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LC Zurich Informant

Updates EB elections - As already mentioned, the new EB for the upcoming term 2012/2013


and the OCP for Career Days 2013 will be elected on Friday, 20.04. at the GA. If you are interested in applying for the EB, then you will have to fill out the application form for your position and send it to the LCP until 13.04.12. For further information, please follow the link below. Should you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the people currently filling these positions. More information on

Discovery –

27.-29.04.12 in Todtmoos: Everyone applying for the EB has

to keep this date free, as you will be prepared for your upcoming term as EB during this conference. There’s also a Train the Trainer track open to all members, where you’ll get the chance to work on your presentation skills and to become a Trainer & Facilitator in AIESEC. Application deadline is 16.04.12! For more information, please follow the links below: Wiki: Facebook event: Registration:

OGX Promotion – First of all: The OGX team has matched 2 EPs since the last XPS.


Great job! Also, the OGX and Comm teams are preparing a very cool promotional stand that’s hopefully going to attract some attention to our OGX programmes for this summer. Feel free to contact us if you want to contribute.

ICX award – The ER team is very proud of the ICX award we won at Kick-Off. The sales


and account managing team start to work really hard and their agendas are slowly being filled with meetings. Good Job Guys!

Upcoming events with the interns

Movie night or pub quiz? Why not both?

Kick-Off is over and the events team is back in action! Join the interns on Sunday, 15.04. for an evening with popcorn, coke and a great movie at the movie theater. Or test your knowledge on Monday, 23.04 at the Oliver Twist Pub with a good old fashioned pub quiz. As always, the exact times & locations will be announced on the Facebook group. Hope to see you there! 2

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