Adventist Record - February 20, 2021

Page 4


Including children in the worship of giving Rodney Brady South Pacific Division CFO

During COVID-19, children have had their lives and learning turned upsidedown. At the very time they need to develop social skills, they’ve learned about social distancing and self-isolating. When churches were forced to close due to the pandemic, Sabbath school and church for many of our children became a non-existent or virtual experience. Some children lost the fellowship and learning opportunity of participating in person at a worship service. Offerings are one way children learn about a worship connection with God as the Creator and Provider. Children may serve as junior deacons which allows them to observe, learn and be part of returning tithes and offerings. Children see their parents and others at offering time as positive role models responding faithfully. Some parents encourage their children to put the family offering into the collection. Now that offerings have become a virtual experience and potentially invisible to them, what do children lose as a learning experience? For many children, COVID-19 has meant the loss of role models at offering time, and we are yet to see the long-term impact of that on their future giving. We need to make sure that COVID-19 does not rob our children of the chance to learn about giving and surrendering to God. Here are just a few ideas to teach children about giving during the pandemic and beyond: 1. Talk at home about tithes and offerings. 2. Discuss with them your tithe and offerings, what you are doing and why. 3. Involve them in your family giving. Children love technology so let them interact with your electronic giving. 4. If your church provides a collection box for cash offerings or tithe envelopes, then have your children put their money in an offering jar at home, to be taken along to church when possible. The pandemic has disrupted many things, let us make sure that our children’s learning about honouring God with tithes and offerings does not become another casualty of COVID-19.

Photo of the week by Wes Tolhurst “PNG children attend church on Sabbath, February 28.”


Adventist Record | February 20, 2021

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