AIBD magazine - Summer 2020

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AIBDmagazine The official publication of the American Institute of Building Design

Special issue: 2020 American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

Cover and Table of Content Image: Nyumbani (See page 12)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Immediate Past President’s Message 03 President’s Message 04 Executive Director’s Message 06 ARDA Chair’s Message 08 Editor’s Note 09 2020 ARDA Judges 08 American Residential Design Awards Best In Show 12 Judges’ Choice 18 Global Choice 22 Custom Home (Built) 26 Custom Home (Unbuilt) 50 Indoor Living 58 Outdoor Living 70 Model Homes (Built) 78 Model Homes (Unbuilt) 83 Townhomes (Built) 84 Published Design 86 Renovation (Built) 90 Renovation (Unbuilt) 100 Design Feature 106 Green Design 109 Working Drawings 110

Immediate Past President’s Message

I want to thank all of you for allowing me the Fellows for succeeding in establishing my request

privilege of serving as national president for 2 years. I have believed in this association for so many years – becoming a member in 1987 and becoming certified in 1988. I have seen AIBD grow and change in these many years and am so proud of where we are today. We all should be very proud of our Institute. We have worked tirelessly and have become the leading voice of the Residential Design industry. We offer a vast wealth of knowledge to the beginning designer as well as the seasoned professional.

When I was elected in 2018, I had a long list of goals for my term. I am proud to say that most were accomplished. I believe our greatest accomplishment to date is being approved for pre-application with ANSI. NCBDC has worked tirelessly on this for years. There have been many steps involved and our incoming NCBDC President Kim Mockert, CPBD from Texas is going to continue carrying the torch to full ANSI accreditation. Thank you to Jim Wright, CPBD, FAIBD, and the College of

to create a mentoring program.

I have touted our accomplishments in messages past, and now look to the future. Bernie Kern, CPBD is going to be a great President and will continue the goals of the Board. He is absolutely the kindest person one could encounter and will succeed in the progression and growth of AIBD. Thank you to a fantastic Board and to the growing membership for all you have done to support our association. Also, a special thank you to our Staff. Under Steve Mickley’s (CPBD, FAIBD) direction, our staff has become a technological wonder. Keen on efficiency, professionalism, marketing and certification, we are very blessed to have them on our team. I will close with two directives I gave to our Board and College of Fellows in 2018, “Do what you say and say what you do” and “Pick one thing and do it very well”.

Karen R. Kassik-Michelsohn Karen is Vice President of Michelsohn and Daughter Construction, Inc., in Anchorage, Alaska and a Certified Professional Building Designer. She was the president of the American Institute of Building Design. Karen was awarded “Designer of the Year” in 2014 and is an AIBD Fellow.


President’s Message

AIBD is striving to be a leader in our industry In late April, plans for our live conference in

as we move forward during unprecedented times. COVID-19 has impacted the U.S. economy by putting an estimated 20 million of Americans out of work1. Although many AIBD members are reporting having consistent work, in reality no industry is immune to the global pandemic. As the incoming President of AIBD, it is my humbled privilege to serve as President and help lead this Institute to be a positive and leading influence for our industry, our members, our families, and friends, both during and after the pandemic crisis. In all public ventures, and in the office of this Institute, we are adhering to all safety practices put in place by our federal government and local governments. At the same time, we do not intend to slow down our attempts to make this organization the best in the nation for all Residential and Building Designers.

Gahanna, Ohio, which is near Columbus, had to change quickly as the COVID-19 pandemic forced multiple states to shut down as we were all being driven into an uncertain future. AIBD responded quickly under the leadership of previous President Karen Kassik-Michelsohn, Executive Director Steven Mickley, who leads the AIBD staff, and the AIBD Conference Committee. We ran a full day virtual conference, which included networking capabilities to support members who were anxious to see how their colleagues were doing. This conference included full education classes that fulfilled our original conference theme about selling and marketing your house plans. We also included trade show booth sessions that gave attendees a full agenda with day long activities. This event turned out to be our largest attendance at a conference in this season. Running this virtual conference has opened the door for us to expound When many building industry events began to on the experience, and we look forward to holding shut down for 2020, AIBD began to flourish even more virtual conferences along with live in person more by creating opportunities for growth of our events. members.

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Recently we received news that the effort of NCBDC Presidents John Fought and Alan Abrams has helped our Institute receive approval of our preapplication with the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB). In addition our NCBDC Certification Board has continued to help designers become certified. Every week in our AIBD Monday Minute announcements, a positive growth to our list of new certified members is acknowledged. I am one of the recent members to have passed the exam. This feat was accomplished because of mentoring and positive reinforcement by our Institute. All of this progress continues as we steer ourselves through a global pandemic.

student development, and transparency of AIBD’s best practices.

AIBD’s mission statement is “Building a better residential design profession, one designer at a time”. Our goals will be to take further action that supports diversity and inclusion, and provide additional opportunities for all designers. To inspire, lead, and mentor all new members and students to create and become residential and building designers, we also intend to make each Board of Director member accountable in service to all AIBD members helping members to become better designers. Why? Because we at AIBD “Create Where People Live, engaging everyone to make it As we make the change to our AIBD Board of happen”. Directors, we thank President Karen KassikMichelsohn for her devoted, cognizant, and respected leadership. As I move forward in the role of President, and learn from our past leaders about how they implemented their successful achievements, I intend to add governance that institutes diversity,

Bernie Kern, CPBD has been in the residential building industry for over 30 years and is the owner of BBKern DESIGNS, LLC. Bernie is a certified professional building designer (CPBD) and member of the AIBD and member of the Colorado Springs Home Builders Association. He is also a Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS) and is AIBD’s newly elected President. Bernie is also AIBD’s 2018 Designer of the Year.


Executive Director’s Message

The The American Institute of Building Design Amid the disruption and confusion caused by a

(AIBD) is celebrating 70-years of representing how global pandemic, AIBD has continued to serve its homes are designed in America. members and consumers without interruption. Our Association strives to protect and enhance the Building Designer’s ability to practice their profession. We are committed to providing quality continuing education to ensure that our members remain current with technology, materials, and building codes.

In 2020 AIBD is scheduled to host five educational conferences. Two have pivoted from in-person events to virtual ones. One we intended to host virtually from its inception. Because of that vision, AIBD was already poised and ready to adapt with technology designed for the “new normal.” When we are approved to begin meeting in person again, AIBD is also committed to establishing and we plan to provide a “hybrid” experience allowing maintaining professional relationships with other everyone the opportunity to attend in some way trade, business, and professional organizations or another. within the design and construction industry. To do our part in stopping the spread of the virus, We believe everyone should have the right to each AIBD staff member (I call them the A-Team) choose the person they work with to design their immediately started working at home. With a home and the power to create home designs corporate office in Washington, DC, an operations themselves. We support this belief by providing office in Florida, and my constant travel, we had resources for the consumer to make educated already entered into virtual office management. decisions, and tools for the professional to achieve Our VOIP phone system, project management peak performance. apps, and other platforms we employ, helped us change our work environment with absolutely no reduction in services or accessibility.

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This year’s American Residential Design Awards is another testament to our resilience and the resilience of all building designer firms throughout our great nation. Equal to last year’s numbers, our judges evaluated 138 entries in 10 different categories from 43 design firms and recognized 99 entries, a new record. Including ARDAs, Grand ARDAs, and Best in Show.

our organization’s services and events. We are interested in your views, ideas, and thoughts about what else you need from your Association. To this end, we have established an online portal to let us know how we are doing and share your ideas. Please take a moment and visit feedback, to do just that. Of course, you can also call, write, or e-mail and give us your thoughts.

