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Blue book

“We will solve that when we accept that we need solidarity. Woman is not an enemy to another woman. A woman who is fighting and succeeding somehow to pass through all obstacles that are imposed on us, has to open the door and to take another women with her and to pull her behind. Then we are going to be stronger.” TAMARA TRIPIĆ – SERBIA

Content 04

About OWEN


About Organizer of the Project


Project Partners


Activities of the Project and plans


Statements from the OWEN Summit


The best way for women to do networking


Is The Second International Contemporary Woman Festival good platform for networking?


OWEN Summit In partnership with Contemporary Woman Festival 2019 and the Women Creativity and Ingenuity Expo 2019, project organized OWEN Summit. This is an amazing opportunity to connect women entrepreneurs from 4 continents. We are witnesses of numerous partnerships and common ventures created during the Festival in 2018. This was the main inspiration to expand partnership in V4 region and to create a OWEN project. The potential of partnerships with the V4 countries is limitless because they have had a shared experience in transitional economies and could provide valuable transfer of knowledge and know how, while breaking down the barrier between each partner country’s market place. Through experience acquired in connecting businesses on the regional level, working with SME’s nationally, and organizing Contemporary Women Festival in partnerships with women’s business associations from regional countries, we have realized that women in business are a great potential in economic growth and sustainability. Addressing issues that are road blocks in more involvement of women in entrepreneurship through communication with women’s organizations, women’s business associations, policy makers, and local and national authorities, we have realized that a project encouraging new women’s networking opportunities and generating platforms for new partnerships could unlock that potential.





Who we are? NGO Radio Kameleon Open Network for Human Rights and Democracy Adress: Milana Jovanovića 6 Postal code: 75 000 Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: ++387 35 302 500 E-mail: edina.seleskovic@gmail.com URL: http://otvorenamreza.kameleon.ba/ NGO "Radio Kameleon-Open Human Rights and Democracy Network" is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit organization established in 2003 in order to contribute positively to changing the environment for policy-making and implementation of laws and rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina - making them more transparent and inclusive, based and evidence-based EU evidence.

By joining and creating networks of stakeholders, it becomes a legitimate partner for public advocacy and changes in policies towards positive developments in EU standards. Vision of NGO "Radio Kameleon" - In 2020, NGO "Radio Kameleon" established and strengthened the leading independent organization for research and public advocacy of economic policies and improvement of the business environment of the GEN (Gazella Enterprise Network), which is independent, autonomous and self-sustaining with the goal of active role in the process of creating economic policies in BiH.

Mission of NGO "Radio Kameleon" is to establish a balance between the role of a government partner and a careful controller of government activities and plans in the sphere of creating public policies in the process of democratization of society and economic progress of BiH. Research and analysis, implementation of results and programs needed for decision making, and strategic approximation to EU laws, finding and advocating public policies in order to improve the process of accession of BiH to the EU. Also, the positioning of BiH as a partner to EU member states by implementing legislation on: transparency and accountability of democratic structures of governance, regulation and market performance and competitiveness, and encouraging development and ability to fulfill EU membership criteria with the maximum opportunity to capitalize on the rights and opportunities that arise therefore.

Network members are the best and most influential entrepreneurial companies based on small and medium-sized enterprises, but also widely recognized experts, media and NGOs whose influence and voice is the present and future of Bosnia and Herzegovina.



Project partners: Association for Women's Career Development in Hungary Address: Ugron Gabor 28 Postal code: 1118 Budapest, Hungary Phone: ++36 1 319 52 45 E-mail: ferenczi@t-online.hu URL: www.noikarrier.hu www.womenscareer.org

Business & Professional Women CR, Czech Republic Address: Palác Fénix, Václavské námĕsti 802/56 Postal code: 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic Phone: ++420 602 38 38 8 E-mail: lenka.stastna@bpwcr.cz URL: https://bpwcr.cz/

In 2003 the Founders of the AWCDH identified the need for a non-governmental organization to help promote women’s equality by working with and fostering the cooperation between organizations dealing with women’s issues, by taking an active role in the formulation of a common platform and helping to promote equal opportunities for women active in all major sectors of life. The AWCDH, founded in 2003, aims to advance the dialogue between the legislature, the government, the corporate and non-profit spheres, higher education, and all potential stakeholders of AWCDH to meet economic, social, cultural and educational challenges. The AWCDH has organized over 30 international conferences as well as many meetings and workshops since its foundation. We have also initiated „Women’s Career Lifetime Achievement Award” founded in 2013 and “Best Workplace for Women Award” founded in 2007.

Business and Professional Women CR (BPWCR) is a Czech non-profit organization, founded in 2010 and has more than 200 active women members. It takes part of international federation covering more than 90 countries, with more than 50.000 members worldwide cooperating from 1930 and has an advisory status by the UN and participative status with the Council of Europe. Its members are influential women in leading positions, business women and managers. The main BPW objective is to help women stay professionals in their economic, political and social life. We reach these goals through networking, mentoring and lifelong learning. Our members are mentoring the Young BPW´s and those are showing results on the biggest conference for thousands women in Czech Republic called Equal Pay Day.



