AGD Impact December 2023

Page 14

Member Spotlight

First-Gen Dental Student Brooklyn Janes Takes Over Student Perspectives Column


very couple of years, AGD Impact Student Perspectives columnists graduate, and new authors take their place. Our new columnist, Brooklyn Janes, may be new to writing for AGD Impact, but she isn’t new to AGD, and she also isn’t new to dentistry. Janes started in the dental profession as a hygienist, and she currently serves as president of the Roseman University College of Dental Medicine AGD student chapter. Look for her first Student Perspectives column in 2024. AGD Impact: Why did you decide to become a dentist? What was the pathway like from undergrad studies to beginning dental school?

Janes: As a first-generation college graduate, I never envisioned dental school in my future. Achieving my Bachelor of Science in dental hygiene initially appeared to be an impossible feat, as I was the first person in my family to pursue higher education. Nevertheless, I succeeded and developed a deep passion for all aspects of dentistry. After I began working full time as a dental hygienist, I reached a point in my career where I felt the desire to expand my skills and broaden my scope of practice. Graduate school became a more attainable goal at this stage in my life, as I had gained confidence and experience while working in the field. I continued working as a dental hygienist while simultaneously taking prerequisite courses and preparing for the DAT (Dental Admission Test) 12

to qualify for dental school. Although my path to dental school was somewhat unconventional, I have no regrets. Everyone has a unique journey. While it may have taken me a bit longer to reach this point, my clinical experience as a dental hygienist has propelled me ahead. Why did you choose Roseman University?

I had the fortunate opportunity to attend several predental events hosted by Roseman University before the COVID-19 pandemic. These experiences allowed me to visit the campus, learn about the school’s core values and assess whether they aligned with my own. I realized that every dental school has a unique personality, and I knew that — based on my learning style — I would do well here. Various factors come into play when selecting the right dental school. Roseman University not only felt like an excellent fit for me personally, but it also made logistical sense in other ways. My husband also received acceptance into Roseman’s dental program, making it a practical choice for us to be together and stay close to our family here in Utah. While applying to dental school as a married couple may have seemed statistically improbable, it was a risk worth taking. Roseman has truly become our home. When did you first join AGD, and what do you like about your AGD student chapter?

In my second year of dental

Janes and her husband, Kade. Photo credit: Coco Berryessa.

school, I had the honor of being elected the CE PACE chair for the AGD Roseman student chapter. During my tenure in this role, I organized several lunch-and-learn sessions by inviting dental professionals to share their expertise on specific topics. I thoroughly enjoyed these opportunities and felt that I was able to help students gain insights from different perspectives, furthering their education in a unique way. Currently, as a third-year student, I proudly serve as the president of the student chapter. I am a strong advocate for lifelong learning. Regardless of how simple a concept may appear, there are always additional layers to add to your dental foundation. This is why I am passionate about being a part of the AGD student chapter at Roseman. It provides us with numerous learning opportunities that build upon our foundations. However, the most rewarding aspect of

involvement is the chance to collaborate with faculty advisers and fellow members of the organization. Working as a team and witnessing how each member’s strengths complement one another is a privilege that has greatly enriched my dental school experience. What are some of your plans for your career after dental school?

After dental school, my plan is to start practicing and work toward achieving my AGD Fellowship. I believe that general dentistry aligns well with my interests and goals. Pursuing Fellowship will not only keep me motivated, but it will also inspire me to continually progress in the field. I’m enthusiastic about the opportunities that AGD provides, and I look forward to it. I envision incorporating elements from my dental hygiene background into my practice, with a focus on

AGD Impact | December 2023

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