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At this meeting the Annual Report shall be presented which shall consist of a Chairpersons report, Secretary’s report, Treasurers report, Coaches report and Child Liaison Officers report Notices of Motion must be received by the Secretary twenty one days before the date of the Annual General Meeting with the names of the Proposer and Seconder The order of business to be transacted at the Annual General Meeting shall be :-


1. Apologies 2. Adoption of Standing Orders. 3. Minutes of the last AGM and matters arising. 4. Minutes of any Special general meeting and matters arising. 5. Annual reports. 6. Approval of Auditors and Audit Fee. 7. Election of Committee. 8. Election of Appeal Board. 9. Notices of Motion. 10. Any other Business Special General Meeting



A Special General Meeting may be called at the discretion of the Committee


A Special General Meeting shall be called by the Committee upon written request of twenty voting members of the Club


The members shall be given fourteen days clear notice of a Special General Meeting


The members shall be notified of the Standing Orders, Agenda of the Special General Meeting with the named Proposers and Seconders of the specific motions


The Special General Meeting shall discuss only the business for which it is convened and no other business shall be transacted


All motions shall be passed by two thirds majority of those present and entitled to vote Committee

9. 9.1

Between General Meetings the Club is managed by a Committee consisting of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, PRO and nine ordinary members. Contact details of the Management Committee shall be available at the Clubhouse ALSAA Pool, Dublin Airport


Any member aged 18 years or over may serve on the General Committee

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