Youth Speak Forum OC Applications

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Youth Speak Forum 2017 is calling! As among the national projects of MC Volkeno, wishes to invite brave and innovative individuals to make this event phenomenal. Having collected over 4500 responses in 15.16, it is time to have youth across the nation and beyond convene to speak for the top 4 SDGs from the survey and create projects that will serve as the action part to actualize the great discussion points. Led by a purpose of passionately growing beyond limits to provide quality leadership experiences, AIESEC in Kenya 16.17 welcomes you to take on a fearless, challenging and intense team experience of organizing the forum to phenomenal fruition.

Are you the passionate one that has what it takes? Begin the journey by going through the application and filling it as you strive to gain a practical team experience in a national organizing committee. Best of luck as you take this opportunity to fearlessly erupt, disrupt and grow yourself and other leaders.

ORIZABA!!! On behalf of MC Volkeno;

Lorraine Syumiti MCVP, Entity Development AIESEC in Kenya 16.17

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Take your time to understand what the role is about and availability requirements then proceed to give your best in the application process as your application will determine whether you shall be shortlisted for the next stage. This application package consists of OC job descriptions and application questions. Answer ALL questions under ‘The Personal section, ‘General Questions’ and ‘You in the OC’. Answer only the questions pertaining the specific role you are applying for under the Role-related questions section. The roles are open for all members of AIESEC in Kenya and internationals as long as they can be available as needed by the role. For support/ teamster roles, applicants are expected to answer the questions under the OCVP function. The OC team is expected to be physically present in Nairobi to work in the months January until early May when the OC shall be discharged. Ensure that your schedule allows for this commitment before you apply. All OC members must be present for the OC training and team day. Creativity is highly encouraged in your application. The application should be in PDF, font size 14 or 16 and named in the format YS2017_Role_Name. For example YS2017_OCVP.ER_LorraineSyumiti Please note incomplete answers or questions skipped will render the application incomplete and hence not acceptable. Submit the application to with the email subject as above on or before Wednesday 11th January 2017 at 1800h GMT +3. Any submission after this time due to whatever reason, shall be rejected.

Timelines to note

OCVP Delegate Experience TEAMSTER

TEAMSTER OCVP External Relations


TEAMSTER OCVP Marketing and Communication

OCVP Logistics and Finance

DEVELOPMENT SPACE & REQUIREMENTS • Previous OC experience required • Team leader experience required • Crisis management skills required • Attention to detail • Visionary thinking • Team management skills

Job Description

• Smartly play a role in selecting the OC team from pool of applicants during reviews conducted by MC responsible • Ensure all OC team members understand the vision and purpose of the forum and are on the same page. • Uphold team standards and track them during the entire OC duration • Managing and tracking the OC team to deliver results. • Create the team action plan with the team • Develop strategies for the forum to excel. • Set timelines and deliverables for the team. • Ensure compliance of team to action plan. • Ensure co-ordination within the team for achievement of results • Mobilize and delegate OC duties beyond the role as may be required with guidance from project manager • Submit weekly OC report • Submit event report after the event. • Liaise and co-operate with MC project manager and MCVP ED for team members development • Any other duties as may be assigned by the project manager and MC

DEVELOPMENT SPACE & REQUIREMENTS • BD/Partnerships background required • Attention to detail • Effective written and oral communication • Persistence • Negotiation skills • Presentation skills • Strategic thinking

Job Description • Creation, identification and tracking of pool of companies to be approached • Create content and write up of sponsorship/partnerships proposals with guidance of MCVP Partnerships • Sign strategic partners for both monetary and in-kind support for the event to ensure no losses • Partner servicing • Ensure external support for most expenses • In-charge of stakeholders engagement • Liaise and co-operate with MCVP Partnerships • Consciously delegate and track OC VP ER teamsters • Perform any other duty as may be assigned by project manager and MC

DEVELOPMENT SPACE & REQUIREMENTS • Marketing and communications background required • Innovation and creativity • Brand alignment knowledge • Research based marketing • Graphic design skill development

Job Description • Create and develop effective marketing strategies • Design delegate mailer, event screen templates and any other material required for the event. • Ensure a high number of signups for the forum • Responsible for conversion of leads from registration to ensure high attendance • Research on customer (delegates) attraction and satisfaction points • Ensure brand alignment. • Ensure online engagement of delegates and build momentum for the forum. • Promote forum within AIESEC network regionally and beyond. • Liaise and co-operate with MC Digital Experience manager. • Perform any other duty as may be assigned by MC project manager, MC and/or OCP.

DEVELOPMENT SPACE & REQUIREMENTS • AIESEC experience required • Flexible availability for site visits required • Attention to detail • Negotiation skills • Budgeting and basic bookkeeping skills preferred • Creativity and innovation • Cost effective planning

Job Description • Responsible for re-searching, identifying and securing an appropriate and cost effective venue and logistics latest a month weeks to forum • Coordination and transport of all stakeholders and equipment for the forum • Ensure all the logistical matters at the site are up to par and secured way before the forum • Conduct site visits to highly potential venues identified • Liaise with OCP on drafting of MoU and ensure signing of the MoU with venue at least a month before the forum • Key communication channel between the hotel and the OC • Develop the budget and ensure constant tracking of all expenses and maintain proof of all payments • Periodical financial reports and updates to MC VP FLA • Manage funds as and when acquired by ER • Responsible for OC financial decision making in collaboration with OCP • Draft OC contracts • Any other duty as may be assigned by the MC project manager and MC.