This year the judges added a new overall award, the Judge’s Choice. Primarily because there were We are your Association; help us make it work two outstanding projects they loved and decided better for you. We hope you will take a few minutes to explore our Home Page and website to know they were both total winners. our Association better, But – taking pride in whom we are, what we do, and how we’ve handled crisis does not mean that We welcome your comments, questions, we can sit back and rest on our laurels. We are participation, and support. If you or your A-Team continually evaluating and re-evaluating what we needs any assistance, please contact me at do, how we do those things, and why we do them. 202.750.4900 or via e-mail at: We regularly scan the environment within which our members work to ensure that we are responsive to their needs and expectations. #BetterEveryDay! In this regard, we need your help. We must hear from the industry with your impressions about

Steve Mickley is the Executive Director of AIBD and a Certified Professional Building Designer. He is a past winner of the AIBD’s President’s Award and AIBD Designer of the Year. Steve is also an AIBD Fellow.


ARDA Chair’s Message

ARDA 2020, what a year this has been! Labor Tobin. Also to committee member Allen Beaumont

and supply shortages, political unrest, COVID-19. None of this can stop good design. The ARDA program had no exception of talent. Three judges reviewed each entry based on the criteria of the category entered and decided on awarding an ARDA or a Grand ARDA for the outstanding entries.

and the AIBD staff. Gerret Mickley and Steve Mickley for all the work you do. If you have a commercial project the “Building Design Awards” will be open this fall. Please look at for information on this new program.

There are entries to many different categories from renovations to outdoor living space to custom Next year could be your Grand ARDA year! built homes. This year featured the design work of several unbuilt categories also. All entries are Check out the categories and past winners at: judged based on its own merit. I would like to thank this year’s judges, not only for their time, but for their phenomenal effort. Thank you to Peggy Sampson, Michael Menn and Fred

Ted Hake Is the owner of Hake Custom Design, llc. He has over 25 years experience in design of custom homes and renovations. Ted is CPBD and also Certified Aging in Place Specialist, Certified Green Professional. He is currently serving on the Board of Directors for the AIBD and as committee member on NAHB Custom Home Builder’s Committee.

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Editor’s Note

Welcome to the 2020 ARDA issue! It has been a depressing year, I am sure you all are tired of being stuck at home. I personally cancelled all the family vacations and business trips this year. But the saddest thing of all is not able to attend the summer conference and AIBD’s yearly highlight event – ADRA Gala in Colorado this year! Luckily, we are still able to celebrate the wonderful award winning designs this year online! The AIBD magazine editorial team is committed to partnering with the ARDA committee and showcases the top notch projects selected by the jury this year.

the building design profession by producing extraordinary designs. I have had the first hand reviewing these projects and they are needless to say - truly amazing.

Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Karen Kassik-Michelsohn, CPBD, FAIBD for her support and leadership as the president of AIBD for the past two years. Her achievement list is so long that I won’t be able to include here. I would also like to congratulate Bernie Kern, CPBD for being elected the president of AIBD. If you spend some time reading his message in this issue, you Despite the pandemic, designers all over the will find that Bernie is an inspirational leader and country managed to document their projects and AIBD will be great under his leadership! submit to the award program this year, Kudos to all of the participants! I would like to congratulate Thank you and enjoy! the jury members, staff, and this year’s committee chair Ted Hake for their dedications. We have the largest number of winners this year, which only means one thing! Despite the recent negative events this year, our members continue to advance

Yu-Ngok Lo is the founding principal of YNL Architects, Inc. His work received numerous design awards and was published at various international media such as ArchDaily, Hinge Magazine, CONDE, Commercial Architecture Magazine and Hospitality-Interiors Magazine. Yu-Ngok is currently the Editor-In-Chief of AIBD magazine and the National External Vice President of AIBD.


2020 ARDA Judges Ted Hake (ARDA Chairman) is owner of Hake Custom Design, llc. He has over 25 years experience in design of custom homes and renovations. Ted is a Certified Professional Building Designer, a Certified Aging in Place Specialist, and a Certified Green Professional. He is currently serving on the Board of Directors for AIBD and the Stark County Building Industry Association, as well as multiple committees including chair of the Stark County BIA Codes committee.

Michael Menn, AIA, CGR, CAPS, CGP is a licensed architect in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Wisconsin, and has reciprocity in more than 40 other states. He formed his first architectural private practice in 1983, devoted to small custom residential and commercial projects. Over the years that firm evolved into a diverse architectural, planning, interior design and construction firm. Michael has won numerous professional awards, including Illinois State Remodeler of the Year on two occasions. He also has been honored by the Home Builders Association of Greater Chicago, the National Association of Home Builders, and Remodeling Magazine. Michael also received the Torch Award for Marketplace Ethics from the Illinois Better Business Bureau

“Discussions were open and very forthright. I have judged many competitions in my career, and the ARDA stands out as one of the best. The depth of submissions was amazing and the designs – well there were several that I would like to claim as my own. AIBD has done an outstanding job serving their members with this awards program.” -Michael Menn

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Peggy Sampson, TIBD, CPBD, AIBD graduated from The University of Texas at San Antonio and founded P.S. Designs in Dripping Springs, Texas, shortly thereafter. Peggy has been awarded the 2006 Max Award (Austin HBA) for “Best Product Design ($325,001-$400,000)” for Newmark Homes Belterra Model located in Dripping Springs, Texas, as well as the 2007 Max Award for best remodeling project under $150,000. Peggy is an active member of TIBD (Texas Institute of Building Designers) and AIBD (American Institute of Building Designers), and in 2013 received her CPBD certification from the National Council of Building Designers. She was also awarded the “Designers Choice” award at the 2012 TIBD Convention.

Fred Tobin is a home building specialist and president at Tobin Enterprises, Inc, located in Canton. Fred has served as president of the BIA of Stark County, president of the Ohio Home Builders Association, National Vice President of the National Association of Home Builders, the most recent chairman of the NAHB’s Convention and Meetings Committee. He has also served on the Architectural Review Board of the Glenmoor County Club, as well as currently serving on the National Trustee of the Ohio Stream & Wetlands Foundation Board of Trustees. In 2012, Fred received the NAHB BEAM (Builders Engaging Associate Members) Award confirming his dedication to the industry and exemplifying motto, “It’s good business to do business with a member.”

“The BARN as the Judges Choice is a spectacular renovation with fantastic details and tremendous forethought ! Kudos to the owners, designers and builder. To preserve something that old and turn it into something to be proud of is simply amazing. The Grand ARDA Winner Custom Home was also a design that stood above others in that category . It is a home that almost anyone would love to live in and enjoy !!” -Fred Tobin THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AIBD - 11

American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

Nyumbani (Best In Show) GRAND ARDA WINNER - Custom Homes (Built) and Outdoor Living DESIGNED BY Phil Kean Design Group PHOTOS BY Uneek Image

This home was built in a neighborhood

of vacation homes priced at $5 million dollars and up. The “warm-modern” home embraces the mid-century modern architectural inspirations of Frank Lloyd Wright, Paul Rudolph, Rudolf Schindler and Richard Neutra. It includes an open floor plan, pocketing glass walls, extensive indoor/outdoor living spaces and extraordinary architectural details throughout. The home’s earthy color palette and open feel lend to the home’s name, “Nyumbani”, which means “home” in Swahili, inspired by the movie The Lion King.