Project partners:

Other cooperators of the project: Macedonia Women’s Business Association, Mrs Valentina Disoska – NORTH MACEDONIA Association of Montenegrin Women’s Business, Mrs Ljubica Kostić Bukarica - MONTENEGRO “Policlinic FM, Mrs Fadila Milavica – BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA “No KAchi”, Mrs Sandra Rajić – SERBIA Ministry of Economy of Montenegro, Mrs Ana Šebek – MONTENEGRO Women’s Business Association BiH, Mrs Aida Zubčević – BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA The Association “Business Women of B&H”, Mrs Nadina Gradaščević – AUSTRIA IWG company, Mrs Alisa Kapić – AUSTRIA “Zona”, Mrs Anila Gajević – BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA “Vienna Insurance dd”, Mrs Sabina Mujanović – BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Chamber of Commerce of Republika Srpska, Banja Luka, Mrs Nada Budiša – BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA “Bingo d.o.o.”, Mrs Ljiljana Kunosić – BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA “Kabil”, Mrs Fahrudina Kabil – BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA “EmGallerie”, Mrs Emina Jakubović – BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA “F.B.M. Ltd”, Mrs Mirsada Venturini Mehmedinović – BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA FBiH Chamber of Commerce, Mrs Andreja Softić – BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA

getREADY – Future Lab Address: Školská 5/632 Postal code: 900 91 Limbach, Slovakia Phone: 00421 905 226 952 E-mail: ilanovska@getclient.sk URL: www.getadvantage.sk Since 2009 member of the Top Center of Women Entrepreneurs – empowering women and their cooperation; In 2013 they organized first European Day of Women Entrepreneurs and Managers in Bratislava with participation of women from 11 European countries and USA (conference was organized by TCP); In 2013 – 2014 board members of TCP; In 2015 they launched a new initiative Kod PORADA (Code name: MEETING) – events are designed to address all women who are interested in the world around them, have desire to grow and ambition to set life to their own satisfaction, want to meet inspiring people and survive in the world overwhelmed with information. So far they have organized 6 events.



Why women's network? Through partnerships we have established from the organization of the Contemporary Woman Festival 2018 with women's business associations from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia, we have realized how important networking and B2B opportunities are. We are witnesses of numerous partnerships and common ventures created since the Festival that were instigated during the Festival activities. This was the main inspiration to expand partnership in V4 region and to create a OWEN project. The potential of partnerships with the V4 countries is limitless because they have had a shared experience in transitional economies and could provide valuable transfer of knowledge and know how, while breaking down the barrier between each partner country's market place.

While western media outlets claim that we are entering the Golden Age of Female Entrepreneurship, women entrepreneurs in Central Europe and SEE countries are still an untapped source of business and job creation. A substantial gap exists between male and female entrepreneurship and women have fewer opportunities to start their own business due to gender specific barriers in access to information, networks and collateral. In all transition countries there are success stories of women entrepreneurs. The number of women entrepreneurs is, however, much lower than men. Numerous studies indicate that most women-owned businesses are small or micro-enterprises and that many women became self-employed only because of the lack of other job opportunities. According to the economic trends, these countries need to capitalize on the achievements in the field of women entrepreneurship and by finding ways to make their roles at home compatible with economic and political participation. The development of women’s entrepreneurship requires, however, the elimination of gender specific barriers in starting their own business. There is a need to open up women’s access to networks (trade and business associations), information and training. New business associations and networks of women's entrepreneurs' initiatives are considered to be an important player in a policy dialogue, economic growth, and overall change in perception of opportunities for development of women owned businesses and new women entrepreneurship in each of the targeted countries.

Long term impact of the project will be measured in increments of several years through continuation of the partner communication and investigation of the growth of project stakeholders. We intend to present this impact on each future annual Contemporary Woman Festival that is designed as traditional as a growing platform for women's networking and B2B partnerships by expanding its reach each year with long term partnerships continuing.

Through experience acquired in connecting businesses on the regional level, working with SME's nationally, and organizing Contemporary Women Festival in partnerships with women's business associations from regional countries, we have realized that women in business are a great potential in economic growth and sustainability. Addressing issues that are road blocks in more involvement of women in entrepreneurship through communication with women's organizations, women's business associations, policy makers, and local and national authorities, we have realized that a project encouraging new women's networking opportunities and generating platforms for new partnerships could unlock that potential. Our project is designed and based on several levels of partner communication, activation of project stakeholders, direct involvement of project target audience, comprehensive PR campaign, events on the international level, creation of deliverables that will have impactful sustainability, and creation of platforms that will go beyond the project duration. We believe that this project will generate B2B partnerships, and new B2B ventures with great potential for business growth. We direct our activities toward women but the beneficiaries of the outcome go beyond our stakeholders in the aspect of new job creation, new business development, and bringing closer together markets of V4 countries with Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as SEE countries neighboring B&H.


