African Business Review magazine - November 2016

Page 38


KIRO’O GAMES Entrepreneur Guillaume Olivier Madiba set up Kiro’o Games in 2013, and released his first game after raising $270,000 in funding. “The diaspora supports African products. People want something new, innovative and exotic—this is what Kiro’o Games will offer,” said investor Rodrigue Fouafou, CEO of Canadian brand HartNamtemah. The game, Aurion, sees a royal couple travelling through a fantasy world of tribal characters, lush greenery and percussive music. Madiba consulted local Cameroonian tribe Bamileke for marketing help, what he calls a, “local, traditional way of fundraising in tribes with the Wall Street logic of shareholding”. For his work on Aurion, Madiba was picked by the US state department to participate in the 2016 Mandela Washington Fellowship Program.


November 2016

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