Volume 10

Page 15

Featured specie

Raphicerus campestris


Main Characteristics Steenboks are small antelopes that have a body length between 61 and 95cms, a tail length between 4 and 8cms, and weighing between 7 and 16kgs. Their coat is short and bright fawn in colour with a pale underside, chin and throat. They have a light coloured ring around each of their eyes and they have very large ears with black “finger lines� on the inside of them. Only male Steenboks have horns. They measure 7 - 19cms in length, they stand straight and parallel and they are smooth in texture. Steenboks are active throughout the day, however during hotter periods they move to a shaded area where they will either sleep, ruminate or groom themselves. Habitat Steenboks are found in the semi-desert, open woodlands and thickets of eastern and southern Africa. They are either solitary or live in a pair and they have territory of 4 - 5 hectares. They mark their territory with dung and they chase away any other Steenboks that enter their territory.


Vol 10 2012


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