Different Types of Dental Treatments at Best Dental Clinics in Gurgaon - Aestheticadenta

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Different Types of Dental Treatments at Best Dental Clinics in Gurgaon Proper dental care and hygiene means more than just flossing or brushing your teeth. It is essential for you to visit your dental clinic every 6 months for professional cleaning and regular checkups and this is important for complete dental care. You first need to find the best Dental Clinic in Gurgaon where you can feel comfortable and then schedule appointment with the dentist at the clinic.

On your first visit to the dental clinic your complete dental health history would be recorded by the dentist. You will be asked for follow-up visits where your dental health would be checked to find out the cause of your dental issues. Below are some of the common dental procedures and treatments offered by the dental clinics in Gurgaon like aestheticadentals.in. Cosmetic Dental Treatment Cosmetic treatment is offered for a variety of cosmetic reasons to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the person. It is also known as inlays, indirect fillings or on-lays which are made out of porcelain or any composite materials and they are longer lasting and aesthetically pleasing as it offers the ultimate filling solution for missing teeth, tooth decay or the similar structural design like natural teeth. The dental filling is done during your visit to the clinic itself as it is mold into the place within the mouth instantly, while for on-lays and inlays you need to pay several visits as they are prepared in dental labs. It is designed and then fixed adhesively into the place by the dentist. Dental implants, dental veneers, smile makeover and full mouth restoration are some of the procedures that fall under cosmetic dental treatment.

Root Canal Treatment Root Canal is the dental procedure that is performed to treat the infection in the root canal system of your teeth. There can be many reasons for the infection, but it is mainly caused by bacteria the grow inside the mouth and cause infection in root canal system. It usually happens after leaky fillings, tooth decay and damaging of teeth resulting from trauma.

Dentist takes x-ray of your mouth to see if there is a pulp which is damaged by any bacterial infection. The pulp will start dying when it is infected and this makes breeding ground for bacteria to multiply and spread. The treatment is offered under general anaesthesia and removal of the decayed tooth part is performed with a drill which gives access to infected nerve and makes removal easier. The Root Canal Treatment Cost depends on the severity of the condition and the amount of removal required. Orthodontics Patients that are having issues of bad bite or they are diagnosed with misalignment of teeth because of injury or other reasons are often prescribed with Orthodontic treatment. People with such Orthodontic conditions usually find embarrassed to laugh and smile, but not anymore as you can get Orthodontic treatment today that can restore your brighter smile again. The misaligned teeth is restored using brace treatment which can restore the misaligned teeth and can also be used for issues like   

Bad bite Misaligned teeth Crowded teeth


Uneven jaw line and more

Periodontics All types of gum diseases are periodontic disorder and it is the bacterial infection of gum tissues and gums which support your teeth. It is caused mainly due to build-up of plaque and tartar when you don’t brush and floss your teeth regularly. This disease can lead to tooth loss and other serious conditions and hence it needs to be treated timely by certified Dental Clinic in Gurgaon. The Periodontists treat the condition based on the severity and stage of the infection and the amount of deterioration in teeth, gums and supporting bones and tissues. There are both surgical and non-surgical procedures available which are decide based on the condition. Prosthodontics and Dental Implants

Prosthodontics is the treatment where missing teeth is replaced by crown on the two adjacent teeth and replacing the tooth with the support of these crowns. There are two types of Prosthodontics – flexible and acrylic and it is removable prosthesis which can be removed by patients when needed. Dental implants are used to restore the lost or missing teeth. These implants are fused to the jawbone of the patient and this offers secure support to the artificial teeth.

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