremely important for Sesui. They recognise and reward businesses from an impartial perspective. Many organisations lay claim to certain approaches, deliverables or values and it is only through external and impartial recognition, such as these awards, that the real capabilities can be ‘judged’ prior to working with the vendor. This type of award gives credibility to an organisation that it can’t give itself. We owe this success to both our staff and our customers who continue to push boundaries and deliver innovation.

It is great to be recognised externally for our commitment to the industry and our customers. We have grown and expanded within our customer base, which is evidence that we are meeting our customers’ needs and continue to deliver innovation through the process.

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Company: 3

Leading Education Development Network - Middle East & Award for Innovation in E-Learning

3 3, ‘where quality learning happens.’ offers you a unique online learning experience that differs from any other. It is an educational community that connects students, teachers, education elites and experts. Founded in 2013, 3 is a privately held company with headquarters situated in Dubai. The business is currently run with only 11-50 employees. offers an educational gaming portal that allows students to play and learn where learning becomes a fun activity for all. This way of learning encourages students to learn in a way in which they can enjoy the experience. This is a way in which 3 differs from its competitors as corporations usually standardise their education in a formal way that may not offer the same impact on student learning.

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Our specialties include a number of different sections including, education management, educational gaming, education social networking and educational staffing. 3 also helps schools to tap into the elite teaching resources and fill their resource gap. 3allimni. net provides many learning tools such as video enabled experiences along with boards and online libraries which allows teachers to gain ICT experiences and use technology to deliver content.

Company: Adgistics Name: Joe Jarrett, CEO Email: Web Address: Address: 2nd Floor Deben House, 1 Selsdon Way, London E14 9GL Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7378 6777

Best Brand Management Technology: Brand Centre®

Established in 1999, Adgistics provides global Brand Management technology solutions and services, helping national and international businesses to optimise and enhance the value they generate from their brands. With special expertise in the Pharmaceutical, Finance, Telecoms and Automotive sectors, Adgistics markets Brand Centre solutions to its clients’. These are software and service platforms for brand process management that facilitate, amongst much else besides, collaboration, security, storage, distribution, localisation and review workflow for all brand materials. We spoke to them to find out more about their company and the services they provide.

“While traditionally the idea of the brand is most closely associated with marketing and communications, Adgistics has recognised that all business functions are operationally linked to the success of the brand,” says CEO Jarrett. “As a result, our systems focus on internal processes – HR, product design, governance, training, awards – as well as public facing brand activity. The result is a measurable improvement in the value brands contribute to businesses.” In Adgistics’ experience, client-focused software design is known to lead to customised solutions that while answering client needs in the short term can result – due to spiraling maintenance demands – in legacy overheads that restrict growth. Adgistics has pioneered methods for keeping abreast of new technology enabled capabilities in a live business environment, offering cost-effective innovation and continuity of service to clients with whom we have maintained a relationship over years and in some cases for more than a decade. “We listen very carefully to our clients and ensure that we anticipate their needs, whenever and wherever appropriate, with a technology-based solution, “continues Jarrett. “This in effect forces us to pay close attention to developments in the field, which we achieve by employing and incentivising skilled technologists in our business, as well as keeping abreast of studies and benchmark reports from Gleanster, Gartner and Forrester Research to name but a few.”

Adgistics works with clients to identify opportunities to create, optimise or enhance business processes that lead to measurable value creation, whilst maintaining the ‘DNA’ of their brand. It is therefore essential that we maintain a close, collaborative account relationship and ensure that our key clients recognise the importance of a partner relationship rather than that of simple client-supplier. By the same token, all Adgistics solutions are supported as necessary by a highly skilled professional services team. Jarrett: “It’s a cliché to suggest that we are special because we are a ‘people’ business: all businesses are. However, relationships between the individuals in our business and the culture they create are made all the more important by the fact that we deal in automation systems that ostensibly take humans out of the process equation. We therefore give special attention to nurturing a rich, interpersonal culture within our business, fostering relationships between unlikely partners to produce innovative, sustainable solutions. This is reflected in the way we relate to clients, bringing them into the team culture that develops their systems and being clear that far from making their roles redundant, the automation platforms we co-create enable them to achieve greater impact in their work, and in turn with their careers.” Adgistics sits between branding businesses and technology businesses in a way that is unique to both, delivering an enterprise standard of software design and implementation that they have not found in

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organisations (branding agencies) more traditionally tasked with brand management. Similarly, they have a design and brand operations sensibility that distinguishes them from technology-focussed peers, for whom the system takes centre stage, with client needs following. In communication to clients and prospects Adgistics demonstrates this dual-facing capability with reference to a significant body of case studies and live examples. “The main challenge facing us in our industry,” offers Jarrett, “is the slow and never smooth transition to cloud-based solutions, as they signal a change in corporate consciousness relating to data security. The primacy of geographically located and protected single points of service is steadily being eroded by the realisation that both efficiency and effectiveness are better served by distributed solutions. This is mirrored by the transition of many corporate functions to mobile platforms and the design challenges that represents. Being chained to a pc – even a laptop – is no longer necessarily the way to achieve best value from brand teams whose global roaming remit must be served by truly portable software solutions. As methodologies for brand value calculations continue to mature, the security of what will be recognised as increasingly and tangibly valuable assets will be of increasing concern. At the same time the dynamic brand in operation, where fast moving corporate merger and acquisition events demand rapid response, will require new flexibility in the way brand

rules are applied. They must be able to be changed and represented, with the proper authority but without the need to go back to the drawing board. Adgistics actively designs and delivers functionality that delivers these capabilities. “As for the award, positive recognition is always encouraging, and our ability to attract it rests on our longevity – more than 15 years in the business – and the consistent application of the client-focused, design-led principles with which we first differentiated ourselves as a technology business. Industry awards always play well within organisations, reinforcing a culture of success and a sense of pride in belonging. More widely, an awards system signals a level of industry maturity while raising the profile of our sector generally – contributing to shared market growth.”

Positive recognition is always encouraging, and our ability to attract it rests on our longevity – more than 15 years in the business – and the consistent application of the client-focussed, design-led principles with which we first differentiated ourselves as a technology business.






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Name: Guy Bunker Company: Clearswift Address: 1310 Waterside, Arlington Business Park, Theale, Reading, RG7 4SA, UK Reception: +44 (0) 118 903 8903 Sales: +44 (0) 118 903 8700 Renewals: +44 (0) 118 903 8484 Support: +44 (0) 118 903 8200

Best DLP solution (A-DLP)

Clearswift Clearswift is trusted by organisations globally to protect their critical information, giving them the freedom to securely collaborate and drive business growth. Their unique technology supports a straightforward and ‘adaptive’ data loss prevention approach, avoiding the risk of business interruption and enabling organisations to have 100% visibility of their critical information 100% of the time. We spoke to Dr. Guy Bunker, Senior Vice President – Products at Clearswift, about how they continue to innovate and develop their services for their clients.

If you were to ask what makes a company like Clearswift tick, the answer is simply ‘innovation’. Innovation is not about creating technology for technology’s sake. Innovation is the understanding of the needs of our clients and then building a solution to meet them in a timely manner; and this is exactly what we do. We spend a lot of time talking to our clients and partners to find out what their needs are today, what are their needs for the future, where can they see various business challenges ahead and what can we do to help them. A prime example of our innovation is Adaptive Redaction, which is the cornerstone of our adaptive data loss prevention (A-DLP) solutions. This is included in all our products and is what makes our solutions unique. None of our competitors offer this complete functionality as a solution to the ‘stop and block’ issues of traditional DLP. Our focus is protecting critical information – and the key piece of this is protecting it from falling into the wrong hands. However, traditional data loss prevention solutions have one major failing – the false positive. Preventing information from flowing, thereby stopping collaboration. Our approach with Adaptive Redaction is to remove just the critical information which breaks policy while leaving the rest to continue to the recipient. For example, removing a credit card number from an order which is forwarded on to a supplier, or removing potentially embarrassing meta-data or document revision information before it goes to a

client. The key business process is collaboration and our job is to keep the critical information safe while ensuring agile, continuous collaboration. We are a small company with a global reach, headquartered in the UK, we have offices in the USA, Germany, Japan and Australia. We rely on openness and communication. The executive team are always available to discuss anything – there are no taboos! Our company slogan is “Show passion in what you do, drive for innovation in everything you do and continuously collaborate to make a difference”. We have it printed on the walls – and it is something which has really been embraced. As a company founded on innovation, we are constantly keeping an eye on the developments and trends in our industry. There are several components ensuring we stay ahead, from speaking at conferences (and then seeing what others are talking about) to copious amounts of reading in journals and newspapers. However the key is to understand the needs of our clients, not just their needs today, but also their needs in the future. For example, moving to the cloud or the use of social media for business were discussed long before they became common practice. Having a meaningful dialogue with people around their business direction enabled us to direct our technology investment in order that our solutions supported the business need. Of course there are always improvements to be made, but it is with the help of our clients (and partners)

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that we create innovative solutions which are then successful in the market. Delivering a timely solution is just one part of the equation, having a world class professional services team is critical to our success. Every client environment is different in some way or another – and this is often where issues occur. Having a repeatable process in order to resolve those issues quickly and efficiently is key. To put it simply, a happy client makes for a happy team. As for the award, it’s a real honour to be recognised – and a credit to all our staff. From the engineers who create the innovative solutions, through to sales and marketingwho sell it and our professional services organisation who support our clients, we are delighted by this achievement. Awards are important; internally, as we all respond well to a pat on the back from someone outside, and externally as it highlights the company as a provider of innovative solutions. Of course, it also shows our clients that we are innovating and being recognised for that innovation – as well as something that we can wave at our competitors! However, at the end of the day, it is really about our clients who have been open with their needs and business problems and have helped us create and craft the solutions we offer.

It’s a real honour to be recognised – and a credit to all our staff. From the engineers who create the innovative solutions, through to sales and marketing who sell it and our professional services organisation who support our clients, we are delighted by this achievement.

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Company: Reinnervate ReproCELL Group Name: Professor Stefan Przyborski, Chief Scientific Officer, Reinnervate; Professor of Cell Technology, Durham University, UK Email:; Web Address: Address: Reinnervate, NETPark, Sedgefield TS21 3FD, UK. Durham University, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE, UK Telephone: +44 (0)7540706321

Award for Innovation in Cell Technology 2015 & Most Advanced 3D Cell Technology “Alvetex”

Reinnervate ReproCELL is a group company specialising in the development of innovative technologies to build human tissues from stem cells for the benefit of research and discovery and ultimately therapeutic applications. We spoke about the history of their company, and their constant innovations since their inception.

Professor Przyborski at Durham University in the United Kingdom originally founded Reinnervate. He is an expert in advanced cell technologies, specifically the development of three dimensional (3D) cell culture models and the formation of tissue-like constructs in vitro that more closely mimic the anatomical structure and function of real human tissues. Professor Przyborski developed the Alvetex series of products based on underpinning research at Durham University. Alvetex is a porous polystyrene membrane that enables cultured cells to retain their natural 3D architecture and prevent cells from flattening and forming two dimensional (2D) monolayers as experienced in conventional cell culture flasks and Petri dishes. This is a distinct advantage, since maintenance of the natural 3D cell shape is essential for normal cell function and the spatial arrangement of cells as found in real tissues. Alvetex is sold to cell biologists and researchers using cell culture methods in academic, government and industry laboratories throughout the world. Coupled to ReproCELL’s stem cell technology, the group is now developing a ‘one stop shop’ solution for human stem cells and technology to use cells to construct 3D functional tissues in vitro. We are continually developing Alvetex technology and demonstrating its use for the construction of a range of different 3D culture models and new applications. Earlier this year, a rocket carrying its Alvetex® Scaffold technology was blasted into outer space. Alvetex will be used in experiments on board the International

Space Station (ISS) to investigate bone development in zero gravity conditions. We are a high tech business, developing and selling high tech products into a high tech space. Scientists use our technology, and we support our products through interaction with scientists, hence why our company has a strong scientific culture and maintains a highly skilled and qualified scientific team. This is important in developing new applications for our technologies and providing support for our clients when using the Alvetex product. Whilst we do a lot of such work in-house, our customers are also applying the use of Alvetex to a range of other new applications. We collect evidence of how our customers are using our products and we are very pleased to see further innovation in the use of Alvetex within the scientific community and how it is being adopted to help the research and discovery process. The areas we have focused on were developed initially when the concept was conceived and Alvetex was invented. The innovation involves a combination of multiple aspects in the design of the product, including developing porous membrane technology to support 3D cell growth and the development of a reproducible and robust manufacturing process. This creates a technology that can be used routinely in the laboratory alongside existing methods, and develops a product without shelf-life issues, that can be shipped and stored conveniently like existing cell culture

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consumables. The format of Alvetex also needed to satisfy industrial formats and be made available to customers in formats that are compatible with analytical and robotics platforms. Our clients are cell biologists who are working in biomedical research laboratories either within the academic, government or industrial sectors. Our philosophy is to provide in-depth technical support to help customers adopt Alvetex technology and overcome any teething issues when first using the product. We have also constructed a website with comprehensive evidence and instruction for users, showing a broad range of applications for Alvetex technology. We also provide direct technical support either by email or telephone to assist customers if required. Over the past few years, we have invested significantly in demonstrating the application and use of our products in multiple areas of cell culture, including cancer, neuroscience, skin biology, stem cells and tissue development, and epithelial cell biology. This information is actively promoted to our customer base through our website, exhibitions and presentations, and published materials. This wealth of information has proven to be successful in the acquisition of customers from many different disciplines in cell biology. This sets us apart from our competitors who provide significantly less instruction and demonstration of the utility of their products. In our industry, scientists are beginning to realise that existing 2D cell culture techniques are limited and do

not provide accurate predictive data of value. More advanced cell culture models are needed, including the application of 3D cell culture to produce human tissue-like models in vitro. As a consequence, there has been significant growth of the 3D cell culture market in general during recent years. Our sales are increasing alongside this growth in the sector. The Technology Innovator Award reflects the many years dedicated work and investment to develop and bring an innovative solution for building 3D tissues in the laboratory to market. This has be driven from the beginning by Professor Przyborski at Durham University, who originally invented Alvetex technology in his academic research laboratory and subsequently commercialised the product through his University spin-out company, Reinnervate. More recently, Reinnervate was recognised by ReproCELL who acquired the business, to become a member of the ReproCELL group. Continued investment and development of Alvetex products and applications will maintain its sustainability and success for the future.