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The home was designed to accommodate a large family and guests during family vacations. The master and guest suites are on the first floor and the upper floor has three en-suite secondary bedrooms, a game room, theater and extensive balcony. The interior detailing elevates the home to give it a resort-like feel. From the moment you enter, thoughtful architectural details abound. Enjoy the unique staircase design, the foyer’s art niches, four-sided glass fireplace and LED step lighting. The kitchen features a three-tier walnut backlit floating ceiling, three islands and a very large passthru window. There is a catering kitchen in

addition to the main kitchen; an exercise room with steam room and sauna; and a large vanishing edge pool with beach and spa. The outdoor living areas include a bar with seating for six just outside the kitchen’s pass-thru window, an outdoor dining room, outdoor sitting area with gas fireplace, fire pit area, and a summer kitchen featuring a glass dining table that also serves as a pool water feature. Retractable screens are built into the lanai. A four-car garage provides space for golf cart and multiple vehicles. This resort-like vacation home was designed for a family who enjoys a luxury “home away from home”.

Nyumbani is also a winner in the following categories: GRAND ARDA - Custom Homes (Built) GRAND ARDA - Outdoor Living THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AIBD - 13

American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

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American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

“Love the use of interior windows. A lot of neat stuff - Judges’ comment

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American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

The Barn at Walnut Hill (J GRAND ARDA WINNER - Renovation (Built) and Indoor Living DESIGNED BY Poole & Poole Architecture PHOTOS BY Eastman Creative and Gordon Gregory Photography

The current owners of the Barn at Walnut the property their fundamental design

Hill are two architects who had decided to build their “forever home”, finally creating and building a design for themselves, rather than a client. While not technically historic having been built in 1978, it is nonetheless an important part of the local county’s history.

goal was to respect the original design and to make any exterior changes blend harmoniously with the Dutch Gambrel style and the adjacent farmland. On the interior their goal was to have a warm and inviting home that preserved the striking structural components and highlighted the impressive scale of the barn’s interior.

The barn is located on a 30 acre lot that, like most of the neighborhood, is still The completion of the Barn took six months farmed for alfalfa. When the owners bought longer than originally planned because of

The Barn at Walnut Hill is also a winner in the following categories: GRAND ARDA - Renovation (Built) GRAND ARDA - Indoor Living

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Judges’ Choice) the unique nature of the project and the amount of custom features on the interior. During the initial design it was decided that all the existing massive steel beams and beautiful wood posts and beams would be not only preserved but highlighted rather than hidden. Existing material which had to be removed such as the beautiful cedar siding, too brittle to stay an exterior finish, was re-used throughout the home.


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

“When I look at what it started and what it was turned into, and it really does stand above. - Judges’ comment

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American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)


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Who wouldn’t want to live on a private water-ski lake? Two

lakes would be even better! This luxury home is one of 25 built in a subdivision on 2 man made slalom water ski lakes. A large culvert connects the 2 lakes so when you’re tired of skiing one side, ski under the road and continue on the other side. Features in this home include a basement level home theater, indoor/outdoor basketball court, private beach area with covered boat dock, separate garage for boat storage, huge outdoor entertaining area on both basement and main floor areas, 9’, 11’, 12’, 18’, and 20’ ceiling heights, and a total of 9,111 square feet. Jump on it... the water is FINE!

“The winner received 70% of the votes cast worldwide.”


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

“Gorgeous home!” - Voters’ comment

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American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)


on the shimmering shores of the Great Lakes is the Avington. Contemporary elements of this home can be seen in its tri-tone exterior with gray and white brick, black windows and punctuated by numerous fire features Upon entering, panoramic views of the lake can be seen through floor to ceiling windows. This symmetrical floor plan features a main level with an open kitchen and dining space, an extensive back of house, and a spacious master suite that boasts a romantic, see-through fireplace between an outdoor jacuzzi and master bath soaker tub. Accessed via a stair tower, with a glass ceiling wine cellar below, the upper level wraps around the main level great room. Luxury meets functionality with three bedroom suites and a

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home office that adorn the upper level, and the grand, two-story living room is showcased below. Outside entertaining takes center stage with an expansive patio complete with an outdoor pool flanked by a bar on one side and hot tub patio on the other side. The airplane bar, with sliding door walls on two sides, allows for year-round enjoyment, and a connecting screened porch gives guests and host alike the chance to watch the sunset and enjoy a drink rain or shine. Whether dining, lounging, or entertaining, the soft glow of firelight illuminates the space with strategically placed fireplaces. Contemporary comfort and lakefront living combine in this home.

Avington GRAND ARDA WINNER - Custom Homes (Built)

DESIGNED BY Visbeen Architects PHOTOS BY M-Buck Studio


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

Berkshire Residence GRAND ARDA WINNER - Custom Homes (Built) DESIGNED BY Mathison | Mathison Architects PHOTOS BY Chuck Choi


above the Housatonic River in western Massachusetts, just two miles from the New York border, a winding road ascends the ridge of a mountain and leads to a quiet gravel turn-off at the Berkshire Residence. This new residence is carefully sited on the mountainside among rock outcroppings and mature oaks to both fold into the natural, sloped landscape and capture the dramatic east-facing views of the valley and ridge beyond. It shares its site with an existing small cabin by the same designer, completed several years earlier.

while capturing dramatic eastern views through a ribbon of full height doors and windows. They also unite three programmatic living areas that become increasingly private and rotate gently in plan to frame powerful views and a series of outdoor living spaces, including an elevated firepit area and a lower pool positioned at the edge of the drop-off. A series of board-formed concrete retaining walls and planted slopes negotiate the outdoor spaces, which are overlaid with paths and seating areas using reclaimed granite curbs from Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

This 5,500 SF two-level home has a low and subtle appearance at the entry, deploying an earthy palette with black stained cedar siding, mahogany windows and a natural zinc colored metal roof. Strong horizontal roof forms mimic the slopes of the surrounding topography and act as a layered filter for late-day western light

Sustainable design principles are integrated throughout the project, including sophisticated geothermal heating and cooling, a building envelope to eliminate thermal bridging, triple-pane windows and doors, use of natural materials and finishes, renewable surface materials, and use of native ecologies in the landscape.

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“Sometimes the use of wood can be overpowering in the way it’s used, that’s not the case with the project.” - Judges’ comment


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

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Charter Oak Estate

GRAND ARDA WINNER - Custom Homes (Built)

DESIGNED BY Robert Klob Designs PHOTOS BY Trent Adams

This home was developed on a lot that had a previous The home was intentionally designed to have a minimalist view residence. This residence also had a guest house. The primary home was completely demolished and removed, but we decided to remodel the guest house and work around it.

from the curb - this creates interest as you enter the courtyard, to the large entry tower and as you enter the home, the gathering spaces expand beyond. This creates a sense of “what’s next”.

The final design of this home was a collaboration from owners’ sketches ideas and our design team thru many design refinements. They entertain quite often and wanted a large area for multiple gathering zones - and also the ability to completely open up to the patios to create an extension of those rooms. The landscape and pool were designed to emulate a resort feeling and a place that is serene and relaxing.

The overall space and use of the property create privacy but also accentuate the owners’ active outdoor lifestyle. Guests can stay for long periods of time and still maintain their owner’s privacy from the main home.

