Tips for finding best volunteer teaching bali

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Environmental Volunteering Bali Are you planning a trip to the beautiful island, Bali? Are you dreaming of a tour that includes discovering Bali’s natural reserves, meeting her people and getting a taste of her culture as well? Well, then there’s nothing better for you than volunteer tourism!

Author: Mattijs Naus

Volunteer tourism allows you to combine experience

your with





humanitarian projects or Volunteer program Sri lanka. And since beyond Bali’s lush beauty, smooth sands and azure seas lies a world that remains neglected, there definitely is a lot that you could do to uplift the condition of her people. The Road Trips Travel ( is one such initiative that is making tourists visiting this fascinating tourist destination do their bit for society. A leader in the NGO segment, Road Trips Travel, is spearheading a number of volunteerdriven projects in different categories, including environmental causes, health and sanitation, construction and education. It is our firm belief that while we strive to offer an authentic cultural experience to our international tourists, deployed in our social projects – they take back equally – the love, the values and richness of Bali. Volunteer Bali – Project Aims Given the abominable living conditions of the underprivileged in Bali, and the lack in their lives, we have designed a number of volunteer programs in Bali to give them a semblance of a better life! Among the various efforts we run, is also included the volunteer teaching projects, Bali. Remember all we are striving to do is giving them a ray of hope – that yes, there is life beyond that poverty and degradation! So many of the children we interact with have never known a world outside their village, and many more have never even seen a book! We are giving them a platform to through our volunteer programs a chance to learn, get inspired and become responsible individuals.

What can you give to Volunteer Teaching Bali or Orphanage Volunteering Sri Lanka? Well, let us just rephrase that question and say, ‘what can you not give’! If you’re a professional teacher or someone with no prior experience in teaching, we welcome you both to be a part of our Environmental Volunteering Bali. Because what we are wishing to create is not a typical school environment – rather a place which nurtures dreams pushes children to discover their talents and spread their wings! So here’s what you can do! •

Help us refine our course structures

Make interesting and effective lesson plans

Inspire take


children books

to and

create in them a thirst for learning •

Promote a child’s communication skills

Ensure that children are articulate in English

Play, sing and dance or teach them a new sport

Inspire them to build their creative talents – paint, make handicrafts or teach them a new skill

Basically, we want this association with Road Trips Travel, to become an enjoyable experience for both the teacher and the students alike. Where each person goes back richer in mind, body and soul! Check out also for Adventure travel in India, Sri Lanka and Bali

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