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Company: NAPAfrica Name: Michele McCann Email: Web Address: Address:5 Brewery Lane, Isando. Gauteng, South Africa Telephone: 27 11 573 2801

Best Single Peering Point - Africa “NAPAfrica Internet eXchange Point” - South Africa

NAPAfrica is a neutral, layer 2 Internet eXchange (IX) point, located within each of the Teraco data centre facilities in South Africa. We spoke to Michele McCann, Business Development Manager at Teraco Data Environments, about the thriving tech sector in Africa and how their innovative solutions are helping drive it forward.

Since inception, we have focused on introducing NAPAfrica and the concept of an IXP. We have focused on educating the community on the many benefits of connecting to NAPAfrica. These include 100% free peering: no membership or port fees; multi and bi-lateral peering arrangements; the most content and largest active peering community in Africa. Those who peer to exchange traffic look to reduce costs in local bandwidth, reduced latency with simplified routing and direct interconnects, improved performance by bypassing potential traffic bottlenecks, and increased resilience by offering convenient multiple network connection options. Internationally IXPs are known for the value they bring in terms of the development of the Internet ecosystem. This acceptance and understanding has been slow to develop in Africa. Up until now, Africa has been lagging, mostly because of a lack of understanding of the IXP role and what benefits it can provide. The growth of NAPAfrica is a significant proof point that Africa is not playing catch-up anymore. We have overcome the obstacles and ignorance regarding IXPs in Africa and fully established it as a viable part of any ecosystem. Further proof is the growing numbers of new IXPs being established across Africa and the Africa Union’s direct support of these projects with the AXIS programme. The African Internet Exchange System project (AXIS) aims to keep Africa’s internet traffic local by providing capacity building & technical assistance to facilitate the establishment of Internet Exchange Points and Regional Internet Exchange Points in Africa.

The advent of the cloud is driving the growth and further significance of data centres. There is a definite move towards using colocation data centres as well as IXPs rather than duplicating infrastructure resources, evidence of which lies in Gartner’s predicted growth of $107 billion between 2013 and 2017. Teraco and NAPAfrica sees this in the enterprise, where organisations are driving towards Layer 3 IT strategies and making a decisive move away from Capex to Opex, which is essentially a pay-per-use model. Cloud neutral data centres are probably one of the most important criteria for the delivery of a successful cloud strategy. Leveraging the network and services of an existing data centre ecosystem to build a unique service delivery solution makes the evolution to cloud so much easier. Teraco already has over 20 cloud providers in its eco-system that take advantage of the low cost interconnect pricing, pay-as-you-go pricing and high availability. All of which are vital to a successful cloud strategy. In addition, the ability to interconnect with other providers and specialist cloud service providers is critical to business growth and cloud strategy leverage. This is especially so for customers that want to access white label services to grow their own service offering. Being in a neutral data centre, immediately provides them with a key competitive advantage and gives them prominent positioning in the cloud. In a little over two years, NAPAfrica has outperformed other leading IXPs by achieving double-digit growth. This rapid adoption by the market proves

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that peering exchanges are a much-needed facility in the African Internet ecosystem. Peering in Africa not only makes the Internet more affordable, but that IXPs play a key role in advancing the development of the Internet ecosystem. IXPs such as NAPAfrica help to deliver a lower cost and superior usage experience for the consumer, which in turn drives demand for the industry as a whole. NAPAfrica is steadfast in its commitment to growing the sub-Saharan Internet exchange to becoming Africa’s biggest and a recognised global player. Looking ahead, the role of the IXP in Africa will continue to grow in importance as the Internet increasingly globalises and interconnection between networks, content providers and users become even more critical.

Michele McCann

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Company: Teraco Data Environments Name: Carla Sanderson Email: Web Address: Address: 5 Brewery Lane, Isando, Gauteng, South Africa Telephone: 27 11 573 2801

Recognised Leader in Vendor Neutral Data Systems

Founded in 2008, Teraco Data Environments is the first provider of resilient, carrier, cloud and vendor neutral data environments in South Africa. Clients benefit from the cost savings and improved resilience of securely housing their information systems and networking equipment in a colocation facility purpose-built and operated to global best practice by an expert organisation with an absolute focus on data centre technology and infrastructure. Teraco clients consist of enterprise clients, network providers, cloud providers, service providers and outsourcers. We spoke to them to find out more.

As the local telecommunications market began to deregulate, Teraco’s co-founders Lex van Wyk and Tim Parsonson, recognised an opportunity for a truly vendor neutral data centre offering in South Africa. The possibility of providing a service that was not tied to any Carrier or ISP became not only technically feasible and economically viable, but also increasingly desirable to South African enterprises, which needed unrestricted choice in how they interconnected their facilities and connected to the Internet. As a result, Teraco was born and today manages colocation data centres in Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg and is a Level 4 contributor (DTI Codes). Probably the most significant technology milestone we have achieved, which has also become a major advantage for Teraco, is NAPAfrica – the largest Internet eXchange point in Africa. Established in 2012, NAPAfrica’s aim is to stimulate the development of a neutral Internet exchange and reduce IP interconnection costs and complexity in sub-Saharan Africa. Its aim is also to ensure that content is no longer sourced from Europe, but cached and available locally on the African continent. The understanding around the benefits of a neutral Internet exchange model has grown exponentially as a result of the NAPAfrica offering in sub-Saharan Africa. It is now a far more common and accepted model. Before its launch, the exchange market in sub-Saharan Africa was either a monopoly or non-existent, which never bodes well for pricing and service delivery.

In our business, it is fairly simple, however completely vital to provide guaranteed power, connectivity, a vendor neutral approach, 100% free peering and security. In doing this we ensure our clients the peace of mind to work as effectively as possible with very few infrastructure issues to contend with. Customer service. Customer service. Customer service. We make sure that the ecosystem we have developed will give our clients the best business advantage across the board. Naturally we always ensure and focus on providing the five pillars of any excellent data centre: security; connectivity; guaranteed power, vendor neutral and 100% free peering. The Teraco team is totally focused on delivering quality service at all junctures. This emanates through our all employees from the sales teams, front of office, administration and the operations teams. Six years ago we had a vision of becoming a significant player, the only vendor neutral data centre of its kind in Africa, and today, that vision is a reality. Our success is due to a solid business plan, clear vision and excellent execution by a very talented team. We have stayed abreast of technology, grown the data centre market year on year and developed a wellknown and respected brand. These awards are significant. Acknowledgment and recognition as a leader in our field is an important part of the brand we have, and continue to establish. We

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want to be known as the best in the business for all the right reasons, and we want industry to be aware of the fact that we are the only vendor-neutral data centre in Africa. Thus awards like this assist us in achieving these overall goals. In terms of the wider industry, it is essential that international markets are aware of the potential in Africa and that through a company such as Teraco, access and the ability to do business is made far simpler and cost effective. Lex van Wyk

First to market was a critical game-changer for us, but more importantly there are very few if any vendor neutral data centres in Africa, so we have a unique and significant position in the market. We take pride in our positioning and constantly work at keeping the business worthy of its reputation as one of the best in the business.


These awards are significant. Acknowledgment and recognition as a leader in our field is an important part of the brand we have, and continue to establish. We want to be known as the best in the business for all the right reasons, and we want industry to be aware of the fact that we are the only vendor-neutral data centre in Africa. Thus awards like this assist us in achieving these overall goals.


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Company: Abintra Consulting Name: Tony Booty Email: Web Address: Address: 60 Cannon St, London EC4N 6NP Telephone: +44 (0) 203 755 3616

Best Utilisation Measuring Solution “WiseNet” & Award for Innovation in New Technology Integration

Abintra Limited Abintra is a well-established business within the workplace consultancy industry and throughout our 15-year history, we have been privileged to work with many of the largest organisations in the world. Coming from a starting point of CAFM/space planning, we have always worked closely with facilities and real estate teams across numerous industries and sectors.

Our flagship product, WiseNet is a suite of sensor-based hardware, aligned with a web-based application set. This development allows users to automatically generate rich and powerful real-time reporting data about the utilisation and occupancy of their facilities, allowing for intelligent decision-making and the monitoring and outcomes of changes over time. It’s pleasing to be recognised with this award after having created a new market in 2008. Since this time, many have followed, however we remain firmly at the forefront, both technologically and intellectually. Industry awards serve as a useful benchmark for clients when choosing a supplier. Many of our competitors boast several of the same clients as we do through various projects over a long period of time. Therefore, it can be hard for a prospective client to find a differentiator when comparing different vendors and consultants. Awards such as this one allow us to stand out against these competitors and help us to attract future clients. Our main focus has always been - and remains to be – on the excellent delivery of projects. We have worked hard to maintain steady growth, while remaining small and agile enough to be able to nurture customer relationships and gain new business through word-ofmouth recommendations.

Abintra is focused on and dedicated to research and development. While delivering practical solutions today, our products are designed with future capacity and requirements in mind. We follow trends in technology to ensure efficient compatibility and we are currently working on some very exciting new projects that are due to be delivered throughout 2016. When it comes to our clients, we like to be part of the customer team and we also believe in putting the customer first. Our solutions form a key part of our business strategy and input and output are intrinsically connected. We firmly believe that it’s important to have a strong relationship with all stakeholders including third party consultants and vendors. One of the major pillars of our firm is the deeply ingrained work ethic, which is shared by all associated with our company. This, along with our dedication to putting the customer first, has seen us gain invaluable respect and trust from our clients and from within the industry itself. Over the past 12 months, we have seen a definite trend towards permanent installations of sensors for spatial management. While there is a push in the industry to invent something to do the same thing cheaper, and with lots of potential technology options to choose, we see the next year as a massive growth year for what is now tried and tested technology delivering real results. It appears that the next major challenge will be keeping up with demand.

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We would urge prospective users of these technologies to do your homework. Not all sensor-based systems for instance are the same. A small test area is not the same as a large floor or building, scale can be the killer for these systems and is the primary reason for our system being designed for large-scale. Also look at the cost over the real life cycle, including reporting, reliability and human input required for moves and changes.

It’s pleasing to be recognised with this award after having created a new market in 2008. Since this time, many have followed, however we remain firmly at the forefront, both technologically and intellectually.

Company: Applied Principles ltd Name: JJ Kotze Email: Web Address:

Award for Innovation in Paperless Data Management & Best Information Management Solution

Applied Principles is a company with a refreshingly customer-centric approach to software. We believe the customer should be in full control of their own processes and data, without the need for ongoing consultancy and configuration costs.

Our software is logical, flexible and easy to use. What’s more, our development team make it their business to keep us at the cutting edge of new technology. We are a Canon solutions provider partner, supplying our capture software to form part of their Quality Management System (QMS) solution. The QMS solution is supported in both Canon’s Direct and Partner channels, with our customers ranging from SME’s to multinational manufacturers. We are delighted to receive the awards for ‘Innovation in Paperless Data Management’ and ‘Best Information Management Solution for Canon’s Quality Management system’, which enables our customers to fully digitise their end-to-end quality management processes. We owe our success to the strong collaboration and hard work between Canon UK’s sales and professional services teams and Applied Principles. I think it is extremely important for the industry to get information on IT products and services. Awards like this are very important as they add a lot of useful value and highlight a company’s achievements. Applied Principles have been focusing on the increasing needs of organisations to have information available in real-time. We have faced many challenges along the way, as do most businesses and we feel that this award highlights how we have overcome these and developed as a company.

As technology is constantly evolving, we have to ensure that we take certain measures to remain at the forefront of any important changes or developments. We maintain these measures by investing in the latest technology but also, and most importantly, we stay very close to our customers, allowing us to tailor our software to their exact needs and requirements. I think it is very important to give customers full control over their processes and procedures. Customers are a lot more IT literate than they were 10 years ago and they expect to have the ability to configure their software without the need to pay for expensive consultancy services. We are small firm that is growing quickly and we need to be very flexible in terms of development requirements and in supporting our partners in sales and marketing. A dedication to hard work and making sure we always make the customer’s requirements our main priority is an approach that is working well for us. To enable us to stand out from our competitors and peers we keep our software logical, flexible and easy to use, which is an aspect that others do not always focus on as much as they perhaps should.

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We are delighted to receive the awards for ‘Innovation in Paperless Data Management’ and ‘Best Information Management Solution for Canon’s Quality Management System. We owe the success to the hard work from the Applied Principles and Canon UK teams.

Company: Benefex Name: Giles Elliott Email: Web Address: Address: Benefex Ltd, Mountbatten House, Southampton, SO15 2JU Telephone: 0845 129 8636

Best Employee Benefit Platform “RewardHub”

Benefex Benefex is an award-winning reward and benefits provider. We help clients achieve a measurable increase in performance by truly engaging their people. We believe that understanding, influencing and measuring engagement drives better business performance.

Our range of products and services include everything our clients need to run a successful reward and benefits scheme. This is delivered via our very own RewardHub technology, which is the award-winning software at the heart of Benefex and the products and services we provide to our impressive portfolio of clients. To ensure we provide the best possible service for our clients, we provide an end-to-end solution that covers everything our clients need for a successful reward and benefits scheme. We work in a fast-paced environment and we’re constantly developing new products and enhancements to help our clients. Furthermore, we regularly host client events to generate feedback and listen to the challenges they are facing. Our willingness to challenge the way things are done means we are constantly developing new ideas.