“I loved the way they used the brick in the kitchen area.” - Judges’ comment


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

Lakeside Neo-Prarie GRAND ARDA WINNER - Custom Homes (Built) DESIGNED BY Hobbs’ Ink, LLC PHOTOS BY DM Photography

This Neo-Prarie style home incorporates both the organic and Covered Balcony were turned to capture the best views of the lake, and natural appearance of traditional Prarie design with a more modern sensibility, as seen in the bold horizontal lines, wide overhangs, and the simplicity of elements.

The main challenge of the project was to capture the side lake view while being constrained by a shallow lot. By creating an L-shaped plan, this constraint was turned into an advantage. The Dining Room, Kitchen, Outdoor Living, and upstairs Game Room

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while the Great Room, Foyer, and Master enjoy the courtyard created by the “L” and a view of the channel that leads to the lake on the right. Additional details were utilized to take further advantage, such as a hanging bed at the porch upstairs, a stepped rear wall, and walls of glass on the lower level, gaining a view from nearly every space. Glass walls and large telescoping glass doors blur the line between in and out inviting you to enjoy lake life no matter where you are in the house.


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

Longhorn Trail GRAND ARDA WINNER - Custom Homes (Built) DESIGNED BY KM Designs, Inc. PHOTOS BY Matthew Niemann

Country ranch home with the use of timber frame elements for a rustic and elegant feel. It is an open concept plan with large windows to capture miles of expansive views. There is a pretty and functional working pantry to maximize storage for kitchen appliances as an extension of the country kitchen. The custom designed media room is for the client’s extensive vinyl record, dvd and CD collection. Master bath has a cozy, clean line spa bath feel with his and hers walk in closets.

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“Loved the shot of the primary bath” - Judges’ comment


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

Milford Street House GRAND ARDA WINNER - Custom Homes (Built) DESIGNED BY George Allen Cole PHOTOS BY TK Images, Bayou City 360


Milford House is a 6,350 square foot custom residence, designed specifically to anchor within a unique boundary. The existing property’s wedge shape potentially posed a disadvantage due to its pinched front width as compared to the neighboring lots. The solution was to create a façade that expressed the wedge, rather than trying to hide it. The two massings were interlocked as they reached the front setback, then eroded to define the different angles. Contrasting materials and fenestration further helped to emphasize the connection, while deep overhangs provided ample shading. The concept for the first floor layout became a separation of public and private spaces. By having these two wings isolate and follow the different angled boundary lines, the living room was allowed to open up and grow in between. This created a family meeting ‘pivot’ point at both the interior (living room) and exterior (outdoor covered living/dining/pool area).

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As you enter the home along the North mass, the exterior brick runs from the entry porch, through the main living space, and out the rear of the house accentuating the indoor outdoor feel. As you circulate through the floor plan, careful attention was paid to a person’s line of sight and the boundaries of exterior and interior materials blurred. Once inside the main space, the majority of the windows face the rear yard to create a sense of privacy from the neighborhood street. For ease of accessibility, the master suite was kept on the first floor, but distinctly secluded from the main areas of the house. At the master bath, an open oversized shower connects the two separate master baths and closets. All secondary rooms were placed upstairs for privacy, with a game room and balcony set to again serve as a meeting connection between the different areas.


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

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Monteola Estates GRAND ARDA WINNER - Green Designs

DESIGNED BY Todd Glowka Builder, Inc. PHOTOS BY LRES Marketing


with today’s design trends, this residence features the eclectic combination of modern lines blended with the famous Texas Hill Country architectural style. Through the use of combining steel siding, stone, stucco, large banks of glass, wood floors and timbered ceiling treatments, mixed with clean modern porcelain tiles and barn doors, we offer this phenomenal residence sitting on 5.3 park like acres.

The home has 4 bedrooms, 4.5 baths, 2 living areas, wine room, dinning room, outdoor kitchen, 3 car garage, 1 car porte cochere and matching barn. The property is complete with a linear styled swimming pool, perimeter fencing and electronic gated entrance providing ultimate privacy and lush landscaping.


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

Mountain Modern on Orc GRAND ARDA WINNER - Custom Homes (Built) DESIGNED BY David Charlez Designs PHOTOS BY Landmark Photography

Inspired by homes found in the mountains, this design

brings the outdoors in with exterior elements of wood and glass. Located on a beautiful lake lot, the homeowners wanted to admire the lake from every room in the house. The lakeside of the home offers panoramic views of this beautiful lake, not to mention the stunning presence of the home from the lake. One of the goals was to have views of the lake upon entering the home. The dramatic double door front entrance accomplishes just that. In order to bring the outside in, the authentic barnwood element crosses over from the exterior gable roof pitches through to the steep vaulted ceilings in the great room and screen porch. The desire to have an open main level plan, but still have subtle definition on was accomplished with metal beams in the great

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room, a floating buffet between the great room and dining, and change in floor materials between the kitchen under the dining space. The exterior design is a timeless design with a mix of traditional and modern features. The steep gable roof pitches and high vaulted ceilings give an illusion of two-story living. The metal roof accents give the design a modern touch. The chunky stone makes this home feel rustic and nicely compliments the barnwood tongue and groove in the gable roof peaks. The use of tall ceilings add drama to this home. Thoughtful organization of space makes this design perfect for entertaining and one level living if desired. The homeowners will be able to live well on the lake for years to come.



American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

Stone Creek GRAND ARDA WINNER - Custom Homes (Built) DESIGNED BY Todd Glowka Builder, Inc. PHOTOS BY Lauren Keller, LRES Marketing


hill Country Transitional home is set in the Texas Hill Country, just outside of Boerne in Stone Creek Ranch. The singlestory home includes 4 bedrooms and 4.5 bathrooms. Clean, contemporary lines mix with traditional Texas Hill Country finishes to make this home truly unique in today’s market. The open kitchen/dining/living combo rooms have soaring 23’ ceilings, which are highlighted by large sheetrock beams. This home features 2 linear-styled contemporary fireplaces, wood & aluminum windows, full lighting control and bespoke finishes throughout. The study utilizes oversized glass barn doors to allow peace & quiet but also allow the homeowner to take advantage

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of the expansive oversized windows across the back of the home. The Master bedroom is full of windows architecturally designed to create the best unobstructed view possible and create a light filled room and full en-suite bathroom. There is also a playroom/ media room designed between two guest rooms with en-suite baths and additional guest suite on the opposite side of the house giving each room privacy. This home has 4,539 square feet of living space and includes more than 6,600 square feet of total covered space. Outdoors, a fully equipped kitchen overlooks an exquisitely designed custom pool. The exterior is professionally landscaped to create the perfect finishing touches for the ideal Life in the Texas Hill Country.


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA) This home is situated on a steep pie shaped lot with a long their ability to host guests. The use of natural materials throughout shoreline overlooking a pristine lake in the Blue Ridge mountains. The family sought to create a comfortable retreat that was seamlessly integrated into the natural environment and took advantage of the spectacular views. The interior of the home is centered about two open living spaces on the main and lower levels that create a strong indoor and outdoor connection. They serve as anchor points that tie the home together and help distinguish elements of the home that balance the privacy of the owners, their desire to entertain, and

the interiors help to effortlessly establish a casual, comfortable, and sophisticated home.

