How to smart home a step by step guide to your personal internet of things 3rd edition (2015)

Page 251

function. In the ETS configuration menu for the room controller we select the four bit control mode, which activates four 1 Bit KNX objects of the type DPT 1.001. We now can link each of the four objects to a KNX Group Address which allows us to access them through OpenRemote (Figure 12.12).

Figure 12.12 KNX Group Address linkage to the four switch objects heating operating mode change In order to switch to a particular operating state, the four switch objects have to be set as outlined in the matrix in Table 12.2: Antifreeze




1 0 0 0

X 1 0 0

X X 1 0

X X X 1

Antifreeze Comfort Standby Night

Table 12.2 Control matrix for Jung compact room control unit Thus for example, in order to switch the heating status to night, we need to set four switches (Antifreeze to 0, Comfort to 0, Standby to 0 and Night to 1). For the other states we just need to set three, two or one switches respectively. (X stands for don’t care). We import the newly defined KNX Group Addresses into OpenRemote, assigning the command types “Switch” to each group address. OpenRemote imports each group address

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