As for the culture in our company, the Benefex office in Southampton is vibrant, lively and full of smiling faces. We centre our company culture around our company cornerstones that encourage team work, responsibility, recognition and empowering employees to drive change. Among the many notable clients we have worked with include Centrica, Marks & Spencer and Wolseley. While working with these companies with a completely different set of objectives, we still managed to meet their demands and all three companies are currently increasing benefit take-up. It is great to be recognised at the Technology Innovator Awards. A lot of work goes into developing and continuously improving RewardHub, which is the smart software at the heart of the engagement services that we provide to our impressive portfolio of clients.

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It is great to be recognised at the Technology Innovator Awards. A lot of work goes into developing and continuously improving RewardHub, which is the smart software at the heart of the engagement services that we provide to our impressive portfolio of clients.

- Matt Macri-Waller, Founder and CEO.

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Company: Distributed Management Systems Ltd Name: Basil Philipsz Web Address:

Best Mutual/Multi-Factor Authentication Technology “CASQUE SNR”

Distributed Management Systems (DMS) is a private, limited company based in Lancashire, England. Their new CASQUE product is the second generation of authentication technology which has previously been used by G4S, O2 Airwave and UK’s Ministry of Defence. We spoke to them about their company and the growing need to ensure cyber security.

Our CASQUE SNR Technology is not dependent on any third party IP and we do not use any third party software libraries in our core system. This means we have immediate access to any part so we can tackle any bugs immediately. Moreover, when we place the source code in Escrow the Customer can be satisfied that all of the product can be rebuilt – there are no missing components or out of date libraries.

Master Key. Our approach has been to remove the “Fixed Target” so we have dynamic online key change!

The “DNA” in our Company stands for “Do Not Assume” and is the guiding principle in design as well as in execution. We expect to work with the customer’s architecture. CASQUE SNR provides Mutual, Multi-factor Authentication using Contactless, Active Tokens that cannot be cloned and it works on any client e.g. Laptops, Tablets and Smartphones. Scalable Integration is provided for Gateways and Web Developers. The active Token can be a self- contained handheld device working optically to any screen or be built inside an EAL5+ Smartcard working with wireless NFC.

Speaking about the award, DMS’s Managing Director Basil Philipsz said: “We are delighted to be named Best Mutual Multi-factor Authentication Technology. It has been an exacting task to develop this Technology from scratch. The underlying methodology has forced the creation of four inventions- one of which prevents Insider Attacks. This award adds to our NATO approval and selection on the DIPCOG list of UK MOD’s preferred Security Products and, of course, helps confirm the confidence of our prospective customers.”

One of the main challenges we have come across is that the major current Authentication Techniques are based on fixed targets, for example, Passwords, Biometric templates, PKI keys and Embedded keys. As a result, there can be compromises, for example, by successful penetration of Manufacturer’s Servers, Privileged insiders, Phishing and resultant infected malware and Software Bugs (e.g. Heartbleed). Major publicised cases include the SecurID debacle in 2011 and the recent concern about the disclosure of Gemalto’s Ki

Cyber security is now more important than ever. A recent survey from the 2015 Vormetric Report showed that 89% of respondents felt their organisation was now at more risk of an insider attack, with 55% believing the biggest internal threat was from privileged users

Looking towards the future, we believe the Internet of Things is a ripe territory for our Security Technology and we have built an application for Secure Command and Control using CASQUE SNR. As a specific example, we have retrofitted communication software between UAV and its Ground Station so that CASQUE SNR performs the handshake to set the session key and provide encryption without using the traditional Public Key Infrastructure. This eliminates the risk of Man-in-the-Middle Attacks.

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We are delighted to be named Best Mutual Multi-factor Authentication Technology. It has been an exacting task to develop this Technology from scratch. This award adds to our NATO approval and selection on the DIPCOG list of UK MOD’s preferred Security Products and, of course, helps confirm the confidence of our prospective customers.

Company: E-CO Name: Hillary Spicer Email: Web Address: Address: Lodge House, Links Rd, Worthing, BN14 9QY Telephone: 07798-646280

Best Indoor Air Quality Technology

E-CO E-CO is the leader in high-intensity ultraviolet germicidal solutions for HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning). The company helps you implement green and efficient Steril-Aire™ UVC technology for HVAC systems across your building/facilities, to deliver cleaner indoor air, free of bacteria, viruses and mould, while reducing your HVAC energy cost by 20%.

Before we set up the company, I read a number of articles about the effects of indoor air quality on people’s health and came across a technology known as UVGI (ultra violet germicidal irradiation) that could kill any virus or bacteria, regardless of its type. Even better, I discovered that it had won a Nobel Prize too. The fact that UVGI could kill viruses such as influenza seemed amazing as every year a new variant of influenza effects the health of thousands of people in the UK alone. In addition I discovered UVGI also kills super bugs like MRSA & C.Difficile and in the news more recently that UVGI could be potentially used in the fight against antibiotic resistant bacteria, a massive and growing problem in the healthcare industry Our clients are many and varied from the NHS to the military where, for instance we can reduce exposure to biological agents to the financial services industry where we can significantly reduce absenteeism rates. I’m sure you are aware salaries are very high in this sector and the cost of absenteeism can literally mean millions of pounds in lost trades. Most of our success has been born out of sheer persistence and a belief we are right in our focus and that ultimately we know we can to help organisations significantly reduce absenteeism and improve productivity in a new and innovative way. We are an SME business and whilst we have a prestigious customer base, it’s still too small. UVGI should be flooding the market but currently it’s a niche technology. My hope is that greater exposure will bring greater general acceptance

Our main focus has been the commercial sector as from a corporate cultural prespective they are more willing to accept “new” technologies if it can improve their bottom line. The NHS are a harder nut to crack but we are making progress and are about to undertake a long awaited clinical study which could lead to massive requirements going forward. We are constantly on the look-out for new applications for our technology and we believe we are unique in the UK because of our depth of knowledge and expertise in the area of indoor air quality that is only now emerging as a serious health threat. Our whole approach is to sit on the prospective customers’ side of the table and ask ourselves “what’s in it for me” The NHS is a great example of the potential benefits we can deliver in that we can not only deliver reductions in absenteeism the knock-on benefits could be huge reductions in patient medications, reductions in bed days leading to improved bed throughput and saving lives too. So proof is what it’s all about and that ca take time and a lot of commitment from ourselves and our clients. We maintain a high level of expertise and believe that sharing our collective knowledge makes us all stronger. Our commitment to our customers sets us apart, they pay our bills so we need to be able to accurately predict what their needs are now and in the future and how we can continue to deliver. We look at our competitors and respect what they do but in the areas we operate there really isn’t anyone who can offer

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the range of solutions we can from personal / mobile protection, residential & area protection to whole buildings and not to forget Royal Naval warships. Recently there’s been a marked increase in interest in the health effects of exposure to polluted outdoor air. Official figures state that there are 29,000 premature deaths in the UK from outdoor air pollutants. What they haven’t acknowledged yet is that indoor environments where we spend 90% of our lives are 2-5 times more polluted. Biggest opportunities will come from increased awareness of health issues by corporates stemming from their perennial requirement to reduce absenteeism & improve productivity. In addition there are added background pressures to plan for possible future pandemics. If you recall in the last 12 years we’ve had SARs, Avian Flu, Swine Flu, Ebola & currently MERs. With modern air travel it’s quite possible that other viruses will spread and businesses have to carry out contingency planning for now and the future. More recently it has been acknowledged that governments and large corporates would have to plan against the potential threat of a bioterrorist attack. Ventilation systems (the buildings’ breathing network) are the ideal network to deliver bio-agents with possible devastating effect. Our UVGI technology was tested by the U.S. government and the EPA (Environment Protection Agency) precisely for this occurrence and is now used in all U.S. government buildings. Trying to get the UK government to do that same would be huge for us. Last but not least we’ve discovered our technology is a massive energy saver too. See how it worked in Auckland Airport

Company: Engeenuity LLC Name: Victor De Franco Levi Email: Web Address: Address: City of Knowledge, Panama Telephone: 507-6441-5811

Best for BioPhotonics -USA & Sustained Excellence in Cross-Disciplinary & Frontier Science

Engeenuity LLC Engeenuity is a bio photonics technology company with current service applications for the treatment of water, food and produce. We have evolved previous and existing methods of leveraging the UVC portion of the light spectrum to inhibit bacteria and mould growth. While previous and existing methods require equipment and power sources, our product is a versatile, unplugged and cost effective flat, light weight laminate film. We currently work in the meat, bread, dairy processing and pool water client categories. We inhibit the development of bacteria in meats, extend shelf life in bread and dairy products - thereby extending their shelf life - and we inhibit the development of bacteria in pool water, reducing the need for chlorine and other sanitizing chemicals by a minimum of 50% and up to 100%.

It is important to mention that all of the more than 16,000 tests on Engeenuity APSE™ technology were conducted by independent third-party labs, universities, research centres and corporations We could not be more thrilled to have won this award for ‘Best for BioPhotonics –USA’ and ‘Sustained Excellence in Cross-Disciplinary & Frontier Science’. Everyone involved in Engeenuity is driven by the potential of our technology to create a healthier and more vital populace and planet by reducing global dependence on chemicals. Awards such as this one are very important. Companies like Engeenuity face a formidable obstacle in market acceptance because of the entrenched perception that man-made solutions are better and more reliable than “natural” solutions. Engeenuity and companies like ours are demonstrating that combining human “Engeenuity” with the powerful forces in nature can often be superior to what man creates on his own. Awards like this help spread the word and can be critical to changing perceptions and accelerating market acceptance. The biggest challenge we have faced to date is people’s disbelief that our small, flat, lightweight products can hold UV light at a frequency that extends the shelf life of foods by months. Nor can they believe that our products can reduce the need for chlorine by up to 100% without any chemical or electricity. However, seeing is believing and we are making progress.

With technology constantly changing, we are investing the majority of our resources into further research and development. We believe we have just scratched the surface of what is possible and available in front of our very eyes. We have taken a very technical physics concept and made it user friendly and simple, an approach that we believe is key to providing positive customer service. Our goal is to deliver the same ease of use experience to all our customers from every department and interaction they have with us. We are all extremely appreciative of the opportunity in front of us, which is to make the world and its inhabitants better. To do this we need to create technologies that are easy to incorporate into our everyday lives. We are creating a company that not only cares about the bottom line but about being a source and catalyst for a better world. So we boil down our culture to three things: • Gratitude for the people, places and opportunities in our lives • Keep it simple • Give back One way in which we stand out from our competitors is through the ease of use and cost effective application to consumer products that we all use every day. With this combination we take bio photonics out of the factory/laboratory and incorporate its benefits into our everyday lives.

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Over the past 12 months, the most prevalent trends within our industry are the accelerating demand from consumers for chemical additive free foods and environments. We are currently in the process of gaining FDA and USDA approvals for food applications and we will soon begin an intensive market introduction program. Both of these efforts will have an enormous impact on our business and we expect to come across some challenges along the way. However, we are very excited about this new venture.

We could not be more thrilled to have won this award for ‘Best for BioPhotonics –USA’ and ‘Sustained Excellence in Cross-Disciplinary & Frontier Science’.

Company: Fastsms Name: Oliver Burt (Marketing Director) Email: Web Address: Telephone: 0800 954 5305

Best for SMS Text Messaging Technology - UK & Best Messaging Platform - UK

Fastsms has been providing professional text messaging services to businesses and individuals since 2002. Organisations of all shapes and sizes from local schools to marketing agencies, global corporations and emergency services all rely on fastsms for instant, reliable SMS communication. We spoke to them to find out more.

Fastsms were the first SMS Provider to adopt a fully transparent pricing model without contracts or expiration dates on message credits, which has since become the industry standard with all other major providers following suit. In recent years we’ve focussed on two main areas which we feel have contributed massively to fastsms being leaders in our industry. Firstly, we’ve always developed all of our systems in-house with our own dedicated development team. We rebuilt our entire messaging system on Bootstrap and have been able to ramp up the rate of development significantly. Secondly, we have also moved to offer free UK based support and advice 24/7 through Live Chat, Email and Phone to anyone who asks for it, regardless of how much they spend with us.

We like to think that we’re all in this together and if a customer has a suggestion on how we could improve we’ll always take it on board. At fastsms we believe that everything should be available to everyone, whether they send 100 messages a month or 100,000 a day. This includes the same level of personal attention and support to help them get up and running as well as the features they need to get the most out of the system for their business. We’re absolutely thrilled to be named as Best for SMS Text Messaging Technology – UK & Best Messaging Platform – UK by The Technology Innovator Awards 2015 and this is a testament to the monumental effort put in by the entire team here at fastsms over the last 12 months.

Having an in-house development team is hugely beneficial because it allows us to be quick to respond to any changes in technology as well as the needs of our customers. We always welcome feature requests from our users and wherever possible will offer a solution that makes their life easier in an upcoming release.

We’re absolutely thrilled to be named as Best for SMS Text Messaging Technology – UK & Best Messaging Platform – UK by The Technology Innovator Awards 2015 and this is a testament to the monumental effort put in by the entire team here at fastsms over the last 12 months.

We’re a family owned and operated company, so this isn’t just a job to us and it’s personal on many levels. Those team members that aren’t relations have been with us many years, receiving the training and attention needed to progress and enjoy long term employment. That personal connection permeates through the entire company and out to our customers.

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Company: ICAB Name: Alisa Gold Email: Web Address: Address: Heronslea House, High Street, Bushey, Herts, WD23 3HH Telephone: 020 84218427

Best Emergency Alternative Accommodation Supplier & Best Digital Portal for Insurance Claims

ICAB is the longest running organisation to offer emergency Alternative Accommodation solutions to the insurance industry, having operated in this sector for over 16 years.

Having changed the way we deal with the claims, by improving operating efficiency to meet the customer’s evolving demands, we help policyholders to ensure their traumatic situations are turned into a positive service experience. Customer service is our top priority which is why we ensure that our staff are trained to deal with all stakeholders from the customer to the loss adjusters and insurers, treating each with respect and understanding.

find the best solution for the problem at hand. The customer is at the forefront of everything we do.