“When you are giving, you will be getting from someone else. So, please, think how to give.” YUNNI INDRANI – Indonesia CEO OWNER “PT TRUST CONSULTING GROUP”


Good example of the networking are: 1. Shaking hands and get to know each other 2. Share visit cards and exchange some informations 3. Do not ignore a conversation 4. Invite the person into the circle of your conversation and not just introduce to others but start with saying what is the business of that person 5. Meet and greet people arround

“Business & Professional Women CR�



How to network?

MARTIN KAČO - Slovakia Ambassador of Slovakia

AIDA ZUBČEVIĆ - B&H Business Women Association in Bosnia and Herzegovina

“Slovakia is the country who is presiding V4 and also OSCE. I tried to make one little research and to see how the women in entrepreneurship look like from the region where I come from as well as in Europe. And the numbers are not encouraging but the trend is positive. In EU 47% of the employed are women. Under that number only less than 30% of women unfortunately are in managing business. “

“Our mission is to help women in developing their businesses. We really tried to bring them to Tuzla because in Bosnia and Herzegovina there are only few things who remind us on them.”

EDINA KURTIĆ - B&H Chamber of Commerce in Tuzla Canton

“What is devastating is the fact that only 7% of applications concerned on women that are the owners of the farms. That is why we gave the priorities this year to work on education and promotion.”

ANA ŠEBEK - Montenegro The Ministry of Economy Montenegro

„The economy of this region is, as you may know, industrial. It is the heavy industry, wooden processing, mining industry, salt industry… and in the previous period of time because it was difficult to meet successful women in this field of work. I work in Chamber of Commerce more than 10 years and I have to admit that more often I meet many successful women that are making decisions in their companies. They are not any more just in sphere of education, financial sector or services. Now, they are in businesses like metal industry, they are making decisions in furniture manufacturing, in the food industry as well as on the other economic branches in our Canton.”

HELENA DREISETLOVA - Czech Republic Project manager “Business & Professional Women CR” “We have project for handmade women and we try to teach them how to use IT tools, how to do online marketing, how to sell their products on the markets.”


LJUBICA KOSTIĆ BUKARICA – Montenegro President “Business Women Association Montenegro”

SANDRA RAJIĆ – Serbia General manager “No Kači doo” "We are somehow independent. We fix the situation by sitting and talking to women coming from rural areas. It is also true that we were connected to the voyages. I think this is a great bond where you have women who are connecting in the ethnic villages themselves. In this way, we have linked a lot of women who sell their products and have made a bond where they come together on the market. We also make an on-line platform where we produce our women to sell. They are the most necessary network, the sales network. The same is true in the region and in general, but I think that together we can find a solution and simply bypass all these obstacles we have."

„We are here to constructively criticize each other. The Association and the Montenegrin Ministry work together and we cannot be without each other. We have to cooperate with the Government especially for recognizing the strategy. There is everything crystal clear. One team of people, I'm thinking about both women and men just doing that. These are from the Bureau and the Ministry of Education and we have achieved a synergistic effect with them. All this is based on the enthusiasm of an individual and we have our female friends. We are currently carrying out a project together with the Association of Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is precisely concerned with rural areas, spice and Mediterranean plants. They are currently in education.”

AIDA ZUBČEVIĆ – Bosnia and Herzegovina President “Business Women Association Bosnia and Herzegovina”

VALENTINA DISOSKA – North Macedonia President “Business Women Association North Macedonia”

“We follow what is happening in Europe and we understand that the so-called „positive discrimination”. There are no special funds for female entrepreneurship and we now have to work on educating women. They must use all the possible funds that are in some way available, regardless of whether it is a female component. We have to work to be stronger. We will fight, inform and we can only change the rules together. There are positive moves.”

“We first have to start from ourselves. We need to buy our products. In this way we glorify our country. Then we will jointly reach the market and then we will grow economically.”


ALISA KAPIĆ – Austria Vice president “IWG company”

SABINA MUJANOVIĆ – Bosnia and Herzegovina President of the management board “Vienna Insurance dd”

“For me, the definition of success is very clear and simple. First, the base, you have to do what you love and what fills you. Then you have to define the goal: where I want to be, what I want to achieve, all with the motivation, courage, determination, hard work and perseverance. Do not give up until you reach your goal. These are the main ingredients of success. A positive attitude, nothing is unattainable. Nothing is impossible. It's a motto that leads us to success. First of all, I have to free those barriers that, unfortunately, we are building ourselves, because then we cannot go to the realization of our goals. You always wonder if the decisions you make are right. At the end of the day, we all want the best of our children and in those moments, we are returning to the values we have gained in childhood from our parents. If I recall it, it always was: "do your best, be a good person, help others, never cease to educate ...” This is some basis for my attitude and my education of my sons. Their success as well as my success of my team, is my personal success.”

