Faculty of Architecture Zagreb Yearbook 2012/13

Page 32

godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Uvod u projektiranje stambenih zgrada / Introduction to Design of Residential Buildings preddiplomski studij / undergraduate study Programme Godina / year

Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Uvod u projektiranje stambenih zgrada

Semestar / semester

1. 2.

Uvod u projektiranje stambenih zgrada podučava osnove problematike stanovanja, odnos mjere čovjeka, predmeta i prostora, prostorija i grupa prostorija. Izučava se prostorna organizacija, dispozicija i međuodnos funkcionalnih grupa, prostorni i zdravstveni standardi, odnos stambene jedinice i pripadajućeg vanjskog prostora te utjecaj prirodnih čimbenika, mikroklime i osunčanja.

Zadaci •  Čovjek kao osnovni faktor arhitektonskog projektiranja Stan i njegove funkcije Namještaj i uporabni prostori •  Grupa prostorija za kretanje •  Grupa prostorija za spavanje •  Grupa gospodarskih prostorija •  Grupa prostorija za dnevni život •  Sklop



Iva Cavar

Luka Korlaet


Kabinet za stambene zgrade

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Introduction to the Design of Residential Buildings Introduction to the design of residential buildings presents the basic issues concerning housing, measures in relation to man, objects and space, rooms and groups of rooms. Spatial organisation, disposition and the interrelationship of functional groups, spatial and health standards, the ratio of housing units and the corresponding outer space and the impact of natural factors, microclimate and insulation are taught at the course.

TASKs •  Man as the essential factor in architectural design The apartment and its functions Furniture and usable space •  Group of rooms for moving •  Group of rooms for sleeping •  Group of commercial premises •  Group of rooms for daily life •  Complex

Section of Residential Buildings

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