Faculty of Architecture Zagreb Yearbook 2012/13

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godišnjak / yearbook 2012/2013

Radionica graditeljskog naslijeđa / Architectural Heritage Design Studio diplomski studij / graduate study Programme Godina / year

Semestar / semester




Martina Stjepandić

Nataša Jakšić Alan Braun


Arhitektonski fakultet, sveučilište u zagrebu

Obnova i prenamjena Kaštela Stafileo u Kaštel Štafiliću i palače Lukaris na Peristilu u Splitu Cilj Radionice graditeljskog naslijeđa jest teoretsko i praktično upoznavanje studenata sa svim fazama i dijelovima istraživačke i projektne dokumentacije u složenom interdisiplinarnom procesu rada na obnovi graditeljske baštine. Na odabranim zadacima studenti se bave istraživanjem nepokretnog kulturnog dobra i predlažu idejno projektantsko rješenje obnove i buduće namjene. U ljetnom semestru akademske godine 2012./2013. studentima su ponuđena dva zadatka: obnova renesansnog Kaštela obitelji Stafileo u Kaštel Štafiliću i prenamjena u turističke svrhe te obnova palače Lukaris na Peristilu u Splitu i prenamjena u muzej sakralne umjetnosti. Radionicu je upisalo 6 studenata koji su pokazali izuzetan interes za problematiku obnove graditeljskog naslijeđa i, sukladno tome, postigli izuzetno dobre rezultate u svom radu. Pored metode projektiranja u povijesnoj arhitekturi, studente se, kroz auditorne vježbe, upoznaje i s metodama izrade arhitektonskog snimka postojećeg stanja, recentnim primjerima obnove graditeljskog naslijeđa kao i s posebnostima problematike obnove povijesne nosive konstrukcije, fizike povijesne zgrade i sl. Studenti su obavezni upisati izborni kolegij Graditeljsko naslijeđe II, u sklopu kojeg izrađuju konzervatorski elaborat izabranog nepokretnog kulturnog dobra, kako bi detaljnije upoznali i tu dionicu u procesu rada na obnovi graditeljskog naslijeđa.

Kabinet za povijest arhitekture i zaštitu graditeljskog naslijeđa

Faculty of Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB

Renovation and Conversion of Kaštel Stafileo at Kaštel Štafilić and Lukaris Palace at Peristil in Split The aim of the architectural heritage design studio is to teach students both theoretically and practically about all the phases and parts of research and project documentation within the complex interdisciplinary process of working on the restoration of architectural heritage. Students research immovable cultural property on selected tasks and propose a design solution for renewal and future conversion. In the summer semester of the academic year 2012–2013 students were offered two tasks: the restoration of the Renaissance castle belonging to the Stafileo family in Kaštel Štafilić and its conversion for tourism purposes, and the restoration of the Lukaris Palace at the Peristil in Split and its conversion into a museum of sacral art. The studio was enrolled by six students who showed great interest in the issue of restoration of architectural heritage and, accordingly, achieved very good results for their work. In addition to design methods in historical architecture, students are also introduced to methods applied for conducting an architectural survey of the current situation through auditory exercises and recent examples of restoration of architectural heritage, as well as learning about the specifics of the issue of reconstruction of historic loadbearing structures, physics, historic buildings, etc. Students are required to enrol the elective course Architectural heritage II, within which they produce a conservation study for a selected immovable cultural property, in order to gain more insight into the stages in the process of working on the restoration of architectural heritage.

Section of Architectural History and Architectural Heritage Protection

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