In an oyster shell

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p. 207. Avgerinos, Fivos. Limestone cycle detailed. 2018. JPEG file. fig. 12 Unknown. Lime putty. Artisan Stucco: Lime Mortars & Materials, www. original_lime_putty. Accessed 13 Feb. 2018. fig. 13 Avgerinos, Fivos. The humble oyster shell. 2018. JPG file. fig. 14 Avgerinos, Fivos. Crate with waste oyster shells. 2018. JPG file. fig. 15 Avgerinos, Fivos. Pile of oyster shells in Whitstable, Kent. 2018. JPG file. fig. 16 Avgerinos, Fivos. Firing oyster shells in a kiln. 2018. JPG file. fig. 17 Avgerinos, Fivos. Quicklime & slaked lime as a putty as well as in solid form. 2018. JPG file. fig. 18-27 Avgerinos, Fivos. Slaking in a jar. 2018. JPG file. fig. 28-47 Avgerinos, Fivos. Slaking in a bowl. 2018. JPG file. fig. 48 Avgerinos, Fivos. Limewash. 2018. JPG file. fig. 49 Avgerinos, Fivos. Painting a brick fig. 11


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