explains CEDAW Treaty

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Toward TRatification: oward Ratification: CEDAW CEDAW

The Treaty Provisions TSummarized he Treaty Provisions Summarized

for the

for the




nd most U.S. laws except as noted in

and most U.S. laws except as noted in



No enforcement




the United Nations or

the United Nations or any other

despite the use of words osuch ther organization despite the use of words such as "mandate," "require," and "obligate." A aperiodic s "mandate," "require," and "obligate." A periodic report and review process is all that is rrequired. eport and review process is all that is required.

domestic laws

domestic laws differ from the

from the Treaty,



The Treaty Provisions TSummarized he Treaty Provisions Summarized The The Treaty
TWomen reaty
Women is compatible with the U.S. iConstitution s compatible
the U.S. Constitution
reservations, understandings,
uenforcement nderstandings,
granted to
aany uthority
granted to
WTreaty, henever
countries may express c"reservations, ountries may express "reservations, understandings,
udeclarations. nderstandings,


Defends discrimination against Dwomen efends discrimination against women as as "distinction, exclusion, or restriction made on "the distinction, exclusion, or restriction made on the basis of sex, which has the effect or purpose bof asis of sex, which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the irecognition, mpairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment, or exercise by women, eirrespective njoyment, or exercise by women, irrespective of marital status, on the basis of equality obetween f marital status, on the basis of equality between men and women, of human rights or mfundamental en and women, of human rights or fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, fsocial, reedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil, or any other cfield." ultural, civil, or any other field."

Treaty Provisions

Article1 The Treaty Provisions TSummarized he
The Treaty Provisions TSummarized he Treaty Provisions Summarized IIt t urges countries to ucondemn rges countries to condemn discrimination in all dforms iscrimination in all forms and ato nd to establish legal frameworks, eincluding stablish legal frameworks, including laws, policies, and practices that lprovide aws, policies, and practices that provide protection against discrimination pand rotection against discrimination and uphold uequality. phold equality. Article2 Article2
The Treaty Provisions TSummarized he Treaty Provisions Summarized Guarantees Gthe uarantees the human rights hof uman rights of women women in civil, political, ieconomic, n civil, political, economic, social, and cultural sspheres. ocial, and cultural spheres. Article3 Article3
The Treaty Provisions TSummarized he Treaty Provisions Summarized Aims for the acceleration Aof ims for the acceleration of equality by allowing countries eto quality by allowing countries to take "temporary special tmeasures" ake "temporary special measures" Article4 Article4

Affirms the need for cultural change Aas ffirms the need for cultural change as well as family education to appreciate wthe ell as family education to appreciate the social function of motherhood and sthe ocial function of motherhood and the shared responsibility of raising schildren. hared responsibility of raising children.

The Treaty Provisions TSummarized he Treaty Provisions Summarized
Article5 Article5
The Treaty Provisions TSummarized he Treaty Provisions Summarized Obligates countries to Otake bligates countries to take measures to suppress mtrafficking easures to suppress trafficking in women and the exploitation iof n women and the exploitation of prostitution of pwomen. rostitution of women. Article6 Article6


Ensures the equal rights of women to Evo nsures the equal rights of women to vo to be elected, to be involved in tpolicy o be elected, to be involved in policy formulation, to hold office, and fto ormulation, to hold office, and to participate in associations pand articipate in associations and nongovernmental norganizations. ongovernmental organizations. Ends discrimination against women Ein nds discrimination against women in political and public plife. olitical and public life.

The Treaty Provisions TSummarized he Treaty Provisions Summarized
The Treaty Provisions TSummariz he Treaty Provisions Summariz Equal representation for Ewo qual representation for wo of their governments at othe f their governments at the international level must ibe nternational level must be ensured. ensured. Article8 Article8

Article9 Article9

Women and their children have Wthe omen and their children have the same rights to acquire, change, sor ame rights to acquire, change, or retain their nationality as rmen. etain their nationality as men.

