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Message from the Founders

Welcome to December! We cannot believe how time has flown by this year. We reflect and appreciate the time we have had making memories, educating, and providing information to our community. We also are so grateful to see the new year on the horizon, fresh starts, and new journeys to embark on! As we head into the last month of our chapter this year we begin to reflect on all things that this year has brought.

The year itself was a welcoming to all as we left 2021 and the peak of COVID season behind. Not saying COVID is gone by any means but a sense of normality began to settle into our day to day lives. This year many traditions were resumed with the ability to celebrate as a community and celebrate with friends near and far. Travel became something that more people could embark on and experience and experiences were readily available and getting back to in person lifestyle became an option for many.


In this edition of Aging Times, we wanted to bring back some of those traditions we are accustom to and share others from all over the world. Adrienne takes us on an adventure throughout America, Austria, Jerusalem, and many other countries and each country and culture celebrates their holiday season. Living through text to show us all different traditions and family ties showing us significance and sacred celebrations!

In addition to traveling the world and learning of traditions, family heirlooms, and how to embrace the season we also identify that the holidays are not always an easy navigation for all. This month Beth shares just how navigating the holidays with loss and grieving our loved ones. Whether we remember through memory of vision, taste, or smell we carry these moments with us throughout the holiday season.

Amanda’s adventures through European Christmas Markets, hot cider, church bells and apple strudel brings you a sense of home. Her adventures always bring us around the world and provide us opportunity to join in on that fun as well!

We hope this season brings joy, peace, and well wishes as we close out 2022. We look forward to next year’s editorial line up and community involvement.

From Our Family to Yours; Priscilla & Bruce Kincaid, Founders/Owners