“We, women first and then successful women, as someone who can certainly be a personal example and contribute, we can do a lot on that plan as well. My recipe for this would be to show our works: that we can, that we know it, that we are persistent, that we are organized and take action in that direction. Sorry to "poor women", they "endanger us" and "our rights" ... I do not think this is really the way and we have to stop doing it as soon as possible. We need to take the "male" thing in our hands and demonstrate. This will surely yield results, regardless of whether we are in Austria, Europe or the world. This will have an effect on Bosnia and Herzegovina as well.”

ALISA KAPIĆ – Austria Vice president “IWG company” “Changes begin with us. The moment when we realize we want a change, then we can start realizing. We have to connect. We have to learn one from the other. Message for young girls: Find the patterns! These patterns need to be mentors. These successful women have already gone through everything, they can share those experiences with you. Do not hesitate because you are a woman or because someone may have an opposite expectation from you. Have your goal and work towards that goal. No one can take away your integrity or your authenticity.”

ANILA GAJEVIĆ – Bosnia and Herzegovina Director of casting and talent agency “ZONA” “I believe in work, training and perseverance. Also, I believe in optimism and positivity in approaching life and building a career. Still, I do not think we are still talking enough about the challenges we face on the road to the top, the difficult moments and the less successful decisions we have taken.”


ZUZANA CHRAPKOVA – Slovakia Manager

DANICA LAUKOVA – Slovakia CEO, Language coach “Vzdelávacia Akadémia Žilina”

“I just want to give a message to everybody who is thinking about career change that is never too late. It doesn’t matter what age are you. It’s about you, about your mind sets. Maybe, just adjusting your mind set tool to the current needs.”

“Every single change that I have made was a chance to build out something and to do something to satisfy and to meet my needs.”

ALEKSANDAR MASTILOVIĆ – Bosnia and Herzegovina Moderator, Expert associate of general manager “Regulatory Agency for Communications”

ZUZANA KUŠOVA – Slovakia Executive director “Mayer/McCann Erickson”

“We need to stop being prisoners of our habits. It’s not about the ages. It’s not about gender. It’s about your personality and how you believe in yourself. Then everything is possible. So, please stop being tired of your own life!”

“Don’t be scared. Try to do your own step and then second step and continue.”

HELENA DREISETLOVA – Czech Republic Project manager “Business & Professional Women CR”

MARGARETA SAKTOROVA – Slovakia Business development manager “MAS Consulting s.r.o. MEDIA - ADVERTISING – STRATEGY”

“In Czech Republic we do networking because we think that women can support each other and their business and their entrepreneurship, mostly when they are connected and they know each other.”

“You need to be open for whatever is coming.”


JITKA JETLEBOVA – Czech Republic Owner “JJ Coaching s.r.o.”

EMINA JAKUBOVIĆ – Bosnia and Herzegovina Owner “EmGallerie”

“We think that relations and information’s should be shared also worldwide”

“I think it is, above all, a major love for that job. If a person does the job he likes, then he can succeed in anything.”

HELENA DREISETLOVA – Czech Republic Project manager “Business & Professional Women CR"

JITKA JETLEBOVA – Czech Republic Owner “JJ Coaching s.r.o.” “It’s very important to work with people. Nobody is successful alone. So, we need either a team, great team whom we can trust. This is also part of success. And, there is relations around you and family support, too. Especially when women start doing their business. They really need family and friends. Client helped me a lot because they inspired me. They let me grow as well.”

“You should find your time to do your network and to create the network.”

ANDREA FERENCZI – Hungary President of the “Association for Women's Career Development in Hungary”, MD of PRenergia Ltd.

FAHRUDINA KABIL – Bosnia and Herzegovina Owner “KABIL” Bakery “Our employees are the most important in everything. Our employees, then we. They are most important. Only in this way will you be successful.”

“I believe in personal contact. At the same time, I believe in life long learning and to be always ready to develop your digital knowledge. Because, if you are not on the top then unfortunately you cannot follow what’s happening and meet new friends. Therefore, we are very proud that we can follow it more or less. Be prepared to start new business any time”


HANA KOČKOVA – Czech Republic Self-employed "Doucime-Naucime"

NADA BUDIŠA – Bosnia and Herzegovina Council, Chamber of Commerce of Banja Luka, RS

“It is important to share our contacts, our experience and for me it is the most important to meet people regularly. Because, after that I can remember them, I can recommend them to somebody else.”

“I think networking is extremely important. This is one of the strategic goals. The Chamber of Commerce is a good base for all businessmen. We are really of them for help and service. I work with all my heart and my women are happy.”

LUCIE BUTHCER – Czech Republic Small business owner "theBESTtranslation"

HANA KOČKOVA – Czech Republic Self-employed "Doucime-Naucime" “I think that is very important that you like your job. Because, my job is my hobby. I think that it is important that every morning when I het up I said: “Yes, I will meet this people and I am looking forward!” So, I think it is very important that we can do whatever we want but step by step, not immediately. But we have to do it, for example one year, two years, it doesn’t matter and believe in ourselves. Also, it is very important to have support of friends and people around.”