The Treaty Provisions TSummarized he Treaty Provisions Summarized
The Treaty TPro he Treaty Pro Ensures Eequa nsures equa all acountries, ll countries, professional pt rofessional t other omeans ther means eliminates ege liminates ge Artic Artic





The Treaty Provisions TSummarized he Treaty Provisions Summarized Ensures that discrimination in the Eworkplace nsures that discrimination in the workplace end,
the right to
and access et nd, including the right to work and access t employment opportunities, eequal mployment opportunities, equal remuneration, the freedom to rchoose emuneration, the freedom to choose profession and employment,
psecurity, rofession and employment,
security, health protection (including maternal hhealth ealth protection (including maternal health and ending discrimination on the basis aof nd ending discrimination on the basis of marriage and mmaternity. arriage and maternity. Article11 Article11
The Treaty Provisions TSummarized he Treaty Provisions Summarized Aims to eliminate Adiscriminati ims to eliminate discriminati in health care, including iacce n health care, including acce to family planning tservices. o family planning services. Article12 Article12


that women be ensured Rth equires that women be ensured th same rights as men in all areas of sso ame rights as men in all areas of so and economic life, such as afamily nd economic life, such as family benefits, mortgages, bank loans, ban enefits, mortgages, bank loans, and participation in recreational pactivitie articipation in recreational activitie and asports. nd sports.

The Treaty Provisions TSummarized he Treaty Provisions Summarized Requires
The Treaty Provisions TSummarized he Treaty Provisions Summarized Aimed at rural women who Aface imed at rural women who face specific problems, sincluding pecific problems, including access to credit, health care, aand ccess to credit, health care, and education, as well as eparticipation ducation, as well as participation in development iplanning. n development planning. Article14 Article14
The Treaty Provisions TSummarized he Treaty Provisions Summarized Countries are obliged to take Cstep ountries are obliged to take step to guarantee equality before tthe o guarantee equality before the law in such areas as lcontracts, aw in such areas as contracts, property administration, pand roperty administration, and residence rchoice. esidence choice. Article15 Article15
The Treaty Provisions TSummarized he Treaty Provisions Summarized Ensures equality in marriage, Eincluding nsures equality in marriage, including equal rights for men to choose a espouse qual rights for men to choose a spouse freely; equal rights and fresponsibilities reely; equal rights and responsibilities for children, including the right fto or children, including the right to choose the number and spacing cof hoose the number and spacing of children and to have the resources cto hildren and to have the resources to do so; and equal rights to dproperty. o so; and equal rights to property. Article16 Article16
The Treaty Provisions TSummarized he Treaty Provisions Summarized Calls for establishment of Cthe alls for establishment of the Committee on the Elimination Co ommittee on the Elimination o Discrimination Against DWomen iscrimination Against Women (CEDAW) that will evaluate (prog CEDAW) that will evaluate prog made in implementation of the mT ade in implementation of the T Article17 Article17
The Treaty TProv he Treaty Prov Establishes Establishes a ratifying rcou atifying cou committee co ommittee o Artic Artic

Arti Arti

The Treaty TP he Treaty P Establishe Establishe CEDAW Cto EDAW to procedure procedure year yterm ear term
The Treaty Provisions TSummariz he Treaty Provisions Summariz Sets annual CEDAW Smeet ets annual CEDAW meet to review countries' trepor o review countries' report Article20 Article20
The Treaty Provisions TSummarized he Treaty Provisions Summarized Directs CEDAW to report annually Dt irects CEDAW to report annually t General Assembly through the GEco eneral Assembly through the Eco and Social Council of the United aNa nd Social Council of the United Na and to make suggestions and agene nd to make suggestions and gene recommendations based on rthe ecommendations based on the countries' creports. ountries' reports. Article21 Article21
The Treaty Provisions TSummarized he Treaty Provisions Summarized Allows for specialized Aagen llows for specialized agen of the UN to be orepresente f the UN to be represente and for CEDAW to ainvite nd for CEDAW to invite reports from rthem. eports from them. Article22 Article22


Set forth how the Treaty Soper et forth how the Treaty oper including the procedure for ic ncluding the procedure for c into effect, the scope of iperm nto effect, the scope of perm reservations, and the rprocess eservations, and the process resolving disputes between rc esolving disputes between c

The Treaty Provisions TSummarize he Treaty Provisions Summarize

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