DEVELOPMENT SPACE & REQUIREMENTS • Ability to withstand pressure required • Great interpersonal skills • Effective oral and written communication • Attention to detail • Organization and planning • Creativity and innovation • Budget conscious events management • Logistics conscious

Job Description • Create and manage delegate data sheet • Create at least two delegates mailer content to engage delegates that register • Co-ordinate with OC VP MaC in creative ways of engaging delegates other than delegate mailer that can help build anticipation for the forum • Co-ordinate seating arrangement of delegates and guests • Ensure prompt response to delegates concerns at the venue • In-charge of ensuring First Aid is on-call or constantly available on-site throughout the forum • Responsible for co-ordination of refreshment breaks(if any) to ensure smooth flow of agenda • Liaise with ER to acquire sponsorship for items or goodies that can be given to delegates in attendance as a take-away package to boost delegates experience • Largely work under ER for sponsorship attainment before the event • Responsible for delegates general well-being during the forum.


Current AIESEC role

Previous AIESEC role

Primary email Address

Skype ID

Mobile Number

Insert a recent picture of yourself

Link to any of your top 3 social media platforms

2. List all the roles you are applying for 3. In a tabular form, indicate past positions you have held inside and outside AIESEC (Date, Organization, Position, Results achieved and key learnings) 4. Indicate your commitments between January and May 2017? Be detailed and include location of each commitment

General Questions 1. Share your ‘why’ of wanting to be in the OC 2. What would make Youth Speak Forum successful? 3. What external opportunities or trends can the OC capitalize on to me the forum successful? 4. What makes Youth Speak Forum relevant to Kenya?

YOU IN THE OC 1. What are your expectations of the MC project manager, OCP and OC team? 2. What would the OC miss if you are not in the team?

3. Take the Belbin test and attach the result in your application folder.

Role-related Questions 1. What has your most recent team leader experience taught you about how you lead a team? How will this lesson(s) apply in your role as OCP? 2. What makes a team of volunteers perform to excellence? 3. What will be your main strategies in making the forum a success as OCP? 4. Other AIESEC entities have held Youth Speak Forums within the network. What are some success points you wish to borrow? What failures can you avoid? 5. What external factors can the OC leverage on to make Youth Speak Forum a phenomenal event? 6. Time to get creative and let us know you better. Make a video, (5minutes maximum, 3 minutes minimum) of yourself on you-tube and share the link in this application. In an audible and clear video, explain the below a) What makes you look forward to have the role, what scares you about the role and why is it important for you to be the OCP? b) Share your vision of Youth Speak Forum 2017

Role-related Questions 1. What do you forecast as the ideal financial and in-kind sponsorship that the forum should attain? 2. What challenges do you foresee in your role? 3. Mention 10 companies you plan to approach as conference partners particularly for both monetary and in-kind sponsorship for Youth Speak Forum 2017. Under each, explain the value proposition you shall sell to the company or organization 4. Highlight your most successful sales experience, either in or outside AIESEC and what exactly were you able to secure? (Time to blow your own trumpet, but be honest and quantify what you achieved) 5. What key prominent personalities do you plan to get to attend the forum?

Role-related Questions 1. Explain how you would market the forum to ensure non-AIESEC youth attend. 2. Design a poster that can be used to market the forum to non –AIESEC Kenyan youth. 3. How would you make the forum trend on social media as a ‘must attend’ before it takes place? 4. Which graphic design skills do you possess and rate your strength in it out of 10? (E.g. Photoshop, 8/10) 5. What do your consider as your most successful achievement in marketing and communication? (Go ahead, blow your own trumpet, but be truthful and remember to quantify your achievement) Note: For this role, the application shall be used as one of the means to gauge of your design skills especially for OCVP applicants. Feel free to amaze the panel.

Role-related Questions 1. Highlight the key things that you will be looking out for when searching for the venue. 2. What logistics partners will you aim at attaining in collaboration with ER? 3. Which logistical issues that normally cause problems shall you be keen on to ensure the forum runs smoothly? Mention how you will tackle them

4. What do you forecast as the biggest expense related to the forum and how will you reduce this cost? 5. Suppose the venue that you secured cancels on you two days before the event yet the venue was used to market the event as more appealing. What would you do? Be detailed and practical as you outline your possible moves 6. What do you see yourself learning from the experience?

Role-related Questions 1. Mention any experience(s) you have had in managing people? 2. In what ways will you ensure delegates are constantly engaged prior to the forum? 3. What do you think the OC can do to make the forum phenomenal for the delegates? 4. Given the diversity of delegates that the forum shall attract (non-AIESECers, AIESECers, panelists and prominent guests), what creative ideas will you use to keep them entertained before the main agenda or during breaks? 5. What measures will you take to ensure delegates are settled in time to have the agenda begin and end as planned? 6. How will you mitigate any risks associated with masses such as stampedes? 7. Describe your ideal delegate’s experience that you aim to deliver?

Do not hesitate to inquire for any clarification at the above contact, if need be.

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