“I think it’s important to realize that Association will give you just the opportunity. If you are in small business, they will not bring the business to you. It’s up to you to create the contact, make the network, go to people, talk to them and finally approach them. I would recommend to become a member of the local association, if you have one. If not, start one. It could be something smaller, doesn’t have to be big one.”


MIRSADA MEHMEDINOVIĆ VENTURINI – B&H Owner/Director “F.B.M. d.o.o.” ready-made clothes

KATALYN HAJOS – Hungary Founding board member “Association for Women's Career Development in Hungary”

“Our employers are most often blamed for "exploiting workforce". I have to be joking this way, because at the local level there has never been a concept of transferring jobs from one state to another. So we often have this comparison. The fact that someone is sending a job to another country normally does not pay for the same price they would pay in the parent country. So, there is work for some profit.”

“40+, 50+, 60+ or even above it’s always the best ages to start entrepreneurship, to start doing new business. We shouldn’t be afraid because we have 4F: family, friends, we have some fools around us who have support us and we can count on them, I hope lifelong. We always have dreams which we couldn’t fulfilled and we have our duties, families and we have our jobs as well.”

JITKA JETLEBOVA – Czech Republic Owner „JJ Coaching s.r.o.“

BLANKA TURTURRO – Czech Republic President “Slow Food Prague z.s.”

„Don't give up, learn from your mistakes and follow your vision!“ “We work in various levels. At home, we start to work with children, because children have to know the value of the food. Value of the food is not the price of the food. So, we tried to give courses how to cook and how to prepare food because to prepare is the best school for children how to like it. We start to prepare food which they don’t like too much as, for example, lettuce, vegetable, etc. We try to explain where the food comes from, what is their origin, what are the four-seasons. Because, in supermarkets, we are always in summer. In supermarkets we will find everything all year over. We start also to speak what is standard, what is food wasting etc. Then we work with adults that are also parents, mothers. We made also a course of coking for mothers and children…”

HELENA DREISETLOVA – Czech Republic Project manager „Business & Professional Woman CR“ „Dream big, smile often and never say „never“!“

DANICA LAUKOVA – Slovakia CEO, Language coach „Vzdelávacia Akadémia Žilina“ „You can succeed in what you believe you are good at.“


MARGARETA SEKTOROVA – Slovakia Sales and marketing manager “MAS Consulting s.r.o. MEDIA – ADVERTISING – STRATEGY”

ANDREA FERENCZI – Hungary President “Association for Women’s Career Development in Hungary” “It is imperative that women of different ages and different social situations should be provided with sufficient information to meet their special needs and circumstances. Only in this way they can make informed choices and pursue careers most suited to their talent and goals.”

“Networking increase confidence – understanding to innovative management tools to make smarter business decisions.”

JANA BARANOVA – Slovakia Business manager “Europa Trade Market s.r.o.”

EVA HORVATH – Hungary President “Women’s Entrepreneurial Club of Győr-Moson-Sopron County Chamber of Commerce and Industry”

“Challenge yourself at men business field and do not be afraid of step up into men business. Even traditional men positions are accessible to women.”

“We, women entrepreneurs have to stand up for equal opportunities!”

LENKA ILANOVSKA – Slovakia Managing partner “getCLIENTS”

FAHRUDINA KABIL – Bosnia and Herzegovina Owner “KABIL” Bakery

“Shoot for the Moon, even if you miss you will land among the stars!”

“Believe in yourself, be persistent and never give up on your idea. If you believe enough, all your desires will come true.”

ZUZANA KUŠOVA – Slovakia Executive director “Mayer/McCann Erickson”

MIRSADA VENTURINI MEHMEDINOVIĆ – Bosnia and Herzegovina Owner “F.B.M. Ltd.“

“Happiness comes through sharing."

“I always felt equal. I do not have a problem of equality. The problem is for those who see me like that.”

AIDA ZUBČEVIĆ – Bosnia and Herzegovina President “Business Women Association in Bosnia and Herzegovina”

VALENTINA DISOSKA – North Macedonia President of "Macedonia Women’s Business Association”

“Women must actively participate in creating a better environment for life.”

“Women must be represented in all types of negotiations, regardless of whether they are trade unions, employers or policy makers. We must impose ourselves and fight for our rights.”

SANDRA RAJIĆ – Serbia General manager “No Kachi”

ZLATKO BERBIĆ – Bosnia and Herzegovina CEO “Radio Kameleon”

“Be wise as a snake and harmless like a pigeon.”

“In principle, associations serve to network. A person must be active to get socialized. All beginnings are heavy. This is our first networking.”


The best way for woman to do networking:

DANICA LAUKOVA – Slovakia CEO, Language coach “Vzdelávacia Akadémia Žilina”

MARGARÉTA SAKTOROVA – Slovakiá Sales and marketing manager “MAS consulting s.r.o. MEDIA - ADVERTISING – STRATEGY”

“There are so many different ways which is, of course, more personal. But for me, possible is face to face contact, to have a chance to chat not just being on business directly.”