Our nationwide service is fully comprehensive and includes:

Keeping our finger on the pulse of this digital lifeline has allowed us to maintain high standards of customer service and allows us to be recognised as innovators within our field. Having won major contracts with large insurers ensures that our future and ability to make use of technological advancements continues develop in line with our clients needs.

• 24 hour availability, 365 days a year • Free hotel booking at over 10,000 hotels nationwide • Short, medium and long term rentals • Free caravan and mobile home booking service • Free full, or part, furniture booking service • Free storage, removals and packaging service

In addition to our focus on customer service, technology has been of top priority for the past 18 months. By making use of technological advancements in communication today, we are able to expedite every facet of the process of arranging alternative accommodation.

As we solely deal with insurance claimants, we are the provider of choice for emergency Alternative Accommodation solutions. Our company philosophy is based on acting ethically and investing in technology and communication to ensure the customer service is exceptional, reducing the claim lifecycle and the costs. Collaboration is the key to our success. Everyone works together to assist their colleagues and in turn assist the client. No matter who answers the phone they are always greeted by a staff member who will

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Collaboration is the key to our success. Everyone works together to assist their colleagues and in turn assist the client.

Company: Improved Apps Ltd Email: Web Address: Telephone: +44 (0)1372 617020

Best for Embedded Help and Training - UK

Improved Apps drive Salesforce adoption – of CRM and custom applications – through delivering rich, functional solutions that address customers’ key business needs. The focus is on releasing the business advantage inherent in customers’ bought and built apps, through easy to deploy and user-friendly solutions. We spoke to Keith Clarke, CEO of Improved Apps Ltd, to find out more about the unique services they provide.

Our customers span the world, from small startups to global corporations, all of whom have recognised the need to improve their return on investment from Salesforce. They empower their users by adopting Improved Apps to embed, directly into the pages of their web applications, all the information users need to do their job. By putting the right information, in the right place, at the right time, for the right person, an organisation, its users, customers and partners can share knowledge for shared success. We believe in Enterprise Success Planning (ESP) and provide tools and techniques to support our customers in the alignment of their processes, people and technology, to deliver optimal customer service. Everything we do at every stage of our customer journey is aimed at ensuring that the customer is successful in achieving their objectives. Improved Apps solutions are unique, 100% native to the Salesforce platform and can be deployed in minutes. Intuitive design brings ease of use and minimal end-user training. Meanwhile, powerful authoring tools and analytics enable content managers to focus their efforts where they can add most value. These attributes combine to unleash the full business benefits inherent within applications, to maximise their return on investment. The desire to help people thrive and succeed - our customers, employees and partners - is at the heart of everything we do at Improved Apps. We strive to

maintain the highest quality standards - doing the right things and doing things right, first time. We are delighted by the level of positive feedback we receive from our stakeholders on the performance and value that they enjoy from our approach and solutions. The Improved Apps vision is to be the cloud’s silver lining. One of the biggest challenges facing enterprises using SaaS is to ensure that they reap the rewards from their investment in applications - and this represents the biggest opportunity for Improved Apps. Our challenge is to spread the concepts and tools supporting ESP to more enterprises, users, partners and customers, across a broader range of applications. Furthermore, technology continues to develop at a rapid pace - in a world where doing more with less is paramount for survival, let alone success. So, the industry challenge for providers of software-as-a-service (SaaS) - often something of a ‘fashion’ industry - is to make sure that technology solutions actually deliver genuine benefit. Our approach is to balance our strategy and roadmap by maintaining a customer-centric view in everything we do, coupled with ‘horizon-watching’ for emerging technologies and trends. As for The Technology Innovator Awards, the Improved Apps team is delighted to receive yet more recognition for the part we play in furthering our customers’ success.

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Company: In Practice Systems Ltd. Email: Web: Address: In Practice Systems Ltd, The Bread Factory, 1a Broughton Street, Battersea, London, SW8 3QJ Phone: 0207 501 7000

Best Software in Medicine “Vision Anywhere” & Best Flexible Healthcare IT Solution “Vision”

In Practice Systems Ltd. Vision is a flexible IT solution that helps the NHS to provide patients with high quality, joined up services on any device, at anytime, anywhere. The platform allows relevant information to become available to the whole healthcare team, encouraging collaboration and reducing duplication of effort. The end result is less frustration for patients and more effective and efficient healthcare service provision.

Our priority is the nation’s health. Vision is a flexible IT solution that helps the NHS to provide patients with high quality, joined up services. Vision for GP practices provide patients with high quality, joined up services on any device at anytime, anywhere. As well as this, it is now easy for GP practices to provide high quality patient services, maximise practice income and collaborate with the wider local healthcare team.

Vision Anywhere is the first of our beautifully designed new apps for iPads, Android devices and Windows tablets. It offers GPs secure access to patient records at anytime, anywhere, whether an internet connection is available or not. Patients also have the flexibility to book appointments, request repeat prescriptions and view aspects of their medical records online, at any time, wherever they are. Vision Anywhere provides 24/7 access to your patient records on the device of your choice. This solution is the perfect solution for home visits, within nursing homes and mobile working.

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With this software, practitioners can provide safer prescribing and make informed decisions with confidence away from the practice. Being able to view a patient’s current medication, all allergies and medical histories can be accessed which can help to diagnose and treat patients more quickly and efficiently. Another way in which Vision Anywhere is an ideal solution for practitioners is due to the fact that they can add information to this at any time. Information added to Vision Anywhere is transferred to Vision automatically. There is no need to manually transcribe handwritten notes, which is perfect for saving time and eliminating potential errors.

Company: Inspired Thinking Group (ITG) Limited Email: Web: Address: 315 Fort Dunlop, Fort Parkway, Birmingham B24 9FD Telephone: 0121 748 9950

Best Technology-Focused Marketing Services Company 2015 & Best Proprietary Marketing Software “Marketing Resource Management”

Inspired Thinking Group was formed in 2009 with the aim of improving the efficiency of marketing operations. Every professional marketer understands how easy it is to become bogged down with procurement and admin, and even IT issues, all of which take precious time away from developing a good marketing strategy. ITG’s proprietary Media Centre software removes the pain of admin and supplier management, automating the entire asset ordering and approvals process, and managing other key areas, such as campaign planning, quotes, stock management and reporting.

We employ some exceptional developers but the main driving force for development remains firmly rooted in our marketing teams and the feedback they receive from our clients. That’s how we can rightly claim that Media Centre is designed by marketers for marketers. The technology is exceptionally simple to use, and it can be accessed through any web browser. However, we provide our clients with dedicated account teams, who sit within the clients’ marketing departments and manage the admin and procurement process for them. When Media Centre is combined with our best-inclass print supply chain, 24/7 artworking studio and client-embedded account teams, clients have a unique proposition for saving money and receiving guaranteed compliant assets, while freeing up their time to do what they do best: marketing. All of our staff are imbued with a strong customer service ethos. Regardless of the power of our technology and the quality of our service offering, we wouldn’t be able to retain prestigious clients such as M&S, Audi, Heineken and PUMA if we didn’t share a passion for exceptional customer service. This customer-service focus has to permeate through the entire company. But running a company is a two-way street. Everyone in the company has unique insights, and we use anonymous employee questionnaires to elicit feedback, ideas, issues, and even

suggestions on the future direction of the company. This feedback helps to ensure we constantly improve our customer service offering.

are constantly planning new Media Centre modules to ensure we stay ahead of the pack in terms of helping our clients run more efficient marketing operations

To keep track with the pace of technological changes, we have established a dedicated technology centre in Dartford, where the nuts and bolts of Media Centre development takes place. As technology advances, we

Winning these two Technology Innovator Awards is extremely satisfying, and it’s great to receive industry acknowledgment that we’re on the right track.

The MRM platform at the heart of modern marketing.

Call: 0121 748 9950

40 Corporate Vision The Technology Innovator Awards 2015

Name: Ashish Mohindroo Company: Morpheus Data, LLC Email: Address: 800 Concar Dr. Suite 100, San Mateo, CA 94402 Telephone: (800) 946.9180 Phone: (800) 946.9180

2015 Technology Innovator Award for Cloud Platform Services

Morpheus Data, LLC Morpheus Data develops next-generation cloud technologies that include Morpheus Virtual Appliance – provisioning and management platform for SQL, NoSQL, and in-memory databases; BitCan – award winning cloud-based backup and recovery service for databases and files; and HappyApps – cloud-based sophisticated monitoring and alerting service for apps, databases, and IT systems. Leading companies use these offerings to better manage and monitor their databases and core IT systems across private, public, and hybrid clouds that include Amazon, Google, Microsoft Azure, Rackspace, and Digital Ocean. We spoke to Ashish Mohindroo, General Manager at Morpheus Data, about their unique service.

A lot of companies are moving to their own private cloud or are working towards utilising a hybrid cloud. Basically, they’re taking things from their own private cloud and integrating them into a public cloud like Amazon or Google. What we do is give them that platform from which they can create a unified database and define where they want to thin up their applications and databases.

The demand for our service is huge and a lot of enterprises and Fortune 500 companies are very excited about what we’re doing. We’re giving them the ability to extend onto those public cloud environments without them seeing the differences in using various technologies or managing different environments. We remove all that pain for them.

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Our customers are pretty much across the board: we have a lot of service providers, totalling to-date 45,000+ companies and even bigger companies are very excited about leveraging, because they want to have the rapid capabilities that this service provides. It’s terrific to win this award. I think it’s a validation of the effort we put in. We think that we are delivering technology to the market and helping to address a lot of problems, so it’s great vindication and acknowledgement of our efforts.

Company: Noetica Ltd. Name: Danny Singer Email: Web Address: Address: The Hop Exchange, Suites 45-47, 24 Southwark Street, London SE1 1TY Telephone: 0845 0181 070

Award for Innovation in Call Centre Technology

Founded over 18 years ago, the London-based company Noetica, specialises in the delivery of advanced technology to companies operating contact centres. Noted for its flagship product Synthesys™, Noetica delivers a broad range of call centre technology to its global blue chip clients hailing from such diverse industries and areas as contact centre business process outsourcing (BPO), insurance, media, fundraising plus many more. Noetica takes pride knowing that these clients are the driving force behind their product development.

Determined to remain on the cutting edge of technology in their field, we feel that the bequeathing of this award vindicates our continuing approach to invest in the research and development of technology, whilst working with industry regulatory bodies to ensure compliance with the strict governance of the outbound dialling industry, allowing for the invention of the game changing Live Person Detection (LPD™).

management function can be relied upon from the inception of a business relationship. With the decline of enterprise telephony based on the prevalence of session initiation protocol (SIP) and cloud based telephony in the last 12 months and

It is the development of technology such as LPD™ which has helped us solve issues affecting both our clients and the general public, proof of our commitment to put our client’s needs first and become true partners with them. Indeed, the invention of LPD™ as well as most R&D work that has been, and continues to be, carried out in Noetica’s labs was, and is, driven by listening to our clients’ concerns and attempting to solve their operational problems through technological advance. A ‘techie’ company at heart, delivering multi-channel technologies such as predictive dialling, dynamic call scripting, customer relationship management (CRM), automatic call distributor (ACD), interactive voice response (IVR), across most vertical platforms, we have recently worked on improving in other areas such as marketing, business processes and products standardisation with a view to enable stability and growth. Refraining from employing a sales team, we instead use our industry and technology experts to engage with our clients directly, letting them know that our strong client account

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expecting the tightening of regulations around cold calling to give rise to new technologies, Noetica’s commitment to their clients to research and development will ensure their ability to leverage into new channels such as mobile apps, social media for direct marketing for future growth and success.

Company: Peppermint Technology Name: Arlene Adams, Founder and CEO Email: Web Address: Address: Focus House, 8 Millennium Way West, Phoenix Business Park, Nottingham. NG8 6AS Telephone: 01159 338950

Best Legal Software Supplier 2015 & Most Innovative Legal Technology “The Peppermint Platform”

Peppermint Technology is a budding legal software start-up which has delivered a modern approach to the traditionally conservative UK legal market systems. As the fastest growing legal software company in the UK, Peppermint Technology is becoming well known for its innovation and disruption to the status quo, within the legal software market.

Peppermint’s flagship software Peppermint Legal Service Platform, brought to market 3 years ago, already services over 4,000 legal professionals. The company, employing over 55 people in the UK, has won a number of prestigious awards. In addition to this, Peppermint has been recognised in Legal awards by Legal KnowList, for its achievements and leadership in shaping the future of modern UK law.

Secondly, its people, the vast majority of whom joined the Peppermint team as a start-up business. Many coming from secure jobs because they believed in the vision of Arlene Adams and had faith that they too could make a difference. The huge energy and passion of the team is the driving force behind the business growing over 100%, year on year, for the past three years.

Peppermint is a prime example of how innovation changes markets. They may have started as a small start-up company but they have already made a mark on the legal market surface. Roll forward another 5 years and it’s not impossible that this company will eventually be the biggest legal software company on the planet.

Peppermint is a prime example of how innovation changes markets. They may have started as a small startup company but they have already made a mark on the legal market surface.

Developed through the use of direct client input, the Peppermint Legal Service Platform is the result of 3 years’ worth of customer experience research. Built on the strong foundation of Microsoft Dynamics the Peppermint Platform provides every law firm in the nation the opportunity to take advantage of the multi-billion dollar investment in Dynamics from Microsoft. Gone are the days where cottage industry legal software will allow firms to compete in a digital world defined by the customer experience. The game changing software from Peppermint Technology allows firms to fundamentally change the way they do business and service their clients.

The company’s success is down to two things: the first being the vision of Founder, Arlene Adams, who had the courage to challenge a traditionally conservative legal market and take on global software giants such as Thomson Reuters and Lexis Nexis.

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Name: Inya-Agha Gabriel Chukwuemelie Company: Quickening Group Email: Web:

Best Intelligent Business Management Software

Quickening Group Quickening Group is the developer and publisher of EmpireBuilder - a swift, powerful and easy-to-use, realtime business management software for serious corporations. Quickening Group is also an investor in EmpireBuilder Technologies Ltd, a Nigerian spin-off corporation under which EmpireBuilder software is released. We spoke to Inya-Agha Gabriel Chukwuemelie, Co-Founder of Quickening Group and Group Head of Projects, about their unique services and passion for programming.