We blended local vernacular architecture with hints of European forms to create a casual yet refined home. This juxtaposition is seen in the home’s massing which is nestled into the topography, its use of local materials, steeply pitched slate roof, trusses, post and beam construction, steel windows and doors, and lack of any gypsum board. This blend of vernacular styles and natural materials create a home that is timeless and respects the character of its place.

“This house is very impressive from the front, one that I want to walk into and look at.” - Judges’ comment

44 - AIBD magazine

The Keowee Lake House

GRAND ARDA WINNER - Custom Homes (Built)

DESIGNED BY A Classical Studio PHOTOS BY Firewater Photography


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

ARDA WINNERS - Custom Homes (Built) Photos by Mark Borosch

Photos by Matthew Niemann Photography

Brightwaters Windstar Design Group

Entre Rios KM Designs, Inc. Photos by Ashley Avila Photography

Hickory Hil Visbeen Architects Photos by Ashley Avila Photography

Meadow Crossing Modern Farmhouse 42 North - Architecture + Design 46 - AIBD magazine

Photos by Chandler Photography

Miller The Shelter Studio, Inc. Photos by Landmark Photography

Modern on Cheyenne Trail David Charlez Designs Photos by kevin michael snyder Photography

Mountshire Chip Hudson Photos by Mark Borosch

Oceanview Drive Windstar Homes THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AIBD - 47

American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

ARDA WINNERS - Custom Homes (Built) Photos by Echo 360

Rabb Glen Kelley Design Group Photos by Mark Adams Media

Rundell Urban Farmhouse Oasis Photos by Wes Stearns

Rustic Modern Pippin Home Designs Photos by M-Buck Studio

Shipton Visbeen Architects 48 - AIBD magazine

Photos by Roger Hand

The Showstopper Pippin Home Designs Photos by Troy Theis Photography

Urban Farmhouse Royal Oaks Design, Inc Photos by Uneek Image


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

Greenview 74 GRAND ARDA WINNER - Custom Homes (Unbuilt) DESIGNED BY Lev Designs RENDERINGS BY Max Povar

This 5,100 sq. ft. transitional farmhouse house was designed

for a young family of 4 people. The basic idea was to create a central entertainment/living area in the center of the house, which would be open and connect to the other wings of the home. Connecting the indoor and outdoor was crucial here. We wanted the “central hub” to open up to both the courtyard and front yard to create a fluidity between the courtyard and the back yard. With the big windows/doors in the front, privacy became

50 - AIBD magazine

an issue so the courtyard walls and gates were created to provide a sense of privacy. The house is currently under construction. One of the most eyecatching architectural features that everyone raves about is the master bathroom skylight. The skylight allows for the room to be lit up by natural light. After a long day worth of work, its a perfect place to fill the tub with warm water, turn the candles on, lay your head back and gaze at the stars above you.


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

Wood This ultramodern sprawling home spans 135’ on a secluded featuring a fireplace in the bedroom. The large walk-in closet wooded lot and redefines the word “custom” with its tailor-made features and amenities. Decorative steel I-beams at the front entry and the garage enhance the industrial yet clean style of this home. At an impressive 6,800 square feet, and situated on a 4.5-acre lot, the ranch home with walk-out has plenty of space to meet the homeowner’s individual and collective needs. One of the most striking features of this custom home is the purposeful symmetry of the architecture. Two nearly identical wings flank the main open kitchen/living/dining pod. An oversized screened in porch featuring a fireplace and outdoor kitchen flanks the rear of the home. In-floor radiant heating on the entirety of both levels of the ranch is another striking feature of this custom home. On one side, the mother-in-law suite consists of a generous bedroom featuring a cozy fireplace, walk-in closet and bath. The opposite wing serves as a super customized master suite, also

52 - AIBD magazine

includes a handy stacked washer and dryer to save a trip across the residence to the main laundry room if desired. And in a unique marriage-strengthening twist, dual side-by-side master bathrooms provide separate space and privacy for the couple. The cherry on top of the master suite is the outdoor hot tub, accessible directly off the master bedroom. Both bedroom wings open to a spectacular in-ground waterfall infinity edge pool. One must not forget about another vital part of the family: the pair of much-loved pooches. For their comfort and security, and the cleanliness of the home’s interior, the exterior design includes a heated dog run for four-season use. The lower level holds the exercise room/gym and metal workshop for the hobbyist in the family. Both rooms walk out to the private wooded backyard. From practical to leisure living, this custom home has it all.

Duck Lane Contemporary GRAND ARDA WINNER - Custom Homes (Unbuilt)

DESIGNED BY 42 North - Architecture + Design RENDERINGS BY 42 North - Architecture + Design


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

ARDA WINNERS - Custom Homes (Unbuilt) Photos by Windstar Homes

Ahava Windstar Homes Renderings by YNL Architects

Broken Spur Residence YNL Architects Renderings by YNL Architects

Chicago Single Family Residence YNL Architects Renderings by Sam Morgan & Corissa Osuna

Final Destination SW Morgan Fine Home Design 54 - AIBD magazine

Photos by Traci Kelley

Renderings by BBKern Design LLC

German Kelley Design Group

Kiowa BBKern Designs LLC Renderings by Chip Hudson

Miranda on the Lake Chip Hudson Renderings by CDG Project Studio

The Nantucket Pippin Home Designs THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AIBD - 55

American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

ARDA WINNERS- Custom Homes (Unbuilt) Renderings by KM Designs, Inc.

Trophy Ridge KM Designs, Inc. Renderings by Max Povar

Vista Cielo Lev Designs

56 - AIBD magazine

Portfolio Home Plans is an online home plan resource developed for builders by designers. They offer thousands of high-quality home plans in an easy-to-use web portal that gives you and your customers access to conceptual plans and home plans with full construction documents, all without leaving the website.

American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

Ada Sprawling Farmhouse GRAND ARDA WINNER - Indoor Living DESIGNED BY 42 North - Architecture + Design PHOTOS BY Norman Sizemore Photography

Balancing proportion and scale is an important principle Oversized space required exaggerated detailing and this is the of architecture; this home presented a challenge of impressive magnitude with its 150-foot end-to-end span. Since our mind seeks mathematical proportions in the physical world, interior elements of a previously unused scale were utilized to make the interior living space of this vast home feel warm and comfortable.

The homeowners travel extensively and sought old-world charm reflected in a football field-size space. Once inside the formal foyer, 17-foot walls lead the eye up to a soaring cathedral ceiling. Myriad details make this scale pleasingly proportional: decorative trusses, a 2-foot crown molding bulkhead, and oversized windows that flood the room with natural light.

58 - AIBD magazine

first home the architect has used 100-inch prefabricated fireplace; the largest on the market, yet its effect is stately and traditional. Underfoot, radiant floor heating was used throughout the entire structure and required over a mile a piping. Beamed, coffered ceilings and a masonry wood-burning fireplace add traditional details to more informal downstairs spaces. Although still oversized by most standards, architectural details are thoughtfully used to balance proportion and scale.

e “Sprawling is right... - Judges’ comment


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

Brightwaters GRAND ARDA WINNER - Indoor Living DESIGNED BY Windstar Homes PHOTOS BY Mark Borosch

The design of this two-story “Transitional-style” home

presented many challenges due to stringent zoning and site limitations, along with lofty client wants wishes, and desires. Because the property is in a Velocity-zone, a much more complicated super-structure had to be designed, engineered, and ultimately incorporated into this program, which made it even more challenging. Despite the many difficulties faced during the design, bidding, and building processes, this oneof-a-kind waterfront residence accomplished all of the client’s design and budgetary objectives. In addition, the finished product far exceeded their quality and lifestyle expectations.

