25 Years of Artvocacy with AfA

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This service is provided by Advocacy for All 0345 310 1812 option Advocacywww.advocacyforall.org.ukgroups@advocacyforall.org.uk1forAll,TheCivicCentre, St Mary’s Road, Swanley, Kent BR8 7BU Contact us 25 Years of ArtvocacywithAFA To celebrate 25 years of AFA we’d like to show some of the wonderful art and music submitted by our members

Art by Paddy Paddy graduated from Mid Kent College Maidstone in 2020 with a merit in Level 3 Art & Design, and is now looking for work in the arts sector. He enjoys music, and plays the keyboard and the tuba, and has designed his own album Hecover.particularly likes the painting style of Michael Craig Martin and Roy Lichtenstein.

“Since I was young I have enjoyed sketching and drawing and eventually found I have a passion for painting too. I enjoy either drawing people's faces, or creating from my imagination Isometimes.usuallyuse acrylic paints.”

Art by Richard Art by Paul Paul moved from London and enjoys the sea and clean air in Kent

Art by Andrew Picture of Dartford PhotoCanal of a bee on Ceanothus plant

“I have been creating children’s book illustrations for many years. My work has a childlike style to fully engage children and with a little imagination of your own you too can get lost in the story.”

Art by Mark

“My interest in photography really only started when I got my first mobile phone that actually was equipped with a very basic 1.3 Megapixel camera back in 2010. I was on a weekend break a few days before Xmas with one of my cousins who was visiting his friend in Bournemouth, we were all walking along the beach and the sun was starting to set. The scenery looked so stunning to me that I just wanted to capture that moment in time so I decided to take some photo shots on my phone and my photography has just grown from there onwards.”

“I was first given a camera at the age of 12 for Christmas. This was my start of developing a passion for photography which was fuelled and encouraged by my Imother.liketocapture photographic images of a variety of subjects. Art is my passion, my expression, my freedom. Art is my equalizer. Art is something that I can excel at.”

Art by Barry

“I'm an photographer,amateurand like taking photographs of landscapes, or out in the countryside, or while on out trips to different places or events. Over time, artistically, I've really enjoyed experimenting with using various photo-manipulation tools of photo-editing software to photographskaleidoscopescreateusingthatIthink have an interesting contrast of colours, objects, points, lines and shapes, sometimes from wildlife and nature, but some times everyday objects or scenes from events.”

“I was determined to be successful, I persevered I had many rejections early on. I mainly work for 3P Learning, one of the world’s largest online educational publishers. The editors there are open to my input of ideas and suggestions, which makes a big difference to the creative process and overall design.”

“When I begin drawing, I visualise a child who isn’t a natural reader, connecting them to the story, entertaining them with humour, colour, character interaction and warmth. I work on my own, so I like to bounce ideas off of my son Tom and husband Clive.”

Art by Nick

“I have been a long standing member of the Tonbridge group for autistic adults in Kent for several years, going back to 2013. I like to read widely, principally I like sci fi fantasy and novels. I am also in the process of writing a debut novel, which I hope to look to publish.”

Art by Molly



“I’ve always been fascinated by the world around me and with all forms of art and design. As an autistic person I see details, this is a bonus in the development of my illustrations. I love illustrating for children, I don’t have a degree, with my line of work your portfolio is your qualification.”

These vibrant pastel deers and Hedgehogs were inspired by Florence’s love of nature and conservation of the environment

Art by Florence

“I like to use vibrant colours to add mood and emotion to my art and not make my pictures look like a total depiction of the real world.”

“I had done a BTEC in art when I was a teenager and really enjoyed exploring with different materials and oil pastels have always been one of my favourite mediums as I can alter my images.”

No Problem

A quote from one of our artists about their Advocacy for All experience: “I heard about Advocacy for All when I moved to the Kent coast four years ago. It has helped me build [my] confidence through attending the different groups and talking with [the members of staff], one to one. Their advice is always non-judgemental and gives new positive perspectives on difficult situations.”

Music by Autumn Willow Spectrum

“This song is about the daily challenges I face having ADHD and how I'm saying it's not really a problem if you don't let it be.”

You can see more of Autumn Willow on Instagram, Facebook, Spotify and Soundcloud, by searching “Autumn Willow music” Art by Joseph Southwold beach huts in watercolour and pencil

“This song is about the communication issues I face being on the Autistic Spectrum. I find it very hard to say how I feel and manage to communicate this through my music instead”



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