EmpireBuilder is cloud-based, PC, tablet and mobile friendly mini- Enterprise Resource Planning suite (a proven and growing multi-billiondollar business in Nigeria and worldwide) designed for serious corporations. EmpireBuilder not only presents users with an array of default reports and dashboards, it permits end-users design dashboards, executive reports, department specific workflows as well as perform realtime analysis at the touch of a button. EmpireBuilder comprises a mini suite of integrated webmodules that collect, manage, analyse and interpret data from business activities such as:

• HR/payroll • Sales/marketing • Inventory, invoicing and payment • Client relationship management • Automated, time-based scheduling • SMS / email reminders • Altman z-Score (bankruptcy) tracking Other Services Quickening Group provide include: custom software development, consultancy, e-payment integration, offshore outsourcing services and training.

About Quickening Group We are indeed humbled by the industry recognition from the United Kingdom. We are grateful and feel very lucky. We feel as if for the past decade we’ve been happily playing our violin, quietly in one corner and suddenly the entire hall has turned and noticed. The outpouring of felicitation and good wishes from technology titans here in Nigeria and beyond, and the sense of there being so many people truly excited for us has been incredibly gratifying. We do feel tremendously honoured that the we excelled in a field populated by fine corporations. Across the past decade we have improved our proficiency and competence in Microsoft .NET technologies, C#, VB.NET, SQL, HTML5, CSS, JQuery, ASP.NET, e-payment integration, e-commerce, biometrics and fingerprinting, face recognition, geographic information systems and much more. We hear that we are pioneers in our industry. Perhaps it is because collectively we hold patents for certain distinct areas in telecommunications and financial systems using spin-offs to our technology. Also, our ever continuing research means that we can truly provide unique services for our clients in the shortest possible time. As a local company in our native country Nigeria, we provide homegrown and tailored solutions for Nigerian businesses. We have also consulted for as well as developed enterprise projects for the Government of the United States of America.

In Recognition of Excellence - H.R.H. Prince Charles – Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall & Rothesay in a congratulatory handshake with the immediate past Chief Executive of Quickening Group - Arc. Caesar Oti (2nd from right) and wife Mrs. Sharon Oti. (3rd from right).

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We also aware of the existence of key competitors in our field and we continually do our best to distinguish ourselves from all other potential service providers. In order to maximise our first-mover advantage in the market (instead of growing linearly only) we will focus on growing geometrically in four dimensions each year by: • Enlarging the financial size of each transaction

Company: RF Communications Name: Earl McCune Email: Web Address: Address: 2383 Pruneridge Ave., Suite 3, Santa Clara, CA 95050, USA Telephone: +1.408.983.1076

Recognised Leader in Wireless Communications Technology - USA

RF Communications Consulting We develop technology for other firms to exploit, focusing on providing energy efficiency in applications drawn from important societal issues.

Winning this award is a great honour, for which we are pleasantly surprised. We owe this success to decades of continuous study and improvements in understanding of what the Laws of Physics actually say and how they can be used. Innovation happens at all levels in industry, from large firms down to individual people. Awards like this provide a level field to recognize all innovation and to make it widely known throughout all these levels and further afield. Here at RF Communications Consulting, we focus on problems that have high value to society once solved. It is fortunate that many of the techniques needed to solve wireless communications problems also apply to many other important areas. For example: • Applying wireless communication techniques to computer power supplies provides energy savings usually greater than 60% for data center use, and 90% for enterprise and personal computer use • Wireless communication techniques applied to LED lighting solves compatibility with installed dimmers, the large amount of electronic noise generated by LED bulbs, and elimination of distracting flicker during dimming over a 30,000:1 dynamic range • Avian-safe wind power recognizes that wind power generation is not inherently related to the task of aircraft propulsion. Rethinking the design to focus only on power generation results in a device with very slow rotation, is completely silent, and is

inherently safe for both the turbine and all wildlife in its vicinity.

are important differentiators and these are what set us apart from others in our industry.

With technology constantly evolving, we need to make sure that we follow measures to ensure that we are at the forefront of any changes or developments. RF Communications Consulting believes in personal interactions as a central part of keeping abreast of true new changes. While the wired and wireless worlds are very useful, nothing truly replaces eye contact and voice inflections to glean important aspects of problems and their possible solutions. Therefore we attend many conferences, meetings, and public events as active participants.

The most prevalent trends within the industry over the past 12 months seem to be the need for energy efficiency in communications and we are pleased that this is finally becoming widely recognized. The technologies that we have developed, knowing that this day would eventually come, have now had time to mature and are more ready for near-term adoption as a result.

Our philosophy is centred on one question: What can we do to make our client successful in the eyes of their goals? We join their team, opening up a wide range of possibilities, drawn from vastly different technology areas, all geared towards helping them to solve their problems. RF Communications Consulting believes that ‘All ideas deserve a hearing – though not all ideas deserve action.’ This is a core principle that is all-inclusive to everyone that works within our company. Any idea, from any member, is heard without prejudice. We also maintain that there is no such thing as a stupid question and because of this value, all ideas are taken on board and considered, no matter how big or small. All firms have competitors. In our case, the long record of proven innovation, coupled with the wide choices of projects these innovations are applied to,

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Winning this award is a great honour, for which we are pleasantly surprised. We owe this success to decades of continuous study and improvements in understanding of what the Laws of Physics actually say and how they can be used.

Company: Ribose Name: Ronald Tse Email: Web Address: Address: Suite 1111, 1 Pedder Street, Central, Hong Kong Telephone: +852 3976 3976

Best Cloud Collaboration Platform 2015

Ribose is a cloud collaboration platform that makes working together easy and fun while protecting users’ data with the highest, internationally certified levels of security. As the world’s first cloud service provider certified to MTCS (Multi-Tier Cloud Security), CSA STAR Attestation, CSA STAR Certification (Cloud Controls Matrix, CCM 3.0.1) and the first Software-as-a-Service platform to complete the CSA C-STAR Assessment, Ribose has been consistently awarded the industry’s highest cloud security ratings year after year. We spoke to them to find out more.

The Ribose platform enables the “99%” of the business world -- public and small-medium enterprises -- to work better through our efficient and effective collaboration platform. Our platform is accessible anywhere, protected by world-class security, offers enterprise-level service dependability, and complies with international governance standards – giving users peace of mind to focus on their tasks at hand. Ribose provides all the benefits of an enterprise-class collaboration platform, with none of the associated infrastructure and costs.

Our culture is user-first. And our mission is to help users collaborate effectively and efficiently, no matter where they are located. It is important that the entire organization stands behind this philosophy - which dictates our plans and every subsequent action, thereby creating value for our users. We are delighted to have received this award, and greatly appreciate the judges’ recognition of our achievements.

As the world becomes more globalized; people around the world are also becoming more interconnected; and innovation and inventions increasingly arise from multidisciplinary work that spans the globe. By facilitating teamwork and collaboration, Ribose is helping to foster creativity and innovation across industries, time zones and geographies. Organizations using Ribose cover the gamut of industries – from non-profits and political groups to property developers and biotech companies – all sharing the need to work remotely, asynchronously and globally, with the highest levels of security. Available anytime and anywhere through a web-based interface, free of charge, Ribose empowers these organizations to collaborate in ways previously only accessible to multi-national enterprises with substantial technology budgets.

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Ribose’s success is a culmination of the combined efforts of a multidisciplinary team fully committed to improving our product and our corporate governance. Our people are truly the heroes behind this award. Even though Ribose operates an online platform, our success is not just about technology. Excellent governance forms the foundation of all our endeavours – allowing us to sustain a rapid pace of improvements to our cloud collaboration platform.

Name: Jon Richardson Company: RPM Solutions Web: Phone: 0333 600 6999

Best for Bespoke Healthcare Communications Software & Best Healthcare Platform “One-Path Medical” - UK

RPM Solutions are a nationwide provider of end-to-end communication technology for the healthcare sector. Like any business, RPM want to deliver the best possible service to their customers so it will come as no surprise to you that they demand the most exceptional standards from suppliers. They are constantly developing their products and as a result RPM constantly provide employee training to ensure the quality of these products remains of an excellent standard.

Winning the ‘Best for Bespoke Healthcare Communications Software’ and ‘Best Healthcare Platform One-Path Medical-UK’ awards is obviously something the company are proud of. Knowing the healthcare sector inside out was a key factor behind winning the award as RPM’s Managing Director Jon Richardson confirms: “RPM are delighted to be awarded ‘Best for Bespoke Healthcare Communications Software’ and ‘Best Healthcare Platform One-Path Medical – UK’, as it goes a long way in recognising the research, development and dedication we have provided to the healthcare sector over the last several years. “Through such focus on the Healthcare sector we have come to know our market very well indeed. Speaking the same language as our General Practices and understanding their issues and requirements, as well as their individual environments, provides our customers with confidence that RPM delivers that which is right for their business and their patient access needs”. Winning these two awards is all the more impressive when you consider the challenges they initially faced. The company’s focus had been to add value through applications which enhance the patient access experience whilst empowering the General Practices with control of their communications platform to help alleviate stress on GP’s and their staff. Initially RPM had a few hurdles to overcome before they were on the straight and narrow as Jon explains:

“This proved to be an extremely challenging concept when you consider GP budget constraints and the need to bring new technologies to the forefront, new technologies which would normally mean increased costs. However, RPM have established the ability for Practices to achieve this whilst reducing existing costs significantly within any practice or Federation/cluster of practices.” Technology has become a major player in the healthcare sector and with developments becoming the norm, RPM have to take precautionary measures to ensure they are keeping up with these changes. As Jon explains, it’s essential you have the latest technology to adapt to changing requirements. “Similarly to the technology available, these requirements are changeable and RPM ensures constant attention to both the sector changes as well as robust technology advancements. Coupled with rigorous research & development we are able to ensure we match these changeable requirements with the correct emerging technologies and applications”. These are good times for RPM Solutions and Jon is clearly excited about what lies ahead in the future. “Everyone at RPM is excited about what we have in our R&D road-map for our Healthcare customers in the future. Our 5 year R&D strategy provides a window into that future and we believe we will be assisting greatly in changing the way in which the general public can and will be able to utilise the services of

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its General Practices within their community whilst we also continue to assist in reducing levels of related stress within the General Practice itself.”

RPM are delighted to be awarded ‘Best for Bespoke Healthcare Communications Software’ and ‘Best Healthcare Platform One-Path Medical – UK’, as it goes a long way in recognising the research, development and dedication we have provided to the healthcare sector over the last several years.

Company: Simplisys Ltd Name: Peter Lench Email: Web Address: Address: 15 Middle Bridge Business Park, Bristol Road, Portishead, Bristol, BS20 6PN Telephone: +44 (0) 1275 240500

Best Service Management Platform “Citrus Service Desk” Award for Innovation in CMMS Software

Simplisys started out as a value add reseller in 2006, selling third-party software applications as a service. We believed that the vendors and applications of the day were either missing functionality and/or very expensive; in short, there was nobody addressing the mid-market and delivering a value solution to underpin emerging ITIL best practice. In 2011 the strategic decision was taken to become a software vendor. We dropped all third-party relationships and developed Citrus Service Desk, which we continue to enhance. We now have many clients that access our online Servicedesk solution daily to facilitate delivery of support services, customers include high profile companies like Dairygold, Sue Ryder, Celerity-IS and Nautronix. We are in the process of changing the brand name from ‘Citrus Service Desk’ to ‘Simplisys Service Desk’. The reason being that a multi-billion dollar US IT company think that the name ‘Citrus’ somehow infringes their trademark. I guess we are victims of our own success. It is very flattering that we are considered a threat to such a large corporation; it clearly shows that we are doing something right. It feels great to receive the award, particularly for the team who have worked tirelessly over recent years to design and deliver what is fast becoming the service desk application of choice. I think it is important to be recognised for your work at all levels, however it is particularly rewarding at industry level as it says a lot about our organisation’s position among its peers. The platform and the application are the two main focus areas for us; the platform is designed to be secure, extensible and available 24/7. Our clients enjoy a multi-tenant infrastructure, meaning all our clients have a dedicated secure database in our ISO27000 data centre moreover the hosted service includes full management of the infrastructure including four-hourly data backups and OS maintenance and application upgrade schedule as standard. Citrus Service Desk is just different; the product is intelligent by design or ‘Simply Smart’ is the phrase we use internally, which means it is extremely easy to use, extensive training courses are simply not required. Furthermore the intuitive point and click, drag and drop and boolean logic features available in the Administration module means that System Administrators can make changes to the system themselves removing

the need for bespoke scripting languages and extensive training to set up or change the system. This approach combines to facilitate rapid set-up times and class leading ROI (Return on Investment). Another major differentiator is our approach to meeting specific customer requirements, Citrus Service Desk is configurable not customisable, which means that all customers can be kept up-to-date as part of the CARE support service. When new software versions are released customers are upgraded by Simplisys Technicians free of charge respecting individual client database configurations. With technology constantly changing, we have a policy of continuously evaluating new technologies. We also engage with industry forums, which allow us to gain early warning of disruptive technologies. Our support service is called Simplisys CARE; I think the name says it all. We care about our clients and are very responsive to their requests, which contributes to our product development road map. In short, we want happy customers as most of our new business comes from client referrals. The CARE message is engrained throughout our business; we are selling service management and therefore believe we should practice what we preach. Suffice to say, our support service is second to none; the service desk is manned by highly skilled product consultants who can advise and fix issues at first contact. Citrus Service Desk is designed to underpin industry best practice (ITIL). We set out to design a product

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that was ‘Simply Smart’. The system had to be easy to use and administer with a clear and consistent UI throughout but also intelligent by design. “Simply Smart” is a slogan which combines a flexible business rules engine for system automation, configurable workflows and advanced MI (Management Information) reports and sets Simplisys Service Desk apart from its competitors. There seems to be a move to on-shoring client data in the UK and we think that the current cloud offerings need to be clearer on where client data is actually stored. There is also a trend towards ‘Best Value’ as organisations slowly come to terms with the idea that big is not necessarily best. Finally, IT directors are becoming more business savvy and in many cases ITIL has been held up as the way forward without considering the requirements of the business. This often leads to a very expensive implementation including features that are rarely if ever used. In short Citrus Service Desk can underpin existing working practices or support the evolution of new processes. Finally we would like to announce a business opportunity for any technology organisation wishing to expand its operations in the service management arena. Simplisys Service Desk is designed to be multi lingual, it is currently available in English, Polish and Greek and other language packs can be easily created. We are now looking to expand overseas and are keen to appoint partners to sell our products in all countries. Please do not hesitate to contact Peter Lench on +44 1275 240 500 to discuss this opportunities in your country.