60 - AIBD magazine

The home’s innovative architecture inside and out incorporates “Transitional” design elements and custom detailing throughout. This home features virtually every amenity one might expect in a world-class residence of distinction. Other notable features of the home include a lavish Master Suite overlooking the water; a large gourmet Main Kitchen, Dirty Kitchen and Outdoor Kitchen; an Outdoor Dining area that seats up to 16 guests and boasts some of the most magnificent views in the area; a Piano Gallery, Dining Salon, Beverage Center, Media Room, Imagination Room, and four additional Bedroom Suites help complete this fabulous home.

“Wow!” - Judges’ comment


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

“Nice details in the living area” - Judges’ comment

62 - AIBD magazine

Monteola Estates


DESIGNED BY Todd Glowka Builder, Inc. PHOTOS BY LRES Marketing


with today’s design trends, this residence features the eclectic combination of modern lines blended with the famous Texas Hill Country architectural style. Through the use of combining steel siding, stone, stucco, large banks of glass, wood floors and timbered ceiling treatments, mixed with clean modern porcelain tiles and barn doors, we offer this phenomenal residence sitting on 5.3 park like acres.

The home has 4 bedrooms, 4.5 baths, 2 living areas, wine room, dinning room, outdoor kitchen, 3 car garage, 1 car porte cochere and matching barn. The property is complete with a linear styled swimming pool, perimeter fencing and electronic gated entrance providing ultimate privacy and lush landscaping.


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

Silver Lake Residence GRAND ARDA WINNER - Indoor Living DESIGNED BY Mathison | Mathison Architects PHOTOS BY Jason Keen Photography

This active family aspired to a main level living space that felt

connected to the lake, the design of which began in January of 2016 and by fall of 2017 construction was complete. Located on a beautiful wooded lot that slopes down to broad sunset views over the lake, this home takes full advantage of its elevated position by pushing and pulling the lakeside elevation to maximize the outdoor living experience on both levels.

The street level spaces are reserved for primary family spaces, including main entry, bedrooms, baths, kitchen, dining, and living rooms with deck extensions that lead to waterfront views of active exterior spaces below. The waterfront level includes guest quarters, exercise space, family room, storage for waterfront recreation, and broad deck areas for spa, fire-pit and gathering space.

From the street, the home appears quiet and subtle. The longlow lines of the roof edges suggest a modest modernism in scale with its neighbors. Once inside, the design opens to the lake with high ceilings, full-height glass walls, and natural clerestory light from above. The strong, continuous roof overhang on the lakeside visually extends the spaces of the primary living areas, suggesting an ambiguous separation of indoor and outdoor spaces.

The multi-layered sequence of spaces is explored through a carefully curated material palette - cut limestone, brick, polished concrete, western red cedar, walnut, glass and blackened steel. An interior cedar trellis forms an intimate space in the walnut kitchen, while wholly connected to the lake views. A broad exterior stair provides an easy path to the lakefront and activities on the water.

64 - AIBD magazine

“I love the contrast of the stained wood vs. the white.” - Judges’ comment


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

The Barn at Walnut Hill GRAND ARDA WINNER - Indoor Living

DESIGNED BY Poole & Poole Architecture PHOTOS BY Eastman Creative and Gordon Gregory Photography

The current owners of the Barn at Walnut Hill are two architects the striking structural components and highlighted the impressive who had decided to build their “forever home”, finally creating and building a design for themselves, rather than a client. While not technically historic having been built in 1978, it is nonetheless an important part of the local county’s history.

The barn is located on a 30 acre lot that, like most of the neighborhood, is still farmed for alfalfa. When the owners bought the property their fundamental design goal was to respect the original design and to make any exterior changes blend harmoniously with the Dutch Gambrel style and the adjacent farmland. On the interior their goal was to have a warm and inviting home that preserved

66 - AIBD magazine

scale of the barn’s interior.

The completion of the Barn took six months longer than originally planned because of the unique nature of the project and the amount of custom features on the interior. During the initial design it was decided that all the existing massive steel beams and beautiful wood posts and beams would be not only preserved but highlighted rather than hidden. Existing material which had to be removed such as the beautiful cedar siding, too brittle to stay an exterior finish, was re-used throughout the home.

“Wonderful Details” - Judges’ comment


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

ARDA WINNERS - Indoor Living Photos by Warren Patterson, Sarah Winchester

Brick Story Jan Gleysteen Architects Photos by Ashley Avila Photography

Cedar Lake Modern 42 North - Architecture + Design Photos by Robyn Lambo Photography

Lake Mac Low Country 42 North - Architecture + Design Photos by LRES Marketing

Stone Creek Todd Glowka Builder, Inc. 68 - AIBD magazine

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American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

Brightwaters GRAND ARDA WINNER - Outdoor Living DESIGNED BY Windstar Homes PHOTOS BY Mark Borosch

The design of this two-story “Transitional-style” home

presented many challenges due to stringent zoning and site limitations, along with lofty client wants wishes, and desires. Because the property is in a Velocity-zone, a much more complicated super-structure had to be designed, engineered, and ultimately incorporated into this program, which made it even more challenging. Despite the many difficulties faced during the design, bidding, and building processes, this oneof-a-kind waterfront residence accomplished all of the client’s design and budgetary objectives. In addition, the finished product far exceeded their quality and lifestyle expectations.

70 - AIBD magazine

The home’s innovative architecture inside and out incorporates “Transitional” design elements and custom detailing throughout. This home features virtually every amenity one might expect in a world-class residence of distinction. Other notable features of the home include a lavish Master Suite overlooking the water; a large gourmet Main Kitchen, Dirty Kitchen and Outdoor Kitchen; an Outdoor Dining area that seats up to 16 guests and boasts some of the most magnificent views in the area; a Piano Gallery, Dining Salon, Beverage Center, Media Room, Imagination Room, and four additional Bedroom Suites help complete this fabulous home.


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA) This

home was built in a neighborhood of vacation homes priced at $5MM and up. The “warm-modern” home embraces the mid-century modern architectural inspirations of Frank Lloyd Wright, Paul Rudolph, Rudolf Schindler and Richard Neutra. It includes an open floor plan, pocketing glass walls and extensive indoor/outdoor living spaces. The home’s earthy color palette and open feel lend to the home’s name, “Nyumbani”, which means “home” in Swahili, inspired by the movie The Lion King. The home was designed to accommodate a large family and guests during family vacations. We created a resort-like atmosphere with the home’s indoor/outdoor connections and expansive outdoor living areas. The family room, guest suite, master bedroom and master bath all open to the home’s outdoor living areas via pocketing glass walls. On the second floor, the game room and all

72 - AIBD magazine

three guest bedrooms open to the large balcony that overlooks the lower level’s outdoor living areas and pool. The outdoor living areas include a bar with seating for six just outside the kitchen’s pass-thru window, an outdoor dining room, outdoor sitting area with gas fireplace, fire pit area, and a summer kitchen showcasing a glass dining table that also serves as a pool water feature. Retractable screens are built into the lanai. The large vanishing edge pool includes a beach shelf, spa and LED lighting. An exercise room with sauna and steam room sits slightly above the pool and opens to the pool area via pocketing glass corner walls. This resort-like vacation home was designed for a family who enjoys luxury outdoor living at their private “home away from home”.


