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Tanayjeet Das, Jamshedpur x The couple are not open to children

We can show up at a worship conference, put our hands in the air and speak in tongues, but family issues

(i.e., contraception)

are the real test of our faith. People are naturally

x Deep routed sin in either or both their lives

sensitive about marriage and breakup. Many of us have

during the courtship which interfered with

hair trigger responses when discussing issues of love,

their discernment, such as sex

sex, children, retirement savings, education for the

x Insufficient marriage preparation

kids, dividing houses and property, etc. Some get really

x Either party not having been baptized

angry when they think the Church is “interfering.” We

x Messed up marriage ceremony

think it’s the first reason people leave the Catholic

x No consummation of marriage

Church. One lady who was surveyed said:

x One or both partners being forced into

“I wasn’t going to pay a bunch of money just for a


piece of paper that says my marriage never existed,

If an annulment is granted, are the kids bastards?

forget it... it was a real marriage, I did love him when I

God loves all of his children. They are all precious to

married him... and my kids are legitimate, and now I’m

him regardless of how they are conceived. That is why

divorcing my husband because he had an affair... and

Catholics have such a problem with abortion. The

the Catholic annulment process is stupid and I’m not

father will always be the child’s true father, and the

going to subject myself to all those personal questions,

mother will always be the true mother, regardless of

so I’ve gone to an Evangelical Church, where I can

whether there was a marriage or not, and regardless

divorce and remarry.”

of the presence or absence

She had a compelling story.

of love, or even if sin was

Marriage is a very emotional


issue. This matter therefore

conception by either, or both

gives rise to several questions…


Does an annulment mean that

All of God’s kids are

love dosen’t exist?


Love is not limited by marriage.

Of course children do much

A valid Christian marriage in the

better with a mother and a

Catholic Church requires more

father, but that’s not the

than love between the spouses.

issue here. Legitimacy is a



This is one reason why same sex marriage is a no-go.

temporal issue, based in civil law, and Canon law. It is

Perhaps there is love, but maybe there are other

an historical artifact related to inheritance, dynasties

mitigating factor in the marriage, such as:

and social privileges.



April-May 2013

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