5 Tips to Speed Your Recovery after Breast Augmentation

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5 Tips to Speed Your Recovery after Breast Augmentation When pregnancy or weight fluctuations have robbed you of proper-sized, full, symmetrical breasts, breast augmentation is the best approach to let you embrace the shape, fullness, proportions, and size of your breasts as you always desired. Breast Augmentation in Delhi is performed using breast implants or by fat transfer at Aestiva clinic by the best cosmetic surgeon Dr. Mrinalini Sharma. This aesthetic surgery can improve your life quality by boosting your confidence and making you more self-assured and comfortable with your upper half of the body.

Following the surgery, some women can surprisingly resume their daily lives very quickly while others may have to wait for up to 2 weeks. The length of the healing period depends upon various factors like women's lifestyle, age, or fitness level and even on the type of breast augmentation surgery. However, if you have chosen to modify your breasts by breast augmentation surgery, you certainly would need a smooth operation and an easy, speedy, proper recovery to ensure the best outcome of the surgery. Here are five tips that can help you recover fast after your breast augmentation, shared by the best augmentation surgeon in Delhi, Dr. Mrinalini Sharma at Aestiva Clinic. 1. Do not indulge in heavy weight lifting and strenuous upper body exercises. After any surgery, your body needs some rest and time to respond and recover. So, in the initial six weeks after a breast augmentation surgery, take it easy for your body to rebuild and repair. This means you must not go for heavy weight lifting (anything above 20 pounds) and get involved in vigorous upper body activities. Otherwise, you are more prone to bleeding and the formation of hematomas as there is an increase in your blood pressure. But, you must avoid getting bedridden or having a sedentary lifestyle, or else you may experience intense pain, swelling, and delayed healing. 2. Wear your post-operative bras. Following breast augmentation surgery, you are supplied with post-surgical bras that you must wear as per your surgeon's instructions. You must avoid wearing uncomfortable underwire bras which can irritate your breast skin, cause inflamed incisions, and result in swollen, tender breasts. Your sutures may get infected or pain because of friction from the wires, thereby inhibiting your recovery. Hence, the better choice to cover breasts, prevent breast implants to move out of place, and keep the

breasts high and tight as the body heals is to wear light-supportive bras or sports bras at least 6 weeks post-operation. 3. Avoid putting pressure on the breasts while sleeping. After breast augmentation surgery, do not sleep on your belly and sides instead lie down on your straight back. This way, your breast implants will not shift or droop and your incisions will not get irritated. Thus, your breast healing would not get hampered. 4. Refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol. Avoid nicotine from cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption until you completely recover from the surgery. Smoking can affect your immune system and inhibit oxygen-rich blood supply to your incisions which encourages healing. Intake of alcohol can lead to dehydration and increase the risk of you having infections and bleeding of the surgical site as well as drug interactions. 5. Avoid wetting the newly sutured skin. Water while taking a bath in a tub or swimming in a pool can cause infection, complications, and impeded healing of the newly sutured skin after breast augmentation surgery. Thus, these must be avoided until the surgical wounds get fully closed. Taking a warm water shower is the best option as it can have dual roles, one to relax the sore chest muscles and the other to reduce the risk of infection. If you want to know more about Breast Augmentation Surgery in Delhi and its benefits, do schedule a visit at Aestiva Clinic for more information.

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