GRAND ARDA WINNER - Outdoor Living

DESIGNED BY Phil Kean Design Group PHOTOS BY Uneek Image


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

Offshore GRAND ARDA WINNER - Outdoor Living DESIGNED BY Mark Scott Associates PHOTOS BY AG Photography


described, harmony is what creates that intangible feeling that an environment is more than just a place. This is a destination,

74 - AIBD magazine

a unique and personal sanctuary. A place that is more perfect than any other, for at least this moment.


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

ARDA WINNERS - Indoor Living Photos by AG Photography

Leesbury Mark Scott Associates Photos by LRES Marketing

Monteola Estates Todd Glowka Builder, Inc. Photos by LRES Marketing

Stone Creek Todd Glowka Builder, Inc. Photos by Eastman Creative and Gordon Gregory Photography

The Barn at Walnut Hill Poole & Poole Architecture 76 - AIBD magazine


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

78 - AIBD magazine

Dockwood GRAND ARDA WINNER - Model Homes (Built)

DESIGNED BY Chip Hudson PHOTOS BY Kevin Michael Snyder Photography LLC.

The Dockwood A.K.A. (The Camphouse) is a unique Nostalgic that cozy camphouse feel. With the use of windows, we floated lake cabin with a modern twist. Our challenge with this design as we had to start with existing basement walls which limited the footage that buyers were looking for since the development of the subdivision. The home’s main feature is the use of windows on nearly every wall. With the over 4’-0” overhangs gives this home

the stairs in front of a two-story window well with a reading nook below. Spectacular upper and lower level back deck. Bedrooms, including Master Bedroom, along with Game room and Breakfast area also have direct access to the rear porch that has multiple areas to enjoy the views


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

The Ruth Ann GRAND ARDA WINNER - Model Homes (Built) DESIGNED BY Royal Oaks Design, Inc. PHOTOS BY Perrin Crest Custom Homes

This 2,422 sq ft, 2-story Farmhouse features 4 bedrooms and the master bath with his and hers sinks, separate bath and shower 4 full bathrooms, giving this home plenty of space for a family to grow and play!

The wonderful open floor plan allows for conversation and sight lines from the kitchen to the great room to the lounge. The kitchen boasts multiple cabinets for ample storage, a prep kitchen and a generous center island with seating for 3. The large walk-in pantry is just feet from the garage entrance, making grocery storage quick and easy. Conveniently located on the main floor, the inviting master suite has a sitting area and French doors giving access to the rear porch with outdoor fireplace. The sizable walk in closet with built-ins and

80 - AIBD magazine

and private toilet area complete the suite.

On the upper level you will find 3 additional bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. A loft and media room are also located on this level, making it a great place for the family to gather for game or movie time! The expansive covered front and rear porches, plus the third garage door overlooking the patio, allow for plentiful space for outdoor seating and entertaining in any weather.


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

ARDA WINNERS- Model Homes (Built) Photos by Mark Adams Media

Alguno Charming Cottage Photos by kevin michael snyder Photography LLC

Camden escape Chip Hudson Photos by JP Morales

Sunridge Kelley Design Group Photos by Mark Adams Media

Waller Entertainer’s Delight 82 - AIBD magazine

ARDA WINNERS- Model Homes (Unbuilt) Renderings by Kelley Design Group

Garwood Kelley Design Group


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

West Main Townhomes GRAND ARDA WINNER - Townhouses (Built) DESIGNED BY A Classical Studio PHOTOS BY Enrique Samson

“I absolutely love it.” - Judges’ comment This

townhome development is nestled in a newly revitalized downtown walking district. The intent of the project was to provide a luxury living experience for residents while allowing them direct access to the many local amenities. The layout of the community fosters an intimate neighborhood environment through the creation of a new park and allows tenants to experience a thriving local downtown.

handrails, copper gas lanterns, and timber brackets giving them each their own unique expression. The townhomes are anchored by masonry chimneys and tied together with front terraces that encourage residents to engage with neighbors while enjoying their outdoor fireplaces. Each unit also provides a roof top covered porch that boasts views of the city to the south and the mountains to the north.

These blended French and English styled townhomes express their height with front facing gables and create an attractive rhythm punctuating the community with their alternating brick and stone facades. The homes enjoy custom details such as iron

These comfortable and sophisticated homes offer ample opportunity for residents to relax, entertain and engage with their community. They have been a huge hit with homeowners and the city alike.

84 - AIBD magazine


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

ARDA WINNERS - Townhouses Drawings by Barron Custom Design

Fontana Secluded Retreat

ARDA WINNERS - Published Design Drawings by Ashley Avila Photography

Greenlea Visbeen Architects Photos by Rob Miskowitch-Photographer, MiTek-Video Fly Around

Lake Meadow BBKern DESIGNS LLC 86 - AIBD magazine

ARDA WINNERS - Published Design (Cont.) Renderings by Colin Liebl

The Rock Creek Royal Oaks Design, Inc. Renderings by Colin Liebl

The Stoney Brook Royal Oaks Design, inc Photos by Kevin Michael Snyder Photography LLC.

Woodall in the woods Chip Hudson


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

Ada Modern Classic GRAND ARDA WINNER - Renovation (Built) DESIGNED BY 42 North - Architecture + Design PHOTOS BY John Stoffer Photography


renovate or to custom build? That was the question facing a young family relocating to the United States from New Zealand. When all was said and done, although the project’s 5,900 square foot footprint never changed, they might as well have built new due to the stunning result with a $1 million price tag. Worth. Every. Penny. The Ada Modern Classic transformation from a dated and choppy 1999 home to a fresh, open, modern concept home with a Scandinavian influence is nothing short of jaw dropping. A few original elements were preserved: the windows, living room ceiling rafters, internal transom window, and dining room wainscoting. Other than that, everything in the home is brand new.

88 - AIBD magazine

Rooms played musical chairs: the sunroom became an open breakfast nook; the old kitchen transformed into a family room; an office turned into a nursery attached to the master bedroom. Enhancements not in the original floorplan include the additions of a scullery; enlarged mudroom; and a wet room with soaker tub and shower. The second-floor bedrooms once shared a Jack and Jill bathroom, but now the children have separate bathrooms. Out with the old: bulkheads, columns, built ins. In with the new: open shelving in unique void spaces, a coffee bar, and main floor open concept. The side by side before and after photos dramatically prove that sometimes, “reduce, reuse, and recycle” applies even to the McMansions of yester year.


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

Bungalow with a Modern GRAND ARDA WINNER - Renovation (Built) DESIGNED BY Gaver Nichols Architect PHOTOS BY Gaver Nichols

The project involved the total renovation with additions

of an existing 1950s home in a suburban location. The design was a collaboration between a builder and an architect. Modern open airy floor plans were created to meet the demand for “new homes.” The builder requested a design that allowed him to display his craftsmanship and style. Design challenges included the triangular lot with two street frontages, severe zoning setback restrictions, and height limitations. The home included multiple bedroom suites, family rooms, bathrooms, terraces, a renovated two-car garage, and a designer kitchen. The project

90 - AIBD magazine

involved the total renovation with additions of an existing 1950s home in a suburban location. The design was a collaboration between a builder and an architect. Modern, open airy floor plans were created to meet the demand for “new homes.” The builder requested a design that allowed him to display his craftsmanship and style. Design challenges included the triangular lot with two street frontages, severe zoning setback restrictions, and height limitations. The home included multiple bedroom suites, family rooms, bathrooms, terraces, a renovated two-car garage, and a designer kitchen.



