Managing and Improving Native Pastures
DEALER SPOTLIGHT Cowra Machinery Centre
6m RollMax Stubble Cruncher
AN EXPANDING RANGE Harvest has kicked off across
existing product offerings and in
The RollMax, a recent addition
much of the wheatbelt, with
new developments, revolves
to our product line, has found its
Southern NSW and Victoria
predominantly around
niche in residue management,
reporting average yields and
post-harvest residue
particularly when equipped with
some above-average yields in
management. Emphasis is also
cruncher blades. This
several districts. Conversely,
placed on the conservation and
configuration is particularly adept
Northern NSW and Southern
retention of moisture, critical
at sizing up canola, chickpea, and
QLD, having largely missed the
during the upcoming summer and
bean stubbles.
window for a winter crop, are now
autumn months. Notably, recent
looking for that much-needed
years have seen an increase in
Looking ahead to early 2024,
break in view of summer cropping
summer rain events, and
AusCut, in collaboration with our
effective management of this
extensive dealer network, will
moisture, when kept stored in
be conducting a demonstration
At AusCut, amidst the current
our soil profile, is instrumental in
program featuring the RollMax,
softer slasher market conditions
preparing for the winter ahead.
AeraMax, and our range of
attributed to the dry spring, our
mulching slashers. We encourage
team has remained diligently
The AusCut range of mulching
you to reach out to our friendly
engaged in new product
slashers has demonstrated
sales staff to find a
development. We are pleased to
efficiency in achieving these
demonstration location near you.
announce the recent launch of
goals. By mulching stubbles, we
the RollMax and AeraMax into
ensure an even spread of residue
Bill Larsen
the marketplace. Despite the
across the soil profile, providing
Director of Sales and Marketing
challenging climatic conditions,
protection against drying from
this expansion has contributed
wind and sun exposure. An
to sustained growth in our
additional benefit is that, come
abilities to support Australian
seeding time, tined drills can
easily seed through the mulched residue.
Our focus at AusCut, both in our
How to manage and improve native pastures
into your existing pastures
and grass species that naturally
There are numerous practices
numerous benefits for your
grow in specific regions with little
and strategies to manage and
property. These include
human input. They are species
improve native pastures.
increased feed quality for your
that thrive in local climates and
Identifying what native and
livestock, improved soil health,
soil conditions. In New South
perennial pastures exist in your
the prevention of soil erosion
Wales for example, there are
local region and understanding
and increased weed suppression,
numeous native species
their growth patterns and
while also enabling livestock
including Arrowleaf Clover, Rye
preferred environment, allows
grazing periods to be extended.
Grass, Cocksfoot and Common
you to adopt strategies to
Wheatgrass to name a few.
foster new improved pastures
Having mixed species that have
Most are perennial species
and protect your existing native
different growth patterns and
which regrow after being grazed
thrive at different times
Native pastures are the plant
including grasses, oats, legumes and brassicas, will provide
throughout the year, means that
or mowed, if your pasture is MLA (Meat and Livestock
you will continuously have native
Australia) suggest maintaining
pastures for livestock grazing.
“at least 70% ground cover
Adding oats and brassicas to
to protect the soil against
your pasture management
excessive water loss by run-off,
system diversifies your livestock
Managing and improving native
evaporation from the soil surface,
forage. Brassicas including kale,
pastures is important for
erosion and reduce the
turnip, canola, mustard and
improving soil fertility, conserving
establishment of annual and
radish, to name a few, all add
water and preserving a healthy
broadleaf weed species”.
value to your overall pasture
The importance of native pastures
biodiversity system on your property. Native pastures are
health in different ways. Some
Mixed species
are fast-growing which helps
Incorporating a variety of species
grazing and others are richer in
also a low input, cost effective feed source for livestock in Australia. Unfortunately, native pastures can be damaged and even eradicated if they are mismanaged. Overgrazing, high stocking rates, limited rest periods, invasive weed growth and disease, are some of the causes of damaged native pastures.
Effective mulching for further growth of the nutritious plant stem
with rejuvenation after livestock
AlphaCut controlling red grasses for even growth
certain nutrients that boost soil
your native pastures.
Overgrazing and overstocking are common causes of destroyed
sustainable forage growth.