Company: Sinage Design Name: Simon Heard Email: Web Address: Address: Brighton Telephone: 07736942079

Award for Innovation in Brand-Focused Graphic Design - UK

Sinage Design Sinage Design is an award winning creative nano-agency based in Brighton on the UK’s South Coast. The business offers full service digital and print solutions with services varying from strong visual identities for clients, products and services through to eye catching and stylish illustration, images and infographics for both small and larger businesses.

I am ecstatic to have won this award for ‘Innovation in Brand-Focused Graphic Design – UK’. It’s great to be appreciated by not only my clients but also the wider industry. Design awards are really important for both individual businesses and the wider industry. For myself operating as a smaller agency, I consider awards like this paramount to getting my ‘name in lights’ and in front of a bigger national and worldwide audience. The area that I focus on is branding and illustration for digital and print media. This could be anything from elaborate fully branded illustrative websites, through to assets and branding for E-Learning platforms. All aspects of running a business can be a daily (if not hourly) challenge, which can be tough but is also very rewarding! With technology constantly changing, I am soaking up new information through social media, websites and blogs, using these platforms to showcase my work and projects as I go along. I like to keep my eye on current trends and forecasts to keep up to speed with the design World. Gaining feedback for my projects on the World Wide Web is also good to get an idea of changes and developments within the industry. My clients are THE most important part of my business, without them I wouldn’t be here! I believe that I offer a better service than most in terms of keeping my clients happy. My number one rule is to help clients to

visualise their concept or brand and bring this to life in the best possible way, so that point and visual problem solving are the most important part of business. The culture within Sinage Design is work as hard as possible to achieve the best results. Spread 100% effort across all areas of the business and don’t cut corners. Treat others how you would like to be treated. Being polite goes a long way. Flexibilty and malleability are also an important part of getting top notch results from a project and I am lucky to have some great clients who I listen to my advice and solutions for their projects. I believe my open mindedness and willing to adapt sets me apart from my competitors and peers. I am trustworthy and reliable and always go out of my way to offer a transparent fully communicative service. The design industry can be somewhat fickle at times, so I run Sinage Design based on a down to earth non-pretentious service and will help guide people to reach their end goals and visual aspirations. Personality and individuality goes a long way in this business and I strive to get this across in all my off/online communications as well as my visual endeavours. In terms of visuals, less is more. Over the past 12 months, structures have become un-structured. I think this is down to the further development of responsive web design. This has paved the way for the design industry. Clients are willing to let their hair down and go with the flow to a certain extent. There’s

The Technology Innovator Awards 2015 Corporate Vision 49

also less of a tick box ‘yes or no’ attitude towards branding. It is something that constantly evolves rather than being a static entity that is put in place from day one. It’s not just about the logo, it’s about the concept as a whole and everything that goes with it. Technology is growing at a super lightning speed like never before. Every year that passes it seems that a new product/app/widget paves the way for others to follow suit. The challenge is to keep up with this whilst staying true to the knowledge you have already gained. It’s a bit of a balancing act which can be tricky. Jump on the tech or be jumped!

Company: SupaTools Limited Name: Chris Walker Email: Web Address: Address: PO Box 147034, Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand Telephone: +64 9 3611434

Best IT Service Management Tool - Australasia & Best Configuration Management Database “SupaCMDB”

SupaTools Limited is a privately owned company located in Auckland, New Zealand which was set up solely for the purpose of developing and supporting their software product SupaTOOLS. We spoke to them about their company and how they constantly strive to innovate their services.

Development of our software actually commenced back in 2006 under the name “easyCMDB” and the company Tech Inventions Limited. Due to the increased functionality of the software we decided to rename the product “SupaTOOLS” and operate under the new company “SupaTools Limited” in late 2013. We specialise in software that supports the ITIL standard, with emphasis on Service Management. Our primary activity involves software sales & support, however we also provide consultancy where needed which is both software related and generic IT management. Our focus is to meet the ongoing needs of our customers and incorporate their ideas and requirements into our product rapidly. For us, looking after our customers and satisfying their ongoing requirements is key to our business. It’s just as important as finding new customers. As a small company it’s a constant challenge for us to keep up with technology developments, however our size means we can typically develop and deploy a new feature much faster than our big competitors. Given we have customers in every time zone, we have also focused on making our software as flexible and intuitive as possible, so that our customers are fully self-sufficient and don’t need to rely on us for constant support. The majority of our support comes in via e-mail. Our company policy is to always respond to a customer within a 24 hour period. In fact, we typically manage to achieve this within 8 hours including a resolution to

their issue. Our constant objective is that every customer should be a reference site, and an evangilist for our software. No matter how good your software is, we believe that if you treat your customer like a number they will seek an alternative eventually. We have a mix of medium and enterprise clients spread across 16 countries including NZ. Our growth has been purely organic, and we are not an aggressive seller of our software. We consider ourselves a niche player and enjoy the personal support we can give our customers. Having said that, our success frequently means we come up against our bigger competitors and we are rapidly becoming a tougher opponent. We plough nearly all profit straight back into research and development to ensure we are keeping up with the times. For example, the mobile market has grown tremendously over the past few years so we are now focusing on a mobile interface to our software. We have also developed a slick mechanism for applying updates to our software that the customer can perform easily, ensuring that our customers are benefiting from the latest features without worrying about a risky and expensive upgrade path. It feels great to be recognised for our hard work. We had no idea about these awards, and it was a great surprise to hear that we had received them. We put our success down to our efforts in providing great support, and software that is incredibly flexible.

50 Corporate Vision The Technology Innovator Awards 2015

It feels great to be recognised for our hard work. We had no idea about these awards, and it was a great surprise to hear that we had received them. We put our success down to our efforts in providing great support, and software that is incredibly flexible.

Company: Sysorex Name: Craig Harper, CTO Email: Web Address: Address: 17 E. Sir Francis Drake Blvd., Suite 110, Larkspur, California 94939 Telephone: 415-389-5527

Best Location-Based Services Platform “ZoneAware”

Sysorex develops the systems and solutions that power the data-driven enterprise. With an innovative approach to big data, analytics and the Internet of Things (IoT), we blend virtual data from software and networks with the huge volume of physical data generated by mobile devices and Internet-connected things to open new worlds of insight. Our unique solutions are helping organizations worldwide improve decision making, increase productivity, and fuel the discoveries of tomorrow. Headquartered in Palo Alto, California, we have regional offices in North America, South America, Europe and the Middle East.

It is a tremendous honour for ZoneAware to be named ‘Best Location-Based Services Platform’. We have worked diligently to develop our unique indoor positioning platform to optimize our location positioning technology to within three meters, and the success we have enjoyed so far is due entirely to our outstanding employees. External recognition by customers, industry analysts and organizations is critical to our company’s credibility in the eyes of prospective customers. Additionally, the awards recognize the best and brightest, who ultimately drive the next generation of technology to new heights. Our platform/technology has been in development for 10 years, during which time we’ve had to cope with the myriad challenges and obstacles that come with developing and testing an indoor positioning system that does not rely on GPS for location. The ZoneAware system has the most accurate indoor positioning of any product on the market today, which equates to sub-three meters. This extreme accuracy, combined with passive RF detection (no handset code required), alerting, notifications, messaging and analytics is changing the indoor positioning market. The upcoming release of our SmartSensor platform will also provide our customers with an open architecture which third-party developers will use to power new applications beyond our imagination.

Our engineering team is constantly developing methods to futureproof our technology. Our upcoming release will be a revolutionary change to our sensor platform, providing our customers with a new modularized SmartSensor platform that combines our award-winning ZoneAware platform with an open architecture for third party application and sensor developers to integrate. SmartSensors extend our ZoneAware capabilities beyond location to any compatible sensor from motion, video, audio, HVAC, power and location. Our SmartSensors extend our detection range from 10 Mhz to 8 Ghz and Sysorex SmartSensors, combined with our LightMiner Analytics, a columnar in-memory database, provides the world’s fastest, most comprehensive real-time IOT data analysis on the market today. Sysorex strives to be a customer-centric organization. Our support organization is tightly integrated with our sales and engineering teams, allowing us to advocate on behalf of the customer at all times. Our company employs a diverse group of people who bring together the best of all cultures, but the bottom line is that our engineering team loves technology and how it can enhance our customers’ business. From our CEO down, we are constantly focused on how to improve the customer experience and our award-winning patented sensor technology. Our unswerving commitment to our customers and our relentless pursuit of innovation provides us with distinct differentiation from our competitors.

The Technology Innovator Awards 2015 Corporate Vision 51

The developments over the next 12 months that we can see having the biggest impact on our industry are likely to occur in two key areas. Firstly, the blending of analytics with sensor data in open architecture will drive application development and deployments of our technology into new markets and areas. Secondly, the deployment of our Zone platform in key projects around the world is at the heart of new smart cities, buildings and campuses supporting automation, security, facilities management and logistics. These developments will offer exciting opportunities for Sysorex in the coming year.

It is a tremendous honour for ZoneAware to be named ‘Best Location-Based Services Platform’.

Company: Technology Associates Limited Email: Web: Address: Technology House, Shottery Brook Office Park, Timothy’s Bridge Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warks CV37 9NR Phone: 01789 292 150

Best for Microsoft Project Training - UK & Most Innovative Project Management Consultancy – UK

Technology Associates Limited Technology Associates Limited is a Microsoft Partner with Gold competencies in project portfolio management, application integration and application development, offering IT services that embrace the Microsoft technology stack but with particular focus on Office 365, SharePoint and Project Server/Online.

One side of our business is delivering solutions to our client base and the other side is software development. We will produce software solutions for customers, either where there is a gap in functionality in the existing Microsoft products or where a customer wants to integrate an existing line of business application to a Microsoft application, such as Office 365 for example. We also develop our own shrink wrapped solutions and we sell those either as standalone products or as downloadable apps. We deliver training, and support as well as consultancy, planning, configuration, and implementation services. Our clients vary dramatically in size from SME’s to very large companies such as Pace PLC. We are delighted to have won these awards. I think this is a reflection of our team and the expertise that we have in IT consulting and solutions. We have been in this business for a very long time. We have a lot of expertise and experience in these areas and have built a reputation in the IT industry, in particular within the project management sector. We have delivered over 2,000 different solutions to customers over the years, so we have a reasonable number of clients that we have worked with! Therefore these awards are a testament to our strong track record and the fact that we are heavily engaged with Microsoft. In addition to the various business-related challenges we face, our obstacles are sometimes geographic. We

are moving into a world where the delivery of services is very much cloud based and can be delivered on a virtual basis. This means that our customers can be anywhere in the world and we are still able to deliver consulting services and support to this global base. The challenge with that is mainly one of time zone; it is not a technical challenge for us, but more of a challenge to find staff that will work on a 24/7 basis. This isn’t a great challenge but it is there and at the moment is the only one that we have. As we move into this cloud-based world, we are focus- ing our efforts more on the delivery of consulting, planning and configuration services, as well as training our staff to be able to deliver these services in a different way, namely in a virtual rather than one-toone face to face basis. Within the company, we have a very professional attitude towards our customers and the solutions that we deliver. However, we operate on the same basis as Microsoft, which is a ‘work hard, play hard,’ philosophy. We like to think of ourselves as a family-friendly company and the people that work here have been with us for many years. This helps us to maintain the resources that we have and we are fortunate that we do not have a big issue with staff turnover. Our level of expertise sets us apart from our competitors - the experience that we have is very in depth. We are probably one of the only companies that is wholly

52 Corporate Vision The Technology Innovator Awards 2015

dedicated to online project services and delivery. This is our main focus and we have our own development centre, which seems to be where we differ from others as most do not have this capability available to them. We are now noticing that the trend with our customers is that more and more of them are increasingly taking on services that are cloud-based. We are seeing this grow day by day. Due to this development, there is a change in the skills required to support those cloud-based services. We are focused on skilling up our teams and we make sure that our staff have the correct training and certifications to meet the most up to date needs and requirements of our customers.

We are delighted to have won these awards. I think this is a reflection of our team and the expertise that we have in both consulting and solutions.

Company: Trapets AB Name: Gunnar Wexell Email: Web Address: Address: Birger Jarlsgatan 41a, 111 45 Stockholm, Sweden Telephone: +46 8 644 0150

Award for Innovation in Financial Services Surveillance Systems & Best Securities Surveillance Platform “InstantWatch”

Trapets AB is an expert company in systems and services for automatic transaction surveillance and compliance for the global finance industry. Trapets provides total solutions, from systems and support to outsourced trading surveillance, expert consulting and training. The company is one of the market leaders in Europe regarding securities market surveillance and in Northern Europe regarding AML, anti money laundering surveillance and screening of end customers against sanctions, Ofac and PEP lists.