“For women networking definitely to smile, to joy and to have a nice coffee together or to chat, share ideas, compare maybe some of the projects which were done before in different markets. It’s not “the copy” copy that way but it’s inspiration from others and I think that good network is always having nice friends and maybe to ask for more advice another friend of another friend…"

ERZSEBET VASI – Hungary “The best way for women’s networking is to get acquainted to each other and be a part of communities.”

DAŠA PECHOVA – Slovakia Sales and marketing manager “Davital s.r.o.”

KATALIN HAJÓS – Hungary Board member “Association for Women's Career Development in Hungary”

“It’s very important to meet and share ideas between business women in Europe. It is always nice to come for international meetings and share ideas.”

“Just to look into the eyes of person you want to get into contact, introduce yourself and smile.”



INGRID SUROVA – Czech Republic Business advisor and coach “The Alternative Board”

JITKA JETLEBOVA – Czech Republic Executive & business coach “JJ Coaching s.r.o.”

“I like for example, to be a part of the business professional woman Czech Republic association. We connect together, we have networking, we have a project and we could meet together everywhere.”

“I think it is really important to not to stay at home but really go out and search for the platforms that are created to get women together. So, in my life, every since the beginning of my business, I was looking for all the companies or societies, institutions, platforms where I could go and meet other women who were in the same position like me, starting my own business. I love inspiring, inspiration and energy between the women so it’s important to create a great platform. I created one by myself.”

LENKA ŠTASTNA – Czech Republic President "Business & Professional Women CR” “I do it all my life. So, I think the best thing is to have an idea and chance to invite women to discuss this idea because it’s, I think, always but also together to bring not only to put women together and don’t discuss anything.”

LUCIE BUTCHER – Czech Republic Small business owner “theBESTtranslation” “I actually was thinking about it and we are good to going out for a coffee, glass of wine and connecting on personal level but we never discuss business there. So, I think we should change that and we have in everybody’s life friend around so why not network and that respect as well?”

EDITA RANDOVÁ – Czech Republic Opera singer “I think the best way for networking is to organize many meetings with women where they have an opportunity to change business cards and I think it’s the best way."



HANA KOČKOVA – Czech Republic Self-employed “Doucime-naucime”

AYA REZANINOVA – Czech Republic “I think for a woman there is always kind of feeling that they are too shy. I think women should know how to present themselves and don’t be afraid of it. They should know how to present themselves and in the way that the other person will remember them. That’s kind of knowledge that I think that’s the most important that you should learn your women. I am not saying that I am the one who knows that, who knows how but I think this is really important and also for the networking is important to make a space for them, safe space where they can really feel good, because we are women, we want to feel comfortable in any space we are and in that space there are really, they can make friendships and they can talk to each other in the way that they can connect really, not only in business way. Of course, this is important but as a woman I think that for us is more important to make closer relationships.”

“I think the most important is regularly meeting. So, with Business and Professional Women Czech Republic we meet regularly every month for lunch and we cooperate together and we support each other. So, for me, that’s the most important.”

HELENA DREISETLOVA – Czech Republic Events, Marketing & PR, Production “Business & Professional Women CR” “I would like to say that it is very important for women to do the networking. Mostly they are saying that men are doing networking and women not. But it is very important for entrepreneurship because they need to wide their network. And, how is the best way? Just go, don’t be shy and speak to others and try to open another borders.”

ANDREA FERENCZI – Hungary President of the AWCDH, MD of PRenergia Ltd. “Association for Women's Career Development in Hungary” “In Europe and in Hungary there are many ways to network. We have all business partners or colleges or friends or family… This is where everything starts.”




Is the Second International Contemporary Woman Festival good platform for networking?

BLANKA TURTURRO – Czech Republic President “Slow Food Prague z.s.”

DANICA LAUKOVA – Slovakia CEO, Language coach “Vzdelávacia Akadémia Žilina”

„I appreciate very much this Festival and I think it is the best way to really meet each other and to organize such kind of Festivals and events and to show that women are not only nice but also efficient and intelligent.”

"Of course it is. Not because there is interesting program, intense of the content, but because there are many side programs and people are together and I think that’s the main point for networking to have a chance just to chat.”

EVA HORVATH – Hungary President “Women's Entrepreneurial Club of Győr-Moson-Sopron County Chamber of Commerce and Industry”

MARGARÉTA SAKTOROVA – Slovakiá Sales and marketing manager “MAS Consulting s.r.o. MEDIA - ADVERTISING – STRATEGY”

“It’s very important that we keep contact with each other and this is fantastic opportunity to get to know each other and we are taking the message home and hope that we shall continue the contact with each other. People in Tuzla are very friendly, they smile and for me it’s a great honor to be part of this Festival.”

“I mean from international point it’s very good that we are in same Europe so we should meet more often and to do nice cooperation’s maybe, that’s why we actually came. We are offering a lot of different projects so maybe we will find business partners here as well.”



DAŠA PECHOVA – Slovakia Sales and marketing manager “Davital s.r.o.”

MAYA BARATH – Hungary “Very well organized, very high level, very elegant and everything fits except some minor technical failures yesterday but it happens everywhere and all the time. It must be very difficult to organize Festival with so many people, with so many countries and so many individual programs.”

