AIESEC Tawain 2011-2012 Annual Report

Page 31

Our Youth to Society Program


拜耳兩性教育宣導專案 今年AIESEC Taiwan與Bayer Taiwan合作,共同發起「拜耳兩性教育宣導專案」的新專案。根據資料 顯示,相較於某些西歐國家,台灣青年普遍缺乏兩性相關知識與保護自己的方法。因此,我們邀請了 來自德國、波蘭和荷蘭的國際研習生來分享不同的觀點和教育模式。此外,這些國際研習生和AIESEC Taiwan專案成員們也到高中宣導兩性觀念,更邀請社會名人到大學論壇作分享。我們期許能夠向超過五 千名台灣學生宣導正確的兩性觀念,讓他們能更成熟地面對這議題。 Bayer Gender Equality Project Bayer Gender Equality Project is an initiative of AIESEC Taiwan in cooperation with Bayer Taiwan. Based on data, compared to some Western European countries, the Taiwan youth lacks knowledge and methods in protecting one self. Hence, we engaged with our international trainees from Germany, Poland, and the Netherlands to share a different point of view and education methods in their own countries through workshops and campus forums. In the workshops, international trainees and AIESEC members promoted gender equality to senior high school students. In the campus forums, celebrities were invited to share with university students about gender empowerment. Our vision is to continuously promote this matter to more than 5000 Taiwan students and let them become more mature in facing such delicate issue.

宜蘭休閒農業教育與休閒農業國際化專案 今年AIESEC Taiwan首度規劃了「宜蘭休閒農業教育與休閒農 業國際化專案」,此專案的長期目標是增加宜蘭地區休閒農業 與景點於國際平台上的曝光,培養具國際視野與在地關懷的宜 蘭青年,並透過資訊化與英文化增加休閒農業區與社區的競爭 力。今年寒假,我們與宜蘭休閒農業區和宜蘭大學展開合作, 同時邀請了八位來自日本、馬來西亞、德國、印尼的國際研習 生到休閒農業區做深度體驗,最後更邀請媒體與宜蘭地區相關 單位參與成果發表,為這一小步的影響力做見證。 Taiwan Farm Fun Taiwan Project During the 2011-2012 term, we initiated the first ever “Taiwan Farm Fun Taiwan Project. This project’s goal is to expand and expose the leisure of the Agricultural Sector through AIESEC’s international platform in order to cultivate the local youth and enhance their Global mindedness. We believe such platform can help suppore the local communities and increase the competitiveness of the Leisure Agricultural Area via Informational Technology and the English Language. Thus year, we engaged with the council of Agriculture, Ilan Leisure Agricultural areas, National Ilan University, the Ilan local youths, and 8 international trainees from Japan, Malaysia, Germany and Indonesia. We held trainings for Ilan’s youth and other stakeholders about our vision, hoping that our small actions can create good influences.

2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report 31

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