“We are proud that our InstantWatch Market was awarded ‘Best Securities Surveillance Platform’ in the 2015 Technology Innovator Awards” says Gunnar Wexell, working chairman at Trapets. InstantWatch Market is a well proven and mature surveillance system initially developed in 2005. It has extreme performance and is full scalabity. The dashboard user interface is web browser based, which eliminates the need of any client installation. InstantWatch is a real time surveillance system with a wide

range of alert trigger types. The system is normally provided as an internet based service but it can also be hosted by the customer. “We have collected a broad range of requirements from our FSA, exchange and brokerage firm customers as well from our own trading surveillance department and implemented this is InstantWatch. We have also put in a lot of effort to develop a cutting edge and user friendly web browser user interface. We think this contributed to the nomination of InstantWatch” added Gunnar Wexell

Trapets “Outsourced Trading Surveillance”, OTS, is a fully outsourced service in which Trapets conducts the complete range of trading surveillance tasks on behalf of the client. Trapets performs detection, investigation and reporting of suspicious cases of market abuse (STRs) to the client. OTS is a reliable and well proven service for compliance with MAR, MAD2 and ESMA Guidelines and it is used by a number of banks and brokerage firms. OTS is conducted by surveillance experts with many years experience from regulators, venues and firms.

“We are proud that our InstantWatch Market was awarded ‘Best Securities Surveillance Platform’ in the 2015 Technology Innovator Awards” says Gunnar Wexell, working chairman at Trapets.

The Technology Innovator Awards 2015 Corporate Vision 53

Company: VAR Solutions UK Limited Email: Web: Address: The White House, Wick Green, Grove, Wantage, Oxfordshire, OX12 0AR Phone: 0844 318 2158

Best for IT Asset Management & Best for Data Destruction

VAR Solutions UK Limited VAR Solutions UK Limited is an IT brokerage company that helps businesses who have surplus IT equipment realise the potential value of their assets. We provide a professional service while working hard to ensure that our clients receive the best offers for their equipment.

We provide an invaluable service for businesses by collecting the equipment, completing the certified data deletion, refurbishing where appropriate and arranging the sale either through our ties to the global IT brokerage market or through our online sales portals. We carry an ever expanding inventory of parts for desktops, servers, networking, telecoms and tape drives. We can provide multi-vendor support so you can be assured that, no matter what equipment you have, we can source and stock the spares for it. We can also help in all types of rental situations. We can supply additional server, networking or user workstations and screens for periods ranging from one week to one year. However, if you feel that you will need the equipment longer we can lease the equipment with the additional security of owning the equipment at the end of the leasing contract. Our white label solutions are designed to allow us to work with suppliers, business partners, brokers, insolvency practices and other B2B businesses in all aspects of the IT industry and to provide them with the confidence that their clients will remain safely part of their portfolio not someone else’s. We have a strict NDA that shows that we will never approach one of your customers and when on site we will use your name (and wear your uniforms if you have them) so as not to distract from the brand and business that you have worked so hard to build.

We are even trusted by our own competitors to attend sites and complete installations, maintenance, consultancy and DE installations of IT hardware on their behalf and we have even provided back to them invaluable “intelligence” as to their clients other requirements such as current issues or future projects that they may not be aware of. For data deletion we use a product that has been formally certified for government use to securely erase protectively marked data after independent testing carried out by QinetiQ. VAR Solutions UK Limited is very unique due to our wide range of services which include IT relocation and DE installation, hardware maintenance, white label services, hardware rentals, date deletion and destruction and WEEE recycling. Since taking over VAR in 2010, our Managing Director, Martin Spencer has been committed and determined to run a business with integrity and honesty. Our ethical policy is central to our core values. When delivering our services to customers we ensure that we always act with honesty and integrity to ensure that our customers receive the best service that can be provided. VAR Solutions UK Limited has put many principles in place to ensure that the respect for clients and staff are considered when running the business. We make

54 Corporate Vision The Technology Innovator Awards 2015

sure that we never recycle a system that can be of use to any registered charity, school, care home or medical scientific facility. We also ensure that all employees are cared for, including their personal wellbeing and that they work in a safe environment. We employ people based on their character and enthusiasm no matter of race, age, sex, disability or previous poor life choices. We also share the profits with all employees as a co-operative. And last but definitely not least, we make sure that we accept responsibility, both corporate and personally, for any mistakes or poor judgement. Another way in which we stand out from our competitors is through our commitment to global, local and social responsibilities is to improve the lives of others not only by providing “best of breed” asset management and recycling solutions but also by giving back to our community at a local and International scale. Of course the primary focus for any business is to make profit, but we can do this and achieve our vision of making a positive global impact. Each year we will pick a new international foundation or charity to support. We will provide feedback on the website as to how much we have given to the charities or paid in sponsorship programmes to underprivileged children. In the future we also intend to give to international loan charities that use the money to help people in third world countries start their own business.

Company: Warren Creative Name: Stuart Warren Email: Website: Address: Warren Creative, Lynn House, Ivy Arch Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN14 8BX, UK Telephone: +44 (0) 1903 790 090

Best Boutique Brand Agency 2015

Warren Creative is a specialist, UK boutique brand agency with offices on the south coast and in Mayfair, London. We apply our unique ‘brandcraft’ to create captivating brands for those who are, or aspire to be, at the very top of their category. We’re strategic thinkers with an in-depth understanding of the luxury market. Our work is confident, engaging, enduring – and grounded in solid commercial reality.

Over the years we’re proud to have worked with prestigious brands including the V&A Museum, Links of London, Ferrari UK, Goodwood, Soane Britain and Benchmark Furniture.

We’re also unique in that we treat the brands we develop for our clients as luxury items in themselves. Like any bespoke product, no two brands or clients are the same. Our general approach, however, is consistent, robust and proven over many years.

Staying ‘boutique’ keeps us close to the work and our clients, and lets us focus on details. Clients get to talk directly to the people actually working on their brand, and have the reassurance of knowing everyone has a personal stake in getting it right. It’s this sense of personal engagement and ownership that sets us apart. We regard ourselves as craftspeople, creating brands with skill, care, a deep understanding of materials and constant attention to detail. We know it’s what our customers love about our clients’ products, and it informs our approach to every project. The result is a brand that both looks beautiful and works perfectly, whether in print, digital or other appropriate medium. As an agency, we’re happy to let our work and relationships speak for themselves. However, it’s always gratifying to be recognised within the industry. Being named ‘Boutique Agency of the Year 2015’ has been a fantastic boost for the team, and our credibility with potential clients. Anything that encourages us to keep innovating and redefining what’s possible has to be good for our business, our clients, and the industry as a whole.

Warren Creative – Building brands, shaping reputations.

The Technology Innovator Awards 2015 Corporate Vision 55

And even after all these years, we still derive immense satisfaction from seeing our work come to fruition. We’re honest, transparent and always supportive. We’re not afraid to challenge convention in order to achieve the required outcome.

The Technology Innovator Awards 2015 Meet the Winners... Belgium The Sniffers

QMI Most Innovative Cleantech Software Provider & Best for Soil Remediation Emission Monitoring Hong Kong

Brazil Dokfile

Best Cloud Software “Doksafe” & Award for Innovation in Data Management

Bulgaira Optim-Al

Warehouse Management Software Provider of the Year & Award for Innovation in Mobile Computing System Integration

Messer Financial Software

Most Innovative Financial Services Software Provider & Best Financial Services Reporting Solution “DataCube”

Ribose Inc

Best Cloud Collaboration Platform 2015

Iceland Orkuveita Reykjavíkur

Canada Last Minute Training

Most Innovative IT Training Search Platform

Mind Alive Inc

Award for Innovation in AVE Technology & Best For Non-Pharmaceutical Mental Health Solutions

Schedule Pro

Best Global Workforce Management Solutions Firm & Best Scheduling Solutions Software “SchedulePro”

TBF Environmental Technologies

Award for Outstanding Contribution to Environmental Technology & Best Emission Reduction Technology “SX-6000” - agreed payment instalements

Award for Innovation in Renewable Technology & Best Geothermal Energy Provider 2015

India Divas Software

Best for Financial Services Regulatory Technology & Best Financial Services Risk Management Product “KYCsphere Solution”


Most Innovative Energy Software Provider & Best Fuel Management Platform “LoudCell iFMS”

Best Newcomer in Clean Technology & Best VOC Industrial Solvent “EkaSol 1” Ireland

China immomo

Caped Koala Studios Best Location-Based Mobile Social Platform Israel

France Neteven

Most Innovative Marketplace Trading Platform & Recognised Leader in E-commerce Distribution Software - France

Cheetah Medical Ltd.

Award for Innovation in Hemodynamic Monitoring Technology & Best Cardiac Output Monitor “CHEETAH NICOM®”


Award for Innovation in Scheduling Solutions & Best Interactive Calendar “Meekan Robot”

Germany censhare AG

MSF-Vathauer Antriebstechnik GmbH & Co KG

Best for Bespoke Game Design & Development & Best Educational Gaming Product “Pora Ora”

Best Global Corporate Communication Technology & Recognised Leader in Digital Asset Management Solutions Award for Innovation in Drive Technology 2015 & Best Decentralized Drive Control System “Field Drive System”


56 Corporate Vision The Technology Innovator Awards 2015

Best for Life Science Technology Solutions & Award for Innovation In Clinical Data Management

Novacavi Srl

Best for High Tech Custom Cables & Best Specialised Maritime Cable Range “Aquancable®”

3Flow Creative

Best for Website Design & Development - Sussex & Award for Innovation in Responsive Site Development

40South Energy

Recognised Leader in CleanTech & Award for Innovation in Wave Energy Technology

Abintra Limited

Best Utilisation Measuring Solution “WiseNet” & Award for Innovation in New Technology Integration

Active Group

Award for Innovation in Event Technology


Best Brand Management Technology “Brand Centre®”


Most Technologically Advanced Insurer - UK

Airedale Computer Recycling

Best Technology Focused Social Enterprise - UK & Award for Excellence in Data Security & Disposal

Jordan TravoTech

Best Online Travel Solution Platform & Most Innovative Portable Travel Booking System “TravoTech Screen Pod”

Macedonia JETCAM International s.a.r.l.

Best CAD/CAM Nesting & Material Management Software & Most Innovative Manufacturing Suite “CrossTrack”

New Zealand Little Lot

Most Innovative CSR Technology Platform & Best Social Enterprise - New Zealand

Anvil Semiconductors

SupaTools Limited

Best IT Service Management Tool - Australasia &Best Configuration Management Database “SupaCMDB”

Recognised Leader in Semiconductor Technology & Award for Innovation in 3C-SiC/SI Development

Applied Principles

Award for Innovation in Paperless Data Management & Best Information Management Solution “Canon QMS” - UK

Artificial Solutions UK Ltd

Recognised Leader in Interaction Technology 2015 & Award for Innovation in Business Disruptive Technology “Teneo”


Award for Innovation in People Centred Technology & Best Support Platform “iplanit”

AT&F Solutions Ltd

Award for Innovation in E-Learning Technology

ATD Solutions

Best Commercial & Consumer Finance Software Solutions & Best Motor Vehicle Software System “AVS”


Best for Information Availability Technology & Best Data Transfer Program “Attunity CloudBeam”

Aurora Computers

Best IT Support Services - Yorkshire & Award for Innovation in Cloud Based POS System

Avaloq UK Ltd

Best for Wealth Management Technology Solutions & Best Banking Software “Avaloq Banking Suite”

Bean It Ltd

Recognised Leader in Videoconferencing 2015

Bean It Ltd

Best IT & Server Support Firm - Midlands


Best IT & Server Support Firm - Midlands


Best Employee Benefit Platform “RewardHub”

Big Boy Media

Best Full Service Web Development Firm 2015 & Award for Innovation in Multimedia Design & Delivery

Big Help Management Ltd

Best Recording & Publishing Technology West Midlands


Recognised Leader in Diagnostic Imaging Software Applications & Most Innovative Imaging Solution “3Dnet”

Blue Hub

Award for Innovation in Bespoke Business Software & Best Integration & Automation Software “BlueIntegrator”

Nigeria Quickening Group

Best Intelligent Business Management Software

South Africa Teraco Data Environments Pty Ltd

Recognised Leader in Vendor Neutral Data Systems & Best Single Peering Point - Africa “NAPAfrica Internet eXchange Point” - South Africa

Sweden Trapets AB

Award for Innovation in Financial Services Surveillance Systems & Best Securities Surveillance Platform “InstantWatch”

Switzerland PROFILE

Wealth Management Application of the Year “Mobius Wealth” & Award for Innovation in Investment Management Software Systems

the Philippines Yapster e-Learning Inc.

Recognised Leader in E-Learning Philippines & Best for Technology-Based Training - Philippines


Leading Education Development Network - Middle East & Award for Innovation in E-Learning

UK 123 Insight

Best Manufacturing Software Solutions Provider - UK & Best-in-Class for Customer Support

The Technology Innovator Awards 2015 Corporate Vision 57

Blue Yonder

Best Cloud-Based Platform for Predictive Applications & Most Innovative Business Analysis System “Blue Vantage”

Bolero International Limited

Best Supply Chain Finance Platform & Award for Innovation in Cross-Border Trade “Electronic Trade Documentation” - UK

Frontier Technology Ltd

Best Enterprise-Class Private Cloud Frontier Cloud & Best Instantly-Accessible Managed Private Cloud - Frontier Velocity Cloud


Best Game Studio - UK

GHG Software Developments LTD

Best Software for Law Firms “TalkingPoint Legal” & Best Speech Recognition Technology

Giving Time and Solutions Ltd

Best Green IT Management Consultancy - UK


Best Trading Technology “Gold-i Bridge” & Best MT4 Trading Systems Integrator - UK

bVisual ltd

Commitment to Visio Based Development - UK

ByteBack Training

Best IT Training Company - UK

Catalyst Public Relations Ltd

Best for Tech Public Relations - UK


Sustained Excellence in Audio Visual Media - UK

Chase Information Technology Services Limited

Best JumpTo solution “Intelligent Voice®” & Recognised Leader in Voice Recognition Technology

GroundTherm ltd

Best for Ground Source Heat Pumps Technology & Best for Renewable Technologies


Best Digital Sports Technology - UK


Clearer Thoughts Ltd

Best for Data Protection Courses - UK

Best for Bespoke Software Applications - UK

Clearswift Ltd

Best DLP solution (A-DLP)



Best for IT Equipment Sales - UK

Best Emergency Alternative Accommodation Supplier & Best Digital Portal for Insurance Claims - UK

ComputerXplorers Cotswolds & Wyvern

Recognised Leader in Teaching Programming - UK

ICS Solutions

Best for End to End Platform Management - System Centre Product Suite

Creative Virtual

Best Virtual Assistants Technology “V-Person Web” & Best Customer Engagement Technology “V-Portal”

ICS Solutions Ltd

Best Cloud Adoption Framework


Best for Digital Safeguarding


Best Professional Funding Tool “GRANTfinder”


Best Outsourced Document Control Solution & Best for Owner Operators & EPCs Solutions

Improved Apps

Best for Embedded Help and Training - UK

In Practice Systems Ltd.