“It is very, very good and useful, not only because of sharing but also for trying. Here was young people, young group, young organizations and it’s for the second time that you are doing this Festival, right? So, of course there are some challenges to be improved for the next year but it’s very good that you started and organizing it.”

INGRID SUROVA – Czech Republic Regional director “The Alternative Board”


“Exactly! Definitely! This is exactly what we need and what we can show to, to work worldwide and we are able to connect and there doesn’t matter is it in Tuzla or in Prague, is it in South Europe or West Europe.”

“I am happy to be here and I am grateful for that. Mostly that I take part in conferences in West European countries and being here in one of the Balkan countries is extra ordinary for us.”

KATALIN HAJÓS – Hungary Board member “Association for Women's Career Development in Hungary”

LENKA ŠTASTNA – Czech Republic President “Business & Professional Women CR” “Yes, it’s perfect platform! Because there are many ideas and the women can chare these ideas, to discuss and to know better each other and to make new friendship and to have new knowledge so it’s really perfect.”

“It’s a perfect platform! I have met so many fantastic women and I really do hope that we should be in contact in the future with some of them.”



LUCIE BUTCHER – Czech Republic Small business owner “theBESTtranslation”

JITKA JETLEBOVA – Czech Republic Executive & business coach “JJ Coaching s.r.o.”

“Definitely! A lot of interesting people, it’s very interesting to hear what kind of problems you have here because some of them are similar, some of them are very different and obviously I think we can learn from each other a lot.”

“For sure! Definitely! I really love it, I love energy and I think it’s really important to, because I am very cosmopolitan, I spent many years abroad with my parents and I think it amazing not to see only the Czech women when I am in Prague, but also to see other women from other parts of the world and to see how they doing their business, what is the way they think about because of all that different sorts and ideas so I think it’s very important that we share those ideas and that we inspire one another not just in our countries so we should like expend.”

AYA REZANINOVA – Czech Republic “I think that it’s important to give the knowledge to the younger generations. I think the younger generations of women should be here, definitely, because this is really like the guests and the organizers and everybody who was in, like speakers, everybody of mentors were really interesting and I think that young women of Bosnia and Herzegovina they should really take everything from that, they should use it because it is really good, I think.”

EDITA RANDOVÁ – Czech Republic Opera singer “I think that really I must appreciate this Festival because it’s really great Festival which is organized on top level and I am happy to be here and I think that it was excellent idea.”

HANA KOČKOVA – Czech Republic Self-employed “Doucime-naucime” “I have many inspirations from here and I have met a lot of interesting people.”



ANDREA FERENCZI – Hungary President of the AWCDH, MD of PRenergia Ltd. “Association for Women's Career Development in Hungary”

HELENA DREISETLOVA – Czech Republic Events, Marketing & PR, Production “Business & Professional Women CR” “Well, yes! I would say so, because the Festival is not only the panel discussion. We are very happy to come to Tuzla because we are enjoying it very much and also you have the all events around which are very helpful for the networking. So, all this informal events and all the things around are helping to connect the people from Slovakia, Hungary and also whole Balkan region. So, I think it’s very nice and we are very happy to be here.”

“It’s fantastic platform, because Edina is a person with organizer that is always have, we must have somebody, who is starting this networking who has and create an opportunity where people can meet and network and Edina is the one who starting and initiate this Festival last year and she learned from the last experience of last Festival which is wonderful thing obviously in this country and therefore she was looking for opportunities how to invite people from another countries. Because of this situation we are lucky to be here now. Here was beautiful, wonderful, friendly women and men, so many young people and volunteers because maybe I don’t know whether in other countries, but it’s not so easy to find young people who are enthusiastic, they are spoiled already even Hungary and West European countries have all this opportunities to network and everybody think that they are in more develop network. This is why women equality concerned and this enthusiasm and this friendship and this hospitality is wonderful. To see your eyes and this atmosphere is fantastic.”

KATALIN BALLA – Hungary “Yes, definitely! So, I was looking at young people and also young people getting together, their experiences to have exchange and all the energy I could feel, even from the volunteers to the very top, the organizers. So, this woman has powers, that’s for sure and this was the place that I could feel that energy. Thank you for that.”



ANILA GAJEVIĆ – Bosnia and Herzegovina Director casting and talent Agency “Zona”

LJUBICA KOSTIĆ BUKARICA – Montenegro President “Business Women Association Montenegro”

“I am really glad to be in Tuzla and that there is a Festival that currently works in 4 halls and brings together so many wonderful and successful women who talk about various topics in parallel. I am glad to see that there are our successful women in Bosnia and Herzegovina promoting their relations with our country.”

“I think the audience is right at the Festival. I think we do not need to think locally in Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, BiH, etc. We are too small countries. First and foremost, we need to connect very regionally, to make a unique tourist destination of the whole region with specifics and to make routes that will connect all countries as a single destination. We are too small to function or to do anything individually. Let’s do the networking!”

