Marshall Gould | Agora Gallery

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530 West 25th Street, New York, NY

The stunning photographs of artist Marshall Gould endeavor to tell stories that capture the decisive moment of an interesting subject while also elevating its beauty and emotional state. Though he uses modern digital equipment and software to create his works, Gould painstakingly works to maintain a technique and style that are reminiscent of the “Golden Age of Photography” which stretched from the 1930’s to the 1960’s. Residing in rural Northern California, his work explores Americana themes that deal with the rugged beauty of the western American landscape and the selfreliant perseverance of those who live there. Gould’s main subjects in his photographs are the semi-wild horses that roam a ranch near his home. Horses were absolutely indispensable for those who moved out to populate the American west, and as such Gould sees these subjects as emblematic of humans working in harmony with nature to exist. Further, by photographing the horses in the open space where they are allowed to live a mostly free existence, Gould is also drawing attention to creatures still existing in the natural world that we as humans need to consider in light of climate change. His photographs illustrate that humans and nature do not exist independently of one another, but truly coexist.


Marshall Gould

Apache, 2019 Digital on Fine Art Paper 38” x 49”

$ 5 8 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Horse Avedon, 2018 Digital on Fine Art Paper 59.5” x 45” $ 6 0 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Courtship, 2017 Digital on Fine Art Paper 43” x 49” $ 5 6 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Her Portrait Sitting, 2019 Digital on Fine Art Paper 43” x 59.5”

$ 5 8 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

While I use the most current digital camera equipment, post processing software and digital printers, my style and technique are more reminiscent of the Golden Era of Black & White Photography from the 1930’s through the 1960’s. The backbone of my technical process, both “in camera,” post processing and printing is a total commitment to a mastery of the Zone System, which Ansel Adams developed and perfected over his career. At the center of my creative process, are both storytelling and elevating the beauty and emotions of my subjects, which are often semi-wild horses from a nearby ranch. These beautiful, yet rugged horses roam on an expansive ranch in Northern California in a semi-wild environment. Although they are bred by the rancher each year and have some very limited contact with humans, they are left to run wild, graze, mate, and birth all in a very natural state. The wide-open ranch land is both harsh and breath taking and makes a perfect backdrop for photographing these magnificent animals living the way have for thousands of years. Stylistically, I try to use the smallest possible focal length lens, thereby forcing me to get a close as possible to my subject. I want to covey an intimate understanding of my subject. Artistically, exquisite composition and lighting rule my work. Recently, I have begun to incorporate a more sophisticated style and elegance into my work which is increasingly influenced by the work of the great portrait and fashion photographers from the last 75 years, making my images less documentary in nature and more like fine art environmental portraits. This artistic development and refinement over the last couple of years has produced works that are attracting a broader and more sophisticated art audience. Lastly, in terms of presentation, especially with photographing large animals like horses, I have found that the size/scale of the final printed image is very important, which is why I have begun to print life size whenever possible. The final works of art, when all of this is working in harmony, are beautiful, stunning and evocative Black & White Fine Art Photographic Images.


530 West 25th Street, Ne w Yo rk , NY 2 1 2 - 2 2 6 - 4 1 5 1 Fa x : 2 1 2 - 9 6 6 - 4 3 8 0 W W W. A G O R A - G A L L E R Y . C O M W W W . A R T M I N E . C O M

Š 2020 - Agora Gallery - All Rights Reserved The copyrights of artwork contained in this booklet are retained by the artists. Reproduction of any published material (images or text) is prohibited without the written permission of Agora Gallery.

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