American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

Crossgate GRAND ARDA WINNER - Renovation (Built) DESIGNED BY Laine M Jones Designs PHOTOS BY Waterview Kitchens

The proportion The rejuvenation of this 30-year-old home planning and interior design, the other two on structure, local is a unique collaboration of three creative designers, one being the home’s original planner. The lead designer focused on space

92 - AIBD magazine

permit coordination, and job site observation.


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

DWP-006 GRAND ARDA WINNER - Renovation (Built) DESIGNED BY Patricia Carvajal PHOTOS BY John McClain Design


on the banks of the St.Johns River, this 1980’s humble ranch style home underwent a remarkable transformation. The existing structure was a 2-story frame on slab on grade. It had boxy, unremarkable interior with 9’0” ceilings and not many windows which blocked the river views. The home was in serious need of an update. My Client fell in love with the views of the river. Indeed, the location of the building and the views of the river were simply perfect. In order to preserve the location of the building close to the river

94 - AIBD magazine

bank we decided to remodel. This would be his dream home that would stay in the family for generations to come. We decided that an Antebellum style Florida Estate would be a perfect style match to the river views and the ancient trees with hanging moss. Due to current setback restrictions, the decision to preserve the footprint was the only means to take advantage of the best waterfront views from almost all the bedrooms, kitchen & family room. My efforts resulted in an exquisitely elegant Florida home.


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

96 - AIBD magazine

Framing the View

GRAND ARDA WINNER - Renovation (Built)

DESIGNED BY Habitations, LLC PHOTOS BY Barbara Brown Photography

The design commission on this project came from the builder. load bearing partitions. The main living area was in the rear-center This was a new client to them and our first experience with this builder. We are flattered that the builder chose us for this wonderful opportunity. The property owner acquired this delightful example of a mid-century modern that resides on a private six-acre lake that is remarkably remote although it is nested in the middle of a significant suburban township. The entire structure is cedar in virtually every element from beams to siding. The primary structure was a challenge as it is multi-faceted with skewed exterior walls on 45 degree angles. To make the situation more interesting, the roof system is trussed to create the roof shape while reducing interior

of the home overlooking the lake through a very dated solarium structure frequently used in commercial structures of the era. The afternoon heat gain was overwhelming on a good day. The Living Room and Solarium were separated by a masonry fireplace facing the Living Room and blank on the lake side. It is mimiced on the floor below in the guest suite Living area. We called this the terrace level. Furthermore the kitchen is 5-sided with 3 entry/egress points and as many traffic paths with a quaint seating area and a masonry fireplace. The Living Room and Kitchen are separated by the Foyer and primary entrance.


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

ARDA WINNERS - Renovation (Built) Photos by Ryan Weaver

1970’s Transformation Sherri L Weaver Design Photos by Warren Patterson and Sarah Winchester

Brick Story Jan Gleysteen Architects Photos by Spacecrafting

Modern on West 57th David Charlez Designs Photos by Jason Keen Photography

Saxonia House Mathison | Mathison 98 - AIBD magazine

Photos by Eastman Creative and Gordon Gregory Photograph

The Barn at Walnut Hill (GRAND ARDA) Poole & Poole Architecture


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA) The project is a small studio loft renovation in NYC. The apartment hasn’t been renovated in 30 years. A large amount of storage and shelving spaces is a major design requirement emphasized by the client. Also, the client’s system will occasionally stay with her, therefore, it is important to provide two sleeping quarters in the loft.

An open living / dining room flooded with natural lighting is the focal point of the space. Coupling with a light color scheme, the goal is to create a space that feels larger than it really is. The designer also took advantage of the space’s high ceiling and used lighting that complimented that perception. The design also efficiently uses the left over spaces as storages. For example, the unusable space below the stair to the upper loft is designed to be a book shelves since the client is a bookworm. Although the space is generally light in color, the goal is to utilizes the client’s personal belongings to lighten up the space. For example, a magazine shelf and a large book shelf are incorporated into the living room as an accent feature that makes the room colorful.

“I love the stair.” - Judges’ comment

100 - AIBD magazine

NYC Studio Loft

GRAND ARDA WINNER - Renovation (Unbuilt)



American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

Via Zurita GRAND ARDA WINNER - Renovation (Unbuilt) DESIGNED BY Mark Scott Associates DRAWINGS BY Mark Scott


was to convert a rundown house into an Italian villa. Adding a third floor to take advantage of the ocean view. One of the biggest challenges such as re-conforming

102 - AIBD magazine

the steep slope site to re-capture usable land for the house remodel and new pool area


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

ARDA WINNERS - Renovation (Unbuilt) Renderings by 3D-Cordoba Arquitectura.COM

DWP-0021 Patricia Carvajal Renderings by Steve Mickley

Riverwind Robert Juengert and Steve Mickley Renderings by Habitations, LLC

Vaulting Complications Habitations, LLC Renderings by CDG Project Studio

Zen Transformation Pippin Home Designs 104 - AIBD magazine


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

Pelican Vista GRAND ARDA WINNER - Design Feature DESIGNED BY Mark Scott Associates PHOTOS BY AG Photography


metal shade structure and sitting area in the perfect spot for with the best view of the ocean. Even tough the roof

106 - AIBD magazine

structure looks heavy the unique feature is that the columns are removable.


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

ARDA WINNERS - Design Feature Photos by Mark Scott

Leesbury #2 Mark Scott Associates Photos by Mark Borosch

Oceanview Drive Bunk Room Windstar Homes Photos by Mark Borosch

Oceanview Drive Sky Spa Windstar Homes

108 - AIBD magazine

ARDA WINNERS - Green Designs Photos by Four Walls Photography

Sustainable Hacienda Hobbs’ Ink, LLC


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

ARDA 2020 Plan Set GRAND ARDA WINNER - Working Drawings DESIGNED BY Joey R. Martin DRAWINGS BY Joey R. Martin

110 - AIBD magazine


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)


112 - AIBD magazine

eview Traditional Cottage

GRAND ARDA WINNER - Working Drawings

DESIGNED BY David Charlez Designs DRAWINGS BY David Charlez Designs

This cottage traditional style design’s main goal was to have This design easily entertains guests with a main level bar connected curbside charm and have lake views from as many rooms as possible. The backside of the design is essentially all glass. The flow of the design was important as well to have a large kitchen and prep pantry combined with a pocket office since typically so much time is spent in the kitchen areas.

to an oversized sunroom, both in close proximity to the great room. No interior detail was left untouched with several ceiling features including forever wood beams, boxed ceiling upsets with coffered details and a grand two-story great room. Thoughtfulness was placed in the details of the cabinetry, built-ins, and grand sized fireplaces to invoke the traditional cottage design aesthetic.


American Residential Design Awards (ARDA)

ARDA WINNERS- Working Drawings Photos by 42 North - Architecture + Design

Crooked Lake Modern Prairie 42 North - Architecture + Design Drawings by Grace Fields, Inc.

Foxtail Farm Royal Oaks Design, Inc. Drawings by Colin Liebl

Oakdale Ranch Royal Oaks Design, Inc. Drawings by Chip Hudson

Pennington Place Chip Hudson 114 - AIBD magazine

Drawings by Habitations, LLC

Structural Nightmare Habitations, LLC


issue SUMMER 2020

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