NADINA GRADAŠČEVIĆ – Austria Vice president The Association “Business Women of B&H”

AIDA ZUBČEVIĆ – Bosnia and Herzegovina President “Business Women Association in Bosnia and Herzegovina”

“I wish you all a lot of success in the work and I look forward to networking and cooperation with all of you.”

“We must unite and work together to make use of it. In the end, let's work on the promotion of domestic products, which is in some way our exhibition with about 400 products. For the first time, representatives of legislative and executive authorities appeared at a gathering where we promote entrepreneurship and business. I have always been positive and I hope that we can do a lot together.”

EDITA RANDOVA – Czech Republic Opera singer “I am happy to be here and that I can be a part of Business and Professional Women Czech Republic”



ALMIR PEŠTEK – Bosnia and Herzegovina Moderator, Director of economic sciences

HELENA DREISETLOVA – Czech Republic Events, Marketing & PR, Production “Business & Professional Women CR”

“I thank the organizers for their trust. I also thank organizers for organizing this festival, which is extremely important for Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

“I would like to thank organization and Edina Selesković for inviting our team here. We are lucky because we are ten women, all of them are from Business and Professional Women Czech Republic.”

EVA HORVATH – Hungary President “Women's Entrepreneurial Club of Győr-Moson-Sopron County Chamber of Commerce and Industry”

ALEKSANDAR MASTILOVIĆ – Bosnia and Herzegovina Expert advisor to the general manager “Regulatory Agency for Communications“

“I am very happy to be part of this Festival.”

“This was very inspiring.”




Where we were and where we are going? We live in the times of great change and yet, great hope for growth and prosperity. We have recognized that such growth and prosperity can happen only if we work together, if we approach women's networking from the perspective of collaboration, exchange of experiences and learning through sharing our ideas and knowledge. Contemporary Women's Festival in 2018, was a single idea, single desire to improve the lives of those around us, especially young women, by showing the path that women have taken before us and that women all over the World are taking now, in order to achieve incredible success. This idea, in its sincerity and hope, grew to a remarkable level of communication and interaction between all our participants. We are now witnesses how many new enterprises, partnerships, and lifelong connections were born in Tuzla during the Festival, resonating all over the World. This is why we continued with the Second edition of Contemporary Woman’s Festival and why we felt it was important to connect women in business from so many countries. Opportunities for networking for women are agreeably limited in comparison to those for men. We thus, envisioned a space and time for women from all over the World to be able to meet, connect, share experiences, and establish new partnerships. OWEN Summit gave us that space and time. OWEN Summit includes numerous aspects of women’s networking. We observed best practices and designed a model, that we believe, works for us. I am truly humbled and grateful that were able to bring together to a small town in North East Bosnia, Tuzla, women from Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary. All of them coming to Tuzla for the first time. We are so happy that so many women from other countries answered our call as well. Business Associations from Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Serbia, and Austria came to OWEN Summit also. Women from Indonesia, United States, France came. We invited Women’s Business Association from Bosnia and Herzegovina to be our co-hosts. However, so many women business owners and managers from throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina and the neighboring countries, who are not members of these associations came for the opportunity to network and to connect.

In the next four days, OWEN Summit at its core presented a comprehensive conference with panel discussions, key note and fireside presentations. Participants talked about the subjects important to their organizations but they also opened the dialogue about the subjects that are important to all those in business and enterprise. Through the Women’s Ingenuity and Creativity Expo, we were able not just to talk but also to show clear examples, activities, programs, and products. This Expo allowed us to think about how we can find new partners and how we can reach new markets. Young women entrepreneurs of Bosnia and Herzegovina presented their products in what we called Made in BiH, seeking mentors and ways of expanding their startups. This time and space to connect was and is our priority. We believe that by providing these, women will find the connection. As organizers, as hosts, we worked on the program so that every moment had new and interesting content. I know that friendships and long lasting partnerships were formed because we worked together, but also because we enjoyed together cultural programs, performances, plays, concerts. Because we found the time to have lunch together, to dance together, to experience local treasures. Women’s networking is truly a great potential for economic growth. Women form stronger bonds and relationships based on trust and mutual interest. How to network best is a long term questions that we have only began to answer. I personally believe that shared experience, common memories, transfer of both knowledge and emotion is what brought us together this time, and what will keep bringing us together in the future. Hope to see you again in Tuzla in 2020.

Edina Seleskovic Director Contemporary Women Festival

OWEN Summit opened its doors with a special event dedicated to our guests. Business Forum Café began before the Festival, because women expressed the desire to meet as soon as they arrived. This was an opportunity for all business associations to meet and greet. This was an opportunity to learn about one another and how it is possible to work together. The ceremonial opening of the Festival and the OWEN Summit was a glamourous occasion. The dialogue between presidents of partnering organizations was presented to a large audience, showing that women do find ways to communicate, to connect and to network.


NGO Radio Kameleon Open Network for Human Rights and Democracy Milana Jovanovića 6, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina info@we-owen.com www.we-owen.com

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