Best Software in Medicine “Vision Anywhere” & Best Flexible Healthcare IT Solution “Vision”


Best Non-Profit Digital Cultural Publisher - UK & Best Cultural Platform - UK

Decision Support Tools Ltd

Best Tech for Strategic Assets Lifecycle Value Optimisation “SALVO”

Decoded Solutions

Best Bespoke Software Development House & Recognised Leader in App Technology - UK

Dezrez Services Limited

Best Property Management Software “Dezrez”

Diana Morgan Social Media Marketing

Best for Social Media Marketing - UK

Inflecto Systems Ltd

Distributed Management Systems Ltd

Best Mutual/Multi-Factor Authentication Technology “CASQUE SNR”

Best for Bespoke Vehicle Maintenance Management Software

Inflecto Systems Ltd

Divigo Ltd

Recognised Leader in eCommerce

Best Cloud Based workforce Management Product “”

Easyway Kiosks

Best for Digital Kiosks - UK & Best for Interactive Digital Touch Technology - UK


Best in Stereoscopic 3D Displays Technology - UK


Best Indoor Air Quality Technology


Eco-Fish Consultants Ltd

Best for Full-Spectrum Ecology - UK

ICT Support & Managed Services within Education - UK

Emerge Information Technology Ltd

Best Priority ERP Solution Provider



Sustained Excellence in Cloud Architecture - UK & Best Back-office Order Processing Systems - UK

Best Educational Software “Innovit ICT HealthCheck”

Inspired Thinking Group (ITG) Limited

ETD Consulting

Best Crack / Defect Assessment Software “CrackFit”

Best Technology-Focused Marketing Services Company 2015 & Best Proprietary Marketing Software “Marketing Resource Management”


Best for Voice & Data Technology - UK


Evolving People Ltd

Recognised Leader in Open Source Technology

Recognised Leader in Mechanical Testing Instrumentation & Best Industrial Series Static Hydraulic Industrial Series

Expert Training Systems

Sustained Excellence in HR Technology - UK & Best Business Tool “360 degree feedback”

Intelliflo Limited

Best Business Management System for Financial Adviser - Intelligent Office

InterHigh Education Limited

Best Online Learning Technology & Best Virtual Teacher-Led Classrooms

Inverness Online Admin

Best for Website Redesign - UK


Recognised Leaders in VoIP Technology 2015 & Most Innovative VoIP Communications Platform “IPGenie UCP”

iPower Energy Ltd

Award for Outstanding Contribution to Solar PV Technology & Best Localised Heat & Power Platform “Free Fuel Cell CHP

Jaunty Twig

Most Innovative Event-Focused Application

Facewatch Limited

Best Online Crime Reporting & Networking Environment “Facewatch”


Best for SMS Text Messaging Technology - UK & Best Messaging Platform - UK


Best Cash Handling and Management Software - UK


Best pan-European Exchange Membership Service “iX-EMS” & Recognised Leader in Global Managed Services

Freeform Studios Ltd

Best 3D Product Development Services - UK

58 Corporate Vision The Technology Innovator Awards 2015


Recognised Leaders in Risk Management Software & Best Compliance Platform “JCAD CORE Compliance”

Jobtrain Solutions

Global Leaders in Recruitment Software & Award for Innovation in Applicant Tracking Systems


Award for Innovation in Conversion Optimisation Technology


Award for Innovation in Computer Science Education 2015

Redstone Converged Solutions Limited

Best Real Estate Utilization Solution “OneSpace” Award for Excellence in Efficient Technologies


Best Minicab Aggregator 2015 & Award for Innovation in Transport Technology

Kent Computer Solutions

Award for Innovation in Data Recovery & Transfer & Best IT Support Firm - Kent

Redvers Consulting Ltd

Kyle Electronic Design Ltd

Recognised Leader in Green & Energy Saving Technology & Most Innovative Office Technology “Ecowand ComfoMeter”

Award for Innovation in COBOL Written Software - UK

Reinnervate Ltd

Most Technologically Advanced Building Society & Award for Innovation Customer Communication “HP Exstream”

Award for Innovation in Cell Technology 2015 & Most Advanced 3D Cell Technology “Alvetex”

River Bank

Best for Fully-Managed IT Support - Oxfordshire & South East


Best Legal Services Search Platform


Loop Technology

Recognised Leaders in Industrial Automation Technology & Award for Innovation in Bespoke Robotics Systems

Best for Bespoke Electronic Devices 2015 & Most Innovative Customer Controlled Platform “Programmable Device Interface”


Best Data Transfer Platform “FTP-Stream”

Robert Dee

Most Innovative Bespoke Video Producer

Mirata Ltd

Recognised Leader in e-learning Technology

RPM Solutions


Best Software Engineering Services - UK

Best for Bespoke Healthcare Communications Software & Best Healthcare Platform “One-Path Medical” - UK


Best Bespoke Software Developer -UK & Recognised Leader in SQL Server Development

RWTC Limited

Recognised Leader in CAD Training & Best for Bespoke Learning Programs

Safety Media Ltd

Recognised Leader in Health & Safety Software


Recognised Leader in Insurance Software

Schnell Solutions Ltd

Recognised Leaders in Custom Software Design & Award for Excellence in Legacy System Modernisation

Scirra Ltd

Award for Innovation in HTML5 Technology “Construct 2” & Recognised Leaders in Gaming Software Development

Award for Innovation in Assistive Technology & Best Smartphone Apps for the Visually Impaired

Secure Systems & Technologies Ltd

Best Global Electronic Security Equipment Provider & Best Secure Business Product “Secure Venue Tablet”

Sefas Innovation Limited

Recognised Leader in Communications Software & Best Communications Platform “Enterprise Communication Factory™”

SEO 24/7 Ltd

Best Full-Service Digital Marketing Agency & Recognised Leader in Conversion Rate Optimisation Services

SequestraPower, Ltd

Cleantech Innovator Award for Energy Storage Solutions

Sesui Ltd

Best Cloud-Based Call Management Solutions 2015 & Most Innovative Telephony Platform “THE i Platform”

Leeds Building Society


Netmedia Business Solutions

Recognised Leader in Cloud-based & Application Aware Services & Best Cloud Monitoring Service “Highlight” Best Bespoke Digital Solutions Provider for SMEs & Most Innovative Education Website Solution “Parents’ Evening Booking System”


Recognised Leader in Safety Software Solutions


Award for Innovation in Call Centre Technology Most Anticipated Disruptive Technology “Live Person Detection”

Nucleotide Nutrition Limited

Award for Innovation in Nucleotide Based Food Supplements

Nxtera Ltd

Award for Innovation in Automated Data Driven Testing & Monitoring

Oakley Global Business Solutions Ltd

Best Sage Business Partner 2015 & Bestin-Class Technology Solutions Provider

Original Software

Best Automated Software Testing Products & Best Database Management Solution “TestBench”

oXyFire Media Creative

Best for Bespoke Audio Visual System Design

Pali Ltd

Best Conveyancing Search Platform 2015 & Best-in-Class for Customer Service

Shake Social

Pantheon Management Ltd.

Best Technology Focused Management Consultancy Firm

Recognised Leader in Social Media Marketing

Simms International

Best Specialist Memory Distributor- UK

PC Assist @ Home

Best IT Support Firm - Norwich


Peppermint Technology Limited

Best Legal Software Supplier 2015 & Most Innovative Legal Technology “The Peppermint Platform”

Best Service Management Platform “Citrus Service Desk” Award for Innovation in CMMS Software

Simply Business

Best Insurance Platform 2015 & Best Insurance CTO - UK

PhotonStar Led Group plc

Recognised Leader in Smart Lighting Solutions & Most Innovative Lighting Platform “HalcyonTM”

Sinage Design

Award for Innovation in Brand-Focused Graphic Design - UK

Picture Book Films

Most Innovative Video Production Company 2015

SIPS Education Technology Support Services

Recognised Leaders in Education Technology Support Services

Piran Technologies Ltd

Best IT Support Firm - Cornwall & Recognised Leader in Proactive IT Monitoring

The Technology Innovator Awards 2015 Corporate Vision 59


Technology Innovator Award for Enterprise Technology Solutions & Recognised Leader in Parcel Tracking Systems


Best Custom Website Developer - UK


Award for Innovation in Communications Technology &Recognised Leaders in Pneumatic Telescopic Masts

Squid Soup

Best in Creative Interaction Design - UK & Award for Innovation in Art & Design - UK

Standard Life

Best Digital Retirement Planning Solution - UK & Best Online Financial Social Community “MoneyPlus”

Step 5 Group

Best Midlands based IT Consultancy & Award for Innovation in Programme Management - UK

Storelectric Ltd

Award for Innovation in Technological Development for the Energy Industry & Most Innovative Start-Up Business

Strohacker Studio

Best Boutique Design Studio in West Sussex & Most Innovative Branding Specialists - UK

Studio Syrup

Worcester Phone Zone

Best Mobile Phone Services - Worcester

Xentor Solutions Ltd

Best Sales Management Software 2015 & Most Innovative Sales Analysis System “Xentor Enterprise”


Recognised Leaders in Open Source Technology Integration & Award for Innovation in Document Capture Solutions

USA ActivTrak

Best Employee Monitoring Software - USA & Best for Website Blocking - USA

Alpha Theory, LLC

Best Portfolio Management Platform “Alpha Theory”

Alticast, Inc

Best for Media Entertainment Software Solutions - USA


Best Employee Recognition Software - USA & Best People Analytics Tool “Bonusly”

Caresoft Inc

Best Talent and Intellectual Capital “Arctic 1000”

Best Creative Studio focused at young people


Best Encrypted Mobile Communication Solution “CellTrust”

Sunrise Software

Best for Service Desk Software - UK

ClickAndGo Wayfinding

Super Punk Games

Best Indie Game Studio - UK

Best for Customized Mapping & Orientation Technology “ClickAndGo”

Susan Bentley

Rising Star in Communications Services - UK

CUneXus Solutions

Best Multi-Product Decision Engine - USA & Best for Loan Activity - CUneXus

Talking Social Media

Best for Social Media Training - UK & Rising Stars in Social Media Strategy - UK

Engeenuity LLC

Best for BioPhotonics -USA & Sustained Excellence in Cross-Disciplinary & Frontier Science

Target Group

Best Financial Services Industry Software Provider - UK & Best Lending Software Platform - UK

Freedom Scientific

Sustained Excellence in High-Magnification Visual Inspection Solutions - USA

Taylor Made Computer Solutions Ltd

Best Managed Service Provider - UK

Harper College

Best for Comprehensive Programming

Technology Associates Limited

Best for MS Project Training - UK

Kootenai Health

Best for Low Cost IT Services - Idaho Technology Innovator Award

Technology Associates Limited

Most Innovative Project Management Consultancy - UK

Level 3 Communications

TechSoft UK Ltd

Best Online Software Retailer

The Audio Guys

Best Audio Outsource Company - UK

Best for Network Enabled Enterprise Solutions & Recognised Leader in Converged Business Networks

The Efficient Energy Corporation Ltd

Carbon Trust Accredited Supplier of the Year - UK & Recognised Leader in Commercial Biomass Heating

Lightning Eliminators & Consultants, Inc.

Best for Lightning Production - USA & Best for Surge Protection - USA


Titania Ltd

Best Security Audit Software “Nipper Studio” & Best Compliance Solution “Paws Studio”

Best Real-Time database “CRE Universe” & Most Trusted in Content Platform “Monetarex”

Morpheus Data, LLC

Tomorrow’s Medicines Limited

Best for Magnet Technology & Best for Accelerator Technology

2015 Technology Innovator Award for Cloud Platform Services


Trackyou Ltd

Recognised Leader in Vehicle Tracking UK & Best for Asset Tracking

Award for Innovation in Social Commerce & Recognised Leader in Hyper-Conversion Strategy

TRACS Assets Ltd

Best Oil and Gas Software Product & Sustained Excellence in Asset Tracking

RF Communications Consulting

Recognised Leader in Wireless Communications Technology - USA

Universal AV

Best Audio Visual Solutions Provider

Rosendin Electric, Inc

V I Resourcing Limited

Best for 3D Printing - UK & Best For Educational Technology

Best Private Electrical Contractor & Recognised Leader in Electrical Technology

Scientel Information Technology, Inc.

Best for Big Data Solutions - USA


Best for Home Computing - USA

Surething Software

Best Charitable Gambling Accounting Software - USA

Synchro Software Ltd

Best New Technology in Construction


Best Location-Based Services Platform “ZoneAware™” s

TWU School of Management

Award for Innovation in Web-Based Learning - USA & Best for Teaching Technologies - USA

VAR Solutions UK Limited Velocimetrics

Best for IT Asset Management & Best for Data Destruction Best for High-Volume Packet Capture - UK & Best Capital Markets Software “TipOff”

Virtual Advisor

Best Call Centre Technology

Warren Creative

Best Boutique Brand Agency 2015

We Love Laptops

Recognised Leaders in Laptop Repairs UK

Wellmind Media Ltd

Most Innovative Online Bespoke Training Programmes - UK

University of the Sciences

Best Physician Assistant Studies Program “IPEX”

Wolfcub digital

Most Innovative Creative Design Studio 2015

Vedant Health

Best for Software Testing Solutions - USA

60 Corporate Vision The Technology Innovator Awards 2015

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