Weed control
The mixed species will also
native and perennial pastures.
provide for a broader range of
You can introduce rotational
Weed control is a critical aspect
nutritional elements, boosting
grazing to prevent overgrazing
to managing and improving your
stock health. For example
in one specific area. Either move
native pastures. You need to
incorporating legumes like
stock to an alternate paddock or
monitor invasive weed
lucerne and medic into your
implement strip grazing. Graze
germination and take action
pasture will boost nitrogen levels
particular pastures at certain
to eradicate these before they
in the soil, which is essential for
times of the year and don’t graze
overrun the native and
plant growth.
during the seed setting and
perennial species.
flowering stage of a particular When choosing species to add to
species. Allow pastures to rest
Weeds naturally grow in dry and
your native pastures, it’s
and recover between grazing
tough conditions or after floods
important you have a good
periods. This gives the plants a
when seed has been washed
understanding of your growing
chance to rejuvenate.
onto your property. When weeds
conditions and environment, as
set in on your property, forage
different species will grow better
Adjust your stocking rates to
quality and quantity diminishes
in different environments.
match the carrying capacity.
as weeds not only lack nutritional
Consider your paddock size, the
value but some can be toxic to
growth rate of the native plants
Stock grazing management
and seasonal changes as they occur. Properly managed stock
There are ways to naturally
Grazing management is an
numbers will help maintain
suppress the growth of invasive
important aspect of managing
healthy pastures and ensure
weeds and these include
planting cover crops, mulching,
existing native pastures. Carry
and maintain a sustainable and
mowing and rotating crops.
out aeration and seeding to
healthy natural ecosystem on
introduce new seeds and
your property.
Monitoring and adaptive management
promote stronger and healthier root systems.
The key benefits of managing and improving your native
It is important to adapt to
Maintaining healthy native
pastures are:
changing conditions and
pastures means continuously
improved soil health
seasonal variations. Following
monitoring and making
increased livestock forage
floods or during droughts, often
improvements throughout
extended livestock grazing
weeds will take over as the
the year, adapting to different
native species roots are
growing conditions and
optimised animal health
damaged. It is especially
responding to various seasonal
reduction in the amount of
important to monitor and
carry out pasture improvements and implement strategies for pasture rejuvenation following these events.
weed growth
Benefits of managing and improving native pastures
the ability to manage the effects of a drought
a healthy biodiversity system.
Carry out regular assessments
Managing and improving your
AusCut services the agricultural
and evaluate your current soil
native pasture is a continuous
industry by manufacturing
and pasture health. Are weeds
long-term project and requires a
innovative Australian made,
taking over? Is there poor
comprehensive approach. An
high-quality farm machinery
growth? Or is there evidence
approach that includes
that can be used for managing
of soil degradation in areas?
introducing mixed species,
and improving native pastures.
Conduct soil tests to determine
pasture rejuvenation, choosing
Contact one of our friendly team
whether certain nutrients are
suitable perennial pastures and
members on 1800 517 417 to
lacking and whether additional
careful stock management, is
discuss effective strategies to
fertilisation is required. This
recommended. It is essential to
manage and improve your native
helps with selecting which
allow you to meet your ongoing
species to introduce to your
livestock grazing requirements Mulching weeds to open up sunlight to perennial native species
CUSTOMER STORY Ian Griffith, Brundanella Merino Stud
Ian’s AlphaCut mulching an overgrown paddock
I recently had a chat with Ian
upgraded from his original
in various tasks. It remains on
Griffith, a local farmer in Central
slasher to a 6.5m AlphaCut
his tractor full time during some
West New South Wales. We
Flexwing Slasher. When asked
seasons, allowing him to slash
talked about his 6.5 metre
about choosing an AusCut
thistles or clean up dam banks
AusCut AlphaCut slasher, a
slasher, Ian emphasized his
as needed. Although initially
crucial part of his farming
confidence in our products and
purchased for slashing canola
operation at Brundanella Merino
the customer service that came
stubble, he now employs it for a
with them. Having prior positive
broader range of applications.
experiences with us, he didn’t Ian, a second-generation family
feel the need to explore other
When asked about his
farmer, shared that his parents
options, trusting that we would
experience with AusCut’s service,
purchased his current block near
deliver the quality and support
Ian’s response was
Greenethorpe in 1954.
he desired.
straightforward: “Well, I wouldn’t
Greenethorpe is a small town
keep coming back if I wasn’t
situated at the centre of a
Ian also highlighted the
satisfied!” He commended our
triangle between Cowra, Young,
convenience of dealing with a
product knowledge and excellent
and Grenfell.
local product for service and
service. Despite encountering
maintenance, given our proximity
issues, such as damage from
Currently managing 5,500 head
in Cowra. We have found that,
hitting rocks, Ian found us quick
of sheep at Brundanella, Ian
regardless of location in
and cooperative in helping out.
plans to reduce the count to
Australia, sourcing parts and
around 4,000 by year-end.
service from a local
In the end, Ian expressed zero
Additionally, he is cropping
manufacturer is proven signifi-
regrets about his purchase of an
approximately 1200 acres.
cantly more straightforward than
AusCut AlphaCut slasher,
dealing with overseas suppliers.
emphasizing his continual
Our family has been doing
satisfaction with the product and
business with Ian for over 30
Ian praised the versatility of his
the service he has received.
years through our previous
AlphaCut, considering it a
business. A few years back, he
universal machine that excels
Roly Larsen Sales Manager
COWRA MACHINERY CENTRE What do you believe has the biggest room for growth in agriculture in the Cowra region?
and easily approachable team.
