Google Core Update 2023: What you need to know?

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Whatyou needtoknow?

Google keeps bringing updates to its search algorithms and system multiple times a year. It aims to improve the search engine results for the searchers. However, the recent March 2023 update by Google can affect your website ranking.

That’s why every SEO internet marketing company and individual need to stay aware of what’s happening in the digital space. Let’s get more information about the recent Google Core update.

What does Google say about its core update?

The latest core update which took around two weeks to implement properly, it is aiming to improve the search results for users. For instance, if someone searches for the top 100 songs in 2022 and refreshes it in 2025 then, it will change automatically by adding the newly released movies.

Pages that are affected by the change in the core update have to do nothing. The only thing to do is conduct a self-assessment and come up with people-first content.

What SEO marketers should do?

For every individual and SEO internet marketing services provider, there are some crucial steps to take to keep the page performance optimal:

Monitor Metrics

With the release of the new core update, don’t mistake of avoiding the key metrics. Keep observing them and take a look over the changes in visitors, sessions, and every important metric. If your page was performing well before the update but the numbers in metrics are going down now, it means you have to change your SEO strategy.

Audit Your Website

If you notice any drop in the metrics, audit your website and check for the most affected pages and searches. In addition, compare the search with your competitor. In case you find the content of your competitor ranking higher for the same search, research and identify the issue.

Focus on Quality

Even after the core update, Google still values the E-A-T (expertise, authority, and trustworthiness) in content. So, your focus should be on bringing quality content for the readers.

Google has already claimed in its published blog that the algorithm rewards sites that publish quality content. This is where you have to work the most if you want a high ranking on the search engine results page.

Technical SEO

Have a look at the technical speed of your website when you are expecting a higher ranking. Some of the things you should check include:

 Check the website loading speed

 Recognize the broken links and fix it

 Improve the mobile-friendliness of your website

 Put the structured data

 Identify crawl errors and remove them

Update Content

As the searches will cover the latest information and old ones will be discarded, your contents have to be updated regularly. For example, if a user searches for the best Boston SEO Services in 2021, then old content will show up. Replacing the year with 2023, the newly written content will be on top.

Never Let Your Website Go Down!

AGR Technologies Inc. can help you if your page traffic is going down after the Google Core update. It’s the hottest and the most popular SEO agency Boston. For SEO to all other kinds of digital marketing services, contact it today before your website ranking go down more.


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