Symposium Spring 2017

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Assignments All assignments, excluding the peer feedback, are oral assignments that must be presented in-class. Not during the professor’s office hours. In-class. No exceptions. Late assignments will automatically receive 0%. Extensions will not be granted, except for medical reasons (see Medical Accommodation Policy). Communication All students are required to attend their instructor’s office hours at least twice during the semester. Attending office hours assures your professor that you are on the right track with your assignments and clears up any questions you may have about lectures or reading/viewing materials. Talking to an authority figure in person may be anxiety-inducing, but this is no excuse to avoid the office hour component of your grade. E-mails will be answered on a biweekly basis, so it really is better if you just suck it up and go to office hours. Attendance Policy Social anxiety is no excuse to miss class. Students that are absent for more than 4 hours of class must present a certificate from a doctor that deals with non-mental illnesses. Otherwise, their final mark will be lowered by 30%. Medical Accommodation Policy Social anxiety is no excuse to miss class. Everyone knows that only physical illnesses legitimately warrant doctors’ notes. However, if your anxiety becomes too much to bear, you can always join the many other hopefuls on campus wait for an appointment in our Counselling Services Building. Scholastic Offences Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Also, social anxiety is no excuse to miss class. Final Note from the TA Not everyone will develop social anxiety by the end of this class. For many, it’s inconceivable that giving a presentation or talking to a professor outside of class could ever cause anyone as much fear as flying in an airplane or trying to transport a spider from the kitchen to the backyard. It may be easy enough to take a sedative before your flight to England. It may be even easier to ask a friend to catch the spider on your ceiling. But it will always be impossible to push yourself when you are constantly bound and gagged by your own brain. And it will always be impossible to shake off the chains when you are blamed for subjecting yourself to them in the first place.

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