AusCut products have
This unique combination of
consistently earned our
professional service and a
recommendation, thanks to their
welcoming atmosphere
exceptional build quality, reliable
The adoption and
enhances our overall satisfaction
performance, and the added
implementation of precision
and makes our collaboration with
advantage of local support. Our
farming techniques have become
AusCut particularly pleasant.
recommendation is backed by
integral to modern agriculture,
firsthand experience of
and spraying. The incorporation
What is the most interesting product that has left your yard?
of cutting-edge technologies not
The sale of the first Miller Nitro
confidence in local support,
only revolutionizes traditional
7380 out of CMC was a milestone
ensuring that our customers not
farming practices but also holds
for us. This innovative piece of
only receive a top-tier product
significant potential to drive
equipment was equipped with
but also have the peace of mind
productivity to new
the state-of-the-art intelli-spray
that comes with accessible
heights across the agricultural
feature, showcasing our
assistance and expertise.
dedication to staying at the
with a particular emphasis on variable rate spreading, seeding,
witnessing the durability and effectiveness of AusCut products in action. Furthermore, the
highlighted our commitment to
How has Cowra Machinery Centre changed in the last 10 years?
The family atmosphere and the
enhancing operational efficiency
Over the past decade, CMC has
relationships we’ve built, stand
and effectiveness in the field.
undergone significant
forefront of technological
What is the best part about working with AusCut?
out as the highlight of our experience working with AusCut. As clients, we genuinely feel valued, enjoying the advantages of a local, friendly, Jimmy and Andrew from CMC
advancements. Additionally, the inclusion of wider tires further
What advice would you give to someone considering purchasing an AusCut product?
transformation and expansion. The acquisition by AEH five years ago marked a turning point of extensive growth and development. This move allowed for the acquisition of another business, leading to expanded premises and enhanced capabilities. The evolution of CMC over the past decade is a testament to our adaptability and commitment to staying ahead in an ever-changing industry. As we continue to grow, our focus remains on delivering innovative solutions and unmatched service to our valued customers.
ROLLMAX LAND ROLLERS Enhanced Germination:
110hp to 180hp. For larger
the AusCut product range is the
Post-seeding rolling
operations, our two wider models,
RollMax. Recognizing a distinct
contributes to achieving
available in 12m and 18m widths,
market need, the AusCut team
maximum seed-to-soil
conveniently fold down to 3.5m
identified an opportunity to offer
moisture profile, ensuring
wide for easy road transport.
an Australian-made roller system
early and even germination.
One of the latest additions to
Residue Management:
To ensure longevity and
Rolling stubble and residue
minimize downtime, our smooth
post-harvest ensures
drum units are equipped with
When harvesting legumes, the
effective breakdown and
heavy duty 75mm replaceable
header has to be close to the
sizing. The RollMax Residue
hubs and bearings. The rollers,
ground to ensure a full cut of the
Cruncher proves beneficial
constructed from extra heavy
pods. To safeguard expensive
for sizing canola stubble and
duty 16mm thick x 1060mm
equipment and maintain the
breaking down wheat stubble
diameter steam pipe, feature a
integrity of the seed sample, the
for efficient residue
frame finished with a durable
RollMax, constructed with 16mm
powder coat. Optional upgrades
Green Manure
include 265/70R19.5 18pr truck
designed to punch rocks into the
Applications: The RollMax
tires and 80mm double-spherical
soil profile without causing dam-
Residue Cruncher emerges
roller bearings with a static load
age to machinery.
as an ideal tool for green
capacity of 420kn.
tailored specifically for broadacre
rolled plate, stands as a solution
manure applications, Five key reasons why the AusCut
facilitating crimping of both
For those opting for the residue
RollMax has been introduced to
green and brown manure
cruncher variation, we
the market:
crops. This aids in building
recommend that you include
Soil Levelling: Effectively
biomass into soils on a break
the 420kn bearings are
rolling rocks, sticks, and soil
year, expediting the
essential to protect the unit from
clumps back into the soil
breakdown of these crops in
high shock loads. The residue
profile during the growth of
late spring.
cruncher comes with 110x12mm
lentils and legumes ensures a seamless harvest. This
With versatility in mind, we have
blades mounted to
prevents the pickup of rocks
introduced four sizes into the
16mm thick x 955mm diameter
and debris in the front of the
market. The 4.7m and 6m width
pipe for maximum knifing action
harvester, avoiding poten-
units are tailored for smaller
when cracking canola and pea
tial damage to the feeder
holdings and can be efficiently
stubbles, as well as bruising
housing and keeping the
pulled by tractors ranging from
cereal stubbles.
seed sample pristine. »
high tensile boron steel grader
Hay Crop Optimization: Post-seeding rolling of hay crops facilitates easy trafficability in the spring, while maintaining a level surface to limit contamination in the hay sample.
12m Smooth Drum RollMax